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Futuristic Between the Stars {Accepting, Please refer to OOC tab.}

Apocalypse Alice

Danny "Dorito" Devito

Prince Ian Aeoi of Saturn

Played By: Apocalypse Alice

Full Name: Ian Eetus Aeoi

Nickname: Ian

Planet of Origin: Saturn

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Sexuality: Bisexual

Abilities/Skills: Hyperintelligence, the ability to shift back and forth from a corporeal to non-corporeal form, excellent swordsmanship.

Weaknesses: Ian has a stutter when he speaks outside of his own Saturnian language. Consonants come as a difficulty for him, despite his keen intelligence. This inadequacy in his linguistic skills torments him, as he prides himself on achieving perfection in the things he does. His perfectionist tendencies also come as a weakness for him- at times he will sacrifice his own well being in order to make sure things are done exactly as they should be.

Personality: Ian is a perfectionist and a scholar. He has poor social skills, and can seem a bit standoffish and far too serious- but he is a deeply caring individual. He enjoys spending time with those he cares about, even if those times are spent with him in near silence. He often chooses not to speak to others who do not speak Saturnian, as he is very ashamed of his stutter.

Likes: Learning, swordplay, listening to others speak.

Dislikes: Failure, his stutter, things not being done according to policy.

Backstory: Ian is the eldest male of his family, and yet, has more often than not fallen in the shadow of his much more talkative siblings. Preferring to observe, the young man historically filled the role of seen but not heard. He excelled in his schooling, and were it not for the war, would have remained in school by choice.

Ian fully intends to compete in the Mindrake when the war is over, if Saturn survives. It is his personal opinion that the war is pointless, and regards it as a mere distraction in his studies. The news of his marriage, however, comes as far more of an annoyance to the young man, who sincerely hopes that his partner will simply accept the role as he has, so that he may quickly return to his studies.
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Ariana Moto, Princess of Mars

Played By: Apocalypse Alice

Full Name: Mbeka Ariana Moto

Nickname: Ariana, Ari

Planet of Origin: Mars

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Sexuality: Asexual

Abilities/Skills: Elemental control of wind, excellent hand-to-hand combat skills, trained in Martian and Earthling firearms, in depth understanding and talent in tactical strategy

Weaknesses: Ariana is prideful and stubborn. She believes that Mars and its people are the true rulers of the galaxy, and will do anything and everything to make sure that it remains that way. Ariana has difficulty connecting with others on a personal level, and often comes across as rude.

Personality: Quick to snap at anyone who speaks out of turn around her, Ariana is fiercely loyal to the Mars. She believes that the galaxy should be ruled under an iron fist, with no mercy shown for lawbreakers or for those who speak out against her mother. As stubborn as she is, however, those who manage to get close enough to her will find that she is fiercely protective, and that she would make any sacrifice to keep her loved ones safe- as misguided as those efforts can sometimes be.

Likes: Order, Her family, Training

Dislikes: Treason against Mars, Romantic pursuits, Wasting her time

Backstory: Mars' star child, Ariana has rejected the cushy lifestyle that a royal might usually come to expect, instead pursuing the fierce competition and brutal training offered by Mars' military academy. Taking a particular interest in firearms and martial arts, Ariana practiced almost ceaselessly, aiming for perfection and accepting no less from herself- as well as others. During her time in training, it was quickly discovered that she had an aptitude for battlefield tactics and strategy. Upon exiting the academy, she began working closely with the Commander of the Martian Army.

This of course was interrupted upon the announcement that she would be marrying a foreign dignitary- an idea which she literally spit upon, saying that she was married to Mars and Mars alone. It is still uncertain as to whether or not she will comply with the Intergalactic Council's decision.

Telia Edishtet, Princess of Venus

Played By: Spiderlegs

Full Name: Telia Edishtet

Nickname: Telly (family-only), Lia

Planet of Origin: Venus

Gender: Girl

Age: 22

Sexuality: Homoesexual


  • Pyrokinesis--Can generate and manipulate heat to the point of combustion
  • Martial Arts--Skilled in a traditional form of Venusian hand-to-hand combat
  • Thin Skinned--Takes things personally, has trouble distancing herself from events or thinking objectively
  • Paranoid--Believes people are constantly trying to manipulate or hurt her
  • The Golem Thing--As a child, Telia had an accident with a fire golem that permanently damaged her left leg (limiting its use, causing pain) and left her terrified of the creatures

Personality: Is it still paranoia if they really are out to get you? Growing up in court has left Telia with a severe distrust of most people, making exceptions only (sometimes) for her family. The continued destabilization of Venus has only added to her fears, driving her to crave control and power. To make matters worse, she tends to take things personally. Though she might eventually forgive you for an imagined slight, she will never forget it. Yet she isn't all bad. Those who know her might describe her as determined, and everyone comes away impressed by Telia's acute intelligence. She is also as sensitive to the feelings of those she likes as prudent people are to her.


  • Reading
  • Alone-time
  • Secrets, rumor
  • History
  • Collecting and driving car-equivalents


  • The unknown
  • Being unprepared
  • Strangers
  • Doctors

Backstory: Though ever mild-mannered, Telia adapted poorly to court. Shy and hesitant, the young princess would dissolve into tears at the slightest provocation, earning her scoldings and lectures as her parents tried to teach her discipline. Instead, she learned to internalize her fears, developing deep, irrational grudges against largely imaginary enemies.

When Telia was ten, she ran amok of a golem. The creature crushed her left leg, breaking it in several places. She never fully recovered, either physically or mentally. Today, she has only limited, painful use of her leg, and moves around with the use of a cane or assistant. Moreover, she remains terrified of golems. As a result, she never learned to make them herself, a shortcoming that left her feeling inadequate and vulnerable. To make up for it, she studied the traditional art of Lieshtet (hand-to-hand combat) and began paying her servants to spy on other members of the court for her.

These days Telia receives reports from throughout Venus, as she tries to keep tabs on all her many enemies, real and imagined. She knew about the arrangement long before her parents informed her of it, and began worrying immediately. Shorn of her spy ring, cast adrift in space, destined to wed a stranger--the very idea has been driving Telia mad.
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Captain Ellis of the S.S. Emmerson

Played By: Apocalypse Alice

Full Name: Captain Anya Diana Borzakovsky-Ellis

Nickname: Captain, Cap, Ellis

Planet of Origin: Earth

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Sexuality: Lesbian

Abilities/Skills: Elemental control of electricity, Mechanical Shapeshifting, Excellence in Mechanics, Leadership skills, Certified Mech Pilot

Weaknesses: A little too serious; Ellis occasionally has a hard time taking a joke. Ellis is terrified of displaying her emotions, as she believes it will cause her crew to think of her as weak.

Personality: Captain Ellis is strict, demanding, and all about the Mission, whatever that Mission may be at any given time. She is occasionally seen as emotionless by those who do not know her on a personal level; however, those who do get to know her will quickly find that she is actually quite talkative, and that she can have a sharp sense of humor from time to time. Quick on her feet and quick to come up with solutions, Ellis is a natural-born problem-solver, which landed her the position as Captain of the Emmerson, a role which at times she takes perhaps a little bit too seriously.

Likes: The Emmerson, Saturnian Chocolates, Astronomy

Dislikes: Disorder, Failure, Being called Anya

Backstory: Anya was born from the union of her mother, a ballerina, and her father, a mechanic specializing in mecha-technology. Her mother hailed from Russia, and her father was the descendant of refugees from the Republic of Texas. Anya was always a Daddy's girl, staying close by his side and learning everything she could from him. Because of her interactions with him, she learned quite a bit about mechanics, and eventually began building a mech of her own. Her skill with mechanics eventually led up to her training to become a Mech Pilot- as well as a spacecraft pilot. When she turned sixteen, she joined the Earth Spaceforce, and worked her way up through the ranks.

During the war, Anya's father died of old age. Unable to attend his funeral due to wartime, Anya began to call herself "Ellis" in his honor, taking on his last name as her first. The news of his death, however, caused her such great grief that at times, she would find herself unable to focus while piloting. In one such meltdown, her mech suffered significant damages, causing an explosion that reached even the pilot's chamber. The explosion took her right arm, and she was removed from battle, until her wounds had healed. Now with one arm, but still with an excellent understanding of battle, she was offered the honor of Captain, and gifted the Emmerson, if she would continue her service. Readily accepting the role, Ellis now runs the Emmerson, struggling still with the death of her father- and with guilt about her relationship with her mother.

Amaya Dorelle, Princess of Mercury
Played By: Pluvious

Full Name: Amaya Dorelle

Nickname: Maya

Planet of Origin: Mercury

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Sexuality: Bisexual

Abilities/Skills: Basic shapeshifting and super speed

Weaknesses: Paranoia, vindication, resentment, pettiness and physical strength

Personality: After Illvis Dorelle’s murder, Amaya’ mood drastically changed. Her icy composure and tacit disposition have since earned her the nickname Shadow Princess among the Mercurians (who wonder whether part of her soul died with her mother). Before Illvis’ death, Maya was a playful and mischievous girl who spent her days impishly pestering dignitaries and members of the court. Her sense of duty and obligation were, at the time, buried under her lust for excitement and humor. Now, after two years of mourning, Maya’s devilish tendencies are resurfacing, but they’ve taken an ominous turn. Maya no longer wants to humiliate her victims. She wants to destroy them.

Likes: Laughing, chaos, any kinetic activity (running, dancing, sparring, etc.)

Dislikes: Liars, betrayal, loose ends

Backstory:Once, when Maya was a young girl, there was hope that she might become a graceful and respectful role model to her people. That hope was quickly squashed. As Maya matured, her fiery nature only magnified. Privileged and entitled, she grew into a bold and unapologetic young woman. Her tutors found her disobedient, childish and insolent, if not precocious. The princess was curious. Once an idea struck her, she worked tirelessly to see it through.

Though a troublesome child, Maya did not lack in love. She enjoyed a warm and happy relationship with her family, even when they chastised her behavior. Life was all the sweeter for the candid conversations she had with her mother, and the advice she received from her father. Octavius and Illvis Dorelle spoke to their daughter, the burgeoning Princess of Mercury, as though she was an adult. For this, Maya’s respect for them was fierce and her loyalty infinite.

Upon her mother’s death, patriotism and planetary pride seized Amaya by the throat. For the first time in her life the war terrified her. And it infuriated her. Rage boiled and seethed under her skin. Maya wanted vengeance for her mother and justice administered to those who took her life. The Mercurian princess wanted someone to suffer, to cry and bleed and howl in anguish because that was what the war had cost her, but Maya didn’t know where to start.

Then the Galactic Council proposed a peace treaty. Pity it came two years too late.


Prince Lucian Ebraxis of Uranus
Played By: Pluvious

Full Name: Lucian Ebraxis

Nickname: Luc

Planet of Origin: Uranus

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Sexuality: Asexual

Abilities/Skills: Ability to morph between incorporeal and corporeal forms at will, sound mimicry, exceptional hearing and light manipulation (mostly by means of defense)

Weaknesses: Luc is blind, but while he does not consider his condition a weakness, it does put him at a disadvantage especially when he’s in his corporeal form. While in his corporeal state, he heavily relies on his keen ears to guide him. Luc, being a gentler soul, doesn’t handle pressure well, cannot tell a lie and, for obvious reasons, has poor coordination.

Personality: Down-to-earth and modest, Lucian does not desire the spotlight. He firmly believes in equality and tries to shed his royal visage to blend in with the crowd. Not one to make waves, Luc tends to back down from arguments, preferring to take a diplomatic approach to conflict. His neutral attitude, though respectable, is sometimes frustratingly indecisive. Luc can find the silver lining to every cloud. However, while trying to understand everyone else’s point of view he sometimes overlooks his own.

Likes: The sound of rain, music and peaceful environments

Dislikes: Noisy, crowded places, conflict and narrow-minded people

Backstory: When Lucian was a still a baby his parents thought there might be something wrong with him. It was unsettling how little noise he made. Once Luc’s blindness was confirmed, his parents soon understood that he remained quiet so he could listen. From an early age, Luc was fascinated with sound. Over time his acute sense of hearing allowed him to “see” what others could not: the subtle shift of atmosphere, the churning of the diamond oceans at the planet’s core.

Luc quickly became an acolyte of the Awareness, remaining silent and isolated so he could reflect on what he had observed about the world and the war. His mind was so open and accepting of each planet’s reasons for their actions that his own thoughts and opinions became hazy and distorted. Luc abhorred violence, but could as easily justify the war as he could criticize it. Politically, he stood on extremely rocky ground.

Emotionally, Luc knew his feelings. Though love is still a nonexistent concept to Uranusians, a pair about to bond might say they experience a sense of completion, an overwhelming feeling of total trust, an intimacy rarely felt. It isn’t a feeling that comes and goes with new individuals. It comes once, maybe twice, or not at all. Luc had been lucky enough to feel what a Uranusian might call love. Unfortunately, Luc’s obligation to his people and planet would forever prevent him from feeling that sense of wholeness ever again.

The war would not cost lost souls or blood spilt; it would cost Luc his heart.

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