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Multiple Settings ~♡ Between Heaven and Hell ♡~

The Forbidden

New Member
Currently searching for any female partner semi-literate or above who would be interested in doing a one on one RP with my character below, I don't have a specific plot in mind and this is mostly just a casual RP where we'll make our OCs interact together, I have a preference for female characters with a strong personality principally considering this character's introverted tendencies, that said, comment on this thread or just feel free to text me if you happen to be interested and we'll work something out.


♡~ Name ~♡


♡~ Gender ~♡


♡~ Sexuality ~♡


♡~ Age ~♡

18 years old

♡~ Species ~♡

Half-Celestial Fiend

♡~ Personality ~♡

Isur is a calm and collected who oftens lacks emotions or more so has a hard time expressing them, he fears the thought of getting attached to people and end up hurting both himself and those who are precious to him, so because of that he often comes off as cold and distant, he has rather feminine way of acting due to the environment he was raised in and talks in a very softspoken and polite manner, and although he isn't exactly fond of people, he seems to have a great deal of respect for women in general due to the fact of being raised by them, despising those who are aggressive towards them or treat them as mere objects for their entertainment, refusing to ever attack someone from the female gender regardless of them being human or not even if it's in self-defense, because of this whole ideology he mostly focuses his theft on men, using from his looks to distract them while pickpocketing them, he doesn't like using his powers because of the damage it causes to his body due to the conflict between his heavenly and hellish nature, and he oftens uses the locket around his neck as a way of overcoming the pain because of the emotional value it has to him.

♡~ Backstory ~♡

Isur is the result of the forbidden love between an angel from the choir of Aphrodite and a demon from the legion of Thanatos, his mother, who was cast out of heaven, died upon giving birth to him, as she left the child in front of a brothel in the hopes that the courtesans would raise him, and so they did, the boy while growing up had an unnatural charm that captivated everyone around him, and despite his odd features it was impossible to not become enamored of him, the workers from the brothel who acted like mother figures for him were the ones to teach him how to speak, read, sing, among other things, they did the max they could to raise Isur away from the judging eyes of the public, but as the half-breed desire for someone he could love manifested he gave into the temptation of falling in love with one of the new girls, however, he'd very soon find out that fate wasn't about to be kind with him, as soon as him and his first lover started exchanging touches, the young woman started decaying much like a rotten corpse, filled with guilt upon awakening his powers for the first time, Isur ran away into the streets, not taking long before he attracted the attention from the church who quickly tried to take him out, forcing Isur to hide away in the slums as a cheap quack who uses his charm to rob people off their money.

♡~ Powers & Abilities ~♡

~♡ Half-Celestial Fiend Physiology: Due to his inheritage resulted from the relationship between a demon and an angel, Isur can use abilities from both races without having any of their weakness, some of those abilities which mostly include sensory ones such as infravision, heightened sight and smell, and the capability to see things that wouldn't normally be visible by things within the mortal realm such as ghosts, spirits and so on, as if that wasn't enough he can fly and also has aptitude for both dark and light magic, however, due to his wings being very small if compared to others from his kind, his flight is rather limited and due to have never met another demon or angel before, he had no one to teach him on the left hand or right hand path of magical arts despite having the aptitude to learn them.

~♡ Aphrodite's Gift: Due to the blessing of the goddess of love and beauty which his mother served, Isur is incredibly beautiful and can easily charm people with his looks alone, making people feel bad about even hurting him in the first place, he can also use a few spells to affect the target's soul in order to control them more easily by bringing out their innermost thoughts and desires.

~♡ Thanatos' Curse: Isur's father was one of the many reaper demons working under the primordial god of death Thanatos, as a result, he inherited a curse that manifested upon a certain age that would cause every living thing he touches to slowly decay, be them from supernatural origins or not, as a result Isur often tries to avoid the touch from other people, specially those he secretly may care about.

~♡ Heartbroken Scythe: As his divine tool, Isur may summon a black war scythe with pink details on it which has the power to sever the connections between and individual and his past, making them forget about who they are to the point where they don't even remember how to use their powers or abilities anymore for a short period of time that varies according to the user's strength, as of current Isur can erase other's memories for about 12 seconds before they go back to normal, thw scythe is quite sharp and Isur can unleash a special attack with it which he calls Storm of Cealess Passion, in which he spins his body along with his scythe like a whirlwind, hitting everything within vicinity, even his own allies if they happen to be caught into the 3 meter radius of the attack.

~♡ Paradoxical Instability: A being like Isur isn't supposed to even exist, the constant clash between the nether and aether inside of him causing his body to collapse everytime he tries to use any magical ability such as his scythe or the gift from Aphrodite, the overuse of said skills can even lead to his eventual death if he tries to abuse it too much.

~♡ Courtesan Skills: Although not exactly supernatural powers, Isur is very good at acting, singing, dancing and has an overall silver tongue that allows him to charm and deceive people with ease, a set of skills that he has learned due to being raised in a brothel, and of course he also has quite the talent when it comes to pickpocketing people off their belongings due to his current situation as a thief.

This character is open for RP, comment on this post or send me a DM if you happen to be interested.

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