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Between Heaven and Hell

Winter laughed lightly "you were freaking out more than me!"

The doctors cleaned the baby and wrapped her in a light pink blanket before handing her to Winter.

"She's beauitful"
The little girl looked up at her two parents giggling lightly.

Winter laughs "we didn't really think of any names"
Yes you are. Zero said as he looked at the boy with an evil grin. Your gonna have to help change diapers. Zero said as he quietly chuckled and smiled brightly.
Winter looked up at her two boys with a smile "While I love you both, I need sleep" the girl laughed lightly "This little one took it right out of me, ready to hold her Zero?"
The small baby stared at Zero, her eyes a bright blue just like her mother.

Winter turned over to sleep as James watched Zero and the child. "didn't peg the king of hell as the fatherly type"
James stared for a moment at the small baby "are you sure" he delicately took the baby who stared at the boy "she's so small..."

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