Better Together - Superhero RP -


kyber child
Celia strode into the conference room, chewing her gum absently and twisting her ring. Today, she would meet her new team. Celia was reluctant to move in with these people, but she wasn't being given much of a choice. Sitting down in an office chair, Celia messed about and waited for the other heros to arrive. After they gathered, they'd move into their building and claim rooms. After that, they'd begin training together. Celia didn't want to train. She didn't want to do anything she was forced to do. Sadly, it was impossible to avoid it.
Niklas jumped into the room, hat over his eyes and a large grin on his face. He threw down a small smoke bomb that covered him entirely, and strolled out of it for dramatic effect. He released doves from the hidden pocket in his hat, and bowed before the lady inside of the room already, a bit disappointed it was only her there at the moment. "I am The Madhatter! Hahaha," he announced in an overly-cheery voice, "though most just call me 'mad'!"
Arabella squinted at the crumpled, then uncrumpled paper in her hands, glancing up at the building in front of her. This was it. Now all she had to do was find the room she needed. After entering, she made her own way through the building until she found the needed room. After a deep breath, Arabella turned the knob in the door only to instantly become confused why there was diffusing smoke and doves flying around the room. "Er, am I in the right spot?" She asked, glancing at the only two people in the room.
"Oh lovely, I get to be in a team, how nice..." Zaborg muttered sarcastically, letting out a small sigh and finally ariving to the building that was described to him. Z had lived amongst humans for quite a while, but he never truly lived with them, he would hope that this would be his chance to do so. He looked up at the building before walking in and looking for the room. It did n't take long to find, on the account of the smoke he could smell. "I must be closing in..." he thought, making his way towards the room where the smoke bomb had been used, stopping dead in his tracks when he noticed there was a female standing within his path. "Excuse me..." Zaborg muttered, trying to get the attention of the young woman blcoking his path.
Spinstring walked into the room.

"Uh... huh."

Smoke was billowing, filling the room. There were already two people standing in the doorway. Spinstring tapped a man's shoulder and cleared his throat.

"Hello?" he said, "Judging by the odd appearance of all of us, I'm guessing I'm in the right place."
Arabella quickly shuffled into the room, turning to awkwardly apologize to the two whose entrance was blocked by herself. She stuffed the paper into her pocket and looked over at the one who came fourth. "Odd appearance?" She thought about how she'd looked in the mirror before coming here, then looked herself over. "I thought I looked good like this." With a shrug, she simply smirked, letting them know that she was only kidding.
"Odd appearance? This is how I usualy dress." Zaborg said flattening out his T-Shirt with his hands. He honestly didn't think he looked odd, he thought this was how all humans of this day and age dresses. Well, almost all humans. "Honestly, you haven't even seen odd yet..." he muttered, stuffing his hands into his pockets and walking into the smoke filled room. Nothing was visible at the moment, not even the hand he held out to test the length of his vision. The smoke was a little too thick for such a thing.

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