Better Together - Hero Team RP Remake! - Sign Ups


kyber child
Since this is just the sign-up thread, I'll just give a quick description of what this RP is about.

There is a team, probably of around five, with superhuman abilities. Ideally, I'd like them to all be about the same age, so like 17-20, or somewhere around there. They don't have to be human, but they can't be perfect and without weakness. That would ruin the idea of a team, or a roleplay in general. Each hero must have strengths, weaknesses, and some level of emotion. The team of superheroes will live together, work together, train together, and fight together. This is very loosely based on the idea expressed on the show Teen Titans, for those of you who have seen it. I just want a roleplay with five heroes, each with unique powers, learning to grow and work together in order to save people. Sound good?

Great. Fill out the bio below, wait for me to approve it, and join the main thread when I post it. Thanks for joining!

Also, since this is a remake, I'll need everybody to join with their characters again, and if somebody else wants to join, they will be permitted to do so.

Bio Outline (please delete the parentheses) ~

Name: (if your character has a real name and a hero name, include both)

Age: (again, try to be around 17-20)


Powers/Abilities: (nothing too powerful or dark, please)

Fears/Weaknesses: (must have)

Appearance: (real pictures here)

Uniform/Costume: (can be a drawing or cartoon or whatever if you wish)

Brief Personality:

History: (opt.)

Accessories/Tattoos/Scars: (whatever else appearance-wise you need to include)

Partner/Crush: (opt.)

Other Information: (anything I didn't cover, put here)

Thanks! I'll post my own bio shortly.

The team so far:

Whisper - female - Psychic Weapons / Forcefields

Archangel - female - Telekinesis / Advanced Senses

Zaborg - male - Transformation / Acidic Body Fluids / Gem Flash / Regeneration

Spinstring - male - Stringer

The Madhatter - male - Cold Hands / If Looks Could Kill


Trickster - male - Illusions
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Name: Arabella Jones (Whisper)

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Psychic Weapons: Psychic energy created out of thin air that can only cause mental harm and not physical harm. When summoned, it looks like whisps of white light, but will become brighter as it grows stronger.

Force Field Generation: By projecting powerful fields of manipulated energy, she is able to create a force field that can withstand multiple beatings. When not being pounded on, it seems to not be there at all, but as an object hits it, it flashes iridescent in waves across the surface.


* Arabella is what you would call petite, and isn’t the strongest hero out there.

* The more Arabella uses her psychic energy, the more she drains herself of it.

* Although the force fields she creates are strong, they won’t last for long under immense pressure and force. For example: If she is defending herself from the weight of a semi-truck being mercilessly pounded against the force field, there’s a strong chance that the force field will shatter into a million pieces before disappearing. (It looks like glass shattering, but as it falls it disappears.)

* Arabella is frightened of letting everyone down, being useless, and/or being hated by those who care about her. She is also frightened of the ocean or deep water.



Brief Personality: Arabella is inquisitive, easy-going, a realist, and up for anything as long as it isn’t detrimental to her or any other’s well being. Alongside that, she is compassionate, caring, and immensely defensive of those she cares about. When under stress, she often is reserved and quiet, only interjected when she feels is a good point to. As Whisper, Arabella is witty, sarcastic, cautious, and thoughtful. If her friends or those she protects are threatened, she becomes hostile and tense. If she is the one being threatened, she’ll often pass it off as nothing and reply with a sarcastic comment. Over all, she puts others first.

Partner/Crush: Open 
Name: Xander Ashworth (Trickster)

Age: 20

Gender: Male


Illusions: User can trick people into perceiving unreal things. The illusions are not tangible, but can be very realistic to subjects. He will often use the illusions to confuse and misdirect people, while the real Trickster sneaks in for an attack.


* If Xander were to create multiple illusions at once and hold them for very long periods of times, it would take a large toll on his energy.

* Has to eat a lot of sweets to keep up his energy.

* Is afraid of losing control of things.



Brief Personality: Xander is sinister, cruel, mischevious, and cunning. He can manipulate someone easily, and knows plenty of traps that he can lure his victims into. He is the organizer of half that is evil and of nearly all that is undetected in the city. He is a genius, a philosopher, an abstract thinker. He sits motionless, like a spider in the center of its web, but that web has a thousand radiations, and he knows well every quiver of each of them.

History: Xander grew up as a rich boy, given everything he wanted, but not all that he needed. His father ended up killing his wife, but got away with it, and then died of poison when Xander was 16. Xander was then a teenage millionaire, and he began to devise a plan of how to control the entire city. Slowly, but carefully, Xander donated money to charities and became illustrious. Whilst making his image as a generous millionaire, he began to sneak his way through the city’s underground and became a powerful villain as well. He has many ways of controlling the city, and many ideas on how to take it down.

Accessories/Tattoos/Scars: Sometimes has a cane with a sword hidden inside it.

Partner/Crush: None

Other Information: He’s here to cause chaos.
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Name: He has no real name, rather, a title, Experiment XENO-001Z. But he prefers to go by the name, Zaborg.

Age: 17

Gender: Male


  • Transformation: Zaborg has the ability to change his form from that of his human looking appearance, to that of his true animalistic form. In this form, he's more versatile in both land and water and also has a greater control over his abilities.

  • Control Over Electricity: Zaborg has electricity generating organs similar to that of an electric eel, which he can use at will, to set off an electrical discharge close to the equivalent 36,000,000 volts of electricity. He also has the ability to power things run by electricity. But, he can only use up to the maximum of 36,000,000 volts. If out of power, he becomes more sluggish. The only way to regain electricity is to either absorb electricity from a power source or through the common process one uses to regain energy, such as eating and sleeping.

  • Acidic Body Fluids: He can secrete an acid from special glands in his mouth in large quantities which can range from an aerosol form to a liquid form. The acid is potent enough, that if left unchecked, when contact is made with skin, it may very well corrode its way through it. It is also powerful enough to melt through certain fibers and steels. This acid base is also located in his blood stream.

  • Gem Flash: (This ability is only accessible while in his 'True Form'.) The jewel located on his head can be used to create a near blinding flash which makes great for an escape when necessary or for dimly lit areas, but only for a short period of time. The gem also allows him to view things in different visions, like heat seeking, electromagnetic spectrum, night vision, etc...

  • Constant Regeneration: He has self regenerative abilities which allow him to regrow certain parts of his body, organs or any ordinary wounds. The wounds ability to heal completely depends on the type of wound itself. Anything harsh enough to dismember a body part while take a lot of time to regrows, as compared to somethings like healing from cuts or losing a finger.

Fears/Weaknesses: In the words of Frankenstein, "Fire bad!" and for good reason. While his regenerative abilities keep him from getting hurt badly, he still feels pain and he has a high flammability rate. The liquids he secretes from his pores are highly combustible/ flammable, and can emit extremely hot temperatures of over 36,000 degrees Fahrenheit. But, this is only possible when he actually 'breaks a sweat'. Also, some of his abilities can also do nothing against natural insulators. Rubber, being one of the big ones.





Brief Personality: Kind of the sly dog, Zaborg always wears a grin (Not necessarily a smile.) and always tends to be extremely sarcastic. He's not really the type of person who gets mad, unless you do something to seriously irritate him. But he's easily disappointed, and sets high standards for everybody. Although, he is very headstrong and set in his ways, but is also very persistent when he sets his mind on something and won’t stop until it’s done. (He hates it when he or anybody else does something half-assed.)

Accessories/Tattoos/Scars: He carries a small Teddy Bear tied around on of his belt loops.

Partner/Crush: Not at the moment.

Other Information:
Since Z is not of this planet, he can be slightly dimwitted when it comes to slang terms and what not, but is extremely intelligent and tries to catch up on these terms.
Name: Celia Halspringer (Archangel)

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Telekinesis - the ability to move objects at a distance without touching them, using only the willpower and focus of the mind

Advanced Senses - heightened sense of smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch

Fears/Weaknesses: If she can't see the object she wants to move, it is next to impossible for her to move it. Celia also has a fear of being so distracted or in so much pain that she is unable to focus well enough on her telekinesis.






Brief Personality: Celia is cool, dark, and dangerous. She shoves most emotions down and acts purely as a solider, putting on an air of sarcastic and harsh no-nonsense. She doesn't seem to care about anything other than the task at hand, and it takes a lot of effort to gain her trust. Being telekinetic, distractions make her extremely uncomfortable and irritated. Not only that, but her sensitivity is heightened by her advanced senses. She hates being disturbed, and she will probably brutally murder you if you interrupt her focus in any way. Outside of work and battle, Celia is fairly laid back and cool. Her powers demand for her to be completely collected at all times, so it takes a lot of work to get her riled up.

History: Celia discovered she was different from other children at age six, when she made a ceiling fan spin out of control and destroy her classroom. After that incident, a corrupt government agency took her from her parents and her school to train her as a highly-skilled assassin. She worked as a thief and assassin for this secret terrorist organization until age seventeen, when the CIA captured her. Two years later, she has been re-trained to be a hero rather than a villain, but she is frequently reminded of her past by various items, people, and situations. She has not yet forgotten her training.

Accessories/Tattoos/Scars: Rarely wears anything but her combat outfits, though when not in actual combat, she will pull her mask down around her neck.

Partner/Crush: None / open

Other Information: Celia is considered corrupt and unstable by the CIA, and they don't let her forget that there is a good chance she could be thrown back in prison after one mistake or false move. 

Xenomorphic said:
Name: He has no real name, rather, a title, Experiment XENO-001Z. But he prefers to go by the name, Zaborg.
Age: 17

Gender: Male


  • Transformation: Zaborg has the ability to change his form from that of his human looking appearance, to that of his true animalistic form. In this form, he's more versatile in both land and water and also has a greater control over his abilities.

  • Control Over Electricity: Zaborg has electricity generating organs similar to that of an electric eel, which he can use at will, to set off an electrical discharge close to the equivalent 36,000,000 volts of electricity. He also has the ability to power things run by electricity. But, he can only use up to the maximum of 36,000,000 volts. If out of power, he becomes more sluggish. The only way to regain electricity is to either absorb electricity from a power source or through the common process one uses to regain energy, such as eating and sleeping.

  • Acidic Body Fluids: He can secrete an acid from special glands in his mouth in large quantities which can range from an aerosol form to a liquid form. The acid is potent enough, that if left unchecked, when contact is made with skin, it may very well corrode its way through it. It is also powerful enough to melt through certain fibers and steels. This acid base is also located in his blood stream.

  • Gem Flash: (This ability is only accessible while in his 'True Form'.) The jewel located on his head can be used to create a near blinding flash which makes great for an escape when necessary or for dimly lit areas, but only for a short period of time. The gem also allows him to view things in different visions, like heat seeking, electromagnetic spectrum, night vision, etc...

  • Constant Regeneration: He has self regenerative abilities which allow him to regrow certain parts of his body, organs or any ordinary wounds. The wounds ability to heal completely depends on the type of wound itself. Anything harsh enough to dismember a body part while take a lot of time to regrows, as compared to somethings like healing from cuts or losing a finger.

Fears/Weaknesses: In the words of Frankenstein, "Fire bad!" and for good reason. While his regenerative abilities keep him from getting hurt badly, he still feels pain and he has a high flammability rate. The liquids he secretes from his pores are highly combustible/ flammable, and can emit extremely hot temperatures of over 36,000 degrees Fahrenheit. But, this is only possible when he actually 'breaks a sweat'. Also, some of his abilities can also do nothing against natural insulators. Rubber, being one of the big ones.





Brief Personality: Kind of the sly dog, Zaborg always wears a grin (Not necessarily a smile.) and always tends to be extremely sarcastic. He's not really the type of person who gets mad, unless you do something to seriously irritate him. But he's easily disappointed, and sets high standards for everybody. Although, he is very headstrong and set in his ways, but is also very persistent when he sets his mind on something and won’t stop until it’s done. (He hates it when he or anybody else does something half-assed.)

Accessories/Tattoos/Scars: He carries a small Teddy Bear tied around on of his belt loops.

Partner/Crush: Not at the moment.

Other Information:
Since Z is not of this planet, he can be slightly dimwitted when it comes to slang terms and what not, but is extremely intelligent and tries to catch up on these terms.

That looks great! I'll add you to the list.
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I started a conversation between us where you can post the picture. 
Updated the photo for her uniform.
Name: Marco Harris a.k.a. Spinstring

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Powers: He is in a symbiotic/parasitic relationship with a creature called Lacertus Infinitus, called Stringers for short. Stringers are an alien creature that can stretch itself to long distances, and act quite like tentacles except they can stretch, bend and split to the host's will. This creature is very strong and with enough concentration from the host can be bulletproof and protect the host from nearly everything. Imagine Venom except he can bend the webs around any which way he wants. Marco uses his Stringer to wrap himself in it, making a suit/armor. He can manipulate this armor however he wants.

Fears/Weaknesses: Fire. Stringers have not yet evolved to resist incineration, and will immediately withdraw into Marco's skin upon contact. Also, Stringers consume huge amounts of energy, and though Marco has the technology to feed them a little, he has to eat a lot. He's also really vulnerable and relatively weak without the Stringer.

Costume: He has a flat glass disc about 4 inches diameter full of enzymes that can feed the Stringers to a certain extent. Whenever he's using the Stringer, he must have some part of the Stringer connected to this disc. He usually keeps it on his face, since the disc was bent to fit it. Whenever the Stringer is fused to it, it lights up. The rest of his body is covered with the Stringer.

Brief Personality: He's been mostly alone for his life, so he tries to be as kind as possible to get some new friends. This usually doesn't work out, due to the fact that he enjoys pranking people, whether he knows them or not. He loves to torment his enemies while fighting and prefers to dodge and taunt than to charge. Easily bored. Sarcastic, but means well. He is offended easily, whether it's about his friends or him. If it's about him, he'll get angry. If it's about his friends, he'll get furious.

Partner/Crush: Open
Name: Niklas "The Madhatter" Banks

Age: 20

Gender: Male


Cold Hands - He coats his gloves in sticky fluid that temporarily paralyzes enemies on contact.

If Looks Could Kill - Anyone who gazes into his eyes for an extended period of time are thrown into a coma for however long he wishes. People he likes (i.e., other heroes) are immune to this.

Fears/Weaknesses: Maple leaves, and/or anything with maple in it. Maple is to him as Kryptonite is to Superman. He fears his own reflection.

Appearance: (Below)



Brief Personality: Random and a bit insane. The Madhatter, as he goes by, is one not to mess with. He wishes to stop criminals, similar to other heroes, however he goes about this in unorthodox ways. He is very pessimistic, yet happy at the same time, which leads to some interesting situations. A bit on the cold-hearted side, he never feels sorry for anyone, but does like to help others. Niklas is a bit of a paradox.

History: Not even he knows, due to his partial amnesia. They say he is a criminal-turned-hero, though this is not confirmed.

Accessories/Tattoos/Scars: Niklas has tattoos across his forehead resembling crosses (as seen above), although he does not remember getting them. He also wears his hat low enough to cover his eyes with shade, as to avoid unwanted catastrophes from others peering into them.

Partner/Crush: N/A

Other Information: He is able to play "Death Waltz", a seemingly impossible song for piano. He claims it is "all in the gloves."

(I just have to say that I've been in love with Death Waltz since I was introduced to it.)
My guy could turn into a villain if need be. Or, I am also willing to create a villain character.

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