Bestiary: Is there one?

I'm looking for a bestiary of... well everything, mostly for the stats.  It would be nice to have a compilation of creatures to humans and everything in between that is mentioned in all the exalted books all in one place; versus going from this book to that and running across the very common "Now which book did I see that in?".  Does anyone know of such a compilation for 2nd ED?

Thanks in advance. ^_^
I doubt it. Reprinting that stuff anywhere with stats and all could very likely count as copyright unless White Wolf does it themselves (which I doubt will ever happen), it's not something that will be likely to be found anywhere. I haven't found anything of the sort myself, but I also haven't run more than three game sessions as of yet, and when one of the PCs has Command, it means that I'm looking less at individual monsters and more at small armies a fair bit of the time.

You might be able to find a list of where to find what or something about, though, with page refs and all that...but I haven't seen a complete one of those, either, yet.
Yeah, but all it has animal wise is Core beasts and fan creations. I looked, and was disappointed in the lack of anything else. :/
The only option I could suggest is to write one up for your own personal use.  I've considered something similar to that for artifacts, giving a book and page reference so I can find what I'm looking for a little easier.
Hey that list is pretty cool!  I love Wikipedia for info (even if it can be unreliable at times).   I actually used the list to come up with some good names for characters.  For example:

Shade Serpent - Abyssal Exalt

Mnemnon Kijo - Fire Aspect Dragonblood

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