Best. Weekend. Ever.

Sam smiled and shook her head, "No, I'm fine! Really, it's no problem." She told him with a reassuring smile. Truly it didn't bug or bother her at all. They were just friends, and she.wasn't going to get embarrassed. She stuck one of her hands in her pockets, and looked up at Chad.
Sophie heard someones voice yell best party ever then automatically people cheered it reminded her of a reality tv show that you would see in one of those highschool teenage dramas it actually made Sophie laugh a bit. Sophie left the couch and decided to walk around she took another gulp from her drink, apparently drinking was the only thing the kept her occupied so she wanted to find another motive. She then regretted walking around because it was waaay to crowded, she was constantly pushed into people, she was almost pushed into a dance circle which she wanted to desperately stay away from, dancing with drunk teenagers wasn't really her cup of tea. she finally took refuge against a wall, she saw some guys lead some girls into the back, "Oh lord.." Sophie thought as she took another sip from her fanta. That was something she was going to avoid at all times.

Alex regretted eating all of those doritos "I think im going to sit down.." he said to Alex as he grabbed a can sprite from the cooler and started to make his way over to a couch. When he found one he sat down and sighed, the couch was also occupied by another girl(Ryan) but they were on couch cushion away so he was pretty sure she wouldn't mind Alex took a sip from his cold sprite, he had promised Sophie that he wasn't going to drink since he was their designated driver and she definitely did not want him driving drunk but he planned on sneaking a drink and then the rest of the night he was just going to drink water in attempt to get sober again.
"Mkay, just making sure." Chad replied. "So the weather is nice tonight." He joked unsure what to talk about now, then he remembered the bag of skittles he had in his pocket from when he was setting up for the party. He pulled it out and opened it, carefully picking out some orange ones, they were the only kind he liked. Chad held the bag out to her, "Want some skittles?"
Sam laughed softly, "Perfect for a party." She added, also joking. She felt like she had made the whole situation awkward. She saw the skittles and nodded, "Of course I want skittles!" She said, taking a handful of the candy. She found an orange and smirked. "Here I have an orange, open your mouth." She said with giggle, aming for his mouth.
Chad grinned when she held up the skittle, "I am the master of this." He laughed as he opened his mouth to catch the skittle, it bounced off his nose and onto the ground.
Sam giggled, she threw the skittle, but sadly it hit his nose. "Sorry." She said with a laugh, "How can I ever make up for this loss of a skittle?" She asked, placing the back of her hand on her forehead. She smirked and giggled softly, still holding her act up.
Chad laughed at himself and Sam, she asked how she could make up for the loss of the skittle, he laughed and dropped to his knees down in the grass next to the fallen skittle, "Why? He was so young..." Chad picked himself up and made a puppy dog face "Can you get me another one?" he pouted and sniffled.
Sam giggled, "If that is what you want." She said nodded, smiling as he made his puppy dog face. She rummaged through the little bag and found the last orange skittle. "Found it!" She said happily, showing him the orange candy. "Are you eating it, or am I throwing it again?" She asked him with a smile.
Ryan looked over at the new guest, wiggling in her seat anxiously. She stood up and poured a cup of punch, quickly sitting back down and staring at the drink nervously. Everythig about this party made her anxious. "Hi." She finally said, looking over at Alex and tilting her head slightly.

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Chad pumped his fist in the air when Sam held up the skittle, "No way. I'm not risking it." He said very seriously as he took the skittle from her and popped it into his mouth. Then he looked at her with childlike curiosity and asked "What's your favorite skittle flavor?"
Sam giggled, she watched him eat the skittle with a smile on her face. "I love green." She told him, smirking happily. "You'll have no problem finding those." She told him with a giggle. She backed up slightly and brushed her loose hairs behind her ears with a little smile.
"Well Madi, I think going to other parts of the party and meeting new people will do me good. You are totally welcome to come with me." Ivan said. "Although it may get a bit rough."

Then all of a sudden the door bell rang, and the Russian shouted "I got it!" He rushed over to the door and opened it. Two short cops looked up at Ivan, and had "detective faces" on.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we are looking for someone named Chad. High school Junior or Senior, apparently he lives here." the older cop said gruffly.

Ivan took this very seriously, knowing that some of these students had alcohol and drugs with them. "Sir, may I ask why you need him? He is a bit busy..."

"Well, the City Council established a new law, that I don't like, that all general get-togethers are to be checked up with the host of said party. You can look it up, they call it the S14 Law."

"Very well then. I'll get him." Ivan raced to where Chad was, and talked quickly. "I'm sorry to disturb you... but cops are here." then the Russian looked over to someone who had a beer, who was below 21. Ivan took the glass out of his hand and crushed it.
Alexander was gulping down his last bit of sprite soda when he heard the girl next to him say hi he looked over to her and saw that her head was tilted. Alex lowered the can from his lips and slightly smiled "Sup?" he said he then sat up and threw the empty can away then sat back down. He ran his hand threw his black hair and listened to the bass bumping music which he loved ever so much.

Sophie wondered if this was how all highschool party's went down, this party was sort of similar to the ones in Tv shows, where everyone was dancing, chatting..drunk, and it was crowded, this party seemed to have all these quality's, the only thing it was missing was some type of commercial break. Sophie sighed and took the final sip of her fanta she then threw the bottle away and leaned her back farther against the wall like if she did so she would be back home sitting on her vintage couch. She then shook her head "You should at least try to be social..." she said quietly to herself.
"Lucky little jerk." The green ones were the most often occurring skittle, there are always so many less orange ones and those were the only ones he liked. "Help yourself to the rest of the bag, I have no use for it. It failed me." He laughed at himself, and ran his fingers through his curly hair, though it never did anything, it was always messy anyways. 
Oh, lemme change that to account for Ivan. 
As Chad was finishing his sentence Ivan came over saying something about the cops, "What?" he asked, he hadn't had anything illegal when the party started. There wasn't any alcohol or drugs, unless someone brought something. "I'll be right back" he said to Sam.
Ryan took a sip of the punch, letting out a breath of air after releasing the cup from her lips. "I don't know. I regret coming, I didn't know the party was gonna be so, you know, big." She muttered, looking over at him with a smile. "I'm Ryan." She stated, chugging the punch before crushing the styrofoam cup in her hand. The punch had a bittersweet tang to it, and suddenly she wanted more. She walked to the bowl and poured another cup, at this point ignoring the face that it was spiked. Even though a part of her was telling her to stop, she didnt want to. Ryan sat down on the couch and sipped the punch in a fast motion, the aftertaste becoming more desirable with each growing second.

Max wandered around aimlessly, passing Ryan with a grin. "I knew she wasn't an anti-social freak." He whispered, too busy string at her to notice the girl in front of him (Sophia). He carelessly bumped in to her, taking a step back in confusion. "Sorry! I wasn't paying attention." He laughed.
Sam frowned, but smiled as she took the bag. She took out a green, and also had a purple. She made a funny face and threw it at Chad. "Haha I got you!!" She said with a giggle. Then a guy came up to them and told them that the cops were here. Sam looked at Chad and moved a little closer. "What happened." She wondered out loud.

Drew ran out of the house as back to his friends. "It's a mad house in there!" He told them, his breath uneven. He had to push through many people to make it outside again. He took a breath of the fresh air and smiled happily.
Alex laughed a bit "I know a person who is feeling the same way." he was stating about Sophie. When the girl introduced herself Alexander smiled "Im Alexander but most people call me Alex." he said with a shrug he watched as the girl got up from her seat then returned to the couch, she starting to drink it quickly like it was the most delicious thing on earth, he wondered if thats what he looked like when he ate doritos. "You might want to slow down on the drinks tiger.." Alex said with an eyebrow raised.

Sophie was just staring at the crowd when she was bumped into by some random guy, she almost fell down she listened as the guy apologized and stated that he wasn't paying attention "Well that was pretty obvious.." she muttered to herself she then turned to face the guy "Its fine." she said with a sigh "Its not like you meant to." Sophie was surprised that she was actually talking to a person besides Alex for once.
Ryan looked at her drink anxiously, but then looked to Alex, who seemed concerned for her own well being, despite barely knowing her. "You're right.' She said, placing the cup down on the table next to her and standing up, stretching out her legs. "What time is it?" She asked, pulling her arms behind her back.

Max looked at her, his eyes growing a bit concerned. "You don't look too happy. Is everything okay?' He asked her, cocking his head a bit to the left. He barely even knew the girl yet was deeply concerned, and hated seeing people sad, especially at parties.
"Good.." Alexander said with relief he guessed that the punch must be really good if shle drunk it so quickly like that but then again he noticed alot of people getting punch and afte a whil they would start actting drunk then it hit Alexander, someone spiked the drinks, well it wouldn't be a highschool party without that one person who decides to do it. Alex laughed to himself a bit he then took out his phone to check the time for her "8:51, why?" he said looking at Ryan.

Sophie saw the concern in the guys eyes, what was that about? Sophie just and ran her hand through her long light brown hair "Its nothing it just that I dont socialize all that much so this party thing is new to me." Sophie said with a shrug. Which was true this is her first highschool party she has ever been to, she was surprised that she was invited actually but then again there were a couple lucky juniors who were invited but she was just surprised that she was one of them.
Sam watched as Chad walked to see why the police were here. She sat down in the grass, and ate some of the skittles that were in the bag she was holding. She leaned back on her elbows and sighed happily. She hoped there wasn't some major issue.
Chad went over to the two cops, "Uh, what seems to be the problem officers?" He asked, unsure of what exactly was going on, the party hadn't started with any alcohol or drugs... Perhaps someone brought some, he shouldn't be penalized for that-- but it was his house, and he was sort of scared about it. (Blah, I don't know)
(Ill ghost the officers.)

The officers looked at eachother before looking Chad. "We were just dropping by, ad making sure no drugs or alchohol were being use." One told him, and then the other butted in. "Cuz all of the younger generation seem to be doing that." He eyes the kids around him, and then looked back at Chad.

(I don't know if you want to ghost them, but I thought id help move the story along.)

Sam stood up and saw the officers with Chad. She casually walked over to the three and looked at Chad. "Is everything okay?" She asked him, trying not to pry.

Chad replied to the officers, "No sir, none that I bought." Then Sam walked over and asked what was going on. "It's fine," he really didn't want anything bad to happen, he was being honest. "They were just making sure the party was clean." The whole while keeping his usual happy-go-lucky demeanor, on the outside at least.
Sam nodded, "Okay." She said with a soft smile. She looked at him and the. Down at the ground as the officers left. "I found another orange skittle!" She told him with a small chuckle. She hel it up with a smile on her face.
Chad took a huge sigh of relief as the cops left, he smiled back at Sam "Really?!?" He squealed in delight as she held up the orange skittle.

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