Food BEST Candy?

hard candy: jolly ranchers / lifesavers
chewy candy: sour patch kids
chocolate candy bar: heath, twix, and all caramel milkyway
other: toffifay

summer time: ring pop/nerds
spring: smarties/twizzlers
fall: reeses/sour patch kids
winter: hersheys kisses/candycanes
It honestly depends on the day. I’d say gummy bears usually rule them all though. Or gummy worms. Yeah, screw the bears. The worms are better.

These. I miss them dearly and they will always have a place in my heart. When I was really little, my dad used to carry a tin of these around and we'd sit on the curb of a street and eat some while waiting. I'd never ask for them, so every time he'd pull the tin out it was a complete surprise that made my day. I didn't know that they were discontinued until I was a lot older. I just remember wondering why we never shared the orange candies anymore.

Apparently there's a company that has brought them back in small quantities in the U.S. I really want to order some one day.
Sesame crunch and any of Hu’s dark chocolate bars with nut butters in them!
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I have two:
Yogurt flavored cookies/candy.
Those gummy-marshmallow hybrids coated in sugar/citric acid.
Reese peanut butter cups, whoppers, and sour patch kids.

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