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Fantasy Beneath the Waves (private RP between me and AoAi)


One Thousand Club
Name: Patrick
Age: 6
Gender: male
Appearance: Patrick is a young Caucasian boy with dirty blond hair, sea green eyes, a straight nose and cleft chin. As a merman he has a sea green tail.
Personality: Patrick starts off as a sad, lonely child who desperately longs for a family who will love him. Patrick is a naturally fun loving, playfully energetic youngster who loves learning new things.
Bio: will rp it out.

Patrick was a six year old boy who was moping on the beach. His foster parents only kept him around for the government money. The young boy wished he had someone who would really care about him. Someone who would give him a family, a home.

Then he heard a strange but beautiful song. It didn't have any lyrics, just a mesmerizing melody. Patrick followed it to its source.

He saw a beautiful woman who looked like she was wearing a mermaid costume. Patrick walked over to the woman and leaned up against her, resting his head on her lap. He felt at peace listening to her sing. Like all his woes were drifting out with the current.
Name: Amaralie The Mermaid
Age: 22 in human years.
Gender: Female
Appearance: A darker skinned mermaid, with soft teal hair that flowed down her back. She had purple eyes that were probably the most unnatural thing about her besides the long tail that was the lower half of her torso. Her scales were teal and shimmered cyan. Her hands were slightly webbed and on her neck were little slits for her gills.

Amaralie was annoyed. Her day was not going well at all, and goodness did she want it to. She left her home that morning with the hope that the day would go well. She would do her favourite hobby of watching the humans, and then after she would play with some of the fishes that swam in the area. They said such funny things to her that she couldn't help but want to be around them. Despite the others her age saying that it was childish.

However that did not happen. When she got to her watch spot in a cove a little bit west of the main shore, she was amased to see it trashed. The humans must have come and wrecked the entire area. There were bottles, and objects that were unfamiliar to her but she knew they were trash, and plastics all around. She did her best to clean it up, but that undoubtedly ruined her entire morning.

And then, to top it off, she went to go complain to the fish and they were too busy for her! Things were just not going her way. So, instead of going back to her cove, where she would only get angrier at the mess, she went to a less populated part of the beach. Yes, it was closer to a few home dwellings, but she wasn't worried. It was late enough that the beach was emptying out and she could always just charm a quick spell to help the human forget her.

Settling on the sand, but making sure her tail stayed in the water. She began to hum a lullaby that her grandmother would sing to her. The song calmed her immensely and she felt more comfortable to sing it full out. She knew from experience that humans and her did not speak the same language. She tried once and it did not work out well, but she knew that they liked her singing. Hopefully, if it attract humans, they would be mesmerised at a distance.

She closed her eyes as she sang and let the melody take her to her happy place. She was truly not paying attention to the world. In that moment she reached the peace she so desperately wanted. It was in that moment, she felt a small bump on her tail and felt something soft rub against her tummy.

Her eyes flash open and she cautiously looks down at her lap to see the child. She has stopped singing because the sudden shock closes her throat and she contemplates what to do with the human child.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, but your singing is really pretty like you and your costume." Patrick said, looking up at the mermaid, innocently unaware he was talking to a real mermaid. "My name is Patrick, what's yours?" He asked.
Amaralie blinks as she she watches the child’s mouth move but doesn’t understand the...words coming out of his mouth. Her grandmother did say that humans spoke a different tongue and she supposed she should have paid more attention to the charm to help her with understanding land creatures. She inwardly chided herself for not paying attention better.

Not knowing what to do, she looked around the beach quickly to make sure the boy wasn’t followed by any bigger humans. The boy she could handle, the adult humans were much more troublesome. When she was satisfied that no other human was coming near them she turned her attention back to the boy.

Not knowing what else to do to communicate, she pointed to the boys lips and then pointed to her ears and shook her head no. She hoped he was old enough to understand what she meant, she really did feel bad that she couldn’t remember how to charm herself into speaking human. Maybe she could remember while trying to communicate with the child.
"are you deaf?" Patrick asked, drawing the logical conclusion from her actions. Patrick then laid his head back down on her lap. It didn't matter if she could hear him or what not. He felt happy he found someone who didn't immediately shoo him away. Patrick smiled as he snuggled up close to the mermaid, unaware she was a real mermaid and not someone in a costume.

Patrick couldn't quite explain it, but he felt safe around this woman, safe and protected. Maybe she could adopt him and he could finally leave the foster system. Patrick hoped so.

The young boy looked out to the ocean. There were times he wished he could just swim away from land and live in the ocean. However, as far as the child knew, that was impossible.
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Amaralie watched the boys mouth move in a question yet still didn’t understand what he spoke of. She could see that he meant no harm to her, but she was still confused on his purpose. If she were to speak back to him, she would probably hurt his ears with how close she was to him. Their language was definitely hard to master and so foreign to land dwellers.

She was at a loss. Who would have thought her day would come to this? She was being held by a human child on a beach that she frequented. She wondered why she never saw him before. Though she supposed it was because she was never really out this early. She hummed softly in thought trying to see what she could do to get the boy to understand her.

Suddenly the charm hit her mind. Ah! She remembered now. Gently, she tapped on the boy. When she got his attention she softly pushed him off her lap. Since she was so far ashore, and her fin was still in the water she let the tide bring her into the depths. Before she dived under the sea she turned to the boy and held up her palm. She hoped that signal was universal everywhere. She would be back as soon as possible, since the child seemed lonely. She forgot that the charm was actually a physical charm and she just needed to grab it.
Patrick nodded and smiled, he sat on the beach patiently waiting for her to return. The young's mind raced as he thought what she could possibly be doing. However, when he saw the way her tail moved, it hit him. She wasn't just a beautiful lady in a costume, she was a real mermaid.

Patrick pondered if she was getting something that could help her understand him. The young boy felt somewhat guilty for mistaking her tail for a costume. Hopefully, she would return shortly and he could apologize to her. Maybe she would play with him, or even adopt him. Patrick wondered if she could transform into a human and live on land with him, or turn him into a merperson so he could live beneath the waves with her.
Amaralie swam to the depths of the ocean going deeper and deeper. Soon she came across the bottom of the sea floor. She looked around looking for any shiny trinket that had come from the land dwellers. The charm she remembered was actually quite simple. Merpeople were not banned from talking to humans, they just preferred not to. It was so silly of her to just now remember that the quick charm is only a few things.

Scouring the sea floor, she ran her hand through the sand to see better. After a few minutes of searching her hands caught hold of a string. She pulled the string out of the sand to see that it was some sort of necklace. She inwardly cheered! This would be perfect. The necklace was a simple gold band, with a seashell on it. The shell was simple yet beautiful and she knew it was a human design. Clutching the necklace in her hand she swam quickly to the surface.

As she swam she got a little nervous that maybe the time difference would be in affect but it shouldn’t have been. She didn’t swim too far so she didn’t think that would cause the shift from their world to hers. There was a reason the humans couldn’t find them. Depending on how far you went and at what speed, you’d break through the barrier that was from her world to theirs and vice versa. But since humans couldn’t swim that fast or far it was never an issue.

When she finally broke through the surface again, she was pleased to see that the sun had set more but not enough to make it seem like she was gone long. Maybe about 10 minutes perhaps? Deciding that this time, she’d like to stay in the water, she threw the trinket to shore, only making it about part way and had the waves send it to the boy the rest. She mimed putting it on and pointed between him and the necklace. That should make communication so much easier.
Patrick shot to his feet and retrieved the charm. Upon seeing her mind him to put it on, Patrick did just that. The young boy then decided to swim out to where the mermaid was.

" Hi, my name is Patrick. I'm sorry I thought you were just wearing a costume. But your still pretty and so is your singing." Patrick said as he hugged her.

Patrick was happy she hadn't swam away. Patrick smiled as he looked up at her with an infectious, adorably innocent smile.
So that's how human speak sounded! Amaralie couldn't help but think as she was hugged by the child. Though she was concerned about why he would swim to her and be so young. She could have been in deep water and she didn't want the child to drown. With his arms still wrapped around her she swam gently back towards the shore. And when the water seemed shallow enough she carefully pulled his arms off her and placed him on the sand. Then she swam back some to still be mostly submerged in the water.

"You humans are oddly... what is the word? Affectionate. Do you not get attention in your home?" She asked curiously. Though she was extremely glad that she didn't have to change her speech to human speak and that the charm worked. The charm was just to make it so they understood each other, but to anyone else, she would be speaking her language and he would be speaking his. Two languages at once being magically transformed to a universal. It was nice and she definitely had to thank her grandmother later.

But she was concerned. She had never met someone who was so touchy, human or merperson. So, she wondered if something was wrong with the child. It was so strange to her to be close to someone who she didn't know. Yes, she could definitely agree that the child was cute, and when he smiled it made her smile, but it was odd that he was alone with it getting so late.

"Are you...okay?" she asked cautiously but her voice was laced with worry.
Patrick lowered his head and tried to hold back his tears. "No. I'm not ok. I'm stuck in a foster home cause my parents died and my foster parents only keep me around cause they get money to take care of me, but they don't love me. They keep telling me how I'm only good for getting them money. I tried to tell other grown-ups, but no one believes me." Patrick said on the verge of tears as he could no longer hold back from crying. "I don't want to go back to that house, please don't make me." Patrick pleaded to the mermaid, as if she could somehow control that part of his life.

Patrick tried to dry his eyes as looked at the mermaid, waiting for her to reply to his clearly desperate plea for help.
As the boy told his tale, her face continued to fall. She looked on in melancholy as she watched the child break down. She didn't know what she could do. She listened to his plea and bit the inside of her cheek. Hearing him cry really made her feel so bad for asking. She knew it was strange for a child to be so affectionate to a stranger. But she could never guess that it was that bad.

When the child raised his head to look at her, she saw the torment in his eyes an didn't know what to say. She was just a young mermaid and she didn't have the experience or the means to help him. "I....I don't know how..." she said sounding defeated. She had never encountered something like this before. She didn't even know if it was possible to turn humans into a merperson. And even if there was a way, she didn't know if it was even allowed. She would have to see her grandmother, and then they would have to talk to the mystics of her people.

Her teal hair fell over her face as she considered how she could help the boy, how would she tell him? "I...I-I'm sorry. I...maybe there will be a way yes?" She really hated that that was her answer but there was nothing else she could say in that moment. For she truly didn't know.
"Really miss mermaid?" Patrick asked hopefully, looking at Amaralie with the unmistakable glimmer of hope in his eyes. The reason for this adorable nickname he gave to Amaralie was a simple one, she never gave him her name.

Patrick looked at her and saw how she felt. The young boy waded into the water and then swam up to her. Upon approaching her, he hugged her. This time out of a childish need for comfort and emotional support. He rested his head on her shoulder.
The child was very optimistic and she hoped she wouldn't disappoint. She returned the hug to the small child and once again swam him to the shore. He was not like her, the humans were weak to the cold and he would get sick if he kept coming into the water after her. "Patrick was it? Stay on the shore for now okay?" She patted his head affectionately. "You were not made for the water for prolong exposure and I do not want you to get sick."

She saw that it was getting darker and she could not get answers without going home. She disliked the idea of the child going someplace where he was not wanted, but it was out of her power. "I'm sorry young one, but for me to get answer you'll have to stay with those people a while longer." Time was such a tricky things in the depths. Their concepts of days were different under the water. And she had no idea how long it would take to get the answers and the permission.
"you promise you'll come back for me, right?" Patrick asked, not to say goodbye, but having no choice right now. "Before you go, please tell me your name." Patrick asked, wanting to at least know her name. Patrick tucked the Cham under his shirt as he stood up.

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