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A man, calling him self Malice, has found a way to master blood, lightening, flight, energy, and metal bending. As a young selected member you have ether not, or have just began to start training on the next step in your element. Will you be able to fight him with even the slightest chance of winning?

Malice has made an announcement, he wants all kingdoms to be under his rule and for all selected members to surrender to him by the first of January or he will reek havoc over all opposing kingdoms. This gives you five months to determine what you are going to do. (I will be keeping up with the days).

No matter what Kingdom you, as a selected member, are from it has become apparent that a dark evil is threating your world. Your people are calling your name, begging for help. Will you be there to aid them?

You have received a letter from the Earth Kingdom it reads:

"Dear _(your name here)_ the selected _(your element here)_ bender,

Due to recent crisis events we are calling an emergency meeting in the Earth kingdom capital Jericho under the selected law section B paragraph 12, pertaining to the Malice case. All selected members are required to attend. This meeting will be held on 2 August 2056 at 1300. If you are unable to attend in person we will set up a secure channel to let you attend our meeting over holograph.

Thank you,

Prime Minister of the Earth Kingdom Luis Ortiz"


The capital city Jericho ^^^^^
(me and TKolord won't be able to start it today it's night here and i gtg to sleep and TK is already asleep)
Leibas Ofbacca was going through the money he had gotten from performing in the street. He had performed enough that he wasn't quite famous but not unknown. As he went through the money, someone had put an envelope in with the rest of the money. Curious, he opened the envelope.

"Dear Leibas Ofbacca the selected water bender,
Due to recent crisis events we are calling an emergency meeting in the Earth kingdom capital Jericho under the selected law section B paragraph 12, pertaining to the Malice case. All selected members are required to attend. This meeting will be held on 2 August 2056 at 1300. If you are unable to attend in person we will set up a secure channel to let you attend our meeting over holograph.

Thank you,

Prime Minister of the Earth Kingdom Luis Ortiz"
While he wasn't familiar with section B paragraph 12 and wasn't sure why they weren't meeting in neutral territory, he could tell this letter was serious business. He put his guitar back in its case, put his money in his pocket, and left the town with a group of traders that were on their way to Jericho. Sure this wasn't the fastest way there, but he would rather have a long enjoyable ride than a short boring one. It was cheaper anyway. He played music and exchanges stores (not all of them true) as they made their way to the capital.
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When Kenton received the following letter

Dear Kenton the selected magic bender,

Due to recent crisis events we are calling an emergency meeting in the Earth kingdom capital Jericho under the selected law section B paragraph 12, pertaining to the Malice case. All selected members are required to attend. This meeting will be held on 2 August 2056 at 1300. If you are unable to attend in person we will set up a secure channel to let you attend our meeting over holograph.

Thank you,

Prime Minister of the Earth Kingdom Luis Ortiz

He was shocked. He had no idea how to get there but had heard it was beautiful. He could always attend over holograph but it would be much simpler to book a private floater to get there. He mused over it for a moment and decided to book the floater.
"Dear Cyrus Quinton & Shen Quinton you both have been selected fire & air bender,

Due to recent crisis events we are calling an emergency meeting in the Earth kingdom capital Jericho under the selected law section B paragraph 12, pertaining to the Malice case. All selected members are required to attend. This meeting will be held on 2 August 2056 at 1300. If you are unable to attend in person we will set up a secure channel to let you attend our meeting over holograph.

Thank you,

Prime Minister of the Earth Kingdom Luis Ortiz"

"Maybe we could make it there ken does owe me" he looks over at Cyrus. he thinks to self - but would this be good for my brother it will be allot of risk but it's sounds important..... we have to.- he sighs looking at cyrus.
Cyrus looking of into the sky hears everything that Shen says, Well if he really does owe you money i guess we can go." He thought once again for a moment "Now we have to decide if were taking car or Aviation because I for one hate boats." Cyrus grabbed the paper from Shen's hand and read it over, So i am the selected fire-bender that's expecting a bit to much of me. I barely remember my own name, how in the name of all that is pure am i supposed to remember how to bend!?, "ARGH!!" Cyrus punched the wall to the side of him watching the blood drip down his Knuckles, He then took a deep breath and looked back at Shen who Once again looked worried, "Alright I've made my decision and i don't care what you say we are driving there."
looks worried "stop hurting your self Cyrus" goes to you with bandage and bandages your hand. " i know you can't remember but i'll help you, remember how you started that fire in the camp fire pit you just have to focus on doing that ok and they'll be teachers to help also i'll help you as much as i can ok, just promise you'll stop hurting your self ok?" he looks worried and hug's Cyrus. "could we go by plane?"
1 August 2056

Annetta was lying in her bed staring at the sealing when a knock at her door interrupted the quietness of her room. She looked over at the door and felt a pang of laziness. She didn't want to let this person in. She ignored the knock and retuned to her peace when a more urgent bang interrupted her again.

"Come in..." Annetta groaned.

A short man walked in and looked at her shyly. He seemed to be in his late 40's or early 50's his hair was greying and he was starting to get wrinkles.

"Excuse me Mrs. Castelo, a letter has come in for you from Prime Minister Luis Ortiz. I was told it was of great importance and to deliver it to you immediately" The man spoke quickly and awkwardly.

"Put it on my night-stand please. I will read over it later." Annetta said trying to force her self to speak sweetly.

"I was told to tell you to read it as soon as you had the time"

Annetta raised and eyebrow at the man in an annoyed manner. The man quickly set the letter on the stand beside her and excused him self. Annetta forced her self out of her bed, and walked to her night stand. With slow fingers she opened the letter. The envelope felt expensive to her. The paper was soft, almost blanket like. It was closed with a red seal. She pulled the message out and began to read to her self

"Dear Annetta Castelo the selected earth bender,

Due to recent crisis events we are calling an emergency meeting in the Earth kingdom capital Jericho under the selected law section B paragraph 12, pertaining to the Malice case. All selected members are required to attend. This meeting will be held on 2 August 2056 at 1300. If you are unable to attend in person we will set up a secure channel to let you attend our meeting over holograph.

Thank you,

Prime Minister of the Earth Kingdom Luis Ortiz"

Annetta remembered hearing the name Malice in one of the lectures from her tutors. He was apparently a new evil opposing the five great nations. She hadn't heard much about him, during lectures she tended to space out.

She began to wonder why the Prime Minister didn't hand deliver this message, they were of course both in the Earth Kingdom, and Annetta wasn't a hard girl to find.

Annetta let out a yawn. She looked out her window and noticed the sun was setting. Figuring she might as well go to sleep and fignd out what she was going to do tomorrow she curled back up in her bed in her day clothes -she was to tired to change-. Her hand clapped together almost automatically and the lights in her room went out. It didn't take long for her to finally be asleep.
Kenton got on to the float bus he was going to be quite early to this meeting wasn't he? HE steled in for the ride and soon got bored making little sparks flurry along outside with a simple hand movement.

"I love magic" He mused to himself.
"Alright fine we'll go by plane just if i ever hear the word Boat slip out of your mouth." You could see fire envelope in his eyes, "D-E-A-D, oh and one more thing, um.... can you let go of me now?" All of a sudden these thought rushed into Cyrus' head, Are these mine? I can't remember.....Ugh my head hurts. Cyrus massaged his Temple trying to erase the pain.
sighs "you hurt your self" he let's go "we need to get ready so go pack your things ok?" he smiles softly looks a bit worried after he smiles. " i know you forget pain but your body doesn't so next time you're about to hurt your self stop ok?" looks at your hand.
"Sure, fine whatever everything is already in my bag anyway, what about your bag?" Cyrus began to pace around, trying to find out what to do, "Where in the name of all that is good are my pills?" Cyrus scurried through his backpack and grabbed a white container filled with liquid capsules. He split a capsule in two and drank the liquid inside.
packs and heads for the plane heading to are destination "let's go to help the people" thinks to self -and you if possibly- he smiles as the plane leaves.

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