BENDERS {all normal benders are now available!!}


Junior Member
There are special people in the world. People who can control elements. These people go by many names, but the most common is benders. Anyone can be born with these powers, there isn't some special people mixture needed. In all honestly, getting these 'powers' is a very unique birth defect.

While anyone can be born with these powers only a select five have the ability to master them. Most people can only use their powers in smalls ways, like moving objects to and away from them selves. The select five can do nearly anything with their powers.

  • silhouette-of-five-young-people-jumping-for-joy-on-beach-370x229.jpg

    The select five are born on the same day, the same hour, and the same second. Once all of the previous five die the new generation are born. It is not uncommon for a select member to kill them self in a time of distress to let the new and younger generation be born.

    The select five, once found, become royalty in the region they are born in. Even as a child it is easy to tell which benders are normal and which benders are selected. There is not only a huge ability difference, but a select member can enter the spirit realm.

    The spirit realm is just like The Last Airbender. It is filled with previous selected few and other sorts of creatures.

  • This is set in a world that looks like The Last Airbender, but is more technically advanced then the real world. They have phones in this world and cars that drive on floating roads. Some buildings float and some are on the ground. There are animals that exist in our world and some animals that don't.

    There are 5 kingdoms; Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Magic kingdoms. They are all usually at peace. The common enemy of the 5 kingdoms is an unclaimed place known as the dark. It is there that evil lurks.

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Name:Kenton Jones

Age: 15

Appearance (picture please): (gimmie a sec)


Position you are applying for: magic select 5

Bio: He was born sickly and when it became known he was one of the select he was taken immediately to the palace though he was born to an upper class family in his region. He has a whole lot of talent in magic so his being weak doesn't matter and he is very demanding and spoiled.

Personality: very demanding and spoiled but also very shy if he doesn't know you. naive and sheltered and hates it when you point it out. he trusts to easily for his own good.

Pets:a giant pure black wolf called Morta he can ride her.

Other: bi... if you don't mind.

classiest robin is the classiest ... I claimed my spot first sorry!
Nerdygeekflower said:
Name:Kenton Jones
Age: 15

Appearance (picture please): (gimmie a sec)


Position you are applying for: magic select 5

Bio: He was born sickly and when it became known he was one of the select he was taken immediately to the palace though he was born to an upper class family in his region. He has a whole lot of talent in magic so his being weak doesn't matter and he is very demanding and spoiled.

Personality: very demanding and spoiled but also very shy if he doesn't know you. naive and sheltered and hates it when you point it out. he trusts to easily for his own good.

Pets:a giant pure black wolf called Morta he can ride her.

Other: bi... if you don't mind.

classiest robin is the classiest ... I claimed my spot first sorry!
ugh .... no way- jk!!! lol You can totally join. I don't mind if he is bi, but I want this to be more of an action than romantic rp please:3 (romance is allowed just not obsessive romance xD !!

And I hate to be anal, but all the selected are 17 sorry>_<
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Oh lol I originals had it as 17 and I re did it when I saw yet were all young lol he seventeen no its fine I don't get involved in romance really it's just part of his character (I use Kenton all the time but fox him up for different ones)
Name: Annetta Castelo


Appearance (picture please):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Brown_haired_girl.jpg.c478ea10144cedc2aa8fe4d0e86c307d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6715" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Brown_haired_girl.jpg.c478ea10144cedc2aa8fe4d0e86c307d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Position you are applying for: The selected Earth bender

Bio:Annetta was nothing before 'they' found out she was part of the selected. They being SEBC, or the Selected Earth Bender Committee. She was just some girl living in the slums of the Earth kingdom with her drunk of a father hustling people for money. Now she is all over every newspaper in the Earth kingdom with titles like "Street rat turned royal". It took them 16 years to find her. In fact she didn't know she was special until they told her. Now all she wants is to be out of the lime-light.

Annetta's mother died in child birth. This is something her father has never gotten over, and has never forgiven her for. He constantly justifies his verbal abuse to Annetta and alcohol abuse with the death of her mother. Annetta has gotten use to it, and really hates when people make her out to be some sob story. Though she acts tough and like it doesn't effect her it has made her put protective walls around herself.

Annetta has always been popular in a sense. A lot of people see her and look up to her, but she hates most of them. People are not her cup of tea. She doesn't consider anyone 'close' to her. Once she had something like to a best friend, his name was Dalton, but he moved away when she was 13.

Personality: Annetta is fearless. She can do anything she sets her mind to. She isn't one of those people who go out looking for trouble, but if trouble finds her she isn't going to hide from it. She has an attitude, and has a problem with authority figures.

Annetta is also very smart. In school she was always at the top of her class. When she lived in the slums the only time she got to use her intellect was when she was hustling people. That was always her favorite activity.

Deep down Annetta is very emotional. She is her own worst critic. She doesn't let it show on the outside, but inside everyday is another battle. She is constantly at war with her self. Sometimes she wishes someone would just hold her and tell her everything would be alright, but when a thought like that passes she puts up another wall to protect her self.

She is also very lazy and is constantly manipulating people to do her bidding. She never feels bad about it though, because she knows they'd all do the same to her.


Other: Classiest Robin is classy as Fup



  • Brown_haired_girl.jpg
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Name: Leibas Ofbacca

Age: 17

Appearance (picture please):


Position you are applying for: The selected water-bender.

Bio: A skilled thief. He didn't have a harsh childhood other than training from his parents who were in a guild of thieves. He originally wanted to be a performer though, so he taught himself to sing and play stringed instruments as well as the piano (he also prides himself on being a darn good whistler). He enjoys making people laugh, usually with a well-timed rhyme or verse.

Personality: He is calm most of the time. If he gets scared or panicked, he calms himself down with a song (usually in his head). He also asks questions like "Why am I the only one without a tragic backstory?".

Pets: N/A

Other: He gets nervous around women. He doesn't need glasses, but he likes wearing them. He carries a guitar around wherever he goes.

P.S. ClassiestRobin is the classiest
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Thesmashbro said:
Name: Leibas Ofbacca
Age: 17

Appearance (picture please):


Position you are applying for: The selected water-bender.

Bio: A skilled thief. He didn't have a harsh childhood other than training from his parents who were in a guild of thieves. He originally wanted to be a performer though, so he taught himself to sing and play stringed instruments as well as the piano (he also prides himself on being a darn good whistler). He enjoys making people laugh, usually with a well-timed rhyme or verse.

Personality: He is calm most of the time. If he gets scared or panicked, he calms himself down with a song (usually in his head). He also asks questions like "Why am I the only one without a tragic backstory?".

Pets: N/A

Other: He gets nervous around women. He doesn't need glasses, but he likes wearing them. He carries a guitar around wherever he goes.
... You're joking right?- haha! No you're so accepted:3!! ... and make sure you read the 'rules'>.>
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I'm a little busy today but tomorrow I will start the actual rp if we have all the selected members!

Here's a lay down what ill try to make happen:

Everyones first post will be an introduction where you will be told of the evil challenging the selected. You will be told to go to the Earth kingdom.

Second post we will be meeting each other

I will write a post as a person telling us why we are meeting and asking what we will do

If anyone has any suggestions to that please let me know^_^
Name: Cyrus Quinton(TKolord), Shen Quinton(Cid395)

Age: Twins 17

Appearance (picture please):


One on the left is Cyrus One on the Right is Shen

Position you are applying for: The selected fire bender for Cyrus The Selected Air-bender for Shen

Bio: Cyrus & Shen: A back-story is something he wished he had at the age of 16 he had lost all his memories because he was in a car crash with his twin brother who only suffered in damage from his left arm while Cyrus woke up not knowing who he was. Shen explained to him his name, age, birthday, and any happy memories they ever had together. Shen had promised to Cyrus that he would find a way to get his memories so he took up medicine and neural science.Apparently Their mother was a Air-Bender and Father was a Fire-Bender (Familiar Much?) One Year after the accident they Both found out they were selected Cyrus for fire and Shen for Air. and for a year there were never with their parents (indicating they ran away from home or something)

Personality: Cyrus: Calm and collected even though he uses fire. Shen: Kind but serious at times.

Pets: Eyelash Viper, Name: Zero

Other: ClassiestRobin is the classiest ClassiestRobin is the classiest ClassiestRobin is the classiest

Also I am Cyrus and Cid395 is Shen i'm posting this on behalf of both of us.
TKolord said:
Name: Cyrus Quinton(TKolord), Shen Quinton(Cid395)
Age: Twins 17

Appearance (picture please):


One on the left is Cyrus One on the Right is Shen

Position you are applying for: The selected fire bender for Cyrus The Selected Air-bender for Shen

Bio: Cyrus & Shen: A back-story is something he wished he had at the age of 16 he had lost all his memories because he was in a car crash with his twin brother who only suffered in damage from his left arm while Cyrus woke up not knowing who he was. Shen explained to him his name, age, birthday, and any happy memories they ever had together. Shen had promised to Cyrus that he would find a way to get his memories so he took up medicine and neural science.Apparently Their mother was a Air-Bender and Father was a Fire-Bender (Familiar Much?) One Year after the accident they Both found out they were selected Cyrus for fire and Shen for Air. and for a year there were never with their parents (indicating they ran away from home or something)

Personality: Cyrus: Calm and collected even though he uses fire. Shen: Kind but serious at times.

Pets: Eyelash Viper, Name: Zero

Other: ClassiestRobin is the classiest ClassiestRobin is the classiest ClassiestRobin is the classiest

Also I am Cyrus and Cid395 is Shen i'm posting this on behalf of both of us.
.... That was ... The most.. Awesome thing ever:D you're totally accepted lol!!

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