The Architect 50000
The Monster Within
Can I join this RP please?Jigajig The Warden shall not be making a physical appearance at the meeting, which prompts the question of whether they knew about the danger that's about to go down.
BuggaBoo How would you feel about Wickedness crashing the debriefing? I think it might take away from the main plot too much if her forces were to break in and start a fight, but what if she threatens/bargains with them remotely? Let's say she possesses an obsolete character (Violettin) to deliver an ominous message of how she can stop the Kryptonian invasion if they give in to her demands, and she emphasizes her point of what will happen if they don't by puppeteering the possessed victim to kill themself. Also for convenience sake maybe Wickedness transforms Shi back into adult form lol. If we do go this route, what would Wickedness' goal be from beefing with Belle Reve? Would she want her sister returned to her, or maybe she wants to use the superpowered inmates as ritual sacrifices?