Experiences Being in small fandoms sucks


certified Lysander au Lune hater
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Because no one knows what the hell you're on about. The few people you pass by usually do not want to roleplay or they do but either they do not want to roleplay the plot you want to do or they completely butcher the characters.

I keep bumping my threads but no takers. It's honestly so discouraging. Why do I do this to myself? I swear to god it's like I have a self-harm wish haha. Everyone seems to only want to roleplay the same old thing, skyrim, harry potter, star wars, or werewolfxvampire or something.

How do you guys deal with your roleplay itches when you're into smaller fandoms? Please tell me there's some salvation here or am I doomed to fester in my hole alone with all my eagerness? It's been a while since I've roleplayed so having just gotten into a new fandom, it renewed my desire to flex my writing muscles but I look around and its like *crickets crickets*

Have you tried a small group instead of 1x1?
Because 1x1 seems like a wasteland of people ghosting each other and the same five ideas being repeated judging by what people say in the discussion section.

I can barely even get one person, how can I even get a group? haha

Also, I really do not like groups too much.
Not something I have experience with, but maybe you might have luck going to a forum dedicated to that fandom and trying to start up an RP there.
I have yet to find such a thing... :closedeyescryingfrown:

Still trying my luck here. Bumping till I hit the jackpot I guess
It honestly really does. I have a fandom or two I’m in, but no one seems to like it and I never see people talk about them. So I just stopped asking about Roleplaying them.
It honestly really does. I have a fandom or two I’m in, but no one seems to like it and I never see people talk about them. So I just stopped asking about Roleplaying them.

Well, this is discouraging :(
But I don't blame you. I'm still trying... Somewhat. It really does suck because then I'm immedietly thrown back into my previous funk of not wanting to roleplay because I just want to roleplay said fandom. I do get stuck on things a lot. And I get... cynical.
Well....As a big fandom 1x1 roleplayer, I've learned to be patient.

I try to always keep a spot open, JUST in case I stumble on someone wanting to roleplay my specific semi-unknown craving. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Of all my current partners, it's always been me that made the first move over seeing their interest check. Just think, your interest check can only remain relevant so long. And maybe the perfect person for you isn't watching at that particular moment. So I'd say to keep browsing.

It's also pretty hard for book fandoms, as people here are more attracted to anime/manga, tv-shows or movies. On that note, if someone wants to roleplay in the Tara Duncan or Ewilan universe please hit me up
Well....As a big fandom 1x1 roleplayer, I've learned to be patient.

I try to always keep a spot open, JUST in case I stumble on someone wanting to roleplay my specific semi-unknown craving. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Of all my current partner, it's always been me that made the first move over seeing their interest check. Just think, your interest check can only remain relevant so long. And maybe the perfect person for you isn't watching at that particular moment. So I'd say to keep browsing.

It's also pretty hard for book fandoms, as people here are more attracted to anime/manga, tv-shows or movies. On that note, if someone wants to roleplay in the Tara Duncan or Ewilan universe please hit me up

I actively attempt to bump. Actually, someone DMed me (not to roleplay) but because they wanted to discuss the fandom in my interest check. The fact that someone reached out to me to talk about it (albeit I'm not gonna lie, I got excited but then let down that it wasn't for roleplay haha) here gives me a tiny, minuscule hope that there might be others who like the fandom too and who actually do want to roleplay. The cards, however, are kinda stacked against me in the fact that my interest check was for a not main character ship (ish) but still semi-popular ship within the tiny fandom. But still, I got the cards against me.
Easy I pimp my tiny fandom to literally anyone who will listen and just make plots describing the setting.

So “I want to do a roleplay set in a fantasy (or modern) world where magic is channeled through crafts.”

Versus “I want to do a roleplay set in Tamora Pierces Emelan Universe”

Now it means you can’t roleplay canons but if the people don’t know the series anyway you can just make the canon with a different name and say “My character is based on X from fandom Y”

I have actually managed a few roleplays that way. And even better I have gotten tons more people excited about my fandom.
Easy I pimp my tiny fandom to literally anyone who will listen and just make plots describing the setting.

So “I want to do a roleplay set in a fantasy (or modern) world where magic is channeled through crafts.”

Versus “I want to do a roleplay set in Tamora Pierces Emelan Universe”

Now it means you can’t roleplay canons but if the people don’t know the series anyway you can just make the canon with a different name and say “My character is based on X from fandom Y”

I have actually managed a few roleplays that way. And even better I have gotten tons more people excited about my fandom.

I think that'll be pretty difficult for my fandom. And I do not want to do anything with OCs in this regard because I love the setting and canon characters too much to do so. And a lot of the details come from actually being having consumed the media of the fandom, if the person hasn't, they won't understand anything.
I definitely feel SOL right now..:/
Easy I pimp my tiny fandom to literally anyone who will listen and just make plots describing the setting.

So “I want to do a roleplay set in a fantasy (or modern) world where magic is channeled through crafts.”

Versus “I want to do a roleplay set in Tamora Pierces Emelan Universe”

Now it means you can’t roleplay canons but if the people don’t know the series anyway you can just make the canon with a different name and say “My character is based on X from fandom Y”

I have actually managed a few roleplays that way. And even better I have gotten tons more people excited about my fandom.
That’s absolutely genius!
Short answer, you find them by magic. Or luck. Or both.

It can be very hard to find partners for small fandoms, depending how small they are.
There is a fandom I wanted to rp for a while but I have a feeling no one else heard about it XD
So maybe going the "original setting based on fandom" route is not a bad idea.

Or be patient. If fandom has some fan base still, there is a chance someone will come across your search thread eventually. New people come here every day.
The drawback of waiting would be it can take a few months.
I found a rare fandom partner in about two months but then no one else popped up for a while, so it's hit or miss.

Or you can look for partners within the community of that fandom. It's probably the easiest way tbh. May take a while finding someone who would want to roleplay, but at least those people will surely know the fandom already.

P.S. Untamed yay.
Short answer, you find them by magic. Or luck. Or both.

It can be very hard to find partners for small fandoms, depending how small they are.
There is a fandom I wanted to rp for a while but I have a feeling no one else heard about it XD
So maybe going the "original setting based on fandom" route is not a bad idea.

Or be patient. If fandom has some fan base still, there is a chance someone will come across your search thread eventually. New people come here every day.
The drawback of waiting would be it can take a few months.
I found a rare fandom partner in about two months but then no one else popped up for a while, so it's hit or miss.

Or you can look for partners within the community of that fandom. It's probably the easiest way tbh. May take a while finding someone who would want to roleplay, but at least those people will surely know the fandom already.

P.S. Untamed yay.

ahhh I'm gonna just softly cry then lol. I feel like giving up honestly haha. I'll keep bumping, but I doubt I'll yield results. I legit do not know what part of the internet I can find them in.

haha yess. Also, I ship xiyao so I'm double fucked when it comes to trying to find someone who so happens to like roleplay within the fandom and doesn't immedietly go straight to wangxian, even though I like that too but just not feeling it, ya know?
Do not despair and keep bumping but try to do it not more often than once in 24 hours as recommended on our Wall of Rules.

XiYao is not that unpopular I'd say, but less than wangxian for sure.
PM me lol
Do not despair and keep bumping but try to do it not more often than once in 24 hours as recommended on our Wall of Rules.

XiYao is not that unpopular I'd say, but less than wangxian for sure.
PM me lol

Yeah, I try not to bump too much. Sometimes I'll forget about a thread, then suddenly remember and bump it haha.

Really? I thought most folks went for the obvious because they're the main characters but damn if xiyao isn't wangxian but flipped on its head.
:O really? You want me to?
Lol watch timestamps though. And I'm serious XD
Anyway, for that fandom there are definitely more fans here, they might notice your thread later. But as they're not many it can take a while.

I don't want to hijack your thread but you're pulling a dangerous plug here, it's hard for me to shut up about this fandom lol That's interesting take on XiYao.
Go ahead. :)
Lol watch timestamps though. And I'm serious XD
Anyway, for that fandom there are definitely more fans here, they might notice your thread later. But as they're not many it can take a while.

I don't want to hijack your thread but you're pulling a dangerous plug here, it's hard for me to shut up about this fandom lol That's interesting take on XiYao.
Go ahead. :)

oof I'll try to be mindful.

shhhh I'm just as crazy about it. I don't mind. I word-vomited quite a bit about why I like the ship to someone who asked haha. Alright, let me pm you then
Yesss my tactic worked! :D :D If you guys end up RPing then I'm the godfather of your RP child and you need to name it after me.

Also to be back on topic: I came here searching for rare fandoms but jeez if it isn't hard to find someone who wants to play the same kind of things within the fandom, and then find someone who is compatible with you in terms of writing and so on. Urrrgh.

Actually I've had a hard time finding a decent RP for really popular fandoms. I've joined at least four Naruto RPs here all of which died.
Yesss my tactic worked! :D :D If you guys end up RPing then I'm the godfather of your RP child and you need to name it after me.

Also to be back on topic: I came here searching for rare fandoms but jeez if it isn't hard to find someone who wants to play the same kind of things within the fandom, and then find someone who is compatible with you in terms of writing and so on. Urrrgh.

Actually I've had a hard time finding a decent RP for really popular fandoms. I've joined at least four Naruto RPs here all of which died.

Oh hey! It's you! haha I did end up PMing them and I did mention what I said to you xD

Right. I did sort of try to roleplay cql before, but yeah, the compatibility just wasn't there? And just trying to search for other cql fans is a pain in the booty hole already so I thought I blew my chance (;_; I really did try to make it work but I'm sure that you know that when an rp isn't working out, no matter what you try, ya can't really shoe horn it even if my cql tinglings were stronger than Wangji's longing for Wei Wuxian)

The only luck I've had with roleplays were skyrim ones, I think. Lots of mobility in that universe. I did have one original rp plot last for a few years but damn that shit is rare as helllll
Not possible. XD

ok maybe I haven't played inquiry repeatedly looking for that one person to quench my soul but 👀;;; ok maybe it's more like "my cql tinglings were stronger than lan qiren's headaches when wei wuxian came to cloud recesses for lectures"
Look, all I have to say is, you gotta hope that that small fandom gets big (sort of like what happened to ATLA recently) or your small fandom is juuusstttt big enough that you hopefully, HOPEFULLY find one person in the vast sea of, well, people

I have yet to find ANYONE who knows anything about Gregor the Overlander, and I'm still waiting 😅
Look, all I have to say is, you gotta hope that that small fandom gets big (sort of like what happened to ATLA recently) or your small fandom is juuusstttt big enough that you hopefully, HOPEFULLY find one person in the vast sea of, well, people

I have yet to find ANYONE who knows anything about Gregor the Overlander, and I'm still waiting 😅

oof it's not as big as ATLA but it's sort of... medium sized? I dunno. Based on the ao3 tags, the fanfics are thriving. My issue is finding others that are down to roleplay. It kinda helps that it's on netflix so it's accessible somewhat but the genre itself is pretty damn niche. I'm still surprised I found two people on here that recognize it though! It has renewed the tiny flame of hope in me.
Reid Reid I guess you could try looking at similar themed Fandoms, those that have some of the same ideas/structure to the things you enjoy and allows for a larger demographic of people that might be interested in that sort of thing. I could always compare MDZS to something like the Three Kingdoms, whether people want to play as an original character or introduce one of their own to influence the out-come of the Chinese civil war. 🤔

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