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Realistic or Modern BEING HUMAN - OOC {Open }

Oof. Hm. I don't see Tannur the type to work alongside Morgana. She's staying at a B&B and offering her services there in repayment. Don't know. Maybe Tannur's boss can be friends with her boss and they're like "Ayyyy ya wanna have a bbq party this evening after we close up?"

lol idk. My ideas have been coming out of the sewer lately. I think my muse is on a vacation.
Thanks for the often but he really isn't going to trust Silver on her own any more than he has to.
Tannur works at a deli, right? Maybe they can meet when Morgana's boss just sends her out to get lunch or something. Or they ran out of milk or eggs or something and she has to go get some in a rush.
That'd be interesting. Just imagining her waiting in line and a guy starts harassing her before she bends his hand backwards. Cue her signature question: "Do you want to die?"
Chapter 2 is going to introduce a few new character types if anyone is interested in filling a second character slot. A few are spoilers but one will be a literal ghost.

If anyone is interested in that.

Also good time to recruit a few more players! If you have a friend who you think would enjoy the RP, send them my way <3
Chapter 2 is going to introduce a few new character types if anyone is interested in filling a second character slot. A few are spoilers but one will be a literal ghost.

If anyone is interested in that.

Also good time to recruit a few more players! If you have a friend who you think would enjoy the RP, send them my way <3
Ghost O.O

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