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.Being Avenged.

Wild Flame

New Member


Skadi was the first attempt of a human test subject Ultron did. He modeled her after Loki, the first big villain the Avengers fought her on Earth. Long black hair, forest green eyes, and icy cold skin. He had many doctors work on her, injecting her with many different things, attempting to bestow ice controlling powers upon the young girl. It eventually worked, after trial and error, and lots of pain for Skadi. Though when the Maximoff twins were brought to her Creator, Skadi was almost completely forgotten, only allowed to go on small missions, mostly retrieving things to help with the Twins. Though as the battle between the Avengers and Ultron's army began to draw nearer, Ultron began to pay a bit more attention to his first Creation, as he liked to call her. He began to allow her to practice her powers more, getting more and more used to the ice coursing through her veins.

At the current moment in time, Skadi was preparing to go out on another mission, a bigger one this time, to her surprise. "Gather intel on the Avengers and their battle plan", She replayed in her head, slipping on her dark and light blue catsuit. Heading out before any soldiers could follow her, Skadi turned and jumped quickly, pulling herself up the side of a building. Along with the ice control, she was given superhuman strength and a bit more speed. Not as much as Quicklsilver, mind you, just enough to make her quicker then the normal human being. Once she had reached the roof, she turned towards the west, the Avengers tower rising in the distance. "Should be easy enough..." The woman cracked her knuckles and began jumping from roof to roof, soon landing a building away from the tower.

Looking up the side, Skadi pressed a button on her wrist and her body shimmered slightly, before disappearing completely. After being completely cloaked, she slipped into the tower, almost parkouring up the floors, making sure to be as quiet as she could and freezing every camera and alarm she came upon, concealing herself even more from the enemy.​
Another late night, with little to no sleep to be had. That was usually how it was for the man plucked out of time. However, he'd been learning to fit in more and more as time went on. The help from the other avengers was always appreciated and at times was more assistance than he could have possibly asked for. If anything, they were the ones getting him through this. In any case, occupying his time was one of the few things that kept his mind off of the past. Shield flying through the air once again as he dove to the side. The training room was certainly something beyond his time. Stark certainly knew how to train, however it wasn't in his taste. He would have preferred a good punching bag, perhaps a ten mile run through the forest.

Regardless this was what he had, so he was going to use it to its fullest. Especially with the responsibility every avenger held, himself included. Even after so long, Steve could never quite believe the power he had. Once a small guy from Brooklyn, he could never quite imagine how his life could have turned out. What he did know out of all this was that he wasn't going to abuse it. He'd been given something great, that allowed him to do something about the problems in the world and that was exactly what he was going to use them for. With another roll, he extended his hand. Shield returning to his palm, small drops of oil sliding down the front. Apparently he'd been successful in taking one of the turrets.

In any case, he came to a stand. One hand raised in the air as the systems slowly shut down. That was enough for today, perhaps he would try to get some sleep. It was the least he could do after so long without it. With a hand pressed against the scanner, his other hand rubbed at his eye as the door slowly slid open.
Coming across what seemed like a training room, Skadi could hear noises coming from the inside. Leaning on the wall next to the door, the still cloaked woman was about to break the automatic lock on the door when it slid open. Surprised, Skadi jumped back, holding her breath. She recognized the man with the shield as Steve Rogers. Ice began materializing on her fingers, a force of habit she picked up when confronted with the enemy.

Instead of revealing herself, which would obviously be a bad idea on her part, She decided on following the Avenger, seeing if he talked to any others or revealed any information she could use. The ice on her fingers formed into small points on the tips, acting as claws if she was attacked. Skadi kept an eye ahead of her, making sure she made no noise or anything to give Steve a clue that he was being followed.

A small beep rang in her ears, alerting her that her cloaking device was running out. "Shit..." She thought to herself, slipping around a corner to cover herself as she disabled the device, a low beep rumbling down the hallway.
Steve hummed softly down the hallway, hand running through his hair as he basically mumbled the "Star Spangled Banner" under his breath. Eyes scanning along the hallway before him as he continued. Another satisfying night it seemed, though sleep would be another challenge entirely. Perhaps medicine would help? It'd instantly put him to sleep...considering he was given a large enough dose for his size and weight. In either case, Steve lifted his shield. Going to set it onto his back with a sigh, suddenly stopping mid-motion as a beep rang out along the hallway. That was strange...could it have been Tony? One of his inventions perhaps, no...not at this hour. He would have been asleep or holed away in his lab. Maybe it was Widow, trying to get the sneak on him while he wasn't looking.

Steve quietly made his way down the hall, arm settling back to his side. Shield still attached to his forearm as he looked around. Nothing along this hallway, at least that he could see. However there were quite a few branching paths in this part of the tower. A subtle sense of unease came over him, if that was Widow, she was definitely far better at spying than he'd thought. In any case, Cap reared back his shield flinging it forward in a swift motion. The force sending it careening along the wall before it changed its course down the closest branching hallway. Hopefully he'd either hit whatever it was that was causing him such a nuisance or he'd send them out of their little hiding spot.

Either way, Steve may have just been paranoid. Perhaps no one was following him after all and the noise was just an auxiliary sound the tower made. Not that he'd ever heard it before or even paid so much attention to it. Technology was not his strong suit but he was well aware of his surroundings. So he simply waited for his shield to return to him, considering the fact that no one may be there after all.
Skadi held her breath for a moment longer, hoping that the man would just continue walking. Though when she heard him throw his shield down her hallway, the woman grumbled and rolled out of the way, ultimately giving away her position. Seeing the shield flying back to him, Skadi smirked, "You missed." Her accent was noticeable, though it was uncertain where it came from. "Steven Rogers. Nice to finally meet you." The villainess stepped out of the shadows and waved her ice-tipped fingers at him. "Can't sleep?" She chuckled, taking a few steps towards the Avenger. Knowing very well Steve could easily overtake and beat her, she retreated to using just her wits to get what she wanted from him.
It seemed that his assumption had been both correct and false. There was someone following him...but they did not have any sort of benevolent intent. That was one of the things he could read off people most of the time...and this woman had an aura about her. Regardless, Steve pursed his lips. Eyes still peering over the woman before meeting her eyes. Lips parting slightly. Sleep has been an issue. Yes ma'am. I'm afraid you can't be here though." He said rather plainly, one foot sliding back as he set his shield in front of him. Steve had never seen this woman before...she wasn't a known aggressor they had faced and so far it didn't seem like she was much for fighting. More so on the stealth aspect on the same, closer associated with something along the lines of Black Widow. Not to say she didn't have any fighting talent, as he knew the Russian spy had. It was just size that the girl before him seemed to lack.

Steve took a small step forward, contemplating rearing back his shield and took a moment to speak once again. "Are you going to come quietly Ma'am...or are things going to have to get ugly?" Rodgers announced, one hand set against his opposite wrist. Finger pressed against a small button, concealing the action with the cover of his shield. Already calling out to the other avengers with the words, considering if any of them were still awake. He knew if hulk was in his usual mindset he'd be just as sleepless...and after a few incidents Tony couldn't help but stay in his lab more often. No, he knew at least one of them would come to see what was happening. Hopefully she'd just surrender...

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