Being a Mediator Is A Pain In The Butt [Inactive]


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Elizabeth sat in the car staring out the window at the way too sunny California sky it had been just over a year since her father had gotten remarried and moved out to California to start his life with his new wife and step-kids. "Hey kid you okay?" he asked and Elza looked over at her father and smiled. "Yeah Dad I'm fine just a bit tired," she said and her father snorted lightly reaching over to ruffle her hair. "I bet you are Maine's what a 10 hour flight form Cali?" he said and it was Elza's turn to scough as she batted her father's hand away she had been the last to move to Cali due to lack of a place for her to attend school it took them a whole year to make a place for her at St. Bearnard's Catholic School which was where all of her step-siblings went and where her older brother had also decided to enroll which had made no sense to Elza since nether of them had ever been baptized or even raised in the Catholic religion. Elza sighed and went back to looking out the window ignoring her father's sudden babble about her new school and the new house they were living in, apparently both her father and new step-mom wanted a house big enough for all the kids to have there own room so they ended up buying an old broken down motel that sat on top of a big hill and they fixed it up thanks to some of her step-mother's construction friends. Elza suddenly snapped out of her daydreaming when her father mentioned the motel had a large history of people dying of the plague and getting shot which made Elza pale almost instantly.

"You can't be serious," she said and her father stopped babbling then and looked at her with a bit of sadness and shame in his eyes. "Now Elizabeth you promised we'd make a fresh start here," he said and Elza flinched slightly her father never understood why she had such an aversion to old buildings and hospitals and she looked away guiltily. "We will Dad I'm sorry please go on you were telling me about how my step-mom redid the room that's going to be mine," she said and she saw her father sigh before breaking back into his babble about all the 'pretty' things her step-mom had bought for her but Elza wasn't listening as she wrapped her arms around her middle thinking about how many people must have died in that motel and wondered how many were still haunting the place.

Let me explain Elza is what's known as a mediator someone who helps the undead cross over to the other side, wherever that may be, and to most that would seem pretty cool being able to speak with ghosts and help them get through whatever but Elza usually ends up with the type of ghosts that seem to have a grudge on whoever caused there death so she would have to use a.... special method to get them to move on which most of the time resulted with Elza coming home with a few more bumps and bruises than she left with. Looking out the window again Elza saw that they were coming up to the new house and she smiled lightly it really was beautiful you could barely tell it had once been a Motel it looked more like a giant Victorian now and she couldn't help but chuckle maybe she was just being paranoid the house seemed perfect and maybe just maybe she could make a new life here.

As Elza got out of the car she suddenly found herself standing in front on her brother who almost immediately grabbed her head in his hands and gave her a noogie, "There you are you little brat what took you so long I was about to think dad had decided to just leave you at the airport," he said and Elza growled and kicked her brother in the shin making him let her go and she smirked when he hissed in pain. "What have I told you about giving me noogies maybe I should tell dad to go drop you off on some deserted island," she chuckled grabbing her bags out of the trunk and heading into the house stepping aside just in time for her brother to come flying in behind her landing on the floor and she laughed. "When will you ever learn not to sneak up on me?" she said before she looked over and waved at her step-mom who was by the looks of it starting preparations for lunch. "_____ would you quit laying on the floor and show your sister up to her room she's had a long flight and probably wants to rest," Elza's father said coming in behind her brother with the rest of Elza's bags. "Yeah, Yeah alright come on I can't wait till you see what we've done to your room," he smirked and Elza flinched slightly knowing that the room was probably not going to be the plain light purple one she had asked for and she followed her brother up to her room checking out the house as she went she recognized a lot of her father's and brother's things from their home up in Maine but she also saw stuff she didn't recognize like the twin poodles who were sitting at her step-mother's feet watching her cook. "Great poodles now I can't wait to see my room," she mumbled hearing her brother try hard not to laugh as they headed up the stairs and when they got to her room even before she opened the door she was shocked seeing a very pretty pink sign on her door with 'Elizabeth's Room' written on it in a pretty cursive and she would've puked if her brother hadn't started laughing as he moved to open the door. "Oh if you love that your going to just adore your room," he said before opening the door failing to keep his laughs in as the door opened to revile a large bright pink room with pink and white furniture and a window seat, but Elza didn't even look at the room for there sitting on the window seat was a man, a semi-transparent man like the ones Elza had seen a hundreds of times before a ghost just sitting there staring at her well not really he seemed to be more staring at her brother who had gripped the door frame to stop himself from falling over since he was laughing so hard. Realizing this Elza quickly snapped out of her trance and looked at the room flinching at it before she turned and punched her brother, "Oh would you shut up," she growled but that just made him laugh harder and Elza grumbled before going into the way to pink room and dropping her bags on the bed pretending not to notice the ghost as she whirled back around and kicked her brother, "I SAID STOP LAUGHING!!!" she yelled and her brother must have seen how pale she had gotten for he stopped immediately and looked at her room his devilish smirk turning into a frown, "Really already I thought for sure this atrocious room would drive all pests away," he said and Elza flinched a bit she knew her brother had figured out she could see ghosts a while back but didn't know how though it did bring out his protective side which was both nice and annoying at the same time especially since for all she knew he couldn't see them. "_____ tell Dad and Step-mom I liked the room so much I decided to unpack early," she said not looking at him when he glared down at her but he sighed since he knew what she was going to most likely do. "Fine but you break anything I'm not going to pay for it," he said and she nodded before she shut the door and waited for her brother's footsteps to disappear down the stairs before she whirled around and glared at the ghost. "Okay, Who in the hell are you?"



^just imagine that says Elizabeth

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Luke had a pretty boring not-life ( he wasn't alive, but was still there ). It mostly consisted of him observing people, that was until the hotel he had died in had been abandoned. You wouldn't believe some of the things he had seen, it ranged from things he wished he hadn't to murders, people falling in love and even a few breaking down relationships. For one he could tell you e lovely couple that stayed here last, were not actually a couple and the man was with another man and the woman had her lover as well. But that had been years ago. He had no one to observe now. Of course he could go out in public but that was as boring as anything else. In public everyone was doing something or going somewhere. It was like he was tagging long with his mother, all over again. He had hated that when he was still alive, it was ever so tedious. And as of the late, closer to his death he had always had to see that horrid Anne. His intended. Needless to say, despite the purity promise in the contract his father and her's had made, he doubted she had been pure for a long time. Anne had her father wrapped around her finger though, so he doubted that he had ever known of anything is daughter got up to. Even with all of the gossip that went around the town.

Then a couple had arrived. At first he thought he had finally lost it, but thankfully he had all of his mind, even after all of these years alone. Lucas had followed them around the place as they had talked about how they could fix it up. All of which was like they were speaking a different language, but it seemed like they were going to improve it. By the end of the 'tour' the woman was almost hurting his ears with her overly high pitched squeals of excitement. Luke assumed they were going to fix up the place, to get it back into business, but they talked about it for their children, which weren't all from the both of them, according to what he overheard. They must have had quite a lot if they were looking for a place this big, and he wasn't exactly fond of the whole idea of lots of people again. Luke really hoped they weren't all little kids. On the occasion he had gotten one who would be scared of him, though they couldn't see him. It was like thyy knew that something was there. He didn't quite blame them, it was just quite tedious to watch children cry. He wasn't exactly a fatherly person, he had no clue what to do with a child let alone a crying one. Another reason he was glad that he and Anne hadn't actually sealed the contract. She wasn't motherly in the slightest and he would have been lost.

It wasn't that he didn't want company, it was just no mater what he had to do he would always be alone anyway. No one could talk to him and if they knew he was there they were either an animal or terrified, most likely both. A few times teens had come in on things they called dares, making someone do something or they were a coward. If he deemed them okay he would just watch them, but if they irritated him he would but on a really good show that would have them wetting themselves. He loved to do that. Once, some team of 'ghost whisperers' and even come. He had been laughing the whole time, before he got angry at them for pretending they knew what was going on. They had left quickly

A couple of weeks later woman returned, without the man but with others. After a little listening they turned out to be the ones that were going to 'fix up the place'. Two weeks later and Luke saw those men almost every day. On some days he might help them a little, if something went to fall he might stop it, on others he got so angry he was the one that made the items fall, or go missing. It was quite funny actually, seeing as he was now the main character in a bad haunting story they would tell their friends after one too many at the bar.

Soon enough, however the construction had finished, leaving it ready to furnish. This was bitter sweet, as it meant to when the family would move in, which he was not looking forward too but finally those men would be leaving. The room he had died in, was the room that he called his own was to be a girl called Elza's room. It seemed to be short for Elizabeth. By the room she was uh . . . Interesting an the Lady who had first come here was so exited to have her see the room "She will love it!" she had squealed when it was finished. Of course by now most of the family had moved in. Two poodles, that barked whenever they saw him and followed 'The Squealing Woman" as Lucas had dubbed her around like she was their pack leader. Luke didn't like the Woman very much. She was too loud and she got exited about almost everything. If she was angry it was so much worse. Her shrieks gave him a migraine and he wasn't even alive.


It was the day, apparently, the day that this 'Elza' would be moving in. He watched from the window seat as her father went to collect her. The shrieking woman had come up to make sure everything was absolutely perfect for her husbands daughter. After that she had gone downstairs with the to tiny terrors (those pesky poodles). So far and no one in the house had been bothered by him really. It was kind of peaceful actually. Until you know, everyone woke up. He could smell cooking. Great. That was one thing he really hated about his not-life. He couldn't eat. He missed it, of course. He didn't have to eat but it didn't mean he didn't want to. He must have been consumed by his thoughts as the car was back.

He could hear them talking downstairs and just as he went to head down he heard footsteps on the stairs so he figured he would wait a little longer to see her if she was hey coming up. The door opened and her eyes fixed straight onto him. They were blue, her eyes Luke means. They were also wide and terrified . . Or perhaps annoyed. He looked over her shoulder almost as soon as he saw her, at the laughing figure who had to use the door to support himself. He guessed she didn't like the room by the disgusted glance she threw at it. Well that was a bonus then.

After the boy, her brother he assumed by the resemblance didn't stop laughing she whirled around and yelled at him "I SAID STOP LAUGHING!" and she kicked him, hard in the shin. He stopped laughing and his all knowing smirk turned into a frown "Really? I thought for sure this atrocious room would drive all pests away." Luke just snorted. It may have, if he didn't still consider it his room. She kicked him out pretty much after that, the door being closed and then she turned to him with a glare "Who the hell are you?" she asked him and he raised an eyebrow at her, standing to bow sarcastically at her, his face still incredulous "My name is Luke, thank you for the ever gracious intrusion... Elza." He said a smirk firm on his face.
Elza growled at the boy when he got up, great he was a sarcastic one she hated those the most, and she hissed slightly when he mentioned the intrusion though she was a bit surprised to see he wasn't surprised that she could see him and she walked a little into the room away from the door in case anyone passed by she knew the room was soundproofed but she still didn't want to take any chances, "I'm intruding ha last I checked I'm not the one who's dead," she said spitting the last word at the man she really didn't want to have to deal with this right now though when she actually looked Luke over she saw he wasn't in to bad of shape or he hadn't been when he had died. Elza crossed her arms and glared at Luke, "So what's your damage?" she hissed keeping a good distance from the guy trying to keep her annoyance level down though the room didn't really help as she concentrated on Luke trying to figure out how long this guy had been around and what it may take to get him to leave.
It was obvious Luke's luck was running out. First of all he was dead, but not dead and now the only person who could see him hated him, for no apparent reason. By now Luke was just glad someone could see him, he really didn't care how or why or even who really. Although it wasn't ideal, he would make it work (He was always kind of an optimist). She stepped closer, for whatever reason she had and said "Intruding, Ha! Last I checked I'm not the one who's dead" and the venom in the last word exceeded that of any snake. Her arms crossed over her chest in a classic 'Sass' position, glaring at him "So what's your damage?" she asked him and seemed to focus more on him at that point. Luke just raised an eyebrow "Hey, Last I checked I didn't ask to not die. I mean I'm actually pretty sure that I wanted to die. It's all kinda hazy but I guess that is what pneumonia does to ya." He said, sassing right back "Luke looked a little confused at her latter statement "Whaddya mean?" he asked her.
Elza rolled her eyes at the guy again when he started taking about how he died, 'So he died of sickness well that explains a few things' she thought to herself before grabbing the small chair from the vanity and sitting down sighing when he asked what she meant about what his damage was. "What's your damage why haven't you crossed over, you know gone to heaven or whatever?" she asked taking off her jacket and tossing it on her bed, it was pretty hot in here but Luke was still by the window so she couldn't open it without going by him and she didn't really want to do that right now.
Luke watched her and she seemed to calm herself at least a little, not glaring and growling anymore. She went and sat down, taking her jacket off and she explained "What's you damage. Why haven't you crossed over, you know gone to heaven or whatever?". At this Luke actually paused, and thought. He had been trapped in a crappy contract of his marriage, hadn't had anyone else he was in love with. He hadn't killed anyone "I'm not sure. I mean, nothing comes to mind." He looked over at her and said "I'm pretty sure my death wasn't that much of a loss. I might have prevented a whole lot of unhappiness on my part."
Elza sighed she had dealt with spirits like this before those who have stuck around but don't know why those usually made her work the hardest seeing as it meant she would have to figure out for them why they were still here, "Okay well until I... we can figure out why your still hanging around I'm afraid your going to have to haunt some other girl's room because I'm not really willing to have you in mine as annoyingly girly as it is," she said shuttering slightly as she looked around at all the pink, 'Ugh I am so going to have to get dad to give me money so I can repaint this stupid place if he wasn't so happy with Sarah I would never have agreed to come out here,' she thought before standing up and going towards her closet opening it and grabbing one of her boxes starting to unpack hoping that seeing her nice dark tomboy clothes would help her calm down.

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