Behind the mask of the stage [Inactive]

Christophe casually scanned over the words on the paper, noting the basic details. He looked up with a dashing smile, and threw a thumbs up in Lea's direction. "Come on, let's catch up with the boss," he told Storm, gesturing to Alexander's retreating figure, and added, "By the way, you should call him sir." As he walked, he gave Storm an easy smile. The girl didn't seem too concerned abiut who Christophe was, and he was fine with that. "So what did you study in school? Whereabouts in the city do you live now?"

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"On it" she replied as she started mixing Alex his usual mojito and a margarita for Storm. She'd ignored Chris calling her bambi again, someday she was going to kill him for that she swore. Lea watched carefully as they went, waiting for Chris to tell her this girl was clean and good and nodded in return when he gave her the thumbs up. Finishing up, she mixed Chris another rum and brandy, pretty sure he'd want one, before picking up the drinks and heading after them.
He ssat down at one of the chairs inside of the room, with perfect view over the sstage. "Come on you two, time is money, and that is money I'd rather be earning than losing!" Not the most patient man in the world, and only reason he allowed Christophe to be slow, was because he knew that guy. "I need to talk with the rest of the girls too, but I'd like to see your ability on th dancefloor first, storm" Though, many would sound stressed and angry when they spoke like that, he sounded quite casual and in controll of time. And with Lea coming in and placing the drinks for them, he waved her over to sit beside him. "Lea, I want you to join in here too. If Christophe and I are gone sometime, you'll be the boss after all"
Lea smiled and sat down next to her cousin, handing him his drink and not quite registering what he'd said. Suddenly she froze as he mind started to catch up with her ears and she turned to look at Alex before looking at Chris and then back to Alex. "Wait what?" she questioned in slight shock. yes she ran half the behind the scenes everyday stuff here but.. her run the entire thing?! Was he serious?!
He bent down to whisper into her ear, low so that no one else could hear a thing. "Only if C and I are out for a day or two. You know I don't trust any of the strippers to lock the doors" He frowned slightly when he saw how her hair was laying, and started to fix it, moving her lovely locks so that they framed her face.
Lea allowed herself to breathe slightly again. "Okay" she whispered back, looking away as he started to move her hair, for some absurd reason he hated the way she wore it despite the fact that she loved it. "You really have to do that Alex?" she asked as she rolled her eyes at Chris with relation to Alex, almost like a plea for help.
Storm almost sighed in relief as he gave Lea the thumbs up to my papers but she caught herself. Following Chris she replied to his questions instantly. "I went to Ventura high school in CA and I lived with my foster dad in California but at the moment I'm staying in a flat near the airport. " she said thinking of the small dingy flat that was constantly shaking from the lift off and take off of the planes. She gave Lea a nervous grin as she took the margarita. " this is perfect" she exclaimed and it really was, margaritas were her favourite cocktail.

She eyed the stage, fear curling in her belly. She wished she had taken Jacob's advice for dance lessons. Running her fingers through her hair she controled her facial expression to remain impassive to the task at hand.
Deeming the answer acceptable for the moment, and sure that Alexander wanted to get on with the show, Christophe gave Storm an encouraging smile. "Show us what you got, sweetheart," he said as he graciously took the snifter of rum and brandy Lea had thoughtfully prepared, his preferred drink of the moment, and sat down of the other side of the boss. The music pumped through the club, the typical stuff they usually put on, and Alex hadn't asked the girl to strip, but Chris could feel the nervousness radiating off the tall blonde. She must be a novice then, with no prior experience in provocative dance. Oh well, newbies were cute, some customers liked a little change. Maybe Erika or someone could help her out of her shell a little. After all, Christophe was a man, and men could only do so much in this profession.
"Storm, you just go up on the stage, and dance. You don't need to remove clothes this time, though you need to show you have movements suitable for a stripclub" Alex sat relaxed back in his seat, with two of the most important people in his life on each side of him. Lea, his cousin, and Alex, one of his best buddies, and also one of the few he trusted enough to let do some of his business.

With the glasss against his lips he nodded towards the stage, not wanting to waste more time. The club was soon opening and he needed to talk to the strippers soon.
She smiled back at Storm. "I'm glad, it's one of the first drinks I ever made here" Lea explained "It's something I'm actually good at" However, as Alex relaxed back, Lea sat forwards, arms on her knees and her hands loosely clasped in front of them. As she moved, her hair which her cousin had literally just adjusted, got shaken back into place hanging across her face a bit. How she liked it and how Alex liked it were two completely different matter. Lea nodded at Storm "You'll be fine, just don't intimidated by these two losers" she laughed, hoping to put the clearly still nervous girl at ease.
She flashed a grin at Lea as she leapt onto the raised stage instead of taking the usual route of the stairs. Once on the stage she seemed at a lost as to what to do. So she let her body ride with the music as she curled and twisted gracefully as if carried by some invisible current. She stroked her hands down her leg and up towards her shoulders before twisting then and curling in an almost S-like shape, her head circling slightly. She closed her eyes and imagined she was not on a stage but in the water swimming under the waves as her body floated through the water in a lighter than air motion. She curled one leg round the other and almost ballet spun. Storm shook her head to herself. What was she doing, some kind of dance recital?

"Uggh" She muttered to herself, how was she going to complete her mission if she could't even get in.
Christophe clapped, signalling the end of Storm's dance. He shared a look with Alex. Turning towards the girl on the stage again, he walked over to her and offered her his hand to helo her get off the stage. "With a little coaching you'd do quite nicely. Your body makes good lines. Erika can help you.

"However, I suggest," he said, turning to Alexander, "That we put her in for a trial period for a few nights, including today. We won't list your name on the schedule Storm, and you won't receive a salary from us, but you can borrow our costumes and keep eighty percent of your tips, just like all the other girls. So how about it?"

He tilted his head to Alex, asking him non-verbally if he approved of the offer. Chris did, after all, get Storm's documents checked to make sure she was definitely legal. Despite many others, this was one risk their club did not take.

Storm breathed a small smile as she leapt from the stage. She knew she wasn't outstanding but they had offered her a trial period. The weird thing was, she actually enjoyed doing it. Storm shook her head a little, this was crazy. But then again, it was her life. She flashed a grin at Christophe "Thanks, that sounds great" She replied to his comment about a trail night. Her fingers traced the soft seat as she took another sip from her margarita. Her mind tracing back to her quote, from her favourite book. "In this moment we are infinite." It was true. In this moment she felt that whatever came her way, she could battle and fight through. Maybe she was being to philosophical, but it felt good anyway.
He rolled his eyes at Lea. She just loved pushing limits, didn't she? Then again, she could be quite so lovely and adorable when she wanted to be. All kind and patient with some. "you need to move your hips more to the rythm, and don't be afraid to push your chest out" He stood up, and pulled Lea with him, his hand around her arm. She knew the drill. He would just use her to show what areas the other girl needed to work on, without touching the girl herself.

"You have to lose yourself into the music, and just play on the pure natural sexuality that is inside of everyone" He said as he placed his hands on Lea's shoulders. "Shoulders have to be relaxed, not tense at all. Customers notice that, especially on the new girls. Then, with your chest, you should move it a little bit forward, though not as if you're trying to excersise, but as if you're feeling a touch no one else can see, that is leaving you breathless." As he spoke, he moved his hands down, without touching lea, and stopped by the hips. "And when it comes to the hips... Imagine you're infront of your one true lover, and want him to look at you, and only you. It's power off mass destruction"

After doing that, he shrugged. "you're in for the trial period as Christophe here said. Just remember, when you're given a message, follow it or else it's right out" With that, he left the room and walked back to the changing room where Erika and Iris was. "Hey Honey, remember, we're getting a VIP tonight, from the city of Angels and we need to nail a deal with him. So... Be your true sexual self and seduce the hell out of him, deal? Same goes for you Joy"

Lea rolled her eyes herself as Alex pulled her up after watching the girl. She was used to this by now really, she wasn't one of the strippers and Alex would never allow her to be because he was too protective of her, but she knew how to be one and had since become his demonstration model. Sometimes she hated it because she felt like a real life doll but she knew he was just trying to help the newer girls and she tried to do the same. And so, she followed what he was saying, demonstrating what he was talking about until he was done, noticing how he didn't touch her hips, seems he wouldn't even let him touch her much, let alone anyone else.

When Alex left, she headed over to Storm, purposely ignoring Chris just to annoy him. "Don't worry" she reassured the girl "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it, and like Chris said, the other girls are nice and I'm sure they'll help you out" Lea smiled at her
Storm watched Alex intently as he motioned as to what she should be doing. She needed all the help she could get. As he left she caught what he said to the other strippers. A VIP. Her eyes narrowed slightly. Interesting, she thought, she wondered who it would be. Quickly she shook herself from her thoughtful state and turned to Lea who was approaching her. "Thanks" She said with a soft smile "To be honest i am as nervous as heck, but you probably realised that" She said with a grin. "So, umm, what should i do now, just go to the changing room or something?" She asked inquisitively wondering what the next stage of this was. She hoped that the strippers would gossip. Sometimes Gossip was the only way to get information.
"Yeah I did but don't worry about it" she kept smiling. "And if the boss guys seem harsh it's just because they want to bring out the best in their employees" Lea continued. "But yes, if you go to the changing rooms the other girls will help you get ready for tonight, we'll be opening soon. I'll take you" She headed off after her cousin, expecting Storm to follow and she waited just outside the changing room doorway, looking in, for Storm to catch up to her.
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