Behind the mask of the stage [Inactive]


A twisted little writer
Nat submitted a new role play:

Behind the mask of the stage - Behind the clothes, or lack of, there's a story, come follow in on it?

In this world, there's those with money, there's those who use money, and there's those who work for those money.
there's those with controll, those who dreams of controll, and those controlled.

There's lies and truths, secrets and what's out in the open.

In Las Vegas, a new club has opened. A quite... Unusual club as to say. Or, not too unusual another would say. From the outside a quite normal stripclub actually, though one small thing made a difference.

Both males and females were...
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( @Vampirelovee @Surfergirlgh @Soupie @Ren (When the assistant is ready :P ) )

The key went into the lock, and twisted, unlocking. Just opening the door and pressing in the code in the alarm system at the door, he then turned on the light. All of this was his. A club which was not known for trouble, though many was expecting there to be some. Almost like they were expecting there to be a skeleton hidden under the stage in one of the rooms meant for the strippers.

The silver bar brought a smile to his lips, and as he waited for everyone else to come for the night, he walked over, pouring himself a drink. He wouldn't get drunk, just have a simple little drink, whiskey to be exact.

The leather bracelet Lea had given him years ago was placed around his wrist, and he knew, like all the strippers would soon come in those doors that he was perfectly seated to watch. About a half hour after them the bouncers and security would come, tough they worked in silence, not disturbing anyone. It was how it always was.Or so he expected it to be, just like usual.

Normal bounter between the girls, normal catfights. Occasionally the guys would say something too, though they tended to stay silent and just let the girls do as they did. Quite practical really, especially as they helped seperate the girls when they got into fights behind the scenes, like had happened about 3 times. All of those girls had been fired at the spot though.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen" The man grinned from ear to ear as he sat on the bar, and saw the first ones come in.
Lea was out the back in the storage area, signing for a delivery of stuff for the bar, she'd almost run out of a few things and that wasn't good, Alex wouldn't be happy with her so she'd got the order fast and now it was here so she could breathe a sigh of relief. Her cousin was the only person who was able to make her worry, he was the only person whose opinion she actually properly gave a damn about.

Having finished up with the delivery and put it all away, Lea headed through into the club. She adjusted her black tank top to sit right and evenly before taking her place behind the bar, creeping up silently on Alex unintentionally. Not her fault that he wasn't aware exactly where she'd been, he'd just known that she was out.

"Hello to you too Alex" Lea said with a smile as she started setting her bar up for the evening.
The modest black BMW pulled into the executive parking space in front of the flashy club, and Christophe stepped out, slipping his phone and wallet into the pocket of his trousers and locking the car with a beep over his shoulder. He was dressed in a grey suit and black shirt today, an untied bowtie set lazily around his collar, and the silver chain of the dog tag glinting underneath. He stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray at the grand entrance and took off his dark sunglasses as he entered the club, tucking it into his breast pocket. He was freshly showered, his hair gelled and signature cologne wafting from him, immaculately presented as always.

"Ah, Alex, you got here before me again," Christophe grinned, letting out a dramatic sigh. Alexander was always there before him - Chris was not known for his punctuality, but the boss forgave him for that... most of the time. "At least I'm not late today, eh?"

He caught Lea's eye and gave her a wink. "Good evening bambi. Where's my greeting?" The bartender wasn't even legal, so she was a kid in his eyes, but she was a good girl and Chris imagined himself as the uncle of the girls in this dysfunctional family of sorts, if Alex was the father. He would like to think he did not harbour romantic feelings for any of the girls, and if he took one of the girls there to bed, it was usually a once off thing. Last time he had feelings for a stripper, it did not end well.
In the girls' dressing room, as clearly shown on the door in hot pink sparkly letters, Emma hurried with ruffling out her hair and applying strawberry pink lip gloss. She followed that by spraying her Victoria's Secret Angel perfume around her breasts and neck. It was a trick one of her coworkers had taught her. In the mirror framed by big lights, Emma adjusted her lace pushup bra around her chests, a 32B which she was actually rather proud of. The hot pink flattered her light caramel sun kissed skin. It was good to feel this confident once in a while. She smiled in the mirror, and exited the room, six inch heels clicking all the while as she peered around a wall to notice the guests.
Erika had finally gotten off of her first job and headed home. She took off her waitress uniform and took a quick 15 minute shower. She then put on this outfit and curled her long brown hair. She added some mascara and lip gloss and headed out. She hopped into her car and headed for the club. When she had finally arrived, she made her way into the club with a sweet smile across her face.

"Hey lovelies!" She said cheerfully waving At her coworkers and boss. She then made her way to the girls dressing room.

"Hey Emma" she greeted sweetly.
As his little cousin, though more like a sister, crept up on him, he jumped slightly, though the only way to see that was how his shoulders went up, before going back down. "Hello Lea, how's the storage? Anything we need?" He asked, business as usual while they were at the bar. He couldn't exactly show that she was better treated than everyone else.

"'Hello Erika" Alex flashed her a smile as she walked past, and kept sitting on the bar with his glass of whiskey. As she walked to the backrooms and to the dressing rooms, he looked at her ass, though she was not completely his type. One could admire a good butt though.

"Christophe! About time you came" Alex pulled up a bottle of beer from behind the bar and threw it at his assistant, expecting him to catch it before it hit the ground. "I want to know your opinion about the beer, I don't exactly drink beer" There was a smile on his face, but it was also a commando in his words. Lea on the other hand wasn't allowed to drink it. Too young, and would not get to drink anything when there would be men around.

"Lea, put on my jacket until we're starting for the night" He said and shrugged off his suit jacket, holding it out for her. As usual in the bar, he wore the jeans, just in case one of the guys ended up sick and couldn't come in. Happened occasionally after all. Even if it was just Christophe and some of the strippers who had arrived, he didn't like her not being covered up. She was his cousin after all, not one of the strippers.
She shook her head "Nope, nothing we need since I've just signed for a delivery and put it away, I told you last week I'd put in the order." Lea answered. "Hence it's all taken care of as usual" The smile was still on her face, especially from the fact that she seemed to have made him jump, added bonus.

Lea waved at Erika before turning to Chris and shaking her head. "Bambi? That's new one" she answered with a smile "But hello Chris" she said pointedly, an air of joking in her voice and she finished setting her bar up. "Yeah he has to ask you because he won't let me drink" Lea rolled her eyes at the fact, she knew it was technically the way supposed to be but then your average seventeen year old should technically live with their parents.

Her eyes glared at the jacket held out to her and she didn't take it. "Why should I Alex? I'm fine in what I'm wearing thanks" Lea shrugged.
"Merda," Christophe swore, just about catching the bottle of beer. "You have a shitty arm, Alex," he laughed, cracking open the bottle and taking a swig from it. The other guy was well used to his insults by now. He leaned back and inspected the bottle. "Not bad. It'll do. It's light, so expect the guests to be buying more of it. You should up the price a little for tonight, or you'll be out before the best hours roll by." His dark blue eyes swept over to Lea. "Little bambinas shouldn't drink," he tutted. "Take the jacket, bambi. Be glad you still have someone taking care of you. Also, I need a rum and brandy. I just finished eating."

He saluted the boss and kept the bottle in his hand as he headed to the girls' dressing room, passing Emma on the way. "Hey Emma, you smell delectable tonight." He was about to tip his fedora, when he realised he'd left it in his car. Oh well, he'd go collect it later. The girls were trailing through the entrance steadily, and soon everyone would be there and they could get the show started. He stuck a head into the dressing room and happened to find Erika. "Good evening honey. My, not dressed yet? I was hoping you'd go for a smoke with me." He mock pouted. "But I suppose work comes first. Chop chop."

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"Good kid. I've been busy with the investors who didn't realise that strippers get to keep their own tips" He rolled his eyes on that. The Investors though, had been shut up after a while.

"I do not have a shitty arm" Alex playfully glared at Christophe for a moment, before drinking the rest of his whiskey in just one movement. There was girls to talk to, and work to be done.

After Lea took on the jacket, that was. "Lea, just do it. Or would you rather have my shirt over? I don't like you dressing like that when there's coming guys here later" There was no discussion about it, she would wear it, otherwise he would carry her out and drive her back home.
Emma flashed a heart melting smile at Erika, giving her a thumbs up at her cute outfit and perfect makeup. It was hard not to appreciate that girls' charm. "What's up, Erika?" She beamed, slipping passed her and heading out of the room towards the area where everyone waited to be called on. Emma examined her nails, flawlessly polished a bright pink. If it hadn't been her millionth time here she would have been nervous, but those butterflies in her stomach were long gone by now. She shook out her curls one last time before continuing her wait to be called to the stage.

Storm steadied her breath as she pulled her chevy into a bay next to the club, giving her short wavy hair a quick brush, she flattened her creased, cropped jumper and denim shorts, before stepping out of the car and onto the hot tarmac of the carpark. Biting her lip instinctively, she suddenly wished she had taken her foster Dad's offer to drive her there. Never mind, it was in the past, now she had to focus on the future. Taking one last deep breath, she strode towards the club and opened the door, walking down a small corridor, which made her feel uncomfortable, towards the silvery bar. Trying to act more confident than she felt, she walked up to a man and a girl sitting on two stools in the bar.

"I'd like to Speak to Alexander Leon Jackson to enquire about a position here" She said looking straight at them her eyes displaying nothing. These two people seemed to be the most beautiful humans on earth. How was she going to be able to compete with them. She shook her head, and closed her eyes imagining was Jeremy (Her foster Dad) would say.

"Just keep your cool honey, remember it is all about being human."
"Not much, you? Oh, and cute nails, Sweetie, who did them?" Erika said sweetly, admiring Emma's perfect pink nails. Erika began to brush through her long hair once more and added a tad more mascara. She then changed once more into tonight's outfit. She was full of nothing but excitement. She loved her job, and her coworkers.

"Oh, these old things? Did em' myself." Emma laughed, tossing her hair over her sun kissed shoulder. "But what's really cute is your outfit." Her blue eyes that sparkled with a certain admiration and almost..respect lowered to examine Erika's outfit. Lace was normally what Emma rocked on the stage, but pink she figured was just as sexy on her newly tanned bod. Though a hint of envy was felt when she noticed how nice it looked on Erika, though it was more of an admiring feeling.

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Lea laughed about the investors being so dumb, overlooking the kid comment as much as possible, it really did annoy her but he couldn't call her that for much longer at all.

She looked over at Chris with a look of slight annoyance "We'll see about that" Lea muttered as she mixed up his drink. "Of course you need it" she poked her tongue out at him as she slid the glass along the bar to him with a practiced hand. However she scowled as he walked off, leaving it there. "Well that was good of you Chris" she said to his back, flipping him the bird as he disappeared from view.

With a growl, Lea swung the jacket on and let it hang open "Not a valid reason Alex" she retorted "You're not my father" Turning to sort some more of the bar she continued, "Also, do you forget where we're working, the guys come her for the whole point of seeing this sort of thing, at least I dress better than the strippers so be happy about that"
It was difficult not to eavesdrop on the group, particularly the girl talking about Emma and her coworkers. Dressed better? She bit her tongue, normally light electric eyes darkening to a navy shade. Sure, we don't dress that modestly..but we're not always like this. Emma brushed it off, rolling her darkened orbs and tightly clenching the curtain with polished nails. At least being a stripper was more fun than working at Starbucks. Whatever. She spun round on her heel, quite literally, six inch heel to be exact, and shifted the hot pink lace lined panties that hugged her curvacious hips perfectly, followed with reapplying her pink gloss and pressing her lips together.
Bidding the girls in the backroom goodbye until later that evening, Christophe headed back out to the bar to collect his drink, which Lea hopefully had finished making. Glad to see the glass of golden liquid, he picked it up, gave it a sniff, and made a small cheers motions to Alex and Lea before taking a sip.

It was only then that he noticed the tall blonde standing in front of them, inquiring for Alexander Leon Jackson. "You're here for a job, sweetheart?" he called over, a small smile playing at his lips as he looked her up and down and beckoned her closer. "You're more then welcome to join our club, my dear. Do you have all your documents? You know, ID, resume, criminal record reference letter from the police, written permission from your parents?" Chris teased the newcomer lightly.

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Play it cool, Storm told herself, play along with the game. "Ofcourse sir i have it all, although i think i left my parental permission at school" She said with a laugh and a small reluctant wink. She almost shivered to herself. Come on you can do this, she told herself. "If you want sir you can take me to the back room and interview me, i am sure i can tell you all about my criminal record in there" She said with a cocked eyebrow. She glanced at the bar girl and gave her a nervous grin. It would be useful to make some friends round here, and hopefully not make all of them think she was some of the street sl*t.
Christophe laughed at the girl's reply. She winked, how cute. He took another sip of his drink as he eyed the girl, leaning against the bar counter with one elbow propping himself up. He preferred the strong cocktail to that light beer, which he must have misplaced somewhere on his way back from the dressing rooms without noticing.

"Back room? We don't do back room dealings here princess, so you don't need to worry your pretty little head. We're legit. We're not that kind of club." A corner of his mouth tilted upwards. "But I'm that kind of guy," he added, coupled with an equally cryptic wink, and then laughed. "I'm only messing with you sweetheart. You'll get used to it. We have a lot of great girls who are very friendly, and they can show you the ropes." Well, they did have back room dealings of course, as any profitable strip club would. It was where some of the big money from the richer patrons came from. The club had some very beautiful, highly sophisticated girls and some wealthy, horny customers who pay for some extra attention in the private rooms. But only a select few, the sexiest and the best, were allowed to take those kinds of customers, and the rest of the girls only heard rumours.

On first look he could tell that the girl in question was a dancer. Her lines were suitable for it, and there was a certain fluidity in her movements. No doubt she was here for a job as a stripper. The girls here, even the ones who don't give special favours, make more then enough with salary and tips. She had a kind of demeanor to her giving him the impression that she liked to read and think about life. But she didn't seem to have tok high an education. The girl also seemed to have an anger somewhere in there, just under her skin. Family problems, he concluded.

No doubt Alex was sizing her up too. "Unfortunately, sweetheart," Chris sighed, sharing an amused look with Alex, "I'm not the guy you're looking for. He's the tall and handsome beast sitting beside you," he grinned jokingly, tilting his head at Alexander. "But you can give your resume to me, and we need to see an ID. What's your name, sweetheart?"

@Surfergirlgh @Nat
She smiled back at the seemingly nervous girl. "You know Chris you shouldn't tease her so much, it's not fair on the poor girl." Lea said as she punched him lightly on the arm. He really could be such a mean tease to the girls, it was unbelievable, she thought as she too started looking the girl up and down, she looked like someone Alex might hire certainly.

"Also, 'tall and handsome'? Overdoing it a bit don't you think, he's not that good looking" Lea winked at the girl, trying to put her at ease since the boys could be... full on sometimes.
"Name is Alex, don't adress me as Alexander, nor do you use my surname while in the club" Alex started of with, his hands on his legs as he looked her up and down. There was potential, though he didn't get the same feel of her as of the others. A little too... Stubborn and not used to being looked at most likely. That could be it. Or it could just be the clothes that were wrong for now.

He sent Christophe a glare as to say shut up before your head is under the bar, burried in ice and then turned back to the blonde. Though, he liked that she seemed in controll of her own movements. Sliding down from the bar, he placed the empty glass on it, walking right over to her, taking a round around her, watching every inch of her, not touching, just watching. Any girl who was to move up at their stage had to have perfect movements.

"Lea, make her one of your typical ones, and make me one of those you know I like" He spoke while starting to walk away, his hands in his backpockets, heading towards the back where the doors to the strip rooms were. "You girl, are to show how you move even before I consider your papers." No need to bother with the papers before seeing the movements. If he spent time spoiling it like that, nothing good would happen. "Lea, bring the drinks there. Chrisophe, turn on the music"
Storm stared straight ahead as they inspected her, like farmers would at a cattle. She ben jutted out her chin to show them should didm't care. So this was the fabled Alex. He was definitely different than what she imagined. She thought he would have been some 45 year old slightly creepy man. What he was actually like was the opposite. He seemed genuinely kind and caring and he was, as Christophe said, Tall and Handsome. Christophe seemed different and slightly creepier and yet he looked at her taking everything in as if he knew her. Although she tried not to show her feelings it scared her slightly. Lea seemed like the type of girl Storm would get along with, Sarcastic, beautiful, fiery. Storm knew that even though she wasn't who she said she was, her and lea would get along like real friends. She listened as Christophe replied to her comment about a back room. Christophe was hard to read but she was pretty sure that he was lying. Well she would look into that later. Right now she needed to prove she could dance. "I am Storm by the way" She said to Alex and Christophe. She had decided with Jacob to use her real name because it would be easier for her to remember, although her surname had been changed. Cautiously and rather nervously she followed Alex towards the room.
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"I was not teasing her!" Christophe retorted indigenously. "You know I only like to tease you, bambi." Ignoring Alexander's glare in his direction, he took another sip of his drink and saluted his best friend, setting the snifter down before heading to the DJ's plate and putting on a track. He jumped off the DJ's pedestal, and when passing by Alex, put his hand on the other guy's shoulder and kindly reminded, "But we should really see her papers."

The boss knew how to run the place, and how to run the show, but he had a faithful sidekick ever-present in Christophe to make sure no danger comes to him or the club, even if the sidekick in question was ostentatiously idiotic.

"Storm. Great. Is that your birth name or a stage name you've chosen?" he asked, turning back to the guest, before his light-hearted tone suddenly turned businesslike as he held out a hand. "I need your ID and resume first though, before you follow Mr Alex." Only when the girl's identification and basic background were in his hands and he'd read through them would he go back to his normal easy-going self.
Storm glanced at him. He seemed more alert than what she first took him as. "Birth name" she said with a laugh " although it could just as easily be a stage name my mum went through some weird hippy stage" she finished pulling a face. Finally he asked tge question she knew would come. "Sure let me just grab them" she replied chirply her voice displayong nothing as she handed over the perfectly crafted resume and ID for Storm Grace Storey. An orphan who had just finished school and was looking fir a way to make money. Each document was created by someone who knew this job better than he knew himself. But still Storm felt slightly nervous although she didn't show it.

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