Behind the Mask [Inactive]

Quinn remained silent, her dark mood coming more to the surface as Xuewen showed such serious disrespect to Suzy. If Suzy hadn't sent him away, Quinn definitely would have- there was no room in this club for people like that. She felt bad that Suzy had to deal with those kinds of people... and from the sound of her voice she really was having family trouble back home for being without her mask. It really broke Quinn's heart and she really wanted to help... but didn't know how... so she fell back on her usual behavior- trying to lighten the situation.

"Well Suzy, I have absolute respect for your strength." Quinn said, giving Suzy an understanding smile. She was about to say more when she heard the familiar sound of Chris' voice and stood up to welcome him in. Instead she saw a pile of Chris and Edgar on the ground- putting together what must have happened she tried to hide a snicker. "Hey you two, are you alright?" She called over to them, leaving the table to see if they needed help up.
Edgar pushed at his friends back, eyes scrunching shut in concentration, attempting to remove his friends weight off of his body.

"Få av deg flammende idioter!(Get off you flaming idiot!")" He choked out before stopping and collapsing onto the floor in defeat letting out a stressed sigh.

Chris took his time as his laughter faded to a mere chuckle. Before he seemed to finally make the decision to stand. Letting out a small grunt from the small amount of physical work, running a strong hand through the front of his hair as he gave Quinn a small salute.

"I had a cushion so I'm cool." Chris informed her slyly giving Edgar a small grin which he could barely see from the corner of his mask. As he pushed off the ground searching the ground for a moment to make sure all of his belongings where in their rightful places. Then avoided any eye contact with the leader of their odd club, staring down the hall before nudging Chris awkwardly with his elbow. As if understanding his silent speech Chris gave a curt nod before turning to Quinn,

"Who was the guy who introduced me to the door?"
Ziying wrestled with her emotions--trying her best to straighten them out and turn the wrinkles into creases, it wasn't working. The images that flooded her head and mind were too much to handle--the tears were beginning to form.

But upon seeing the image of Chris and Edgar, and hearing Edgar voice his obvious protest of the situation in his mother tongue, she began to smile slowly, letting it slowly flicker out of the edges of her mouth first. She bit her lip and concealed the emotions as she heard Chris's question.

She smirked and rolled her eyes to the right as she stated, "No one Chris, he's no one."

The words hurt her--for so long Xuewen had been everything to her--that boy behind the mask meant had seen so much of Ziying, from her first kiss to her first love, and now what was he worth? Nothing now, he had come to represent all that she hated about the masks and the roles of society.

She looked again to Chris and said, "I'm--I'm sorry he knocked you over--" she searched for the right words before continuing "--but let me help you two have a seat, yeah?" She got up and went to the pair and pulled out chairs for them.

She sighed, and tried her best to put what had just happened, behind her.
Chris rose an unseen brow at Ziying before stepping up to her and poking the middle of her forehead.

"No one, what a peculiar name." He terribly joked earning a shove from Edgar to go towards the seats she had gratefully pulled out for them.

Chris let out a small scoff before falling into one of the two, then propping his feet up onto Edgar's.

"Poe likes to stand," Chris stated with a look that told you the exact opposite answer purposely. This caused the brunette to walk up and slowly crouched until he sat upon his tall friends ankles with the look only he would understand.

"You weigh nothing man, my little sister might as well have sat on me." Chris stated with a small chuckle before tugging his feet out from under Edgar.

This type of interaction felt nice, like the night before hadn't happened. But that's what Chris was good at loosing a grudge or letting something slide. And by the others reactions it seemed that Chris hadn't told them perhaps. The thought made Edgar loosen up and relax a bit more.
Ziying flinched at the poke to her forehead--physical interaction of any sort was something she was not terribly used to, it caused her to smile as she watched Chris and Edgar's peculiar interaction--it was peculiar to her because she had never seen two people so open and seemingly comfortable with each other. Even in her most intimate moments she has shared with Xuewen, they had never actually been truly spent much time just being next to each other.

She smiled a little, and went back to her seat--waiting for Quinn to begin their meeting. She still had questions about what happened to that quiet boy Edgar yesterday, but by the looks on their faces everything seemed okay, she'd have to be okay with that.

Despite what had just happened, the hardship these last two days had brought, these new friendships seemed to be the thing her life needed--a combination of spice and life, with equal helpings of joy and understanding--she felt comfortable here, and she enjoyed it.
Quinn smiled, shaking her head at Chris' antics and Edgar's ability to cope with them. She glanced over Edgar a little more than usual, trying to see if there was anything different about him that was absolutely noticeable... there really wasn't... which led her to draw the conclusion that he'd been hiding whatever was going on for a while. It saddened her, but it didn't dim her smile- there'd be no use in allowing something to bring her down when she had a club to run.

When she glanced over to Suzy she noticed there was a deep sadness in her eyes... and Quinn could honestly reflect that in a different way. The boy that had left... well he had been a total day spoiler.. but there must have been a reason Suzy had brought him which made her wonder just who the boy was to Suzy. Or who he had been.

Quinn shook herself from her thoughts. This was not the time or place- the club members had filed in, it was time for the meeting to start. Quinn hid the fact that she was worried- Adela had still not shown up. And there was a bit of a different 'air' about the area... like something was just a little bit off. Pushing that aside -planning to get to the bottom of it later- Quinn stood and waved to everyone in greeting.

"Hi guys! It's good to see all your faces and masks today! The play the other day was a serious success! A lot of people loved it! Which is saying a lot for us since there were people not wearing masks in the play... we're just that little bit further in getting people to accept us. And we made a good bit of money for our next project- as well as some set aside for an end of year trip! So truly, I'm really very proud of everyone and all we've accomplished thus far. Good job you guys!!!" Quinn said, clapping for everyone.
Chris let out a bellowed woo, like you would at a sports game of any sort. As Edgar quietly clapped a small smile playing on his lips, before readjusting his satchel and finally removing it and placing it on the desk he sat at.

"End of the year trip? We should go to like...." Chris tapped his chin of his mask looking up at the ceiling before pointing up at the sky,

"The moon man." It was difficult to see whether or not he was joking as he looked around the room. Until Edgar snorted into his hand nodding no,

"What? Dude nah man, the moon imagine it. C'mon it's probably only like 7.2 billion dollars a ticket, we can do that." Chris slammed his hand on Edgar's desk,

"The moon." He stated again with disbelief but Edgar continued to nod no, before grabbing his notebook and writing smoothly,

'I'd say yes but I don't like heights..' Before snapping his fingers and showing Chris quietly. This statement earned a flick on the forehead,

"Idiot." He chuckled.

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