Behind the Mask [Inactive]


Ace Character - Final 4
RubyRose submitted a new role play:

Behind the Mask - Will showing the world who you are make or break you?

It’s all you’ve ever known- this mask. This image that represents you, that shows the world who you are. It reveals where you belong socially. It’s a physical manifestation of your personality- what everyone else wants to see from you, the things you want everyone to see.
Everyone has a mask. It defines who they are, where they belong. It shows who the strong are, and who the weak are- who is to be picked on and who deals the pain- rich or poor- brains or brawn. It dictates the world into...
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RubyRose updated Behind the Mask with a new update entry:

When will we start?

Just figured I'd let the world know that if we get another person in this I'll get it started. Even when this gets started people will still be free to join! For a little while, at least, wouldn't want this overloading with people.
Read the rest of this update entry... 
(OOC: Classes have been added to maps and laid out pretty basically. There's a choice of 3 Electives for each character and of course some characters will have advanced characters, etc. The idea of putting it up is so that we have an idea of what classes are when so we can keep track of each other)

Canton High School was a month into the school year and the chill of winter was just beginning to bite. The leaves were changing color and time moving forward though society continued to stay the same.

Lunch had just started for Quinn after a morning of people asking her, not for the first or last time, when she planned on putting her mask back on. She found that it was best to just ignore them at this point. She had answered for awhile that she wouldn't and they didn't believe her so she began to answer snarkily 'when are you going to take yours off?' but in the end she found just not responding was the best way to get around it for her.

Having printed out a flyer this morning Quinn went over to the bulletin board to staple it up, ignoring the whispers about her not wearing her mask. Quinn had noticed a few other people who didn't wear masks around the school and around town and she wanted to get to know them better so she decided that she might as well try starting up a club.

She realized that the repercussions for this would be a bit troublesome- people would be against it or use the club to try and convince them to put their masks back on - but Quinn had stewed over this long enough to convince herself there were more Pros then Cons. Every little step towards breaking Society's chains on their school was a step closer to actually making a difference in the world. Or at least in the town.

Smiling at the flyer Quinn gave a little nod, ignoring the dirty looks shot her direction, and heading to the library where she would be able to enjoy her lunch without people constantly staring her down or bugging her about her mask.
Feathers. She always wore feathers in her hair even when she still had her mask on. Contessa didn't feel complete with out the feather tucked into her hair. When she was young her grandfather use to bird watch and when he would find stray feathers he would bind them together and then tuck them into her hair. Her fingertips brushed across the fingers and she stopped looking up to see the mask of Obe. She bit her lip hearing muffled groans from her younger brother. She felt bad for him. If she had it bad then Obe and Corey had it worse. It was one thing to have people constantly give her looks of disgust and hatred, but it made it worse to know her siblings suffered as well. She heard Obe complain at home about how kids would pester him with questions about why his sister didn't wear her mask, and say that she was a rebel. Some had even tried to get him to take off his mask. "Obe?" She asked

"It's nothing Tessa. See you at home." He rushed past her and noticed a few guys dressed in school lettermens laughing. She glared at them and they brushed her off like she was nothing. She sighed heavily going to look at the school announcement board. There was a school play coming up and she hoped to audition. That is if they didn't make some ridiculous role about how all performers had to wear a mask.

Her pale brown eyes scanned the board and something stood out to her. A flyer. It didn't bare the approved stamp the rest of the posters did. It was quite simple. An advertisement for a new club. Grabbing her phone from her purse she snapped a picture of the flyer and then went to the courtyard to eat her home-packed lunch or cold noodle salad with pickled veggies and a can of Sprite. Contessa always sat out int the courtyard. It was ful of freshmen and some seniors, and both classes didn't seem to mind her maskless face.
Edgar slid a finger down the line of his jaw as he strode through the schools halls at his own pace. Though his chest felt tight with pressure due to his revealed face, he still held his head up a bit higher a sense of pride swirling within him. He'd constantly feel the stares bore into his back or look him straight in the eye, but he had grown used to them. His friends have come to enjoy the sight of his true face, his true colors. And those two people where all that really mattered to him so why worry about the others. Edgar gripped his notebook to his chest, past conversations filling each page of the book, holding loved memories.

His olive eyes skimmed the walls as thoughts filled his mind, the corner of his lips rising into a crooked smile. He had almost reached the library when he noticed a new poster stuck to the bulletin board. If he hadn't been paying attention it's dull and simple design would've been passed without thought, his mind forgetting it by the time he entered the library. The sound of his moving feet ceased as he stopped staring at the poster for a moment, making out the words. A club. He would never even think about joining a club but this one caught his eye, the words though slightly difficult to read over seemed promising. And with a small click of his camera which he held in his book bag he captured the poster, and entered the library. Hoping to find yet another book to enjoy before the end of lunch.
Quinn spent an enjoyable time in the Library where she and Adela spoke back and forth through written notes and hunted down a couple new books to read. Quinn refrained once again from asking Adela why she hadn't taken her own mask off yet, considering she was the reason that Quinn had removed her's. But she couldn't bring up the courage or to even tell Adela about he group she was going to try and start. She wondered if anyone had even seen it or if she'd be sitting alone after school. Of course, she could understand if the people who had seen it had sports practice, she usually did too... but she was going to miss it today to see if anyone would show up for the club - and then decide if sports was important enough to keep around and just have the club at a later time or if it would be best to let it go. It's not like she got any real playing time anymore... not since taking her mask off.

It really got on Quinn's nerves, if she was honest, how Coach kept her from playing just because of the mask. She might have thought herself to not be useful to the team but she had gotten a ton of playing time before taking her mask off but now... she was only put in when her skills with defense was the difference between winning and losing. So she knew she had at least some worth...

Time passed in a blur, after that, really. Her mind was trapped, wondering if anyone would show up for the club or if she had made a bigger fool of herself by putting that flyer out. Well... maybe she should just put her mask back on... But she wanted to give this a shot. She didn't want to go back to 'being a perfect citizen for society' just yet.
Edgar strolled through the many aisles of books, his footsteps silenced on top of the carpet. He had found a simple book, the cover wrinkled from past readers. But he still searched for his preferred book as he paused by a shelf of books, the sound of anyone being near not evident. As he pinched the top spine of the book he had been waiting for and pulled it out from the dusty ledge. Edgar's eyes skimmed over the words, checking back to his knowledge he found that he was correct. The book translated Norweigan words into English ones, and ever since the beginning of the year he had been waiting for it to appear.

He held the two books he quickly checked out close to his chest as he left the library once more, just in time to hear the bell ring for the end of lunch. Edgar passed the bulletin bourd it reminding him of the club, as he walked to class. He'd come to notice others had removed their masks as well, and wouldn't mind to meet some. And no one would miss him at the house, so why not stay for awhile after school. Just to see whether or not others will be there.
A small flame crackled and ticked in front of Conoll as he sat underneath the bleachers of the football field. The metal above him creaked with age, but he had no fear it would collapse. Looking down, he picked up a small stick on the ground next to him and threw it into the pot he had the fire burning in. He sat alone of course, eating the small bit of food he had taken from the cafeteria earlier. Looking across the field, he saw the courtyard where all the other students gathered. Ignoring them, he went back to stoking the flames. A sudden gust of wind blew around the loose grass in the field around him, and a piece of paper tumbled beside him. Picking it up, he went to throw it into the fire, but stopped to look at it for a second. It was a poster for an after school group for people who've taken off their masks. He was about to throw it into the fire, when he changed his mind, and crumpled it up, shoving into his jacket's pocket.
Charlie strolled through the halls her head bobbing her head lightly to the sound of the music. Her face was exposed to a hole crowed of people full of masks. They looked at her, some of them looked at her disgusted while others didn't even look at her at all. Charlie learned to ignore the vicious looks and silent whispers. She knew she wasn't the only one who didn't wear a mask, and she had to admit that was a comforting feeling. She would love the chance to meet some of them. Opening her locker she took out some more notebooks her mask sitting on top of a pile of books. Yes Charlie doesn't wear her mask... but she didn't have what it takes to totally demolish its existence. She just couldn't, not yet.

Through her earphones she could hear the piercing rings of the school bell. Closing her locker she hurried to class, but paused for a quick moment looking at a poster on the bulletin board that caught her attention. She smiled at the poster then continued to walk to class. A club for those who took off there mask? I better check it out.
Quinn was happy when she heard the final school bell ring, quickly dropping her books off in her locker before grabbing out assorted snacks and bringing them to the room she had asked everyone to meet up at. Her mom had even helped her bake cupcakes and make rice-crispies for the occasion.

It didn't take Quinn long to hang up a simple banner saying 'Welcome' and to get everything placed in a way she hoped looked inviting before taking a seat at the head of the classroom and waiting to see if anyone else would arrive. Her heart was in her throat and time seemed to slow down so after a minute passed she was already fidgeting in place, constantly checking the clock to see how long she had been waiting.

She chewed on her lower lip while watching the second hand tick by, beginning to doubt herself even though it had only been a couple minutes. She watched the door anxiously, fingers tapping restlessly against the desk before she got a grip. Taking a deep breath she sat back, attempting to look collected and cool, as she waited in a manner she hoped was patient.
Edgar at the sound of the last bell stood up quietly, gathering his books and utensils. One by one he filled his satchel with each notebook and textbook. By the time he had finished the room only consisted of him and his teacher. Edgar nodded to the man and left walking in the opposite direction of the exit. His mind holding the image of the poster, the clubs location repeating itself in his mind.

He walked through the zoo like hallways quietly. Edgar didn't show it on his face but he was a bit nervous to meet others, though he wanted too. What if it was a prank? The thought caused him to stop in front of the classroom door and reach towards the doorknob more cautiously. Please don't be a prank...he thought before turning the knob and entering to find a short haired girl sitting in the front. Her facial expression holding anxiety.
Charlie almost ran out of class when she herd the final bell. She pushed herself through the halls with a bunch of "excuse me" and "sorry". She passed her locker throwing in some notebooks. Charlie wondered through the halls until finding the right room, or what she hoped was the right room. She gave a small knock and opened the door, poking her head in first. She saw a short haired girl, who looked like she was trying to hide her anxiousness, there was also a boy. "Hey," she said not knowing what else to say.
Quinn waved, her heart becoming lighter at the appearance of two mask-less faces in the doorway. She couldn't control the smile that had formed on her lips... she knew she wasn't the only one but to see other people's faces and not just as a side glance in the hallway was fantastic.

"Hi!" She greeted, maybe a little bit too enthusiastically. She just couldn't get over the feeling that people had actually shown up. She was afraid that no one would.... "My name is Quinn." She added as an afterthought, realizing it would be rude if she didn't introduce herself. She considered saving the time of repeating her name later, saying that more people arrived, but in the end decided she wouldn't mind repeating it if it came down to it.

"I'm really glad you guys are here. I mean... I know I'm not the only one but to actually be able to talk to other people is a really great feeling!" Quinn said, beginning to ramble as her nerves got the better of her.
Edgar smiled and chuckled at the girls charasmatic attitude, and found himself inspecting the sight of her full face. If they where to have each of their masks on, her bright smile would've gone unseen. Edgar looked down and opened his satchel picking through the books inside before finding his specific notebook for conversations. It's worn leather surface cool on his finger tips as he wrote, 'I'm Edgar Allan Brooks...nice to meet you.' He had a habit of introducing himself with his whole name. But he didn't care as he flipped the notebook so both the girls could read it.

Excitement filled him, happy to find others.
Charlie smiled as the girl soon perked up and introduced herself. Next she read as the boy wrote out his full name in a beautiful leather notebook. Charlie gave another warm and bright smile. I guess it's my turn. "My name is Charlotte Lane, but you guys can call me Charlie if you want," she said tucking a stran of brown hair behind her ear. She was so excited to meet other non mask wearers.
"It's really nice to meet you guys. Edgar and Charlie... got it, I won't forget your names now! Hopefully... Anyways, I don't know if you're wondering why I called you guys here or not but... well I guess I just wanted to find other people who weren't letting society hold them back anymore." Quinn said, excited to not only be able to see other people's face but now also having a name to the faces.

"I know the likelihood of getting more people to take their masks off are pretty slim... and that won't be our goal... I mean, if you actually want to be a part of this club... But I guess I was figuring our goal could be along the lines of getting other people to accept us... or, well if that's too much then maybe just being able to be around people who accept us." Quinn stopped, her face flushing red as she realized she had begun to ramble again. 'Oh yeah, real professional Quinn... you're going to end up talking them right out the door if you're not careful.' Quinn thought to herself.
Edgar's smile grew as the other girl, who's name he found out to be Charolette introduced herself. A strand of his hair fell in front of his forehead, as he thought about Quinn's words. The idea do being around people much like himself seemed like enough to stay int his club. Now to find out they where as well going to try to find acceptance in their school, it only made him want to join more. Edgar nodded in agreement his lips still spread in a thin smile that caused dimples to appear on his pale cheeks.
To be accepted by others. It sounded like a dream, or a fairy tail you tell to a child before they go to bed. Ever since she took her mask off she never got acceptance and she has learned to live without it. Yet that doesn't mean it hurts any less. The fact that this club's goal was to have others accept people like her was exciting. She was happy to have come. "Um how are we going to get people to accept us?" she asked curiously. She was excited about this club, she felt like she would get a long quiet alright here.
"That's really a very good question." Quinn said sheepishly, scratching at the back of her neck. "I have some ideas... but nothing substantial just yet. I just figured we could be like other clubs - go to sports games and show our support for the school and stuff. You know, remind people that we're just as much a part of this school as they are and we're just as awesome!- I mean, I believe we're on a whole new level of awesome because we were strong enough to take our masks off but like...we shouldn't tell them that." Quinn said, her face reddening further. She didn't know why but she had just a touch of trouble when trying to explain things to other, her voice choking up a bit even though she knew what she was saying and wasn't particularly nervous.

"Do you guys have any ideas on events and stuff we can be at? Also, I thought we could try hosting things like get a play going in younger students and a talent show and stuff... but I wasn't completely sure. I've never really done this before... but I just figured it was time we did. Because we're still people even though we've taken our masks off."
Conoll gathered his stuff from around the fire as the bell to end school rang. He had fallen asleep earlier, and missed most of his classes. Making to leave for the bus stop, he paused as he suddenly remembered the poster. Well, it wouldn't kill him to check it out. Turning, Conoll set off back to the school at a brisk pace. When he arrived, back at the building, he slipped through the door without opening it much. He pulled out the poster again checking which classroom it was in, and ran for it. Skidding across the floor in front of the door a few minutes later, he kicked it open loudly and walked inside. There were only three other people there, so he just walked in and slumped down on a chair, ignoring the eyes that fell on him.
Edgar nodded in agreement Quinn's definitely found some sort've draft of ideas. He wanted to say something, his mouth even opening a bit but then remembered where he was and stayed silent instead of joining the conversation in voice but joining by writing. His pencil slid a crossed the paper writing out an idea, but it stopped when the door opened with much force. Edgar jumped a bit it never being hard to startle him, he rose a shaky hand when the boy sat down and waved sheepishly.
Seeing a new face come in Quinn sat up a little straighter... not only because his entrance had startled her. He didn't seem to meet anyone's gaze which was confusing since he had made such a noisy entrance, but Quinn shrugged.

"Hi! Glad you could join us! I'm Quinn! And you are?" She asked, attempting to appear polite. She wondered if she should start writing down a list of people who showed up on the first day... she wondered if any of them would keep showing up. She seemed to have Edgar and Charlie on her side, at least. But... well she wasn't so sure about this guy- and that wasn't because he had just walked in.

Either way, the club was open to all who don't wear a mask and any person who was willing to join and help with the cause, should feel welcomed. "Sorry that we got started a bit without you- I guess I was kind of excited to see other people without masks and jumped the gun. Do any of you know any more who might be joining us so I know if I should wait to continue?"
Edgar thought back to the little amount of people he had seen without masks, they had been strangers and he hadn't seen them since then. He nodded no to Quinn, unaware of anyone else that would perhaps show up to their small club. He looked over to the other boy who sat down, a bit intimated by his stance and lack of emotion. Edgar hoped he'd open up, if this where to become a regular thing.
"Connol." It was all Connol said in response to Quinn asking him his name. He ignored her question about other people, and scanned the room.

"Well if this isn't the sorriest group of people..." He muttered under his breath as he looked at the faces of the people in the room individually. Rolling back his shoulders he looked to the side and pulled and empty chair in front of him, kicking up his feet onto it. He yawned quite loudly, and when he noticed all the eyes on him, he made a gesture for them to continue.
Quinn sighed... she supposed that people who showed the world their true faces came in all forms... but this Connol person... Quinn was really hoping they didn't end up getting on the other colleagues nerves. Trying to remember what they had been talking about Quinn reflected on her words... but she couldn't really recall. Well, next order of business, then.

"So... if we're all in agreement to starting this... we need to have a regular meeting time. It could be once a week or it could be after school every day... I am in sports at the moment but I'm willing to give that up if need be. Does anyone have any time in particular they would prefer to meet? How often do we want to do this?"

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