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Futuristic Behind Concrete Bars | OOC

Sorry! I swear your other two sentences hadn't been there but maybe I'm just tired. Anyway yeah, like I said I don't think they'd have too many issues unless Peri was involved. Ambrosia probably wouldn't be too good with kids lol. Other than that though I could maybe see them also being able to confide in each other over the things they have in common. Their fear of losing their family or also not being able to keep up with others who have abilities, idk.
I think Lin would respect Amber's work ethic, dedication, and skill (particularly when it comes to stealth, which is paramount in their line of work and not Lin's strong suit). She would probably be in the habit of telling her off for being harsh or rude, though, I think.
I wonder if there would be a power struggle, since they've been in I.S. approximately the same amount of time but Lin is second-in-command? (Well, she is as long as Haru approves it anyway xD )
Yeah, honestly I can see it going two ways. At times they're really close and at others totally at odds with each other's way of dealing with things.

Ah probably, yeah. Even if she tried not to I think Amber's just a pretty competitive person, though she always tries to put I.S. first (and sometimes fails).
I'll kick off IC sometime tomorrow I think, little busy tomorrow so it might be later in the day, but keep an eye out for it.
I am working on my character sheets now, sorry it's taking so long. I should have them up by the end of the day.
No problem, take your time. I'm just going to try and get the first post down sometime today, I don't think things will move very fast in the beginning.

As far as previous relations in the past for Iblic, it would certainly be possible. If anyone had ever spent time in Viktor's squad they would have previous relationships from that, Lin fits that bill. Other than that, he has spent the last 4 months training around the I.S. Anyone with a hand in R&D would know him from his work there and could have interacted with him. Finally, he has spent the last four months training, be it anything from lifting, hand to hand, marksmanship, and training his power. Anyone was free to approach him during that time period, though he probably wouldn't have gone out of his way to approach anyone else.

On a side note, I think with five of us I don't think I'll include any "background" characters in the squad. Five is large enough that they can operate as a covert ops and tactical strike. Just in case anyone was wondering.
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No problem, take your time. I'm just going to try and get the first post down sometime today, I don't think things will move very fast in the beginning.

As far as previous relations in the past for Iblic, it would certainly be possible. If anyone had ever spent time in Viktor's squad they would have previous relationships from that, Lin fits that bill. Other than that, he has spent the last 4 months training around the I.S. Anyone with a hand in R&D would know him from his work there and could have interacted with him. Finally, he has spent the last four months training, be it anything from lifting, hand to hand, marksmanship, and training his power. Anyone was free to approach him during that time period, though he probably wouldn't have gone out of his way to approach anyone else.

On a side note, I think with five of us I don't think I'll include any "background" characters in the squad. Five is large enough that they can operate as a covert ops and tactical strike. Just in case anyone was wondering.
So Iblic, Lin and Amber have definitely been working together for a while. They all know Peri as well, obviously, but haven't been training with her as she's (against Lin's wishes) just joining the squad. Though I think in the last couple of months Peri would have approached Iblic to start training with him.
Jay is also new to the squad and I.S., and I'm not sure about Eloise, or Ardor and Reven's characters yet ._.
IC is up!

Take your time responding, I know we still have a few CS coming in potentially.
CS up. sorry about the super lengthy bio. i just kept on going and going. told you i invest into characters i come up with ;) i intentionally forced myself to stop on the bio cause the next thing was to mention every other character and that would have doubled the length it already was. but something that may be worth noting for the intro (if i get accepted) is that Iblic has only really run into Aurora during the few times he's gone to the infirmary from whatever wounds or injuries he might have gotten. the rest of anything he'd know about her his former squad mate would have mentioned. so that can be anything in the CS. i left that open. see you all tomorrow/today
CS up. sorry about the super lengthy bio. i just kept on going and going. told you i invest into characters i come up with ;) i intentionally forced myself to stop on the bio cause the next thing was to mention every other character and that would have doubled the length it already was. but something that may be worth noting for the intro (if i get accepted) is that Iblic has only really run into Aurora during the few times he's gone to the infirmary from whatever wounds or injuries he might have gotten. the rest of anything he'd know about her his former squad mate would have mentioned. so that can be anything in the CS. i left that open. see you all tomorrow/today
Waaaah she's awesome. I feel like it's so cool to have a medic, plus her having a difficult relationship with Iblic makes it super interesting!
Waaaah she's awesome. I feel like it's so cool to have a medic, plus her having a difficult relationship with Iblic makes it super interesting!
what I was hoping to aim for. i always try include some back story that's related to some of the characters if i can. that way there's some interaction and some pre-established connections
what I was hoping to aim for. i always try include some back story that's related to some of the characters if i can. that way there's some interaction and some pre-established connections
Haha same here! Depending on how my process is going, I try to make those plots while I'm creating the character and/or after I've posted their profile~ I love plots! >w<

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