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Beginning of A New Era


New Member
Two men were in the center of a circular room. One was hunched over panting and the other was cleaning his sword.

"I seem...to be catching...up to you." Lucifer says between his pants. Michael nodded.

"Yeah you've come a lot further than I was expecting in such a short amount of time," Michael says while smirking, "but you're still a pretty good ways from taking me on one on one."


"Yes, but don't worry, each day you are improving faster than the day before. I have seen very few people who handle the ax as well as you do."

Lucifer smiled a bit at the recognition.

"It's so true," A new voice sounded, "I love to watch you both train. It's so exciting. Better than what twilight has me doing." She finished with a pout.

"Learning twilight's Magic takes time and effort Seren, just like combat. The difference lies in what muscles you exercise." Michael said.

"Yeah I know it's just not that easy." She said sullenly.

"Some lessons can only be learned the hard way." Lucifer interjected into their conversation.

"And on that note I'm done for the day." Michael started walking out of the room.

"But I'm not done yet!" Lucifer hunched over gasping for breath as he finished the sentence.

"Yes you are." Michael said whilst walking out the door. A smirk on his face and a hammer in his fist.

Whistling as he walked through the hallway, his phone vibrated. It read

Twilight: Come to the command room. Meredith is on the line.

'Ugh, gotta go talk to the boss.' He thought. Michael arrived to the command room within a few minutes. On the screen above the console was an image of a middle aged woman with dirty blonde hair down past her shoulders. She was in a black overcoat with a red shirt underneath.

"Michael, have you captured the target yet?" Meredith questioned.

"I have secured the P.O.I, yes. He is currently under sedation in the medical ward." Michael answered quickly.

"Then why haven't you returned to base to turn him over?"

"About that...I have two new possible recruits for the organization. I was hoping to run them by you first to see if you approve." Michael said hesitantly.

She was quiet and leaned out of frame for a minute. When she leaned back in she said "Bring them in and I'll see if they're up to the task of joining."

"Roger. We are inbound eta 4 hours." Michael said and closed the transmission.
It had been quite the exhilarating time for the Time Lord, and his 'assistant', as of late. Being introduced to other universes, dealing with demons, capturing criminals...not to mention, learning how to fight, unlocking unique powers, and so much more. While the girl, Seren, was getting a little overloaded with all the new experiences, the man, Lucifer, couldn't get enough. It was tedious at first, of course, but now? Finally, it was getting a little easier. Sure, the guy was still leagues behind most enemies. But that thought never seemed to be enough to shut him down. He strove for growing stronger, and it was showing. The most recent case, being his training with Michael. No matter what Luci might say on the outside, the man knew he wasn't anywhere close to Michael, in terms of power. But everyday, it seems like the Time Lord can go just a tad bit longer, hit just a tad stronger.

Seren to, was growing. The group decided sometime ago, that they would operate under, 'roles'. Luci got 'tank', while Seren got, 'Support'. Quite the broad term. Turned out that the type of support she would be providing, was mostly magical. Siting on the sidelines, screwing with people, giving allies the upper hand. The girl wasn't terrible nowadays, but she had a long way to improve. Remembering all the spells, keeping a calm head, and stuff like that, doesn't come easy. But unlike Lucifer, she has the ability to use it. Which in the long run, will be worth the hard times spent now.

When Michael walked out of the room, Luci had to let the ax lean against the railing. It was still way heavy, despite the modifications the man had made to it. Mostly just a hollow shell, made up of a unique alloy. The blades could be swapped out, but currently there was no way to easily store extra ones. Despite Luci's best efforts, it couldn't conduct enough energy to 'fire out' any sort of projectile. It could make the blade a little electric to touch, but that was about it. In truth, all in all? The man hated it. It was such a waste of time and energy, worthless. Coming from someone so intelligent, certainly he could think of a way to fix all these issues. Which...technically, he can. He did. But the resources at hand, and the tools available just aren't enough. Luci had asked Michael before, if there was any place that had access to such things. The guy said there was, yeah. But never bothered to explain...

"It's just so...so frustrating!" Luci exclaimed, gripping the railing tight. His knuckles started going white, forcing the man to stop. Seren just sighed in the back ground, and leaned against it on the other side of the propped up ax. "I don't...can't get strong enough. He's just so far ahead. And then maybe, if I could get this thing," he slapped the flat of one of the blades, "to work properly, then I'd have some sort of chance." Since the mission with Malkiovich, the Time Lord had finally realized, how weak he was. How weak Seren was. How much stronger, they needed to be. That's when at least Luci, got serious with training. Honestly, the progress he made just in that short while is astounding. But when you look at the things you need to protect, and you know right now, that it's impossible...

"Hey, we're in this together, aren't we?" The girl pipped up. Her tone wasn't as sweet as usual. More to the fact, straight forward. "You seem to forget that a lot." Seren stopped for a second, getting her thought together. It was a minute before she spoke up again. "This is all about that damn Malkoi...whatever his name was. You know why it was so hard?" The question was something Luci had pondered many times, so he listened intently. "It's cause you fought alone. Michael and Twilight have their own thing going. But if we wan't to join them, then we need a thing. Maybe if our teamwork improves..." She stopped, seeming lost for words. Taking the chance, Luci helped finish it.

"It'll be like both of us fighting with a combined power, then individual strengths." The answer sure seemed that simple. Such a simple solution however, was quite a hard thing to grasp as a Time Lord. It's never, 'simple'. But...but maybe in this situation, it is? Several moments grew out, but eventually the man started nodding. "Okay...okay yeah, maybe that can work. Let's do it then!" With a small smile, Luci extended his hand for a shake. Without hesitating, Seren took it. They both looked back out into the room, wondering what to do next.
3 hours later.

Michael leaned forward on the command console, behind him say Lucifer and

Seren. To his right was twilight sitting on the railing. He was quiet for a moment, gathering his thoughts for what he was going to say. Both of them were staring at him, waiting for him to say something. When he finally spoke, he did so slowly, picking his words with caution.

"It's been a long time since I've done this for someone, let alone two people. I know I've been ambiguous about what I do. I haven't been completely honest with you and for the most part I've been downright deceitful. That changes now. Everything I'm telling you now is because I trust the two of you." He paused for a moment before continuing. "I work for what is known as the Organization. It is a massive enterprise that spans thousands upon thousands of universes. Some call us peacekeepers, although that is hardly our job. We try not to interfere in any one universe. We will be arriving at the home base soon. There is where we will turn over Malkiovich." They both stared at Michael, unsure of what to think of this information that had just been unvieled to them. "I realize this is probably more than y'all were expecting when y'all signed on to run with me." He smiled, "This is the point in which everything changes for you two. If either of you want to go home now I won't blame you. I'll just drop you off no questions asked. But if you want to do something exciting...come with Twilight and I." Michael smiled, leaned forward, and started walking towards the med bay.

Once he left the command room Twilight walked around to his spot in front of Lucifer and Seren. She smiled and summarized Michaels whole speech, "If you two want to keep on doing what you've been doing then I suggest you come along. After all what's the harm in trying." She followed after Michael, leaving the two to their thoughts.

Medical bay.

There were three tables lined up in a row with high tech machinery on the sides. On the opposite side of the entrance stood a lone chamber with a humanoid figure suspended inside of a goo like substance. Michael was infront, peering inside of the chamber, lost in thought. Twilight came from behind him and embraced him, resting her head on his shoulder. They stood there in silence for awhile. Just enjoying each other's company. Michael spoke, breaking the spell over them. "We almost died. It was a fluke that we won."

"No, it wasn't a fluke, Michael, it was teamwork." She spoke quietly.

"Heh, yes it was twilight. That was dumb luck that we won. I've been too complacent. I've been getting soft." He said while resting his head on the glass chamber. He brought his hand up and cupped hers. "I've been taking too many risks lately." He finished with a sigh.

Twilight stifled a giggle. "Did you just hear yourself? Too many risks? That sounds just like something I would say." She had a soft smile on her face. "Michael the day that you stop taking risks is the day hell will freeze over. I would bet money on it."

Michael grinned, "Yeah you're right."

After awhile Twilight disengaged, instead opting to stand beside him and hold his hand. "We oughtta head back in there. Can't leave the two lovebirds alone for too long." Michael smirked at Twilight.

"Oh shut it, you're far worse than Lucifer will ever be." She shot back.

"Oh it's Lucifer who I'm concerned for. I've seen the way Seren looks at him when she thinks no ones watching. Almost like a tiger stalking her prey. It's kinda funny actually." Michael said, slightly laughing.

Twilight sighed, "I can't believe it, but you're right. I'm going to have to give Seren some pointers aren't I?"

"Please do, make it easier for all of us." Michael said whilst tightening his grip on her hand and leading her out of the med bay and towards the command room.
The two stood in silence, after Michael and Twilight left the room, not before leaving the massive bomb that was the truth. Neither knew quite how to think about it. Lucifer's mind ran in a million directions at once, contemplating every detail Michael let loose. Meanwhile Seren, had pretty much already made up her mind. She stared at the man, a little worried. At this point, the girl knew just about every tick Luci has, but this? This was a big one. There were so many questions, accusations, theories...too many to count. It wasn't until Seren became so concerned, that she put her hand on the guy's shoulder. Luci's mind slowed down at the touch, a small sense of comfort wafting over him.

"Luci...hey, listen. It's okay, right? We wanted to help people, and if Twilight was recommending it herself...I'm sure this a good idea for us." Seren said softly, staring into the Time Lord's aged eyes. The girl could swear she seen him even out on the spot, relaxing ever so slightly.

Luci was quiet for a moment, the last of his thoughts perishing against the gaze of those green eyes. Sighing, he spoke, "...yes, I suppose you're right. Neither of them are lairs...more or less. Plus, I am very curious what this, 'Organization', has to offer." The possibility of such a place existing was actually rather exciting. They must be highly advanced to manage such an operation. "I guess all we have to do now is wait."
"Hey Lucifer, why don't you take command since you're always complaining about my piloting." Michael said while moving to another console.

"Oh thank the God I don't believe in." Lucifer sighed, moving up to the main control panel. Fiddling with the switches he glanced up at the screen above him and froze. "Uhh...what?" He asked, perplexed

Michael stopped inputting commands into the console and turned to Lucifer. "Come on I've told you like 3 times. That literally 2 more than I needed to considering you're a time lord. Just put it into the multiversal chronometer." Michael replied, shaking his head, and returning back to his task of inputs.

"But Michael, if I do that it'll put too much strain on the Eye of Harmony and we will end up stranded in the void." Lucifer said hesitantly, knowing that Michael probably had a counter to this.

"Lucifer I know you've figured it out by know. My TARDIS doesn't have an Eye of Harmony. It uses something a little more different. I can show you whenever we get there." Michael stated as he left the console to go down under the command room. As Lucifer brought them closer to their destination the ship started shaking. Slightly at first but then it it ramped up.

"BREAKS! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE?!"Michael yelled from underneath the floor of the console.

"I KNOW WHAT THE DAMN BREAKS ARE!! THEY'RE NOT ENGAGING!!" Lucifer yelled back. Seren and Twilight we gripping the railing hard enough to turn their knuckles white. Finally Twilight had enough and pushed Lucifer out of the way and smashed the break lever down. The TARDIS came to a sudden and grinding halt causing everyone to fall down. An awful groan came from the belly of the room. 

"Michael...? Was that you or the TARDIS?" Lucifer asked hesitantly as he picked himself up off the ground. 

"That...was the sound of my sanity finally breaking." He said whilst climbing up the stairs. "And also when I have lost all faith either of our abilities to pilot this damn thing."

"You don't even-" Lucifer stopped when Michael raised his hand.

"Yes I'm aware of how much of a better pilot you are than me that was sarcasm. I just mean sometimes you just gotta make it happen." Michael grinned and walked past the three to the door. Outside of it lie something beyond either of lucifer or Seren's wildest dreams.

Michael and Twilight stepped out of the TARDIS into what seemed to be nothing. He looked around for a second before motioning for the two to follow him. Michael started to explain what they were seeing. 

"All the hallways in this wing are basically see through. If you look over there," he pointed out a dull blue light shines into existence. It expanded into red, gold, and green. "that is a nebula. We call it the starcracker. As we walk through more stars and nebulas with appear." He said before turning back around and continuing into the black void. 

Seren's mouth was open in awe. Lucifer nudged her shoulder, motioning for her to walk with him, not wanting to get lost. They followed closely behind Michael, true to his word more galaxies had appeared. It ended up almost lighting their way through the unseen corridor. Slowly the lights began to go out, as the darkness of the void was replaced by that of grey panels with bright white lights overhead. 

"We are in the upper northwest wing right now." Michael said while stopping in the middle of the hallway. "My boss's office is close to here. Now I just want to warn you, she can be a little...intense. Like, if you think I'm bad just wait until you meet Meredith." He grinned and motioned for them to follow. 

"She's really not that bad." Twilight whispered to Seren and Lucifer. Smiling, she said "She just gives Michael a hard time because he's a little..." She paused looking for the right word.

"Hardheaded?" Seren piped up.

"Asshole?" Lucifer supplied.

"Difficult." She responded with a grin. "You both have spent enough time with him to know how he is." 

They both nodded in agreement. 

"Just be respectful and you'll be fine." She smiled at them.

"Here we are guys." Michael stopped before a plain looking door before knocking three times. The door slid upwards, disappearing into the ceiling. 

The room was mostly bare white tiles, with the two exceptions being a desk and a glass screen that took the place of a fourth wall behind the desk. Beyond the glass screen lie a grassy field with both the sun and moon just barely above the horizon. It was a beautiful sight to behold. 

"Michael." A stern voice called. It belonged to a woman who appeared to be in her late 20s or early 30s. She had on a black vest and pants with a red trim. Her hair was tied neatly into a ponytail which came out of the back of her black commander cap. Her features softened as she saw Twilight enter the room, followed closely by Seren and Lucifer.

"These must be the new recruits you wished to enter into the program are they not?" She questioned.

"They are ma'am. Seren and Lucifer. Both highly capable prospective a if I do say so myself." He grinned whilst saying.

"Hmm I would hope so, we only accept the best. You know that Michael or you wouldn't have brought them." She turned her attention to Seren and Lucifer. "I'll get straight to it. This is no place for inexperienced adolescents. I don't care who you are or where you came from. The only thing I do care about is where or not you've got what it takes to become a member." 

Seren was practically shaking, whilst Lucifer just stood there, taking it all in.

She turned back to Michael who was trying his hardest to hold back a laugh. "Michael I believe you have something for me?" She questioned.

"Ah yes...him. He's currently in both a medical and fist induced coma. I can transfer him to the Hold once I show these two around. Is that okay?" He questioned.

"Make sure you do just that." She said making her way over to her desk, retrieving a holographic map, and handing it to Michael. "Here use this. I doubt you want to show them everything and I know you still get lost." She slight smirked at him.

Michael sighed,"It hasn't happened in over ten years will you let it go." He groaned dramatically.

She smiled and waved them out of the room. The door closed behind them while Michael popped open the holomap. It showed a five story layout of intricate hallways each connected by a large room. He pointed out a red dot that signified their location. He drew a path that descended a coupled floors into a room labeled the Armory. "We'll start here." 

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