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Fantasy Before the Autumn Tithe

Liza had noticed Adonis, but she had elected to ignore him. It was obvious he had been out doing who knows what last night. As was his habit. She wasn't intending to be rude either, she didn't think he was the worst. But, as she was oft reminded, Liza tended to see the best in others until absolutely or unavoidably proven otherwise. Still, for the sake of a decent interaction being her first Liza had been attempting to shuffle Callie through the parlor towards where she assumed other family would be. But of course, Liza was not so lucky. She nearly collided with Callie as the girl appeared right in front of her. Jane filled the now vacant space behind her and Liza could hear her stifle a giggle.

"It's alright." Liza attempted to shepherd the curious but overly skittish child onward but sucked in another startled breath as the girl reappeared in front of her again. It was an odd, mind-jarring ability. Liza hadn't yet given her child's gift much thought. Her mind was on other more pressing issues, like ensuring she settled in well enough not to use whatever gift she had to run away. But it seemed the girl was getting the hang of her gift even if she didn't know it and that meant that Liza would need to start intervening and getting information about it, preferably before dinner. Grandmother would be impatient to learn of the new Stelorana's gift. And how they could be a benefit to the family.

"His name is Adonis. He is an uncle of ours. He's not someone to be frightened of despite his looks. Just don't have a staring contest." She warned lightheartedly. She could vaguely recall brighter times surrounding Adonis when he would challenge one of the younger Stelorana to a battle of will. His gift versus their strength of will. It was amusing to watch one struggle to move or to disobey a simple directive while staring into Adonis' yellow eyes. That had been a game they'd played on lazy evenings. She could recall being scolded once or twice for the antics that had ensued during those younger years. Liza found herself casting a glance at her uncle as they left the room, a bittersweet feeling turning the corner of her lips into a slight frown.

"Come along, the others will be this way." Liza and Jane led Callie into the adjoining room. It was essentially another parlor but larger and had more seating as well as a piano and several shelves stocked with books. And milling about were several other members of the Stelorana family. As they entered it was impossible to not hear Jasper's joyous call welcoming them and alerting his mother and father to their presence. Jasper was one of the most exuberant members of the family, Liza thought wryly, but she couldn't say his attitude was an unwelcome one he always made one smile.
James couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and amusement at Rell's failed attempt to break the icy tension in the car. He didn't need a gift to read his mother's mind in the moment either. They both knew that Rell had not inherited Victoria's smooth tongue. Still, he couldn't blame Rell, the silence was stifling. It was bothering him even through his stubborn belligerence. He squirmed slightly, discreetly brushing a fleck of dirt from his arm before sneaking a glance up at Rell. He could never keep his anger at her stoked for long, and try as he might it evaporated almost immediately when the two were with their mother. He still tried to remember that Rell was twisted around their mother's finger and that that felt like a betrayal, that it made him feel even more insane than he already did. But he quickly let those feelings fade, focusing on his mother's voice instead. He knew better than to have too many thoughts in his head around her.

"Ah, wonderful." He mused, then looked up at Victoria with a forced smile. "It's been too long since I've seen the dear Aunties." He answered, feeling his heartbeat count the seconds he stared at his mother before smiling again and breaking the eye contact. Looking away felt like breathing after being trapped underwater, and he stared out the window as they reached the Snow Chapel, ignoring that sticky feeling on the back of his neck like she was still rooting around in his head.

As soon as the car came to a stop James helped himself out, reaching in to offer his sister a hand out of the car. It was a small gesture of amity and he hoped she'd accept it in both its intended purposes. He hated being cross with Rell, more than he enjoyed being a pain to their mother.
Sigarda had been up early this morning, which was not atypical. She liked to sit in bed and just observe the world around her, and mostly the woman beside her. This morning though basking in the morning atmosphere was a limited time frame. They had to be up and ready to attend this brunch! Sigarda wasn’t nervous per se, though she was always cautious around Victoria. Especially now that they had Jenny. Being a Stelorana on its own was not a guarantee that one would be aligned with the darker aspects of the family. Some needed time and adjustment, and others just never took to the darkness as easily. Jenny was one of the softer-hearted members. And Sigarda did not find that she minded this. She had made it clear to Astrid that she would do whatever was necessary to protect their child and allow her to be herself.

Sigarda woke Astrid up slowly, savoring the quietness with her before they got ready and she went to wake Jenny. The little family was a special case among the family, because of Astrid's status they had a second home in Dunwich. So they would often spend their time at this second home instead of the Stelorana Manor. It was a nice reprieve at times. Astrid didn't have as hard a time adjusting as Sigarda did though. Sigarda had grown up in the manor, surrounded by the family. Moving away from it, even to be with the woman she loved had been a transition. She found she quite liked the peacefulness though. And the privacy!

"Jenny? Are you up? We'll need to leave soon." She rapped her hand against her daughter's door just loud enough to ensure she was heard before cracking the door slightly to peek in, repeating her name.
Octavius had considered Victoria's invitation for a while before approaching Vivian with the idea. He was at a loss on how to "handle" his daughter at this difficult stage and time in life. He knew that though they both grieved the loss of Juniper deeply it was hard for them both in vastly different ways. He had lost his wife, his best friend. Vivian had lost her mother. And Octavius struggled to feel adequate in the face of that loss. He tried at first to comfort and support and not be overbearing or too distant. But the uncertainty of whether he was accomplishing the goal of being there for his beloved child had just caused his grief to fester more. He'd been advised to take it slow, to allow them both to heal in their ways separately and together when it was not forced. Truthfully Octavius just missed Juniper so much, and he wished that their little girl didn't have to feel that loss. He'd have done anything to remove it. He'd have done anything to have Juniper back. But that was not a possibility.

"Vivian, the brunch will be soon. Do you want to go?" Octavius presented the option with some timidity. He was a burly, almost rough-looking man. His gift of strength came with a scar in the shape of boar tusks protruding from the corners of his mouth. He was not one you would consider meek and mild. He was not a mean person though, and most knew him to be quite sweet and gentle, especially with the young Stelorana. He was a family man in every sense of the word. "I believe Victoria said that Jenny, Sigarda, and Astrid will be there as well."

He didn't know for certain the purpose of this brunch, and he was always a little skeptical of Victoria's plots. She was a great schemer, and one of the pillars of the family, but also ruthless in her way. She'd been Juniper's sister and they'd all grown up together, though she had been several years older than them both. Still, he'd gotten accustomed to avoiding her gaze. Juniper had always teased him for being wary of her gift, slyly asking him what he was so afraid she'd learn about him if she read his mind. Octavius sniffed slightly, trying to change the route his mind had taken down memory lane.
Calliope takes a short breath, peeking through the room at Adonis again. She knows the appearance of a hung over man, but obviously given her new role in the family perhaps it's best not to mention it. She gives a soft wave to him before being shooed along by Liza.

Besides, she had bigger concerns right about now. Upon hearing Jasper she will freeze a little. After all she remembered him from last night was being frightened by him. Quickly she goes back to clinging to the back of her mother's dress, clearly quite intimidated by all this.

Meanwhile inside Selysia had just returned from some morning work in the statue garden. There were no true statues in the garden, they're all former humans she's turned to slate. She keeps them alive, keeps the grounds tended to, and un-stones them if required.

Today was just cleaning each, nothing too hard. Easy in comparison to wrangling her rowdy son. "Jasper, sweetie, please calm down. She was a bit flighty last night, we want a good first impression don't we dear?" She turns to her husband, seeking support in the statement before smiling as Jasper announced their arrival.

Wordlessly the stand and walks to the parlor door, opening it with a grin. "Elizabeth! Oh my and who's that hiding behind her? Hi there sweetheart~" Selysia coos humming happily to herself.

Callie hides further behind Elizabeth, quietly accounting for where everyone was (where's Jasper?) and silently noting how this woman didn't even seem to acknowledge Jane...


Rell gave a soft smile as her brother took up the conversation. Happy that things didn't turn into conflict so quickly. Instead she simply enjoys the ride.

She steps out with her brothers help, giving a smile and soft "thank you-" as their mother steps out on her own, handing the ledger to the driver. "Take this to my office, do not lose it" he wordlessly drives off as Victoria steps to the host to get everyone seated.

Rell leans over to James and says. "Thanks for coming, i... I know it's not your favorite thing but, it makes it easier yeah? Plus it's nice to get out the house, and the view here is pretty good right?"

The host begins to guide them and Rell strives to move in tandem with her brother. She sits down next to him as the large table in a private room is placed out for them, with a big window looking down upon the rocky cliffs and harbor below.


Astrid was not like her wife. She was a night person, she hated being up before noon, though since her marriage not two and a half years prior she's certainly had to get used to it. The pair were the definition of opposites attract, had it not been for Astrid being the granddaughter of the current King of the Crown Isle, she would have never been in this situation. Yet here she was, far from any chance at the throne, but not far from power.

Marrying into the Stelorana has plenty of benefits, like a powerful surname and free reign over Dunwich. She groans softly as she's woken, the black haired lady grumbling and instead hugging her wife like a big teddy. "Mnh.... Not yet... Five more minutes-"

Which coincidentally, is the same response Jennifer had! Jenny had joined the family only a month into her parents marriage, her visions appearing to Sigarda on the day of her wedding. It was practically blessed from that moment forward. She whines softly as she hears the knocking on her door. She looks so much like Astrid, her black straight hair just being a lot longer, down to her knees instead. But her eyes are all Sigarda, all four of them.

They... Might be a little late-


Which is better than Vivian and her father. Vivian's been somewhat estranged from him ever since her mother Juniper died three months ago. He had always been a stabilizing force but, Juniper was the real one who taught her.

She glances down at her hands, clawed, looking like burnt wood shaped into hands. They marked her as hemokinetic, someone who can move blood with a mere flick of the wrist. It's powerful, and deadly. On her first day in a panic she accidentally exploded the head of a maid. But juniper never scolded her, she instead taught her, raised her, showed her how to control her power by controlling her emotions given that both were so closely tied to one another.

But without Juniper... Without Mom... She's got no one to teach her anymore. The person she loved the most in the world, the woman who saved her, was gone. She has to learn everything else all on her own, and Vivian isn't sure she's up to the task.

She sighs, slipping out of bed and pulling on her thick welders gloves, tying the ends and fully covering her gnarled hands. Long as she does that her abilities are hidden. Only then does she open the door, coming face to face with her father. They'd never had a bad relationship, it's just what they had was different. It wasn't the same, and often seeing him only hurt her more, reminding her what she now lacks.

"I... I dunno... I think I'd rather just stay here..." That's the expected answer. She didn't really want to leave the house much right now. Sometimes not even her room.
Jasper gave his mother a pout as she tutted at him but settled next to Daniel who had given his wife a bemused smile and ruffled his son’s hair as he plopped down.

“Exactly right. I’m sure you’ll be able to play your games with the little one once she’s more settled.” Daniel would not say it in front of others but he loved to point out to Selysia that their boy’s over abundance of energy and attitude was all her doing. In fact he and Jasper shared a very familiar look as Selysia greeted the new little family at the parlor doorway. Jasper had to nearly lay over his father to see past his mother, catching a glimpse of Calliope as she tried to hide deeper in Liza’s dress. He snickered and pushed himself to the edge of the loveseat, eager to interact with his new cousin. He had rather few around the manor and so, was eager to ingratiate himself with this one. He was always looking for new playmates! And despite her very tearful entrance last night Jasper thought she’d shape up to be a delightfully fun cousin!

Daniel gently pressed Jasper back into the seat with a stern look before he stood and joined Selysia. He smiled brightly, his eyes meeting those of the nearly concealed toddler, amused at how shy she was. It was a jarring difference from their child. They hadn’t necessarily made proper introductions last night and a second impression couldn’t hurt. Jasper had been sure to regale both of them of his brief but terrifying moments with Calliope after her arrival. The boy had even reenacted appearing out of thin air in front of her and her shriek of terror. Daniel still felt like laughing just thinking of the memory.

As was his usual course of action he happily let his wife lead the way. Some in the past accused him of being henpecked but he would disagree, icily. He also liked his wife’s personality and how she took charge. Daniel placed one hand on Selysia’s back as he joined her, letting her know he was there. He briefly considered how different their little family must appear, with their son’s almost glassy skin and the clumps of slate protruding from his wife’s body. And then there were his black and blue extremities. He looked frightening from a medical standpoint that was certain. He wondered how the poor girl would handle seeing some of the rest of the family. He supposed he only had to wait until dinner time.
Liza let Callie press herself into her skirts, reaching down and resting a hand gently against her back, not attempting to dislodge the child. She couldn’t easily move either. That didn’t seem to be a terribly big problem though as Selysia and then Daniel came to greet them immediately. She smiled in return and looked down at Callie, giving her an encouraging nod.

I thought it would be wise to introduce Calliope to everyone before dinner tonight.” Liza glanced at Selysia and Daniel before addressing Callie. “Callie, this is Selysia and her husband Daniel. You met their son Jasper last night.” Liza looked up and caught a glimpse of Jasper, sitting impatiently in the chair like a puppy in time out.
James wasn’t sure how to respond to that exactly. He wasn’t quite sure who it made it easier for, or what it specifically was. But all the same, it was nice to walk into it feeling like they were a team. It had been a long time since it had felt like them against the world.

James kept a polite grip on his sister’s arm as they were led to the table and helped her with her seat before he lowered himself into the chair next to her.

“At least the view is nice.” He leaned over and whispered in her ear. He did have to admit that it was good to be out and about in this way. He hadn’t been needed outside of the manor for what seemed to be the last two months. Sometimes he wondered if he’d been grounded and simply forgotten. As the host brought the table drinks James realized just how hungry he was and started determining his selection.

“Do you think we’ll be busy tonight?” He asked nonchalantly, concealing their conversation with the menu. He had to admit that Rell was right, it was nice to get out. He’d not been involved in any of the family business for several months. And that was how it worked, Stelorana’s business wasn’t all mess, a lot of it was planning and patience. But James was not a patient person. And he was growing bored, stuck at home trying to stay in line and maintain a good appearance. He had been thinking about going out and finding a way to do something for himself for a while, and he had several ideas he just wasn’t sure if he could bring himself to go through with them. And he wasn’t sure if he should include Rell, she tended to tattle.
Sigarda gave an unconvincing groan as her wife mumbled for five more minutes and let herself get pulled back into a hug. She returned the sleepy display of affection, and after the requested amount of time, she untangled herself planting a kiss on Astrid's cheek before leaving the room. She would hear the same half-conscious request from Jenny. Unfortunately, her daughter was denied additional time, Astrid having already given her five extra minutes. Sigarda gently picked up her daughter, holding her close and taking her back to the room where she carefully tossed her onto the bed next to Astrid with a lighthearted grunt.

"Five minutes is up, my ladies." She stated, kneeling on the bed next to them and shaking them both gently to wakefulness. "You will not make us late for this event!" She said forcefully, pulling Astrid up out of bed. Sigarda was much tougher than she appeared. Most thought the angelic woman was well, angelic, but Sigarda was a force of her own. Sure, her gift was only good for healing, but she had taken the time to learn how to handle herself in the ways that counted. Her family had a reputation and she had intended to embody it. Now, after meeting Astrid, which wasn't necessarily a plan she'd had, her intentions with her life had changed a bit from what it used to be. But she was okay with that.

After the slow ordeal of getting her wife and daughter on their feet and ready to leave the trio were finally walking into the Snow Chapel! Sigarda didn't care much if they were the last to arrive, but she didn't like being the last to things, it made it harder to have the upper hand when walking into certain situations. Not that she expected to have the upper hand during this brunch. Still though, being late was not on the list of things Sigarda enjoyed being. She pulled out the chairs on either side of the one she had chosen and helped Jenny and then Astrid into their seats, giving Victoria and her company a warm greeting. It did appear that her brood was not the last to arrive.
Octavius nodded as Vivian gave her answer and rubbed a thumb along the side of his tusk. He had known she would answer that way, neither of them had left the house or really their room in the last few months. Really, for the last year. He hated to be forceful with her. He knew how much she was hurting, how much Juniper had meant to her, and had helped her. He was trying to figure out how to fill that void. And he wished there was a manual to follow. He was good at following instructions, and at figuring things out with a manual or a diagram to go off of. He had often gone down to the garage and tinkered with the family car from time to time, chatting with the chauffeur during the evening hours.

"Truthfully I don't either.." Octavius crouched down with a little sigh and did his best to hold Vivian's gaze. He left his mouth agape as he tried to decide which thought to say. It felt like there were so many rattling around in his head.

"Yknow, your mother would...well, she would tell us to stop moping." He said with a bittersweet chuckle. He hated how uncomfortable he felt around Vivian now. It made him feel guilty. And it bothered him that he couldn't figure out why or get over it. He wished Juniper was there to help him, it was always hardest when she was gone. He just hoped that he and Vivian could get through this, he couldn't handle losing his wife and his daughter.

"How about this, Viv," He offered, looking at her with as much of his old co-conspirator look as he could muster. He and Juniper had often "played sides" with Vivian when she was younger, each trying to earn more of her affection. Naturally, Octavius knew Vivian was closer to her mother and he could never blame her for that. Octavius tried his best to supply an offer that would be good for her and get her out of the house. Get them both out of the house. So he offered for them to go to the brunch for a short while, just enough that an appearance would be appropriate and then they could go and do something that she loved to do, something they had often done as a kid.

"You can choose, and I won't force you, it's...it's only if you want to." He made sure to add. He didn't want to accomplish this by making her feel she had no choice.
Callie squeaks at Selysia giggles, clearly charmed by just how skittish the young girl was. Of course, Callie was not as amused, in her mind this half stone lady, see through skinned boy and half rotting man are all slowly closing in on her- She's never been that good with pressure, even despite all of Liza's comforting words... as soon as all the attention in the room was on her, she breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeathes in, almost like a tell to Liza at this point what was gonna happen, before she suddenly blips out of existence.

In reality, Callie had scooted behind Jane instead, given she was a little further behind her mother, a new hiding spot for the moment though she can only keep the gaze of her aunt off of her for so long. Selysia blinks in confusion briefly, before glancing around and finally landing her eyes on Callie. She giggles, giving a half jokingly forgiving pat to Liza's shoulder. "Oh my quite a gift on her hm? But she seems like a sweetheart, awe I'm sure she won't give you too much trouble will you honey?"

Callie didn't respond, just staaaaaaaaaring at the half-stone woman with her big round eyes.

Seems her integration process would be a little difficult...


Making it easier was a funny way of talking about it... Rell often did what she did for the sake of very specifically making things with the family flow nice and easily, her mother being the most grating issue. She loved her family, almost as much as she had a general distaste and disregard for those not in the family, she would do anything for it's members. Making it easier was just what she did, every day, as much as she can.

"Yeah it's a good spot, not too fancy either, no chance of running into another noble family and having to put on too many airs yknow? Juuuuust enough to chill out" She sighs happily blinking as his ask over plans for the night, work specifically. "Oh, I mean probably yes-" She turns briefly to her mother, but sees her already speaking to her accountant, which she had brought with her (seperate car of course) to speak with if they were the first ones there, get some work done. They are quite early so, it makes sense. She shrugs "I'll just assume yeah, lots of chaos happening in the steel district, another union's formed and you know how the Crown gets about that stuff. Can't have what happened in the east happen here." She shrugs. A waiter brings water, sets out some appetizers on the house, but Rell doesn't seem to even notice him, taking one of the snacks and starting to eat it.

"I'm sure if we ask for a day off though they can send someone else. I mean Jasper is nearly the age to start going out and doing stuff. I'm sure he'd be a wiz with a gun, they make them so easy to use nowadays..." She quietly hums to herself "Though Auntie Selysia may be against it... Well anyways, it would be fine to let the unions run amock for just one day. Why? You got an event you wanna go to or something?"


Jenny whines loudly as she was scooped up by her mom, squirming slightly in her arms before simply turning intangible, no longer able to be touched, and hopping right back into bed as she turns physical again. Sigarda probably knew this trick plenty by now, and by the second time being scooped out of bed she'd clearly given up and just groans as she's thrown onto her other mother. Astrid was happily asleep one moment, before suddenly- "OOF-" A six year old has been thrown right at her, not hitting her but still. Okay maybe she played up the impact a bit to mess with her wife but still! Quite a way to start the day.

Jenny meanwhile was all pouts. "mmhhhh I dont wanna get up... besides... Victoria's so weird..." Jenny had only been here for a good two years at this point, she hasn't fully accepted this place as home, or at least has been refusing to say it, but she's no longer actively surprised by the oddities! She generally knows the whole family, who they are, what they're like, and has come to appreciate her new moms.

Astrid sighs, staring at the ceiling for a good ten seconds before giving Jenny a pat. "Cmon, we can't stay in bed all day, your mother's right Jennifer" The rest of the morning goes fairly similar, with Astrid in a jokingly begrudging tone complied with her wife's desires, not hindering the trio quite as much as their daughter. Astrid dressed up in her usual, a nice button up shirt with a vest over top. nice black slacks and shiny black shoes. Her sleeves were rolled up to show off her arcane tattoos, something she's felt a lot less self conscious about showing off when compared to the rest of the motley crew in the Stelorana family. She went ahead and got Jenny into a pretty little white sunday dress, humming as she had that conversation she always had with Jenny as she helped her get ready each day. "Come on now dear, you shouldn't keep hiding them, its not gonna make them go away you know?" Astrid parts Jenny's hair, which black similar to Astrid's but far longer than the latter's, and covers most of her face, including her extra pair of eyes which are a bit offset to the outside corners of her main eyes. Jenny shakes her head as Astrid tries to pull her hair up into a ponytail, glancing to Sigarda for some form of 'protection' "nono- I-I just, it's weird... I dont want people to stare...." She's not used to it still, not like people wouldn't stare when they see Sigarda and her angellic appearance.

Regardless of the morning fussing, the group would arrive at the Snow Palace, Astrid holding Jenny's hand, who was in turn holding onto both's hands, standing between them. Astrid gives a polite nod and smile to Victoria, who proceeds to shoo off her accountant and smile as she looks to the couple. "Ah, there you are, I hope there was no trouble getting here? I chose somewhere nearby in hopes it would ease the burden." She gives a smile to Jenny, who proceeds to avoid looking Victoria in the eyes, glancing over to her cousins instead, giving a nervous wave to them and getting back an enthusiastic wave from Rell.


Vivian has been a wreck for a while. It was practically two weeks after Juniper passed before she spoke a word. Juniper was practically her whole world, especially given the rest of the family had seen her as somewhat of a threat, a gift that made her volatile, just as likely to hurt the rest of the family as it was to hurt its enemies. Only Juniper endured for her, and now she was gone. Even if her reputation had changed in the eight years she had been here, a part of her still felt like that isolated little girl who kept hurting all the people around her, who kept accidentally killing maids, who left those she incidentally touched with internal bleeding and bruises, even if her gloves were on.

Octavius would feel that power from her, all tied to her emotions, his blood would feel like it was buzzing in his veins, twitching and jittering no matter how much Vivian tried to hold that back. She stepped back to try and mitigate it, avoiding eye contact with her dad as he proposed the brunch to her. She hesitated to answer, a part of her knowing that if she just pushed everyone away, she would be left with no one willing to try anymore eventually.

Vivian takes a long inhale, before sighing.

"I'll go... just... I'll skip the next one, so just tell her if she asks again that I don't wanna go." A compromise, she could isolate herself later, but this time she would comply. Slowly, she steps out of her room, still not making eye contact with Octavius she mumbles out "I... guess we should go, shouldn't be late..."

A car is prepared, a silent ride with Vivian staring out the window the whole way. Octavius can practically tell her mood by how the blood in his veins moved. When she was notably sad it buzzed, but ever since Juniper died that buzzing was always there, like a constant pins and needles, even with the gloves holding it back, making her somewhat unpleasant to be around. But that's where Victoria saw potential in her, imagine letting her release all the power in the home of an enemy family, oh she had just so much potential! Not that Vivian was quite excited to make due on it.
Liza couldn't help but smile as Callie reacted to the attention. It wasn't kind to the girl but she couldn't help it. She had pieced enough of Callie's gift together to know that her taking that breath was a signal that she was about to use it. She hadn't quite figured out if it was teleportation or some sort of time effect. She wanted to sit down with Calliope later, after dinner, and see if the girl could shed some light. It seemed she was quickly getting the hang of using her gift. She smiled at Selysia and nodded, turning to look behind Jane.

"She will be just fine with time." Liza gave Callie a wink. She wasn't so worried now, Callie was skittish but Liza felt like they'd made enough of a connection that they would be alright. For now, she just wanted Callie to settle down enough to stop using her and Jane's skirts as hiding places. She took a step back, coming shoulder to shoulder with Jane and putting a hand on Callie's. "It's alright dear. Let's go have a seat and get something to eat. What would you like?"

She led her little crowd over to the furniture and sat down, prompting Callie with another gentle smile and gesture. She watched as Daniel also led Selysia towards their seats, the man reaching for a steaming mug on the side table. She wondered at how Daniel was compared to Selysia, he was quiet and observant, and a man of few but energetic words. She smiled at Jasper as the boy squirmed in his seat, trying not to startle Callie but also desperate to interact. She glanced at Callie and then back at Jasper, hoping her child would take the hint. Be brave, make a friend.
Jasper looked at his mother, his legs swinging off the edge of the couch. He wasn't sure how much longer he could sit silently. But he also remembered how Callie had screamed and cried when he'd found her last night. At the very least, she wasn't crying yet! And perhaps with Liza and Jane with her, she'd be more open to chatting with him. He glanced again at Selysia, silently asking for permission to speak and more importantly move. Jasper Stelorana was not a still being, and he often occupied his boundless energy by playing in the shadows. It was an entertaining time when Selysia would scold him and prohibit him from shadow-hopping around the house. Fortunately, Jasper was a favored child and he often avoided such punishment.
Daniel sipped on the cup of coffee and sat back down next to Jasper, leaving room for Selysia to sit should she choose to. He could tell that she was excited about the new child and that the new child was not as enthused. It was amusing to watch the new arrivals adjust. He could hardly remember how his first week had been. But he recalled the same on-edge feeling, the same uncertainty. It had been hard for him to adjust after what he had experienced. The mind-boggling knowledge of existence that one received a "sneak-peak" of upon their awakening in the Black Slate Room was difficult.

"Calliope, it's wonderful to have you with us." He spoke softly, leaning forward and putting a hand on Jasper's knee, his son was edging his toes closer and closer to the shadow of the couch. "I hope you rested well." He smiled, again glancing at Selysia. He hoped that her exuberance would not startle Callie too much. "Jasper would love to show you around the grounds whenever you feel up to it. It's supposed to be a beautiful day today."

Jasper had practically begged his parents to help the newcomer get familiar with the manor. And he presented himself as the best tour guide given how much time he spent exploring the manor and grounds. Immediately the boy broke into a grin and bounced in the chair. "We have an amazing statue garden! That's mum's work! I can show you everything!"
James immediately wished he hadn't asked Rell. He wanted to trust her but it was difficult. He pressed his lips together as he focused on the menu, mulling over how to answer. He could see the appeal of beginning to train Jasper. The kid had an excellent gift to be used as the family's assassin. It was a dangerous game, there was no way Selysia would accept such a task for her son, Rell was right. He chuckled at the thought of Jasper popping around the shadows and shooting a gun. Selysia would have a fit, but that was definitely a pawn their mother would love to have in her hand.

"I haven't decided yet." He settled on. He eyed Rell as she took some appetizers and helped himself as well. Could he trust her? He could use one of his lesser lucrative options in case this team-up backfired...He felt his frustration rise again. He wanted to be able to share things with his sister without questioning her likelihood of betraying his actions to Mother. Still, perhaps it would be good. Maybe a chance for them to bond over something outside of family business and affairs. He shot her another side look and groaned slightly before leaning closer.

"You have to swear you won't rat me out. Or I won't let you tag along. Ever." He hissed at her from behind his menu, careful to avoid looking too suspicious. Mother was occupied with her work at the moment but he caught a glimpse of Astrid and Sigarda approaching and shot Rell a warning look before straightening up, lowering the menu, and greeting the arriving company warmly.
Sigarda and Astrid had had many moments spent discussing Jenny's appearance. Of course, it was not an easy thing for a child to adjust to. Astrid attempted for the hundredth time to soothe their daughter's self-consciousness. She drifted up to the pair as she caught Jenny's pleading eyes and smiled calmly. Kneeling beside her and brushing a strand of hair out of her face, Sigarda squeezed Jenny's hand.

"They'll stare regardless, my love. But you don't have to take that step yet if you're not ready." She stood and kissed her forehead and then glanced at Astrid with a small smirk. Sigarda was a competitive person, and she enjoyed the little moments when Jenny would reach out in whatever form for her. It was not a jealousy-fueled competition, and Sigarda made sure her wife knew that. To be fair, there were plenty of cherished moments between each of them, and Sigarda did not doubt that Jenny loved and relied on both of them fairly equally. It's just that she knew which of them truly knew the family and understood what that entailed. But Astrid was a quick learner and Sigarda relied on her especially.

Sigarda sat down quietly, before answering Victoria. "That is much appreciated, Victoria." She glanced at the other side of the table at Rell and James and offered them a smile, catching Rell's enthusiastic wave to Jenny. "I trust business is going well for you?" She queried, watching the accountant scurrying away.
Octavius felt relief escape him in a slight sigh and he nodded enthusiastically. He could feel her unease and he tried his best to mitigate it. But he was still at a loss, despite having made some progress it felt! So he stood and nodded, eager now that some progress was made. He felt the buzzing in his veins and he took a steadying breath. His gift it turned out, had been a helpful advantage, his superior strength came with the added benefit of more durability. But the buzzing was hard to ignore even for him. He wasn't so worried about her hurting him though. He had been uneasy at first when Vivian had initially arrived at the manor. Watching the aftermath of a child exploding heads would do that. But it wasn't a fear Juniper had allowed him to sustain, and he had been proud that the two of them had come to acknowledge and overcome the hesitations. Vivian was struggling much more since Juniper's loss and he knew that made it all the worse, given how closely tied her gift was to emotions.

"Of course, you don't have to attend another one." He could understand her hesitation. She certainly had a lot in his opinion. He wasn't unaware of Victoria's desire to use her gifts for the family's benefit.

The car ride was pleasant if not mildly uncomfortable on account of the nervous feeling caused by her influence on his blood. But he did his best to ignore it. Luckily the view was enjoyable and he attempted to make some lighthearted conversation with her before deciding he was probably making it worse. She was going out on this trip with him and he was grateful enough for that! When they arrived at Snow Chapel Octavius led her quietly to the table greeting everyone cheerfully and apologizing for interrupting Sigarda and Victoria's conversation. He let Vivian lead them to wherever she wished to sit and as he was taking his seat realized suddenly how out of place he felt without Juniper there.
It was odd sometimes how new members of the family reacted to their gifts. For some like Vivian it was a steep lifelong learning curve. For others like Callie here, it almost came naturally to them, not to say it wasn't difficult. Breath in, her hair rises, and breath out, her hair falls again, time moving only when she breaths. It's like the universe itself was telling her to breath normally, and breath consistently. The moment she lets it go automatically things start moving just a bit too slow for her, just like how when she was hyperventilating, time rushed by her, only contributing to the panic attack. A temporal metronome, no matter what, breathing once a second on the second, her own movement through time accommodating her in response. It did little to calm her, actually making the situation worse-

Right now she was doing what her therapist used to call 'anchoring' where you find somewhere or someone you know and are comfortable with. Right now, that is Liza, and she has seemingly no intent to branch out from there. Had she not been practically escorted out by her from the bedroom earlier Calliope Stelorana would still be sitting in her room right now wasting the day away.

Callie quietly nodded along to her mother's question of what she wants to eat, to which she softly said "anything... uh- yeah... just... anything-"

Selysia sat with her husband and boy, waving over a servant and requesting breakfast for the group. The young man nodded with a smile, wordlessly going off to the kitchen to get some of the cooks to start preparing more for the group. She glances over at Liza as she comforted Callie, resisting every urge in her body to coo over how cute the scene was! After all, she remembered taking care of Liza when she was little, now look at her, all grown up! Oh just adorable.

Callie found it a bit less entertaining, averting her eyes from Jasper, not making eye contact with anyone right now. Somehow, this was almost worse than last night to her. Last night, she could cry, she could run, it was all new, with no expectations. But now the very next day she has to act like these are her family, people she's known forever! I mean sure she's now gotten at least somewhat comfortable with Liza and Jane, but this was all so new to her! Her breathing quickened, though all that did for everyone else was make her move slower. She gulps, normalizing her breathing, and glancing over at Jasper. She hesitates again, looking up at Liza with a 'do I have to?' look. Not to say she dislikes Jasper... she's just hesitant.

Food is set out before them, a plate of eggs, bacon, some cooked mushrooms with a bit of tomato and a glass of juice for each family member.

The youngest takes a second, peeking over the table towards Jasper, looking back to Liza and Jane, before quietly saying. "I... thats.... s-sure... I'll see the statues..."

Selysia gave an ear-to-ear smile, humming in satisfaction before petting her son's hair softly "After breakfast of course, you both need some energy for the day. Calliope dear you must be starving after all, I assume your host had hardly eaten before you arrived." She tuts softly, ignoring any confused expressions Callie made in reference to a 'host'. What host? The host of the house?

Rell blinked in confusion at James's sudden insistence on secrecy. Sure, Rell was her mother's attack dog, but above all she valued the family. Should anything her mother did hurt the family more than help it (far she she considers it at least) then she'd cut it there. So, of course, she nods, and promises. "I won't say a word okay? I know you don't like Mom, and the stuff she and I have to do for the family, but, I won't rat you out to her for nothing ok?"

She reaches forwards, and takes her brother's hand, giving a smile. Her gift is an odd one, a replay system for physical feelings, usually used to impart crippling but nondamaging pain upon others, making them easy to take alive. But, it does have its uses outside of combat, as Rell proceeds to give James the feeling of their first hug back when the two of them were little. Briefly, james could feel everything, the clothes on Rell's back, the cool air of the manor, but most of all his own embrace squeezing him softly and Rell squeezing back.

"So... what's going on- ah-" Rell pauses as she notices more family walking in, giving James a look and saying "Just, tell me later during brunch, we should go say hi yeah?"

"Auntie Sigarda, Auntie Astrid- ah- hi Jenny!~" Rell gave a big smile greeting them, as the others did the same. Hugs are exchanged, followed closely by small talk.

Victoria is the next to greet them, without hugs though. "I'm glad you two could make it. I trust the journey was pleasant? I didn't see your car arriving."

Astrid gives a small chuckle, smiling as well as she states "Ah no, Sigarda insisted we walk, after all we're quite close."

A smile from Victoria as business talk comes up. It's her two favorite topics, herself, and how she makes money, who wouldn't want to hear about that? "It's going well. The family's stock portfolio is up, and given a new trendy love for tulips in the low country our import taxes are higher than average. Just a small strike in the dockyards but we should be clearing that up quite well. How about you, how're the Royals treating you? Been to Capitol lately?" The city itself needs no name, Capitol is the biggest city in the Crown Isle, followed closely by Dunwich. It's where Astrid was born, and lived most of her life, but hearing the name brings a smile hiding an internal grimace. "Oh it's lovely up there this time of year, thank you for asking." Subtle venom in her voice making Victoria glare at her.

Small talk is briefly interrupted by Victoria noticing Octavius and Vivian arrive, a smile creeping its way across her lips. "There you are, I was worried you might not come... Vivian dear how are you?" Is she... ignoring Octavius? Well... Vivian is old enough to make her own decisions- or at least old enough to be fooled into thinking she can.
Liza watched Callie, happily letting her gain her footing and hopefully confidence. She didn’t miss the way the girl seemed to cling, looking at her as if asking for permission or help. It made her feel a little better and gave her hope that she was settling in. As she sat watching the little girl she became more aware of the way she breathed and the way that she seemed to waver with each breath. It was like a film with missing frames. It was intriguing!

Liza quietly helped herself to a piece of bacon and sipped the juice after the meal was set out. She was still too nervous. The dread that was preparing itself for tonight made it difficult to enjoy the morning’s meal. She met Callie’s pleading look as she brought the glass up to her mouth and simply smiled, doing her best to convey that it was Callie’s choice. She was relieved when the girl agreed and gave Selysia a quick smile. It would be good for Jasper to burn off energy and hopefully, the boy’s eager attitude would rub off on Callie and help her settle in.

She felt her smile falter at the mention of the host and hurriedly sipped her juice. Intentionally avoiding her daughter’s confused look felt despicable but Liza wasn’t sure she was quite able to have that conversation with her here and now. She glanced at her from the corner of her eye before calmly agreeing with Selysia.

Yes, be sure you eat enough. The cook will likely not allow any snacking for today.” Jane’s voice spoke up behind Callie on the couch, the maid sitting straight-backed and patiently watching the family members eating their breakfast. Jane might be allowed wherever Liza was but her privileges ended there. While acting as Liza’s mouthpiece she was effectively just that. She could not speak of her own volition and she could not partake in meals. Liza had tried to have that stipulation lifted in childhood but the family did not see Jane the way she did and therefore the girl remained a special attendant and nothing more.

Jane did sneak Callie some encouraging smiles though as the girl looked between her and Liza. It made her happy to have another member of the family treat her as more than just a maid. And it seemed that Callie was a sweet and gentle sort, and had already treated her more familiarly than the rest of the family.
Jasper let his mother run her fingers over and through his hair with a faint smile, glancing over at his dad as the two dug into their breakfast. He snapped his attention back to Callie as she agreed to join him, smiled bigger than even Selysia, and mumbled something unintelligible through a mouthful of eggs.

“We can start with a tour of the house! I know the best spots for all sorts of games.” At times and on occasion the younger members would entertain themselves with games and run amok inside when the weather did not permit excursions. Jasper was known as the hide-and-seek champion in the household.

Daniel chided him softly but didn’t hide the slight crinkling at the corners of his eyes. Jasper choked down the rest of his eggs. He had been stuck inside all morning, he lamented. Which was mostly because he had woken up only within the last three hours. But also because he wasn’t allowed off his parent’s proverbial leash until after breakfast. Selysia had a rule about them eating as a family and once he was off running around it was hard to find him again.

He was also excellent at tormenting the cook and pilfering snacks when the staff’s back was turned. He puffed up a little as he remarked that the cook wouldn’t miss some of the food for this evening. Jasper would have to wait for Callie to finish eating and glanced at her plate, swishing his legs as he lounged impatiently between his parents.
James lets out a small breath and nods curtly. He knew Rell would say something like that. She was a loyal person after all. He just had a habit of questioning loyalties. Mostly how loyal she was to him over their mother. But she was right that he didn’t like what they did. He supposed that if his gift had been less useful as an enforcer for the family his pacifist nature might have been allowed to be maintained. As it was he did his best to avoid most engagements in violence, and now that Rell was there and most pliable to that their mother had stopped requiring him as much. But still more than he’d liked.

He started to consider how to reveal his evening plans to Rell and then stopped as the rest of the party approached. He glanced at Rell after seeing who it was that had arrived and nodded. Then he smiled and greeted Sigarda and Astrid warmly, giving Jenny an enthusiastic hello as well. He did enjoy this branch of the family tree. And Astrid had interesting perspectives on life, being an outsider of the family.

He hung back in the conversation as Victoria began sharing current business happenings and smiled softly as Astrid and Sigarda countered his mother’s comments with their own. Astrid had no problem keeping up with the Stelorana's. After all the Royal Witch was powerful in her own right.

He felt his tongue slide between his teeth as Octavius and Vivian walked in, his eyes watching Victoria’s face carefully. James greeted them as well, offering for Octavius and Vivian to sit on the other side of the table by him. He enjoyed chatting with Octavius about the mechanical work the man enjoyed. And he liked Vivian, though she had always been a bit of a startling member of the family. He hadn’t seen much of her since Juniper had passed away. He hadn’t seen either of them much really, but he knew Vivian would be suffering the loss more apparently. And he also knew his mother was savoring the idea of having another child under her wing. No doubt Vivian would be a force to be reckoned with, but he wished she could be safe from that side of the family. She was not yet brutal. He could relate to how skittish she looked, especially recently.
Sigarda beamed as Jenny was greeted by Rell and James, glad that the cousins would be around to keep her company. James and Rell were good kids, though she had noticed that James and Rell seemed to have some unresolved conflict between them. She was not entirely privy to what it was but she had assumptions.

“Yes, and it’s a beautiful day out for it.” She reminded her, stepping just a little closer and placing a hand lazily on the small of Astrid’s back. Out of all the Stelorana’s Sigarda seemed the most overtly affectionate and she relished such displays.

Victoria filled them in quite extensively on the state of affairs and Sigarda nodded silently as she did. Victoria had always been business-oriented. Some would even call her a killjoy or a stick in the mud. Astrid’s retort about Capitol made Sigarda’s smile tighten and she refrained from jumping in, letting Astrid make her retort, her smile relaxing into a smirk as she gazed at her wife.

Sigarda hadn’t yet figured out if Victoria saw Astrid as an asset to the family or not. And if not, what the alternative was. Of course the Stelorana family was very pretentious in certain aspects, they were after all one of the Crown Isle’s elite. But they maintained that through an air of exclusivity and mystery. This meant that Sigarda marrying Astrid had inserted an outsider into the family. Albeit a relatively powerful and well-connected one. Which was likely why the marriage had taken place at all. Though even with those prospects some members still disliked having outsiders welcomed in. But that was the older generations. She truly wasn't sure which side of the argument Victoria had fallen on.

As the conversation fell upon Octavius and Vivian's arrival Sigarda turned to observe, after greeting Octavius with an embrace and a whisper of encouragement. It had been many months since she'd seen him and it was good to see that he had come out of the house. She knew he was not the most social of the family.
Octavius escorted Vivian silently to the private area Victoria had for them. Each step closer to the table had felt more laborious than the previous and he felt like the buzzing in his veins had become louder, but he realized that was likely just his pulse beating in his ears.

As he had expected Victoria gave her attention to Vivian, hardly looking at her sister’s widower. He stood behind his daughter and stared stoically at Victoria. He knew he didn’t have the tact needed to navigate this social arena. And currently, he barely had the emotional stamina. He always felt out of place when Victoria was around, a little off-put and out of rhythm.

“Thank you for the invitation, Victoria.” He didn’t expect much interaction with her, she tended to ignore him, and he ignored her. But he still needed to make an effort. He rubbed a thumb along one of his tusks as he accepted James’ invitation to sit. Now that he was here he was struggling to avoid the thought that had been bubbling uncomfortably in the back of his mind over the last few days. What had the purpose of her invitation truly been?
Calliope was dealing best she could. In her last life she was always an anxious person. It was hard for her to deal with these sorts of things healthily, or directly. She at least found Liza and Jane's presence to be comforting, but they have different hopes for Callie, different intentions. Not malicious, but they take her out of her comfort zone, and to Calliope Stelorana that itself is enough to make her quite unhappy.

Instead she quietly distracts herself from her soon to be maligned time with her loud and scary cousin by asking harder questions. Perhaps if she makes people here uncomfortable enough they'll decide perhaps it's best to keep interactions short? Well, at least, the other three might.

"Why isn't Jane eating?" She quietly asked, knowing silently at least one answer to that question. After all, a servant eats first to be prepared to serve the family yes? Or... Is it after as a show of obedience? She can't remember her late Victorian manners...

"Oh she's just the help sweetheart." Selysia directly states. "She's already eaten, besides it's just family at the table." She may be kind... But Selysia is still a Stelorana.

She avoided eye contact with Jasper. Silently working through her food and just trying to keep calm. A little disassociation perhaps? Means to keep herself from panicking further. Even small things, like knowing she's going to be left in the care of a loud brash family member is enough to set her off. Things are only going to get harder for her. She clears her plate, but doesn't budge from her seat. She gives Liza a begging look of 'please don't send me off please don't send me off'

Rell signed softly as her brother stiffened up. But she quickly fell back into the easiest way to deal with things, just smile, nod, and be nice. Practically acting like a mere accessory for her mother at this point.

She'd smile, engage in small talk, chat around, but not much more. She was ornamental until otherwise stated.

Astrid noted that. Gods the people of this family were so weird. Good thing weird meant adorable sometimes. The witch pulls an arm around her wife as they sat together. She glances at Victoria, knowing the woman would look back at her, right in the eyes. The gaze was caught, and Astrid loudly thought 'Remember, unlike the others, i can feel you prodding in there. Your magicks smell of stale perfume and greed. Don't let it rub off'

Perhaps James would catch it, the silent exchange between the two as Victoria chuckled. "Astrid dear, how goes your work with the lurkers. I trust my funding is making well use? I'd hate to see it wane"

Astrid's face doesn't flinch, but she grips Sigardas side tighter revealing her frustration. She worked for the family of course. Currently getting money from Victoria to pay to search for a consistent arcane path to tracking deep ones getting too close into Benefactor territory. It would save them all a headache, assuming it works.

"Oh it's going quite fine. What's this I've heard about your factories rioting?" "Oh my are they? Well, we can sort that out in a night can't we Rell?" Rell blinks, before giving a smile like a called on puppy and nodding. Victoria chuckles and adds "Ah but you two don't put down many rebellions do you? Perhaps Jennifer will when she's older won't you dear?"

Jenny blinked as Victoria spoke to her. She was bad at maintaining eye contact, even given her extra eyes. She looks down somewhat and doesn't respond.

Waiters begin approaching, getting everyone's orders. Jenny leaves her ordering to her mothers, turning slightly transparent from the attention Victoria had given her. Vivian asks for nothing, but feeling bad, Rell suggests the waiter return later for her. Rell gets a nice average breakfast platter, Astrid a club sandwich, and Victoria has some caviar.

While the ordering happens, Vivian softly whispers to her father. "I... Think i shouldn't have come..."

Ordering finishes, everything's (mostly) set, and so Victoria continues business. "Speaking of clearing out the uncompliant. Vivian, dear, I've heard you've been going through more maids than usual?" She chuckles as she sips a martini she ordered, Rell doing similar. Jenny just turns more transparent, clearly uncomfortable with the topic. "Mh... I guess-" is all Vivian gives her Aunt as she fiddles with the utensils laid out before her. "I see, well, I was wondering if you'd ever considered putting that energy somewhere a bit more productive." She hums softly, sipping her drink again before stating. "Your mother entrusted in me continuing your training after she passed." A hitched breath comes from the hemokinetic girl, as everyone nearby would feel a pricking in their veins, but Victoria continues unhindered "You really should continue her wishes, at least sit in on one job, you two wouldn't mind would you?" She asks Rell and James, though, there's really no question there, just a statement of the answer she wants. Rell of course, nods.

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