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Realistic or Modern Become A Youtuber


Don't get it twisted. ;)

Youtube Channel Name:







Subscriber Amount:




Clothing Style:

Anything Else?:
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Name: Jayceon Kay Rain

Youtube Channel Name: ItsRainingJay

D/O/B: July 14th 1996

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: "I'm more of a speak first, then realize what i said 10 minuets later kinda guy... I guess I pretty much say exactly whats on my mind, before i even realize it's on my mind. Poetic right?"

Jay is a very laid back guy, very chill and very go-with-the-flow... most of the time. He is known to have a very strong, short temper; sort of like a 100m sprint

where when he gets angry, he gets angry, he is either full hulk or as calm as you like, no in between. but that mainly comes when the people he cares about are in the firing line, he could care less what people have to say about him. With a large ego and cocky prankster attitude, Jayceon is a typical mixed race internet sensation, he gets on very well with the lades and would die for his brothers - he does of course have a soft side, but he is one who would rather laugh than cry, he turns just about everything into a joke. Between youtube and music, he isn't really sure what he is doing with his life, so best not bring it up - not as confident as he fronts but you'd never guess it. Get up and go type of guy, who will die before he gives up... less it's school your on about, because he gave that up before he started - but don't get it fucked up, he can be a pretty smart guy. The bad in Jay is his ability to manipulate people with even realizing what he is doing and who he is hurting, sometimes he is just completely careless.


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Subscriber Amount: 500k

Likes: "Perfect day? Last Friday in the month, aka payday, hit the gym in the morning after a bacon breakfast, lunch date with a 10 and she offers to pay, write a little maybe make a video before watching the Bulls win by 20. Instagramming it all of course. Oh and I'd meet Kanye, and go shopping, he would give me free yeezys. Yeah, that's pretty much the perfect day"

Music is Jayceons first and last love. He writes, sings, raps, produces, listens and lives music. Kanye is his idol music (and fashion.... and wife) wise, and Kanye's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is his bible, without a doubt his favorite album and the album that made him fall head over heels with the art form - this is forever ingrained on his hand as along the top side of his left thumb "MBDTF" is tattooed in bold sand script font. This isn't his only tattoo and as well as music it is clear Jay likes body art, having most of his upper body covered in pictures of words - mostly music or family related. Jayceon has always danced hiphop/ break since he was around 5 years old and is now a fairly high standard of dancer, enough to be able to bust a few moves when he needs to impress someone or put out a quick video to gain a couple more Instagram followers. Obviously he loves making youtube videos and all of the social media perks that come with being a popular youtuber; the fans and the love. Being very social will attends all of the youtube conventions, loves meeting other youtubers and doing video collaborations - anyone who shares one of his passions is cool by him. Aside from this Jay is very active and goes to the gym most days, mainly to work off his junk food and soda addiction, he plays allot of basketball casually with friends and when not playing he is always watching the Bulls in action. Along with Basketball he is a big fan of football, especially the Chicago Bears, and plays PS4 when ever he has a quite evening to him self - a rarity at the moment because he is always working. Jay will always look his best ad is really into urban fashion and shoes - yes he is one of those who will spend a years savings on one pair of Jordan's. He knows its crazy but he cant help himself. This is much like his headphone addiction; no one needs 14 pairs of headphones, but Jay still wants more.

  • Dislikes: "Don't judge me, if you ain't me. You can't think as me because you don't have my mind... therefore you can't attempt to understand my reasoning, you judgement is born of ignorance because you physically hear my thought process to understand me. Just keep my name out your mouth if it ain't nothing nice. Because i don't care what you say. I ain't change"

Jayceon is very laid back he could care less for your race, gender, sexuality, size, weight, height, age if your nice to him, he will be nice to you. He can't stand those who hate for fun or those who pass judgement without understanding, this remains slightly hypocritical as J will sometimes judge people at a glace - often to a high degree of accuracy that being said. This hatred stems from his experiences with social media troll, specifically those targeting friends and family - if you offend a loved one J may find that hard to let go of. Apart from that there isn't much Jay doesn't get on with, he hates the Cavaliers and LeBron, Lil Wayne and a whole host of other - less than mediocre yet more successful than him - rappers; obviously there are people in his life he hates, his dad for example, but he tends just to block them out. He hates not making an effort with appearance, honestly that's probably what he hates the most - you'll always see him rocking a snapback and fresh kicks.

Dating: "Still a free man. No strings, no commitments" - single

Clothing Style: "As fresh as a spring blossom G. You know a always look on point. Life imitates art right? and fashion is art?... So if I dress good, I live good"

Not your typical urban outfitter but his roots are clearly expressed in what he wears. Jay loves to wear well made joggers or fitted but not skinny jeans, especially any sort of leather pants, a long line T Shirt or vest and a bomber/ varsity jacket. J will color match his Jacket, shoes and snapback on a regular basis, or wear all black/ all white with a bright colored pair of shoes; such as the all red Nike air max. His style is his imprint, he is very daring with his choice of fashion but it all represents him, he loves wearing a white suit with suspenders as much as he loves dressing down... but he always likes to look good. Having a res check shirt round his waist is like his trade mark. He has both ears pierced, but will only wear silver jewelry - normally a neck chain or two (one long one short), he find gold to "tacky", but really its probably to expensive. He has two rings that he wheres at all times, one silver band on this left middle finger and a silver band that curves into a 'J' on this right pinky.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c49609877_redoctober.jpg.cf87c969e2c7df6c74a2fe94bdc307c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c49609877_redoctober.jpg.cf87c969e2c7df6c74a2fe94bdc307c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Name: Aria Singh

Youtube Channel Name: AriMelodies

D/O/B: 8/26/1994

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Personality: Cheerful and energetic, she often annoys others with her positive attitude. She loves music and rapping, it's what got her so popular as a Youtuber. She's also a peacemaker, being the one to try to ease tension in a conflict. She's very laid-back, and easy going, but is serious about her music. She's very focused once she's set her mind to something, and is very determined to get what she wants. She has a lyric book that she keeps to her side at all times.

Subscriber Amount: 700,000





-Meeting new people(especially fans)





-Being made fun of(friendly teasing is different)

-Sour foods

Dating?: Nope, single.

Clothing Style: Usually casual, t-shirt and jeans, with a hint of punk rock. However, for fancy events, she likes knee-length, elegant looking dresses.​

Name: Trinity Moore

Youtube Channel Name: AlwaysTrinity

D/O/B: 7/4/1995

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Usually happy and has a welcoming smile on. However, she has a very short temper and has very little patience. A bad side of her is that she has a loud mouth and can't help controlling what she says, without knowing how she's hurting others. She has loved makeup ever since she was a little girl and it lead her to creating a youtube channel and becoming a beauty guru. She tends to be a perfectionist and is very focused in making her channel bigger. She enjoys writing in her personal notebook when she feels down. She's also a bit clumsy and can sometimes annoy others with her clumsiness.




Subscriber Amount: 600K

Likes: Makeup, writing, chocolate, shopping, lyrical dancing, partying, organization, cheer-leading, coffee, and meeting her subscribers and taking photos with them.

Dislikes: Bitter foods, rudeness, short hair, running, internet trolls, and messy/disorganized things.

Dating: Currently single.

Clothing style: Trinity will usually wear a crop top with high waist shorts topped of with a flannel, sandals and a ring. However, for special events like weddings, she likes wearing strapless silver dresses.​



Taren Moon

".... My last name is out of this world? Ha.... No... Okay.."

Youtube Channel Name:


"My childhood nickname... Why not make it my YouTube channel??"


May 6, 1997

"I am a Taurus and that's awesome.... Especially if you know Homestuck!"



"Big 16 was last year... Nothing important about being 17 though."



"Guess it's not as obvious as I thought"



"Both genders are fabulous... That's why I like 'em both"



Taren is a fun girl who is willing to do anything for her subscribers. She can be sassy, but she doesn't mean any harm. Taren is very outgoing and steps up to do anything she can as long as she isn't recording, or editing. She is definitely a kind girl, but if you're being a bitch trust me she'll tell you. She is definitely a romantic, believing there is a such thing as love at first sight.

".... Yeah... I'm not easy to understand"




Taren is tan with chocolate brown eyes that can melt a heart. Her hair is dark brown, but gets lighter towards the bottom, all the way down to her mid-back. She has small, but plump lips. Taren stands at 5'6 and weights 120.7lbs.

"I think I look like your average 17 year old..."


Subscriber Amount:











+Video Games




-Anyone that makes fun of what she likes




"As if I'd have a boyfriend or girlfriend"

Name: Johnny Orthino

Age; 17

Subscribers: 800k Main Channel/6ook-Side Channel

Personality: Johnny is more laid back and quiet. He's the stereotypical nerd, who sits back and lets the others do all the talking. People see him as the more mature one of the group, however, he can be childish when he wants. When he's off camera, he's a little more assertive and bossy to his friends, but to a fan, he's soft and gentle.


Likes/Dislikes: Loves cats, piano, dancing, skateboarding, pranks/Hates rude people, getting pranked, mangos

Crushes/Relationship: Flirts with Ali a lot, however, he doesn't like her like that.

Extra info: Has a cat named Taboo. He calls his fans JOs

Name: Alissa Hill

Age; 17

Subscribers: 800k -Main/400k-Side

Personality: Alissa is the more loud-mouth and daring one in the group. On camera, she's funny and assertive and pretty much the most fun. She has this horrible habit of making offensive jokes, even though she doesn't mean them, and digging herself further into her own grave. Off camera, however, she's a little less bossy and more quiet. When talking to a fan, she is a little shy, but a lot of fun.


Likes/Dislikes: Loves dogs, pennyboarding, dancing, music, pranks, drums/Hates haters, tea, getting proven wrong, getting her hair wet.

Crushes/Relationship: She play flirts with Matty and Johnny, but she doesn't like them that way.

Extra info: She has a pug name Redwood, she's part of the collab JAM, and her side channel is called AHillNation. She calls her fans HillNation.

Name: Matthew IsLeal


Subscribers: 800k-Main/700k-Side

Personality: Matty is kind of a mixture of his friends. When he's on camera, he can be quiet sometimes, but loud other times. Same with off camera, he can be loud when he wants, but sometimes quiet. He likes to act mature when he's around a fan, but he's very childish on the inside.


Likes/Dislikes: Loves pennyboarding, drawing, singing, pranks, animals, basketball, guitar/Hates dark chocolate, rock music, messy hair,

Crushes/Relationship: Flirts with Ali but in a playful way.

Extra info: His personal channel is MainManMatty and calls his fans Triple Ms. He's part of the collab JAM and he owns a bunny named Rabbit.


Name: Alaska Roxie Matthews

Youtube Channel Name: AlaskanDiamond

D/O/B: 14th February

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: She's sarcastic, independent, flirty, sarcastic and quirky. She only flirts for fun but when she meets her 'one true love' she probably try to get his attention which she believes is impossible

Subscriber Amount: 800k Main account (singing/acapella)/ 600k Side channel (Vlogs/Tips/Follow me Around/Collabs)


~ Pitch perfect

~ Movies

~ Rain

~ Sarcasm

~ Youtube


~ Crossing the line

~ Sour food

~ Singing Horrible

~ Bad movies

~ Drugs

Dating?: Single but ready to mingle

Clothing Style: Tumblr, rebel etc;​

Anything Else?: Her parents are dead so she doesn't talk about it. She is very flirty and owns a small long haired dachshund named Teddy which she takes everywhere
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Name: Lyric Rain Collins

Youtube Channel Name: XxLyricxX

D/O/B: 11/12/96

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Lyric is a very fun,loving,entergetic girl. She loves to help people out and is an overall amazing girl. She can be very sassy and isn't afriad to stand up for herself.


Subscriber Amount: 600,000




•Playing instruments






•Annoying people


•Big crowds


Dating?: no one at the moment

Clothing Style:


Anything Else?: She is from Paris,France. She is a recording artist and has one album out called "Tainted Minds" and it's Indie/Hipster inspired. She also owns a Yellow Burmese Python named Sly.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.9598063d75fae3ae2ef9296ebb5e8dfe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.9598063d75fae3ae2ef9296ebb5e8dfe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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  • Name: Viviette Kaytleen Luchen

    Youtube Channel Name: ItsVivKay

    D/O/B: November 2, 1997

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Straight

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Okay, I don't know what's up with the font thing and the two "IN DEPTH" tabs, but I hope it's okay.
Name: Alexander Reeve

Youtube Channel Name: xCobra Physiicz (Main) Physiicz II (Vlog channel) Phytness (Fitness Channel)

D/O/B: 17/11/1997

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Alex is confident and funny. he loves to make people and have fun. He is kind and caring. He isn't afraid to speak his mind and isn't easily intimidated. He is a smooth talker and can easily get his way.


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Subscriber Amount: Main: 500k Vlog 200k Fitness 5k

Likes: Sports, Video games, music

Dislikes: Bullies,

Dating?: TBA

Clothing Style: Likes to wear tank tops and shorts or jeans and t-shirts

Anything Else?: He works out a lot and is also a second dan karate black belt.



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Name: Paul Karas

Youtube Channel Name: Common Pirate

D/O/B: February 18, 1990

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual (Both Genders)

Personality: Paul can be serious or derpy/funny. He currently graduated College, and has been youtubing since he was 14. He is proud for his fans, and since he liked Pirates so much (Obvious from his Youtube Name), his fans are called 'The Pirates of Th' Seven Seas'. He dresses as a pirate sometimes, even!


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/something.jpg.2566c89ce2fa4e2a4c742fd1e6ae8f8b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75583" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/something.jpg.2566c89ce2fa4e2a4c742fd1e6ae8f8b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Subscriber Amount: 900k


1. Pirates

2. Halloween

3. Statues

4. Attractive Women/Men (He is Bisexual)

5. London (Birth Location)


1. Creepy Crawlies

2. Farts (.3.)

3. Rude People

4. Abandoning People

5. Haterz

Dating?: No.

Clothing Style: He likes Jackets, Tanktops, and Tuxedos. For pants, he likes Jeans, Shorts, and for both, Shirts and Pants (AND HAT :3): Pirate Costumes!

Anything Else?: Nah!



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Elliot Alderson

YouTube Channel Name

HumanGamer!(Gaming Channel/Main Channel)

Date of birth

July 21st 1993








Elliot loves to play around with his fans and interact with them,He loves to do new stuff on his channel but most of the time the fans don't like it,The only thing he does on his channel except for gaming is challenges that have gone viral. He can be a very serious guy when there is some serious stuff happening,Elliot is a hacker when he is not doing YouTube he thinks it's fun and loves hacking into other people's accounts,Of course he doesn't do this all the time He does it when he has time,He is a genius when it's comes to anything technological



Subscriber Amount




His haircut


His phone

His hoodie







Taylor Swift

Justin Bieber



Clothing Style

Black Hoodies,Anything that is dark,Jeans,Anything that doesn't reveal his body

Anything Else

SomatoToup123 said:
Name: Jai Dylan
Youtube Channel Name: HeyIt'sBlueJai

D/O/B: April 15, 1998

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Sweet, nice, Flirty, Good Kisser, Hopeless Romantic


Subscriber Amount: 6,542

Likes: Deep Voices, Singing, playing the Guitar, Makeup

Dislikes: Crouds, Spiders

Dating?: No One at the moment

Clothing Style: Hipster

Anything Else?: She has one album called "My Blonde Army" and she is from the UK.

Name: Eric Cooper

Youtube Channel Name: EricWorksOut

D/O/B: June 4, 1997

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Tough, Flirty, Good Kisser, Hopeless Romantic


Subscriber Amount: 4,297

Likes: Singing, playing the Guitar

Dislikes: Loud obnoxious people

Dating?: No One at the moment

Clothing Style: Bad boy

Anything Else? He was born in Ireland
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