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Nation Building BeckonCall's Fantasy Nation-building RPG thread

Either way, my lasting impact will be grand! I shall exist forever, immortal in the history books!

"Hey! Remember the Fennec? Yeah, they totally shit the bed. We have like 5 folk sayings now about how not to make mistakes like they did. We'll NEVER forget those guys."

"Hey! Remember the Fennec? Yeah, they totally shit the bed. We have like 5 folk sayings now about how not to make mistakes like they did. We'll NEVER forget those guys."

At least I had a cultural impact without using influence

Id imagine SOME fennecs would survive being slaughtered and find their own niche with time
but I plan on treading the line, not getting killed but making profit!

Ill also help people and do many joint projects to build relations! Itll be nice :)
"That guy... that guys a REAL fennec. I wouldnt trust him if I were you. One minute you'll be playing a nice round of kraps with the guy, talkin' and laughing and then BLAM, your done kid."
That moment when you don't have time to do all the cool stuff you wanted :(

This should see them covered. I was just wondering were there any effects from the monks and squires joining the guilds? I don't have fancy metals to bring to the smith's but Mags probably has some knowledge to add.
Also, Beckoncall Beckoncall How do you reckon ive done at the meeting? Seems ive pissed the Highborn off with my arguments. Seems they prefer I capitulate immediatly!
Just want to give a heads up I'll be going away on holiday for the next week. Should still have WiFi and maybe chances to do little posts in the evening but can't make any promises.
I'll be glad to see it complete and migrated into the IC thread.

I know it would involve editing out the posts that are purely OOC (or not if that's too much of a hassle) but the proceedings are too awesome not to go public. I will be exceptionally grateful to the player(s) willing to do this.

ALSO: Exiles and Aymarans are now considered hirable elements of the public labor pool. Pay wealth or influence to motivate them. (wealth for things they don't care or are indifferent about, influence for things they'd likely support) -- This will allow you to draw from those populations in the faction status thread as day-labor... if there is confusion PM me to see if the labor you want is available after posting and you can modify (+/-) later if neccessary.

The general labor pool also includes the 50 Hillfolk and 50 Kobolds -- you must be a member of the colonial government or have permission to leverage this labor.

As time goes on, there may be more additions to these pools, or folk will immigrate that are sworn to no faction, but instead will join the labor pool. Such "Neutral folk" may be intigratable with factions by converting gold/influence into manpower points and "buying" them. We'll see.

I am all caught up I think with order process... but I could have missed things. If ANYONE THINKS SO, PM me... I've been working hard for your pleasure, and the pleasure has been mine! Bear with me feel free to continue acting!
Beckoncall Beckoncall I think you missed my response to my fountain and then the little meeting the others of my group in the highborn quarter, should be on like page 20 or 21.
Post #'s?

You got a little harsh with the fountain and I believe it's gone mum, my good man -- it won't speak for a while now -- but It seems you might have both postured for the position of "seller" which left nobody to buy. :D

The meeting in the highborn quarter should be addressed to Prince Vaethorion Prince Vaethorion -- unless there was something of mine to effect by declared action.

I read all your posts. Find them riveting. You have a flair for desriptives I think H.P. Lovecraft wouldn't fault you for. <3
Also... order summaries help keep me honest. Did these posts have order summaries I could process?

I would NEVER skip an order intentionally -- please help me get you the attention your actions deserve. <3
  1. The ring of magic from the lighthouse is noted as to the best of abilities with a drawn picture inside of Urun's pad. He leafs through the rest of his pad, the advanced symbols and terminology he'd forgotten. But he looked at them anyway.
  2. Urun freaks out when Jadius is missing and makes a scene. Appearing extremely distressed.
  3. Ryleon gathers the survivors and tries to pull as much as she can from them. Urun takes notes <------ Think you could do this one. Since its about memory in response to the relevations of the platz
You have only lightened my burden. Sometimes I need help.

Pretty soon I'm actually going to ask people to tell me all of their commodities and re-assert their guild personnel, so I can change standings in the colony. The biggest contributor to any guild becomes primary controller of said guild. You need guilds as well to access wealth that players pay to people, and people in turn pay to market (keeping coin moving cyclically)

Remember -- you can get orders processed with people you don't have, (sometimes I notice your mistakes and don't say anything) but either in audit or with regard to a certain event... you'll either have modifiers you can't see, or negative results you do -- so KEEP TRACK OF YOUR PEOPLE AND STUFF!

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