Story Because he can (two chapters)


New Member
So, I know most of you probably don't know me and never heard of me, but I'd like to present you all first two chapters of a story, which I actually got to write down and not quit somewhere midwards as I always do >.>

So that's it.


Clock is ticking slowly. John can hear it behind him on the wall, but decides not to look as he would just get disappointed. As he starts filling another paper with information, he takes a brief look at the queue line in front of his stall. He sighs and gets back to writing. In days like this he regrets his choice of career and he almost wishes that something interesting happened here. Almost.

He frowns and scratches what he just wrote and writes it next to it again. At least he is forced to focus on the work, else he gets fired. This way, he can't think much about how miserable his life is.

One of the clients coughs. Oh great, now he might get ill with one of those ugly fevers.

John hands out paper and calls "Next". A rather tall man comes into the stall window and keeps quiet and nervous. John doesn't have time for some slow folk "Listen, man, Say what I can help you with or go away, you can't stand in the line and block other people's lives." The man smiles a bit and puts hand inside his coat "Alright then..." he takes out something from metal and points the barrel at John "I want money. Lots of it." He covers his head with a sock and looks behind him. The people start to panic as few other men take out guns and start shouting "Everyone keep calm. Keep calm and nobody will get harmed!"

People slowly stop screaming and fall into silence. "Good" the one near the stall says "Now, as I said, open the vault and get out of the way!" John thinks about his boss for a second, but decides that he doesn't matter now. He stood up, opened the side-door to the stall and went to the basement to the vault door, followed by the tall robber.

Slowly passing through security measures, John can hear angry man shouting something and then two shots, people screaming for a moment, then another shot and dead silence afterwards. Finally passing all the security measures, John starts opening the vault door itself, revealing a big mess made of money bills, coins and bags of money. The robber walks in, looks around, turns around and whistles. Two more robbers get there, grab bags of money and walk away again. The robber pushes John out of the vault "Now, how about going back to the other people and act as my colleagues say, ok? I won't need you here anymore."

As John goes back, he can hear men screaming, silent rustling of a coat and people chattering. When he is about to go up the stairs, he can see a big figure of a man with a brown hat up on his head and brown coat covering his body. His hands covered in blood and his face hidden by a grey mask. The man is going down the stairs, silently, and only noise he makes is the rustling of his coat. He doesn't seem to care that John is in his way and would just stomp him if he didn't divert near the wall. The man keeps walking towards the vault and John decides to follow him, seemingly charmed by his silent walk. When he gets in the vault, he approaches the robber and punches him sideways. The robber's body falls silent on the ground and two grey wings emerge from his back. The man bends over and takes one small bag of money and walks out, just barely not hitting John again. John closes the Vault door and follows him up. When he gets there, he is already gone, but there are several dead bodies of robbers and one of a civilian, all with some weird wings covering them, but slowly disappearing into the air....


Mack kicks a stone forward and sighs "The suit's hot."

The sun is burning and air is almost burning skin. As always during their lunch duty. They knew it will be as this, but they didn't avoid any single opportunity to complain about it. At least Mack didn't. Quant doesn't care too much to actually say something. He barely talked when he didn't have to, but he doesn't mind Mack's whining about things. At least it cleanses the awful silence of the day's hottest hours.

"And soon my legs will hurt!" Mack continues. Quant knows what he is speaking about. Their suits are heavy and their stinker is long. And it got repetitive. Only thanks to that, Quant doesn't have to talk that much. Otherwise he would have to speak about which path to take or where to turn. And that would spend too much of the suit's energy. And he needs that to keep himself cool for these hours.

Their stinker barely had any interesting moments. Every now and then they have to solve some problems of the civilians and if the problems are of dangerous nature, even then they only have to just call in the action unit and get the rest of their duty off for the day.

Their job is simply boring walking around in the dusty and searing streets of west sectors of Hurrur, making sure that there isn't any riot on-going and that other patrols are ok.

Two gunshots sounding from just two blocks away from where they are now. That is a new situation. Quant got excited, "Let's go" he spits out, just loud enough for Mack to hear. Their movement rapidly sped up, as the suits they are wearing have the leg enhancing technologies needed. But they couldn't prepare them for the sight they saw when they turned around the corner near one local bar.

A guard, in similar suit to theirs, impaled on a long metal stick resembling sword stuck to the wall of the bar. Quant's breathing fastens up and he turns on additional oxygen mode, to ease his breathing "these suits have everything" goes through his mind as his eyes sweep across the street. Only to find a young man, maybe a boy, not looking much younger than Mack, which is standing next to him. The boy kneeling on the ground next to dead body, possibly of a young girl, crying and holding her hand in his. "Mack, cover me." Quant says and steps forward, towards the boy, sweeping around, up and down to make sure there isn't any danger present. The boy notices him by the noise of his voice and looks at them with his teary eyes "Please, go away!" he screams and starts getting up.

Quant raises his gun "We mean no harm, step back and show us your empty hands!" he repeats the phrase which he has used so many times on the training fields.

The boy still standing looks down on the girl at his side "Go away!" he roars and new bunch of tears locks up in his eyes.

Quant can hear Mack asking "The team?" but he just shakes his head. It's time they solved a conflict without calling them in. Otherwise they will be in this boring position till their death.

"Last warning, step back now and you won't get harmed." Quant raises his voice and turns on the aim lock feature of the suit. He never had the possibility to use it outside of training. It's about time.

The boy quickly lunges forward and grabs the metal stick faster than Quant manages to press the trigger, unloading two shots into an empty space, but the following three hit the boy's stomach. The boy collapses down, still holding on to the stick which is stuck into the wall, through the dead guard's body. He spits out a pinch of blood and slowly starts pulling onto the stick, getting onto one knee. Quant aims for his head and presses the trigger once, switching onto penetrating bullet before. As he does so, the boy's arms rip out the stick incredibly fast and swing sideways, reflecting the bullet and a window to his left breaks and crashes noisily.

"I told you to go away." the boy says right before his eyes get covered in purple gel. The dead guard's body finally fall to the floor and Quant notices burned ashes spilling out of his armour.

"What the..." He hears Mack's unfinished sentence right before both of them start unloading their magazines onto the boy. Same purple gel starts erupting out of the stick and catching the bullets mid-air and sticking to walls around, finishing their motion there.

The boy leaps forward to them with a scream and insane speed of motion.

As the sun is setting, new patrol is following their ordinary trail, only to find empty armour suits with missing pieces, ash scattered around and bunch of purple gel sliding down the walls, vaporizing.


Wyatt wakes up to a sunlight shining through a hole in the curtains, right at his head, into his eyes. It burned. He wants it to stop, but he can't. He can only accept his fate. Fate of light shinning into his eyes, waking him up. He giggles at the naivity of that thought.

Then he starts noticing things around him. A small sand colored room. He has never seen such. Its essence is different from that which he knows from home.

-Is this heaven?

-More like hell.

The air is heavy, full of dust.

-Did I die? Or is this a dream?

His stomach hurts.

-No, this isn't a dream.

-But am I alive?

His body doesn't move even if he tries hard.

A vasp lands on his face.

-I hope there are no vasps in hell.

The vasp takes off and flies out of the window, leaving him alone.

He notices sounds coming from there.


Car movements.



People screaming.

-No, I am alive. Or well, close to it.

The shooting recalls memories.

Memories of his death.


-I am here!


-I am breathing!

But he can't move.

He remembers now.

His little sister stealing a bread from the salesman, soldier following her, shooting aside just to scare her. But she tried to avoid the shooting and jumped into it.

His anger.

Metal stick lying on the ground.

The sound it made when he picked it up

The soldier kneeling infront of her dying body.

Feeling of the stick stabbing through the back of the soldier's armor.

Soldier's realization.

Soldier's protests.

Soldier's realization that he dropped his gun when he shot.

The sound the soldier made when the stick finally pierced his armor.

Then his own protests against two new soldiers.

And then the bullets diving into his stomach.

The insane pain, fading away to the purple light.

-I am dead...


-That's why I can't move.

Steps on a wooden surface closing in.

-And I am just a ghost watching someone, somewhere lying. Nothing more.

Stept right behind door to the room.

-But if so? Can I feel his emotions?

Door opening. Older man with a tray.

-Can I feel his pain?

"So, getting better?"

-Can he know I am here watching him?

His body doesn't move still.

"Oh well, I brought you some food, but I guess it's still to early."

-Can I message him? Tell him what I know?

"But you gotta drink..."

The man takes a bottle, opens it and forces him to drink some liquid.

-And what if he dies?

"Let's see how your injuries are."

The man stripps down Wyatt's shirt and cuts bandaids on his stomach.

-Will we both move on to someone else?

"Well, your wounds are sure getting better. Considering how much damage those bullets did to you...."

Then he puts on new bandaids and puts his shirt back on.

-Or will we split?

"I still have some work to do, so I'll leave you to your thoughts, again. And please," first time a little bit of sadness could be seen in his eyes "don't take way too long."

-And will we....

The purple darkness covers everything again as the man leaves the room.


"Quickly, the wardrobe!" She said as she was looking through some boxes under a bed. Her partner started opening drawers on the wardrobe and throwing things out.

It was dark. It would be easier to search for things during sunlight, but certain jobs need darkness for success. And she knew it. "Why didn't we take a flashlight, again?" he asked as he was trying to open a small box he just found. "Because they might find us." she responded with a slight tone to her voice. "But he isn't even at home. And he wasn't for several days. Who might find us?"

She stopped and dropped a piece of cloth back into the box she just opened. She stared into darkness and listened. "...them..."

"Who them?" -click- "Wow, look what I found!" he gasped.

She got thrown out of her thinking by a bright gray light coming out of the box he was holding. "Close it! Before someone finds us!"

"But, it's so beautiful....." he sat down with the box still opened, staring into it " if it was gifting my soul..."

"What are you-" she sensed a beat in the air coming from the box "Close it! Now!" as she stood up and rushed to him. When she touched the box, his eyes turned gray and he growled "Go away! This is my treasure!" and he smacked her hand away. The hit was as cold as darkness. She slapped him in the face with all her might right after. While he was standing up she fast caught the box, took one brief look into it and closed it. In that look she saw herself in a middle of metal-blue mist, with something shining yellow in her hand.

Her partner released a hissing sound and tried to grab her leg. But she was way too fast for him. She figured out she gotta escape him now. And fast before something happens.

Firstly she aimed for the door, but he rolled in her path fast. She looked around. Window. She smashed it open and climbed into it. She didn't want to jump out because she was on the second floor.

"My treassure! Return it to me! My Treasssssure!" she heard while she was climbing down the wall.

Another beat in the air, this time coming from the west.

Escape! The only thing that mattered to her now.

She jumped over a low fence, which caught her black leggins. She started to run.

"Citizen!" a Clear Future soldier shouted on her.

She sent a sight back and took a turn on a corner.

Some crashing noise was heard back from the house "Treasureee...", the voice lowered as she kept running.

Another beat in air, from east, this time stronger.

She stopped at the realization of the beats.

Steps behind her. "Stop citizen! Face us and throw away all your weapons! We have permission to harm, don't make us do it!"

She stood right where she was.

"We shoot on three!"

"Three." her sight dropped to the ground

"Two." She looked over shoulder at the soldiers.

"One." She sent a sight up above them

A scream cut the silence of the night. A scream and a purple glow around a silluete of a man with a sword flying towards them at high speed from the west.

The guards' shooting didn't stop him, but they managed to dodge his first attack from the charge.

They splitted around and one called in more troops.

The shining man flew up in the air and charged in for a second attack, this time straight at one of the soldiers. He had no way of dodging the attack this time.

More guards appeared as the man swiped through the street to get the second guard. He didn't hit him. The purple glow did, though.

He jumped around and killed another, separating his head from his body. One of the soldiers aimed his weapon and shot a laserbeam into him. The man fell to the ground.

The purple glow infected ground under him, spreaded and hit and destroyed most of the guards in there. Most.

The last guard approached him slowly and put down his helmet. His eyes glowed red. "So do you think you can fly around killing people? Do you, punk?"

He touched the ground and the purple glow got reduced to just a tiny light on the man's skin. He was there just in some ragged cloths and bandaids on his stomach. The soldier looked at Wyatt's wings. "But you got powerful stuff here." as he touched them, they turned to ash "it's shame a punk like you received them."

"And what have we got here" as he turned to her.

She was still looking at the same spot, she was looking when Wyatt appeared.

"You think you can ignore me?" The soldier said angrily as he walked in front of her.

But she wasn't ignoring him. In fact she couldn't. Her senses were in another dimension.

"Retuuuuurn!" Hissing scream through the air, barely heard by her "Retuuuurn as a good child!"

The soldier took out some electir tazer. "You know, even people like me, could use"

"Give back what's ours!" was what she heard

" are going to continue, well, I gave you a chance for a good way, let's do it the hard way." and he touched her chest with the tazer.

Her body didn't react.

The two dimensions finally asimilated into one as a brown coated character jumped into the scene, smashing the Soldier away, grabbing the box and kicking her back. The Soldier, powerful as he was, didn't have the willpower to survive the touch of the damned at the time. He was caught with his pants down.

"Mylax!" The hissing scream again, "getting stolen like that...You want to cause more trouble?" he opened the box and inserted his point finger into it, then took it out and annointed his face with it.

"Ugh...there's someone still alive here...and we wouldn't want that, would we?" as he raised his face. Street lamp shined into his face, revealing complete gray mask and longer hair coming down from under his hat.

He stepped next to Wyatt and tried touching him.

Wyatt disappeared in a purple smoke right before that happened.

"Oh, well, that was unexpected. And I thought there was something misty about him..." He talked to himself, inserted the box into his coat and walked away.


Wyatt has woken up, sitting on his bed and breathing heavily. Skin on his scapulas hurt.

After dozens of minutes, just sitting there, breathing and doing nothing, he realizes that he can actually move his muscles.

-What a crazy dream that was... - He thinks as he touches his face. He notices burned skin on his wrist.

-Or was it?

He notices a sword lying on the bed next to him. A sword covered in blood. The band aids on his stomach are blood-stained again.

He stands up in front of a mirror in his sand coloured room. It wasn't there before, but now it is...

In the mirror he notices several things. That his body seems more muscled than it was before.

When he turns around, he can see two burned spots on his scapulas.

He also has circles under his eyes.

His eyes.

They used to be brown.

Now they are purple.

-So it wasn't a dream...but what the hell is happening?

Steps outside of the room. Wyatt quickly jumps into his bed and acts as if he was sleeping as the stranger opens the door.

"Oh, so you finally woke up..." he said as he first glanced onto Wyatt, which just opened his eyes, looking like a fool at the stranger.


"Don't ask, don't ask, I have many great talents and noticing someone's activity is just one of the lesser ones." the man says with smile on his face as he approaches Wyatt's bed. Then he turns around, and back again, holding a chair, puts it on the floor and sits on it. "So I guess you also noticed and realized, what you've been doing out there, child of Mylax." he talks on, as he pours some drink, probably tea, in a mug.

-Child of what? Mylax?

"Questions, always only questions..." he giggles a little "How about you giving me a little explanation, of what you think happened, child of Mylax?"

"Well, I...” Wyatt starts talking but is rudely interrupted by the stranger- "Your voice. It's a human voice still. You truly are spectacular"


"Never mind that, go on!" stranger laughs.

"As I started: I had some kind of sword and was able to kill soldiers even without touching them. Then one of them shot something to me and I was unable to move, see or hear. I could sense somehow, though." Wyatt starts talking.

"And what did you hear?"

"Voice of a man. He sounded old. And familiar. He sounded arrogant. Even when he wasn't talking to me. But then some other voice appeared, different one, yet similar. He spoke something of returning. Returning and giving back something that belonged to it. And then just two beats of death. And when he spoke again, he had much friendlier voice. Then he approached me...and then a purple...” Wyatt stops talking, flapping with his hands in the air, trying to name the thing. The stranger continues "...mist appeared and you don't remember anything more, I know, I saw it with you, as I am you, child of Mylax!" Stranger finished and shows his wrist to Wyatt. He has it burned in the same spot.

-What sorcery is this?

"This ain't no sorcery. There are things in this world, which you need to understand before you can go on and live a happy life. Sadly they can't be simply explained. You need to find them yourself." he stands up and leaves the room. Wyatt turns on his bed to the other side and tries to fall asleep. Or actually wake up from this insane dream, which he believes he is in.


Street full of people, Wyatt among them. It was a huge street with many people. Wyatt recognized a lot of faces there. He knew that some of those people were dead. He felt huge, as if he wasn't in his body. Yet he somehow knew he was.

-Is this a dream?

He looked around. His vision seemed to stretch to wider. It was also more focused in the middle and less on the outsides. The vision of a hunter.

He was slightly taller than most people on this street so he could easily see over their heads. In the distance, he could see bright white light. He was being dragged towards it.

So he started walking forward. People were moving in all directions and he was advancing slowly. After a while of walking he didn't see much of an advance, but he learned how to move with the crowd.

People seemed to take him as one of them even though he could see on his hands that they were hands of a beast. They were like arms of a tiger but with human furred fingers. Also they were dark purple.

As he was walking forward, he noticed that the entire crowd is coloured in light colours. There wasn't any single dark colour there. Except for him. And the guy running towards him holding a sword and cutting the way towards Wyatt. He was clothed in a black tunic and he had covered face. Wyatt just now realized that he is holding a purple glowing sword in his hand and ran through the crowd towards the man, when they met the man slashed his sword at Wyatt, which just blocked it off to the side and slashed through the man. He disappeared.

-What is happening?

Wyatt continued in advancing through the path the man made. He could now see the faces of the dead and dying. He could sense their life force go away. He knew these people. He knew them for years, these were his neighbours and friends. He also found his father, slashed through the chest, dead. He shaked his head and continued onwards.

He came to realize that the light in distance turned to grey. And also the crowd's colours turned to grey. He didn't know the meaning of this, but he continued walking onwards, because he didn't want to turn around and return. If he did, he would see his father dead, yet again.

He could smell the smell of burning in the air, the taste of ash and coming terror. He didn't like it. In the crowd, he started seeing demons, killing people around, for no reason. Every time he was closing to some, it just disappeared. The people started screaming in chaos and running around. That didn't help the situation at all. This was Wyatt's nightmare. He wanted to help those people. But because of those people, he couldn't help them. He had to watch them die or kill them himself to help them.

-If only I could fly...

And he realized that he has wings on his back and he knew how to use them. He flew up and towards the nearest demon, he didn't see him coming so it was a one slash win for Wyatt. He repeated the process and kept on his flying forward. But he wasn't managing to kill the demons before they could kill innocent people.

The light in the far changed to darkness. More and more demons, covered in darkness started appearing in the crowd, until the whole crowd was made of demons. They started to fly. They followed Wyatt who was desperately trying to kill them. Some demon catched his leg, Wyatt cut his hand off. Some other started scratching his side, Wyatt killed him in a pirouette. More hands started to tear off the remainings of his clothes. He couldn't keep up with killing them. They started cutting his skin. Their nails were rough and sharp. They were made to inflict much pain on their targets. And that's exactly why Wyatt was screaming in agony now. He thought he couldn't bear the pain anymore.

His sword started glowing purple, killing all the demons right around him. He opened his eyes and saw that he is closed in a ball of demons and darkness, nothing more. The glow rate increased and Wyatt felt its power in his body.


The glow turned to shine and it killed and destroyed all the demons around, all which were in this realm.

The street changed. Now it was a highland with craters all around. His wings started to be tired so he landed on the ground and continued walking.

It felt like there was nothing here. Just him and silence. He started running.

He was walking uphill and couldn't see much forward. But then he got to the top of the hill.

He was on a dirty platform which was ending about 20 metres in front of him. There was a brown coated man with a brown hat standing. The man peeked above his shoulder. Wyatt noticed his cold grey glowing eyes. The man did a spin and leaped to Wyatt, faster than Wyatt could react. He did a smash towards Wyatt as he leapt.


Hurrur has all kinds of strange buildings. Huge bio farms, factories, all kinds of army buildings and many other. One of the strangest is a comparably small building, with just one floor. The building has no windows and no doors. Citizens of the city don't know what is inside. Their thoughts are that it is some kind of warehouse accessed from underground tunnels. But it is too small for that matter. It is there longer than anyone remembers and it never was mentioned in any history books. Not even the army knows what is inside. The building is always quiet and its surface very cold. As if it wasn't from this world. This building serves such purposes, which nobody would ever expect: From underground to the top of the building it is a big water tank. There is no light source, nor is there any way out.

Currently, there is a body flowing inside, silently. A big human body wearing a brown coat and a brown hat. From under that hat, long brown hair is flowing with it, levitating all around. The body hasn't moved for few last hours, it is just flowing as if part of the water itself. The body is Ru.

Everything is going on according to his plans after all. There were several troubles, but they didn't make much difference. He wonders, though, how could such a powerful entity as the soldier be unnoticed by anyone for so long. But it doesn't matter anymore, he is now dead and nobody can stop Ru's plans now.

The water is silent and calm, like the nature right before the storm.

Suddenly, a weak beat travels through the water. Ru opens his eyes widely.

-He lives!

Wyatt wakes up startled. He is all covered in sweat and he is breathing heavily.

-What was that, again?

He is still in the same room, but this time it has more of a grey colour.

He gets up and notices that there are no band aids around his stomach anymore. Also his body doesn't hurt.

He looks into mirror and notices that his eyes still have purple-ish flavour. Also the burn marks are still on his wrist and his back.

He looks around the room. He notices doors which weren't there before. He opens them. A shower. There are also clean clothes on a cupboard. He looks at himself and inhales. It is obvious. He needs to take the shower.

When he gets out and puts on the clothes which fit perfectly, he decides to take a walk outside. As he is walking towards door out, in the corner of his vision, he notices his sword.

-Should I? What if I break insane again? Can I stop myself from killing people? No, I won't take it.

He leaves it there lying, reflecting purpl-ish light around the room as he closes the doors.

Outside is still the same city, everyone is walking fast to do their business and many people often look around, paranoidly.

As Wyatt walks through the city, he notices a slight change. While the city remained the same, deceiving, friendly and poor, it acts strangely towards him. As if he was a stranger. Beggars look up to him, with hate in their eyes instead of hope. The salespeople speak words of greed, not heartful welcoming and wanting to talk as neighbours do. Instead of running to him, hoping for a few coins and a game of hide and seek, the local children run away from his path, pointing fingers at him, spitting and probably calling him names. It feels, as if this was no longer his city.

He aims for the central part of the city, near the central wall. The part where his dreams led him. The part where he spilled blood of many.

He notices that the soldier patrols got both richer in numbers and amount of guards per patrol. It seems like the Clear Future doesn't like what's happening. Not at all.

A young woman in torn clothes is sitting on the side of the street, whispering to the air "The horror, the horror...”

Wyatt steps away from the main path as there is an armoured vehicle coming with four guards covering it. He fears that they could somehow recognize him for his conscious less killing.

He continues through a thin street, surrounded by tall houses. It was so thin, two people could barely pass each other there. Wyatt always liked these streets; there are no surprises coming onto you in there. Or so he thought.

He comes onto a small square, which was kind of a crossing of 8 of these thin streets. The square consists of two stalls and a tree in the middle. Also there are these two guys: one tall, thin, middle-aged man in seemingly victorian clothes, holding a victorian gun, pointing it at the stall's owner, and the second one, grey haired man, with the looks of a monk in dark blue clothes, talking to the stall's owner.

Wyatt doesn't know what to do, but then he realizes what's happening. "Stop it!" he screams and makes few steps forward. The man with a gun turns his head and smiles "Look, Kyle, there is someone trying to stop us."

The second one, probably named Kyle, turns his head to Wyatt, which just noticed he has closed eyes. Kyle's eye opens for a brief moment "Kill him." he says, turning back to the stall's owner. The first one shot.

It is a nice day outside. No clouds on the sky, sun shining and birds singing. A single gunshot couldn't break the beauty of the day. But it could break the beauty of life.

Purple material, created from thin air right in front of Wyatt, protects him from the gunshot to the head. His eyes started glowing purple and so did his hands.

"Neglecting gunshots, huh?" said the first man, with a fading smile "Try to neglect this!"

~Drip drop - the sound of blood~ Wyatt hears in his mind, whispering in a dark tone, not too much different from the guy's voice

Wyatt instinctively sways towards the left side of his belt, surprised to find sword there, he raised it and slashed behind himself with it, almost hitting the man who just stabbed him into the back.

Luckily for Wyatt, the purple material was faster, preventing the stab.

"Protection without conscious stimulus, interesting" the man raises his head, revealing two dark spikes coming from top of his eyes, to top of his head and ending like horns. His eyes are dark grey and have shadow feel to them. "Let's see is some more"

~Drip drop - the sound of blood~ sounded once.

Wyatt feels a sharp pain on left side of his back.

~Drip drop - the sound of blood~ sounded twice.

Wyatt's leg starts to hurt on the back of his right knee.

~Drip drop - the sound of blood~ sounded for the third time.

Wyatt slashes towards his back and manages to hit the enemy.

"Oh, but you don't have much of speed..."

~Drip drop - the sound of blood~ continues to sound into an echo while the man jumps around, slaughtering Wyatt.

-The pain! Make it stoooop!

Purple light emerges from Wyatt and the cry of eternal suffering leaves the man's mouth.

~Rock solid~ this time slow, stable voice whispered to silence.

Between Wyatt's purple light and the screaming man is now some sort of wall made from some material which was unknown to Wyatt. At least unknown until today. It is the same material that protects him from getting wounded.

The monk like figure is standing next to the screaming man. "I told you to kill him, not annoy him until he decides to kill you." and touches him "Now go and kill him. I am off, everything here is done." turns around and leaves.

"And I wanted to play so much..." hardly breathing, "well, your time to play is over!"

~The shadow always strikes twice~ Single swift whisper to the silence of the darkness.

~Strike one!~ Shout through the darkness.

Wyatt's guts experience true terror as a long dagger slices right through them, faster than Wyatt is able to react. Faster than the purple light that surrounds Wyatt.

But it's not strong enough. Wyatt's sword gets imbued by the purple light as Wyatt raises it above his head and swings sideways down, through the man's arm and continues to slice right across his body, separating his head and his right arm from rest of his body. The man's body turned into shadow and ran away from the light of the day.

Wyatt proceeds to vomit as his guts regenerate with the help of purple material. As he is crouching there, vomiting, the stall owner comes close to him. "Mylax, look what Father found...” he says with a squeaky voice, "Father won't starve for weeks again. Mylax, Father is so happy!" he shouts, grabbed Wyatt's leg and starts pulling him away "Father got a prey today, Mylax.”

Wyatt realizes what is happening and tries to make him drop his leg, but the stall's owner, a small, round, bald guy with a stick in his other hand, has his leg gripped hard. Wyatt manages to grab his sword as he was being pulled away from it and tries to slash the man's hand. He succeeds and cuts deep into his skin. "Mylax! Look what it did to us!" the man screams as he looks onto his hand "Father will not forgive this to it!", by the time he is saying that, Wyatt got up on his legs and holds his sword against him "Don't come any closer!", he spits.

The man takes a step forward. Wyatt backens by a step. The man takes another step forward, with his stick held by his body, not ready for countering. Wyatt jumps forward and slashes at him. The man's hand blocks the slash and grabs his sword by the blade. He squashes the blade in his hand. Wyatt feels a deep pain in the hand holding the sword. He is cornered now. The man raises his stick and hits Wyatt's head once. As Wyatt is falling to the ground, the man grabs his leg and continues pulling him "Yes, yes, Father got him a prey, Mylax, they will be proud and will give Father a reward. Father likes rewards...” Wyatt faints.


Wyatt wakes up in a big, almost empty white room, sleeping on a simple bed. In a third of the room is some kind of power field and behind it stands a not so old man in a lab coat, watching him.

"So you finally woke up, young one" he says. "I've been waiting longer than I expected...I thought you are stronger..."

"How long..." Wyatt sits on his bed and can't finish the sentence, because the room starts spinning around him.

"Three weeks and two days...Your body wasn't prepared for the loss of blade." The scientist presses a button on the wall and the power field turns off. He then takes few steps to Wyatt and points at hilt near the bed. It lacks blade. Wyatt grabs it and tries focusing on it. A blunt pain kicks into his head and forces him to stop it and throw the hilt away. "Where am I, who are you and why am I here?" Wyatt asks as he tries to stand up.

"Why of course, where did I forget my manners...You are in my laboratory, and I am the unknown scientist named Remeler...but those who know me just call me Rem. And you are here for such obvious reasons. For science!" He smiles, throws his hands into air and comes even closer to Wyatt, then bends and picks up the empty hilt, "...very interesting..." he continues in a serious tone as he examines it through his glasses and goes back, towards his panel again.

"Science...why would someone lock up a generic person in a laboratory and try to do science on him? And what's so interesting about that hilt? It was just a sword..." Wyatt explodes.

"Just a sword, eh? Saying it that way is the same as saying that your hand is 'just a bunch of molecules', and while technically it indeed is a bunch of molecules, I don't think you would gladly let it be crushed, because it's 'just a bunch of molecules'" Rem rants on, ignoring the first question and powering up the power field again. "Now, I'll need some cooperation from you to test some things. Release your Mylax and let the energy flow into the space of this room."

"Hold on a sec...Release my...WHAT?" Wyatt pulls a weird look on his face.

" that's how it is. Well, I certainly know that you released your power quite a few times already in the past. Just do it again. For science." Rem goes on explaining without even looking at him, setting up some things on his panel.

"How about you give me proper description of what you want from me doc?" Wyatt tries to push away the explaining that he can't release the power.

"Release your powerword and your Mylax. And don't fear about breaking this room, these walls survived some hell of beasts already, I doubt you'll be any problem for them."

"You keep using that word, Mylax, what is that?"

"Mylax...” Rem looks at Wyatt "we don't quite know what or who Mylax is. All we know is that there are people who got infected, possessed, gifted, call it whatever you want, by some strange energy, which causes their bodies to be able to regenerate at incredible speed and mostly also grants some kind of power. That power seems to be unique for every single person and that's what we are trying to study here. To see if we can discover what it is or if we can manipulate it. Also, its name comes from one of the first things a person hears when he first unleashes his power." he looks back at the panel and giggles " I almost forgot...It also grants the person some sort of fourth dimensional hearing in which various powerwords are transmitted. Along with Mylax' name. We are still not sure if it's an actual space or just portions of our imaginations, though. Does that explain your questions?" Rem looks back at Wyatt with a somewhat friendly look on his face.

"More or less..." Wyatt answers undecided.

"Well, then, let's get to science! Let's see what you are made of..." Rem presses some buttons on his panel "Release your base powerword, now."

The room seems to darken and the light emitting powerfield, which seems to be the only source of light in this room, lightens sweat on Rem's face, his eyes switching from Wyatt to his panel and back. The powerfield slowly increases in intensity as....nothing happens.

Rem presses something again and the light in the room restores. "What happened? Don't you know how to release your powerword?" Rem watches him with disappointment in his eyes.

"Well, I don't really know what this Mylax you keep talking about is...You probably have the wrong guy..." Wyatt wants to explain.

"No, no, no, no, no! Don't even try to play the 'I am not supposed to be here' thing on me. Do you think I am some kind of fool? Or a child for that matter? If you won't reveal your secret to me..." Rem's voice drops down into hardly hear able whisper, from which Wyatt's back shivers "I will have to beat it out of you."

Again with his happy voice, Rem continues "Alright then, release your powerword now!" and presses combination of things on his panel.

Wyatt deeply concentrates into his inner depths, into the place from which the sword came when he needed, into the place he woke up from. Into the place full of purple darkness. He swims there, as if he was in the eternal depths of the deepest ocean, filled with darkness and power. And even though he seems to be unable to grab onto some of that if it was too sparse for his hands to catch. He could feel it slipping past his fingers, until he managed to touch something real, something like a handle. Rem's eyes shined with excitement "Yes, that's the way..." as Wyatt's body illuminates purple light. Wyatt grabbed the handle tight into his hand and it turned into liquid, floating to eternity. His whole vision turned upside down and started to twist like crazy, then it ended and he felt as if he was thrown onto the beach out of the beautiful ocean. He was lying on the floor of the white room, coughing blood.

"And we were so close...But your body seems to be unable to set up the powerword by your will." Rem shrugs, "Well, we are gonna have to do it the hard way." He presses few buttons again and few robotic arms came out of the walls and grabbed Wyatt's limbs and one grabbed his neck. "Don't fear them...they are there to secure you'll survive it, actually..." Another arm descended from the ceiling in front of Wyatt's eyes. A bright blue light started transmitting from it into them. Wyatt started screaming in pain and resisted against the robotic arms. However, the arms held him way too strong for him to resist them just like that. Wyatt continued screaming in agony and eventually his eyes started glowing purple, pushing against the blue light, until it pushed the light completely. With purple light emitting from him, he broke through the arms and lunged forward against Rem, with a fist in front, only to be struck down by the powerfield, causing heavy burn damage on his arm. Barely breathing he got up, purple material filling in the burned skin, forging a sword grasped in a hilt in his hand.

"Interesting, marvelous, incredible...Your Mylax stimulates regeneration at high speed, probably providing harmless area inside of that purple material, and the sword....just incredible...” Rem talks in excitement.

Wyatt's blade finishes forging in his hand, spikes coming from his belt cover his eyes completely.

"And those spikes...I can only imagine what is their purpose...Do they help the control of the body? Additional powersources? Do they help defend the body?" Rem continues babbling.

Wyatt prepares his sword for a sideway strike.

"Your muscle activity increased multiplicately. It seems like Mylax is boosting your blood activity and oxygen hydration..." Rem continues, completely sure that the powerfield will protect him.

Wyatt strikes through the powerfield. As soon as the blade of his sword touches it, the field's colour changes into purple and almost instantly fizzes away as the blade continues to strike, aiming for Rem's throat.

~With power comes understanding!~ a scream through another dimension

Rem's now massive arm gets in the way of the blade, fingertips snap it, breaking it, his hand flying towards Wyatt and knocking him back into the wall on the opposite side, breaking some bones and structure of the wall. "I said release, not 'give me a reason to kill you'..."

~with understanding comes power.~ happy voice talking

Rem's body gets back into his original proportions "Now, shall we continue science?" he presses something on his panel and the powerfield gets back on.


She kept lurking. The streets were dirty and there were rats everywhere, but she didn't care. She couldn't care. She lurked forward and hit wall of a house with her head. It threw her out of her rhythm, but it didn't matter, she just turned to the right and kept on going. It was getting late and she knew she had to move. Move away from the power. Move away from the noise, from the light. She had to move to darkness and silence. She had to hide. That was all that mattered right now, before she falls into another semi-unconscious status, before another dimension again covers her mind with grey veil.

Ever since the brown coated man touched her, this horror went on and on. She lost track of time and what's real and what's not; what's in this world and what's in another. All she could tell is that the brown coated man could've killed her...or should've, rather. Now she heard every beat of his heart and every move of his hair. And she knew he was angry. Angry because something wasn't right. And she knew that everything that will get into his wake now, won't survive. She didn't know if she wanted to die, however. And so she kept lurking.

Her clothes, or that what was left of them, were cut to pieces and they stayed on her only because she was lurking. But she didn't care. Her body was used by several men on the streets already and even before all of this and she knew what to do to keep alive in those situations. Ignore it and continue lurking.

Her mind jumped in joy when she realized that there is a dark and silent place a few blocks away from her current position. Now she just needed to get there.

If only the grey veil didn't start covering her sight again...


After another day full of tests, fighting and explosions, Wyatt finally got his while to sit down and rest. He lost any perception of time as the building lacked any windows or clocks. However that doesn't seem to matter much to Remeler. Wyatt thought he was insane at first. Insane and powerful. But after weeks of testing, he noticed some kind of pattern in his actions and pattern seems to lead to sanity. Mostly.

The environment of whole building is simple: one long corridor and several rooms meant for various purposes: restrooms, personal rooms, also made for simple tests and big testing rooms with lots of tools inside them. These tools were made to blend with walls when not being used, to not get damaged, probably. All the walls are made of some white bioactive material which manages to regenerate at high speed and by its own will. Wyatt suspects it to be some kind of mylax power. The doc mentioned it few times in his endless rattling about and he said something like 'probe structure of sorts' and 'prototype'. Whatever it means, the walls provide the building with solid base able to sustain doc's calming of wyatt's mylax which had to happen often...and more and more loudly and violently.

Wyatt sighs. How the hell has he got to this place, again?

The door to his room open.

Rem with his usual happy face appears in them, holding dishes in his hands. "A powerful dinner for your strong body!" He enjoins and tosses him one dish.

Wyatt looks at it with disgust "A salad? How is this powerful?"

Rem's face seriouses "look Wyatt, your mylax isn't that powerful as I thought at first..." he alleges and his face gets the happy look again, Wyatt inserts piece of salad in his mouth "...and your digestive tract might be going on through some failures due to excess training and crashing into walls."

Wyatt spits the piece of salad out near Rem's dirty, maybe someday white, lab shoes "What?! My insides are getting torn apart and you are telling that to me only 'by the way'?"

"oh no, no, no, no, don't get me wrong" Rem's eyes get even more intrusive look on them "I am pretty sure that your mylax powers will take care of that soon. Soon after you eat that salad." he adds when he sees Wyatt putting the salad aside.

Not really persuaded, but still hungry Wyatt starts eating again "While you are here, doc....How long have I been in here?"

"Since you got in here or since we started doing tests with you it's 8 weeks and 6 days or 5 weeks and 4 days respectively." Rem looks into his papers "And some hours. Don't forget about the hours!"

Rem stays silent until Wyatt finishes eating and went away from his room.

"Now, sleep" he says just before leaving the room.


She woke up. Her mind was in a mess, but she was finally conscious. She tried to get up, but her legs hurt badly. Pain in her head was slowly backing away. The daylight burned her eyes. She covered then and looked up to the sky. It was slightly orange coloured and the sun was in the east. At least she thought it was east.

A dog barked somewhere. The sound hit her mind hard and she had to grab her head to make the pain go away. When she opened her eyes again, she noticed her, now even more torn clothes. She blushed when she realized that many people could've seen her in that condition since she was in it. And that was a lot of time. But she didn't know how much. She didn't even know why she was here and how she got there. All she remembered was the touch of the brown coated man. And touch of his power.

The wind dispersed the dust and some got in her face. She noticed a sheet hanging from a window above her. She carefully stood up against the wall, pulled it and fell back down on ground with the sheet in her hands. Then she wrapped self in it to cover herself.

Suddenly, two guards appeared from around the corner and walked fast around her. She tried to look away as she felt their sights on her. One of them approached her and poked her with his boot. As he did it, a big dog jumped from the street onto him and made him fall on the ground. "Larraine!" woman cry from the street from a far could be heard. The other guard quickly took out a gun and shot the dog in a try to help the first one. But he was bleeding heavily from his neck. The stood up guard called for medic vehicle after a quick examination.

She tried to act as if she was sleeping the whole time to avoid any talking with him.

After a few minutes a medic vehicle appeared and the hurt guard was pulled into it, while the other was arguing with owner of the dog. Wrapped in the sheet, she slowly crawled deeper into streets. That woman shouting name on her dog made her realize that she doesn't know her own name. What more, she doesn't know anything. Anything of her past life, that is. She kept crawling forward in dust and heat of a morning. She was glad that not many people were out this soon, so that she escaped many unwanted sights.

She felt a monstrous presence somewhere close. Suddenly she knew, that she should hide.

She stopped in front of a big building with no windows and just a single door in the middle. The building's surface was perfectly flat and compared to other buildings there, it was in perfect condition. But that wasn't the fact why she stopped there. She stopped there because the building felt empty. Not empty in meaning of stuff inside, rather empty in the fact that she couldn't feel the building. As if it wasn't there. But she could see it and touch it. The perfect hiding place. She approached the door and stood up against them. Pushed them and they opened easily. She entered.

Her name was Larraine.


"Quick, get up!" Remeler bursts into Wyatt's room, waking him up.

"What's...." Wyatt rubs his eyes, trying to wake up "what's the time?"

"Time does not matter" Rem hands him a full bag of things "What and Why does matter, on the other hand"

Wyatt grabs the bag and when Rem lets it go, it falls to the ground as it is too heavy for him. "So what is happening?" Wyatt asks as he bends over for the bag.

"Ru is coming here. For you or for her, I don't know, but for one of you two certainly." Rem articulates fast and tries to help speaking with hands.

"Her?" Wyatt looks at him in surprise.

Rem's realization face comes up "oh...I didn't tell you...Well, it doesn't matter right now. The thing is that you two need to get away fast." He tries explaining fast.

"Well, could you....let me dress up?" Wyatt asks, standing there just in his boxer shorts.

Rem looks down on him, just realizing it "Oh, yeah, sure...I'll...wait outside."

Wyatt comes out of his rooms a while later, wearing some new, but old brown looking clothes, which look rather massively on him. Rem made them for him few days ago. He suspected that they might come in handy.

"Thing is, this place is blackened out of the fourth dimension and therefore, not even Ru can feel the powers that are hiding inside. And as it seems, Ru has been searching for something for weeks and now he thinks that he might find it inside here. And I can't guarantee your safety when he arrives." Rem talks as they go by the corridor. Wyatt can see something lying on the floor next to wall, very close to the door out.

As they come closer, he can see that it's a woman and that she is lying on some small mattress which fits exactly in the corridor. He realizes he knew her. He saw her in his dreams.

"Wyatt, listen to me!" Rem grabs him by the shoulder, disturbing his thinking "This is important, you must make sure she will survive. Get away from this city through the north wall, it's closest. You should be able to break right through it. Don't stop and talk with anyone and don't by any chance mention me, this building, Ru, your powers or whatever that came into your mind for the last few weeks." Rem's face has never been so serious. Wyatt is scared. "We don't have time for any promises or so, so just go...and make sure she is with you at all times. Protect her!" Rem makes her stand up meanwhile and makes her grab Wyatt's hand.

"Good luck!" Rem opens the door and slightly pushes Wyatt and Larraine outside. Then shuts the door quickly

Wyatt walks forward, few steps behind Larraine, exhausted, unlike her, which walked curiously forward, changing their walk order of a few hours ago. Then he was the one in front, pulling her to walk faster or even run when possible. They had a reason. He was supposed to silently get through the wall. The sword of him thought differently. Ended up crumbling few yards of the wall and running away from the soldiers.

The sword...Wyatt looks down on it within his left hand as he walked. Its surface changed since he first used it. It didn't seem metallic anymore. It seems more like grey bionic stone now. It draws his eyes. So he decided to cover it with a piece of cloth.

He trips as he is hitching the sword to his side. Larraine stopped and stood up to the tips of her legs and looked to the distance.

Seconds later, Wyatt heard a sound of engine coming from the far away road, which they were approaching, he couldn't see anything there, but smudges of grey from the distance however.

"An army car...three soldiers outside...two inside, the three carrying three civilians in white robes outside. The civilians' hands are bound. They are getting back inside, they left the civilians out. Now they brought a box out..." Larraine tried to describe what's happening. Wyatt realized this was the first time he heard her voice. Yet it seemed so familiar.

"Could they be..?" he asked "Yes, most certainly." Larraine cut his question with her answer.

"We should hide..." Larraine whispered

Sound of engine again, running off to the distance

Wyatt raised his eyebrow "Let's go help them..."

"There isn't help for them, Wyatt." her voice rose in volume and decisiveness. But Wyatt was already too far ahead to hear her. His exhaustion wore off as he galloped towards the three white dots in the otherwise brownish distance.

~Stop, you fool~ her voice bounced into an echo in the blackness. He ignored it and ran forward.

His running speed greatly increased from what he remembered...maybe it was that myrax or mypax or whatever it was called, that the doc mentioned.

~Don't try to ignore me~ her voice bounced around, this time more focused onto him as his both legs twitched and he dug into the dusty ground with his face.

He got up and started running again, the temples on his head got covered in purple gel and he couldn't hear her again.

He ran several miles, when he finally could see the three folks.

Hands bound, the three of them seemed to be sleeping, creating a triangle with their backs, between them a small black box.

As he got even closer, he could see them. The one facing him was a small girl with curly red hair. From the other two, one was bleeding from various spots on his bald head and the other's hair was exact opposite - all the way to the ground.

The small girl raised her head and even on the distance, Wyatt knew that her eyes were emerald green and they were staring into his soul

~Get away!~ aggressive female voice stroke his head and he fell to the ground

~FAST!~ her voice seemed even more urgent

A pillar of bright light appeared.


"Why do we have to wait for them, again?" the new guy asked "I mean...what are we carrying these bullets around for, if we have just to locate this guy and tell them we found him?". The leader sighed and looked through his binoculars one more time to make sure it's him: there was no doubt, he was bald and didn't even have eyebrows. Weirdo. Though saying it to his face would be dangerous. "We don't know the extent of his power...Last month we lost two guys due to that...the guy we were after could swap locations with anyone somehow and our men ended up shooting each other." he put down the binoculars and decided to go check their position from all sides, while the new guy followed him "We need the Armoured to capture him and kill him with power which they can't affect.".

Looking to a dark corner, he though he saw a movement. Quick look around for light sources and he turned on his night vision. These new suits were definitely useful. Just a thought of action and they do the stuff automatically. No more false orders due to lowering goggles. As the green vision stabilized and colorized into normal colour spectre, he saw just a tail of a small rodent hiding into a hole in the wall. On first sight it could've been a squirrel tail. Strange. Southern part of Bulelle was lifeless for months. Nothing could survive the local air consistency. Pure luck it was so dense it didn't spread to higher located parts of the city. Well, nothing but them. He looked at a field which could've been a parking lot, before the soldiers tried to kill everyone in here with the entire tech they had. His figurine could be seen in the middle of it, even without goggles the leader could tell he was sitting. "I hope they are coming soon...His calm is killing me: What does he know which we don't?" the leader mumbled to himself, but loud enough for everyone to hear him. All of them nodded in agreement. They were seven with him. Three more than standard a few months back when the only problem were politics.

Screech of a bat. Their signal. Three huge figures, standing atop a hill of the parking lot, behind the back of their target. "Finally" the new guy said in excitement and stood up, trying to see them better. They were huge. Not just tall, they were literally huge. One even wonders, whether they are still human. The Armoured. Their salvation in the war against the mutants. One of them made a step forward and another one, eventually starting to run downhill towards their target. He still stood still. Purple flare appeared around the armoured guy, however he continued running. The flare's illumination shined brighter and brighter. It even spread, capturing debris, dead trees and everything not pinned down to the ground. Everything disappeared. Everything apart the target and the running Armoured. He was now just a few steps away from their target, as a purple flare wave rushed everywhere around, even towards the hiding spot of the reckon team. "Uh-oh" The leader said as all of them made a step backwards, when suddenly from the rooftop fell a fourth armoured and stopped the advance of the purple flare with his suit. His head turned around at them and he shouted "Stand behind me!" at them.

Meanwhile, their target disappeared into oblivion, right in the moment when the Armoured was about to hit him. He stopped and placed his hand around the spot, where their target disappeared. He appeared several seconds later, only to be immediately captured and locked down in a white-ish metal-ish links.

"Use the sound receptors on your suit, Captain. I made a pretty huge noise on the roof of this building, you should've known I was there" the Armoured guy who saved them told him. The leader could see that the visor on his helmet is gone and his face is burned severely. "Your face..." he started "I know...Gotta tell the tech guys to come up with different transparent panel for the helmet. The stronger ones of them can destroy the one we use. Could be dangerous...". Were his last words as they ran off to finish their operation.

The reckon team however, had more work to do. They gotta investigate why was the squirrel there. And why it was alive.


Richard's mind was a mess. He didn't remember whether he had breakfast this morning or not. Hell, he didn't even remember whether he woke up this morning. His mind could be described as scrambled eggs. He didn't like it too much.

He got up from the couch he was sitting in. He couldn't recall how he got into it. Or whether the couch was there before. Milk on the table was fresh and tasty. His favourite drink. He couldn't recall any other drinks though. Next to the mug, a pile of dices, all of them had carved snakes on them and all showed one. Exactly thirteen of them.

A man entered his apartment. His suit had the initials 'CF' on it. He held a gun in his hands, pointed on Richard. Richard blinked and he held the gun himself, the guy having a puzzled look on his face "Wha-?" was all that he whispered while Richard pressed the trigger. He didn't know who the man was. He only knew that he had to kill him and all those coming behind him.

He failed. There was too many of them and they expected his tricks. a quick sleeping dart to his back kicked him unconscious. His last thoughts were 'Who am I?'

He woke up to laughter. Up to opening his eyes he saw a bald sweating tattooed guy pointing at him "...and then they threw him in like a rag" and everyone bursted into second wave of laughter around him. He was lying on a wet cold stone, which formed the floor of the room. He looked around. All the men there were bald and wore an orange ragged clothes and a white circle around their wrists. One of them had one also around his neck and he was huge. There was only one lamp as a source of light and some light was coming through the bars in the metal doors of the room. A person's head blocked the light "Stop laughing and keep quiet in there!" and left again.

Richard noticed same circle around his wrist, he didn't wear the orange outfit however. He didn't feel safe in here. He shouted to the door "Get back you there, I have to go out of here!" to great amusement of his cellmates.

"Hey, longhair, how about you be a little bitch for us, you resemble a chick at least!" the tattooed one spit out and the rest laughed.

The head's shadow again landed on the floor "And no raping of cellmates!" Richard didn't need to hear a word more.

His head was now blocking the light and he was looking through the bars into the cell at the guard surrounded by his former cellmates. He didn't have the white circle around his wrist anymore. The guard did.

Getting out of the cell wasn't a problem. Neither was getting out of the prison. More trouble would have the guards with accessing the cell. The walls were bent so that Richard was outside where he stood.

Seconds later, out of the area as well, as the fence now was unbelievably close to the prison's walls.

The shit Richard has seen.

While he walked into the horizon, he started inspecting his clothes. He wore a white shirt, all buttoned up to his neck and over it a black sleeveless vest, holding on two buttons. The shirt's sleeves were short and he noticed he has a tattoo on both of his wrists. The left one read "You want to go home."

while the right one read "Home is where the heart is". He stopped walking and realized. He didn't know where he was, where he was heading or where his home is.

A second look on his wrists explained it to him. He wanted to go home. So he was there. His couch torn a bit on a side by his cat and blood writings on his walls. He had a cat? There she was, black as the night, sitting on the window, meowing, demanding dinner. It was a beautiful cat: All black, but the tip of the tail, which was white. The tail flickered. He knew why he wanted to be home. Or did he?

The walls. Writings on them. Bloody writings on them. Most of them just spelled various screams, except some: "They will come!", "Just stay home!", "Tell them to go away!", "Tell them you want to stay home!", "Tell them they better not mess with you!", "Don't listen to them!" "They will lie!", "Want them to go away!", "Want them dead!", "...just want to be home, no matter what." and the last one written on the ceiling "Mylax!"

They came. Again. The soldiers with CF on their chests. This time, he knew what he wanted. He wanted to stay home, alone. And so he was.

Until THEY came. Big guys in white armour. He wanted them to go away, he wanted them to die. Neither happened. He wanted to be away, but he was still at home.

When he woke up in a car, he only remembered two words they had on their armours: the first one was "anti" and the other he had almost forgot, but he had seen it on the ceiling of his home, the second word was "mylax".


"Jean I am sick again!" he called into the hallway "I am seeing things again." he specified. She was tired of it. She did all she could and he was sick all the time. If he wasn't sick, things were fine, but most of the time, he even refused to open his eyes so that he wouldn't see the things.

The things in this case were blue particles, floating in air, forming shapes and groups and again splitting. People breathed them in, blew them out. Some people just blew out a small bunch of them, but others were just crawling with them. He could see that some people had their clothes dirtied by them and some even had partially blue skin by them. But she wouldn't understand, she didn't see them. She didn't believe a thing he said. In her eyes, he was mentally hurt and needed professional help. He refused to admit that, however.

"Ew, go away from me!" he said and waved in the air in front of him to send an imaginary cloud of blue away. She sighed and handed him a mug of tea. She slid some medications in it, hoping it would help. Without telling him a word, of course.

He suspiciously looked at the mug. She bit her lip and started talking "I heard there is a witch in the suburbs, she might know how to cure you". Upon hearing her words he rolled eyes, whispered "witch..." and took a sip of the tea. "You refuse help of a professionalon mind, so you should go visit the professional in ...- what you call it? Magic, that's it!" she bursted out angrily. He opened his eyes wide as never knew she could respond in such fashion. "Well...okay...but don't think she will just send me to some psychiatrist like a doctor would!" he made a small victory at least.

They found her house by asking people. Calling it house might be an alleviation. Halfly collapsed due to war, in the ruins lying new carpets, instead of doors strings of beads. Friendly, hypnotizing smell coming from inside. There on a small carpet she was sitting. The witch. Her hair was red and curly, freckles ran all the way up from her tiny shoulders to the top of her head. Her eyes covered a good half of her face, even though they were closed. Her body spoke one simple truth: she was a child. Larry also seen an intensive blue cloud all around her, flowing through her, in and out and it wasn't the same colour he had been used to see. It was much darker.

Her eyelids slid open and revealed that her eyes were like the most beautiful and largest emeralds. "Welcome to Maya's humble home," she greeted them, "I know why you came. You," she pointed her tiny finger at Larry ,"can see the spiritual energy, mylax, which affects everything it comes in contact with, without us knowing!" she shouted and giggled in excitement. "Yes, I am right!" she praised herself and continued "and You," she pointed at Jean, "seriously doubt him and have been giving him medications, but I tell you, that ain't no illness, you can't cure it!" she finished and closed her eyes, happy with herself. "Unless you are a WITCH, that is!" she opened her eyes for a brief moment and shouted her final sentence.

Both Larry and Jean kept staring at her, unknowing what to say. Instead of that, Maya pointed at the carpet in front of her and signified to them to sit down. "Not you!" she pointed at Jean and looked at her angrily "You go out!" her finger was pointing out uncompromising. Jean obeyed.

As she left Maya started mumbling something to herself. Larry looked around the room. There were many bullet holes in the walls, picture frames were broken, and a spit of blood could be found above the fireplace. Spots of blue particles were scattered all around the room, lighter than those Maya had on her, but still dark. He couldn't decide how long has Maya been there or where are her parents.

His thoughts were stopped when Maya's hands quickly grabbed his ears and her mouth opened as she stood up. She bit the top of his head and her teeth lightly touched the skin on his forehead. She suddenly started sucking air and he could see the blue particles from himself being sucked into her. In one moment, he stopped seeing any, but she continued. Even though the situation was odd, he felt somewhat easier and didn't try to do anything to stop her from what she was doing.

After a good while, she stopped, giggled and her eyes curved into a smile. "There, cured!" she shouted happily. Larry didn't have any other decision than one : to believe her.

That day was a good day for Maya. Her abilities improved even further and she made more people happy. That was the best part about her skills: she made people unaware.


Maya couldn't believe what happened. After all this time, they came back. They returned for her, because she was different. They returned for her because of her power. She never liked violence. Even for her self-defence. She tricked most of them. She saw their minds. She saw that they had no other choice. That they were as soldiers as hostages of the war. She knew violence was out of question. But then came they. In massive white suits, smashing away all of the mylax flying in air. People in those suits were like non-existing to mylax. Her blue energy not only bounced away or disintegrated. It simply stopped existing. When one of them touched her for first moment, she felt like a baby, unknowing mylax, never able to control it. She focused all of her remaining energy on their face plates. She saw a particle or two travel through that. It was not nearly enough. Her hands were bound after a few bruises appeared on them. She didn't stop struggling. She couldn't feel the people inside. She feared them.

"She's only a little child..." the first one who touched her claimed ," how are we supposed to do this?"

"We are not..." the other said, she could see his face: he had blonde bangs and a crooked smile on his face "the executioners are. Beneath that, she is infected, you've seen how the others crawled away as if their brains were vacuumed."

"Rumours are saying, that she can cure the infection!" the first one shouted and she saw a glimpse of his face. He had tears in his eyes.

"Only cure for this infection is death." the blonde finished the conversation.

The third one, even dozen centimetres higher than the other two came closer, into the light of her lamps and pointed on the blonde with his finger "This ain't no infection. We are killing off the blessed, just because they are different. We are being lied it is infection so that we don't have any hard feelings about it, but you have to know deep in your heart that it ain't right!" His face was freshly shaved. He also had a cut on his right cheek. The cut's edges were burned. She could see bits of the burn were purple and the purple particles were flowing inside the wound. "But we've got our orders. And I want to stay alive. Take her!" he resigned.


Unlike her current companions, she didn't pass out when they put the cape on her. And even with the cape, she could feel what was happening around. She knew they threw her in a small room, with two unconscious men. Over several hours and days, she discovered what their powers were, through the blue clouds. She learned that their powers will be unusable for as long as they have the capes on. Her only hope was that she would be able to tear them off. Especially on the messy one. It took her hours just to understand what his mind was going on about.

Her stomach rumbled. She hadn't eaten since they caught her. She hoped they'd give them food soon. The calm of the two men will soon have problems with his stomach if this keeps up. Both of them were there for about one day and few hours longer than she was.

Sound of metal clicking with another metal. Door opening. "All 'hree?" a quick voice asks. Stench of booze could be smelled. A short pause, with a foot stepping on one place nervously. Someone exhales, someone different from the first voice "Yes" sounds his answer.

Maya acted unconscious while some hands grabbed her and as she was thrown on someone's shoulder. That someone stunk of piss.

She could hear that there were more people. By the smells and sounds, she counted four but she could be wrong.

"I can give you a discount for them!" again the quick voice claims. Maya's reminded of mice for some reason upon hearing a full sentence from it.

"No. Full price, full deliverance." the cold, slow voice states and ends the discussion. There was something which she didn't like about his voice. It was in-humane.


They were thrown into a car and set on a road for few hours. The roads were full of holes and the car jumped up and down, the two men and Maya kept colliding. Their drivers obviously didn't care at all.

With every continual bump Maya wanted to burst into tears a little bit more. She didn't want to die. She couldn't die. Yet the way they treated them spoke one short word: Death.

From the last bits of her power, she visualized the word around her through the mylaxed particles. There was a small hole in her cape, through which they could leave and enter slowly. She noticed one of the men is bleeding from under his cape. The blood was few minutes old and many blue and purple particles flowed out of it. She couldn't help him anymore. But she saw a chance for herself. Next bump in the road and she rolled over to him. Her head hit his and blood came down her nose.

'Damn.' Flew through her mind.

Instead of leaving, blue particles came inwards through the hole in her cape and right through her skin into her head. She got calmer. She knew what was needed now.

She pushed herself a bit and onto the other guy. As she bumped into him, his cape tore a bit. She saw a string of his hair. It was tucked inside the cape. All of that hair shined with purple colour. She now finally understood. She let the energy flow to her, while the ride continued.

In one moment the car stopped and they were kicked out. Someone carried her seemingly unconscious body and let it sit next to the other two. With her newly gathered energy she could now feel the place. They were sitting in middle of planes where nothing was.

"Take the capes!" The mouse voice ordered. She could now feel him. He was a tall, skinny guy. He wore a mask on his head to hide a terrible burn he had on his face.

He also didn't have a family. Like she. She let go of her plan to make them kill each other. She even decided to just let them leave without harming them in any way. They all were poor people, doing the best they could to stay alive. She couldn't blame them. Her cape came off as one of them took it. She heard his thought 'I'll do what he says, but we were supposed to leave them on, one never knows...'

She chuckled on the inside. He was a good man. He was doing this so he could feed his dog Azor. He himself was starving.

As they were about to leave, one of them brought a black box and placed it between her and her two execution-mates. The moment her mind touched it, she felt hurt. Terribly hurt from the inside. As if something big was wrong.

A button was pressed. The last of the men jumped into the car and they drove off.

She felt a dumb feeling inside of her. She knew that with enough focus and her newly acquired powers she may avoid any and all danger this black box might contain.

Then she felt him. A young man, sprinting at the pace of an animal towards her. He was on the horizon but he was quickly closing in. He was getting too close. She suddenly changed all of her plans. She will not survive. But he has to.

She concentrated on him, but couldn't get to his mind. Whatever was protecting it, it was strong. Stronger than what she ever came in contact with. Except her, right that moment.

She pierced the guard and made her way into his mind

~Get away!~ She spoiled to him. But it was late.

~FAST!~ Too late.

The box opened. Bright light exploded from within. Before it reached her, she threw herself into another dimension with a cone of fire following her through the portal. She only stayed a few micro-seconds and then she appeared back in her old reality. The first wave has just passed. It didn't hurt her two companions, but she knew it would hurt her. And it will hurt him.

The reality changed. Instead of looking at him through an out-going wave, she was now looking at him through an incoming wave to her. She had done her job. Almost.

Second wave emerged from the black box. Maya couldn't alter it anymore, her hair was gone.

And as the wave passed, so was her spirit.

Well! First I should say hello. So, yeah hello~

Now, onto the story. It's a very good start. I did enjoy reading it, it kept me entertained. I liked how it started with the bank teller bored and wishing for his job (and maybe life?) to be more exciting. His wish came true in a very negative way. It's kind of like that saying "you get what you wish for" or however it goes. I also liked the beginning fight scene with the boy, Mack and Quant. At first, I thought it was a typical homicide, till I continued reading and was surprised by the boy's actions with the purple gel.

I also like how Wyatt could be considered a hero or anti-hero (well, that's what I got from it). First, he saves people with his very strange power, but has "dreams" of slaughtering the public. I'm kind of hoping that he is an anti-hero since I don't really come across many stories of anti-heroes. My favorite character though is Rem. He acts exactly like my best friend...sudden mood swings and overly happy at certain subjects. I loved the salad scene! A very nice break of the serious tone of the story with some humor.

Now, I think the later half of the story is a lot more clearer than the first half. When I was first reading it, I had no idea what this "purple gel" stuff was, who the man with the gray wings was, and what the real plot of the story is. It seemed a bit rushed, a bit like you wanted to get right into the action. No problem with that, I have that habit too, but maybe adding in that scene about the description of Hurrur earlier would help a lot. I also am a bit confused about Larraine's plot in the story. Since this is the first two chapters, her plot will probably be a lot clearer the more you write. You also have a tendency of switching your past/present tense.

I hope my praise and suggestions help keep you motivated to finish the story. Thank you for sharing what you have written so far~
Thanks for the input.

About the tense problem: I kinda decided to not having present tense in scenes which aren't supposed to be all clear for the characters, therefore the past tense (notice how mostly only Larraine's parts are in past tense) .

And yes, I rush things....and now that you said that, I think I should go on and fix it up a little then.

and heroes or gotta wait for more to decide whether he is a good or the bad....(OR THE UGLY!) :P
Try not to rush things. Before you publish, make sure everything you want to be revised is so. Rewrite your story at least once, and the whole process will be so much more rewarding.
I actually did rewrite it twice....most of the first half, though...the ending parts weren't rewritten as I felt kinda confident in them xD
Actually, now that you mention it, it shows. You have quite a structure. Good job. But my advice does stay: don't rush things. It goes better for you in the end. :)
My real life has to be rushed...I got in dangerous situations by rethinking things instead of doing them right away :P ....OR I think too slowly.

That being said, you are right, when I finish another chapter I am going from start again rewriting things again and again :P

Also thanks :)
Numerion said:
Spoiler tags dun work, but anyway, third chapter! :)
All fixed for you :) !

I just switched to bbcode mode and noticed that your spoiler tags were stuck inbetween other code. If you want to see for your self in the future just look at the top right of your editor and click on the a/A symbol.

Also good job another story :) !
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]All fixed for you :) !
I just switched to bbcode mode and noticed that your spoiler tags were stuck inbetween other code. If you want to see for your self in the future just look at the top right of your editor and click on the a/A symbol.

Also good job another story :) !

Oh I see...not used to this forum format yet :P Thanks :)

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