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Beaten (JaidenMasx)

"As I'll ever be." Katt was confused as to what you were doing, but went with it. A small smile on her face. When you moved her hair to put it in the ponytail, there were bruises now visible on her neck. They looked like they came from someones hands.

Without pain...we cannot love
"Oh what?" She looked at you concerned.

Without pain...we cannot love
"I got tangled up in a scarf I'm fine" she lied

Without pain...we cannot love
"nothing honestly" Katt just shrugged

(And its Kathryn..hey now we're even on spelling names wrong though.. xD )

Without pain...we cannot love
"What? I said nothing was wrong. Just leave it alone!" She snapped, Katt was getting defensive, she took the ponytail out and got up. Heading to grab her backpack.

Without pain...we cannot love
She looked at you. "Care..about me? You...really hah. I..i honestly find that hard to believe. You're one of them those damn poplars. All those girls care about is making me miserable. What's to say you aren't tricking me?" Katt had a hard time trusting anyone.

Without pain...we cannot love
"Because... I know how it feels.." Jaidyn lifts up her shiirt and shows her the bruises around my torso. "Pretty messed up, huh? Parents would hurt their own children? Yeah.."
Katt looks at you with confusion. "You don't know half of it!"

Without pain...we cannot love

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