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Beasts and Nightmares

Hearing Blake behind her and asking to get food with him, she slammed her locker and walked away ignoring the fool. To be truthful, she had other things to do and she had no time to waste. Going outside, she opened her umbrella but it was filled with leaves and a little dirt on the inside from the girls in one of her periods. "Great.." She said as she started to pick off the leaves from her hair. She threw the umbrella away, it had no use for her and she could just get a new one anyways.
He ran after her. "Come on its all on me and I was going to buy you a new sketchbook to....and maybe an umbrella". I know you think of me as a fool and all but you really don't need to hate me from something in the past because we couldn't control that and I don't want to have the guilt If ruining your sketch book in my mind, so will you please join me for a treat?"He said to her with a worried look.
"Thank you for the offer but I have to go somewhere today and I mustn't be bothered." She said, taking a deep breath and walking into the rain, getting drenched within a few seconds. Skirts shouldn't be worn a storms. She walked into the direction of the local hospital which was about a mile away from the school, but she didn't stop or take a break, she didn't even seem bothered by the wind or the rain.
"Just at least let me take you where you need to go!!!" He yelled at her. "At least let me do that" he ran up to the side of her and looked at her she was drenched and so was his hoodie but the water didn't soak through all the way so he unzipped the hoodie....taking it off he would place the hood on her head. "Put this on or your going to catch a cold....." He told her.
Vanessa felt something warm around her, it was his hoodie. "Thank you.." She said looking down while putting on the hoodie which was obviously too big on her. Her face was flushed but she quickly made it go away when she looked up at him again. ".. The.. The hospital.. That's where I'm headed." She said softy, her expression softened up a little. "What about you? Aren't you going to be cold?" She asked, trying to put up a tough front but nothing could hide the fact that she was worried for him.
"We'll sure I'm cold, but I like the cold" he replied to her question. "You know I feel like a jackass for doing that to you, and I'm sorta jealous of you...." He looked down to the ground feeling the pitter patter of rain on his neck. "....But I don't understand why we hate each other for such a stupid reason....."
Vanessa shook her head, "My family hates yours, yours hates mine. I'm supposed to be a perfect child so I must hate you." She let out a sigh. "Can we walk and talk? I don't want to be late.." She said, continuing walking.
"Sure" He sped up to match Vanessa's pace. "But still I don't even have any power in my family, my brothers receiving everything so I'm stuck on my own with nothing and as soon he takes control I get removed from the family because of some stupid tradition were the two eldest sons fight for control...and I lost because he's literally ten times stronger then me so yeah!!" He said sarcastically.
"Do you even wish to fight?" She asked after listening to his family problems. "Do you wish to have control over power and everything in your family?" She added on. "In my family, power is everything. Feelings and emotions mean nothing. Do everything it takes to be on top and don't let anyone control you. That is my family. To live up to my family's expectations, I must be perfect, get good grades, emotionless, fearful, athletic, strong.. Perfect.." She said muttering the last word. Arriving at the hospital was quicker than Vanessa expected, maybe it was because she had someone to talk to on the way..
" perfection and power both are incredibly stupid....no ones perfect...your not perfect, even if you think you are you arn't and power, I would rather be weak then strong. The weak grow wise, when the strong just stay strong. Power goes both ways both to the strong and the weak.... I have a question for you would you rather be a noble with lands and titles armies, that took these things for nothing or a simple country man that had to work for what he has?"he spoke to the girl.
"Hmm.. good question.. How about a noble with lands and armies but worked their way to that standard, and is still working." She responded, taking off the hoodie and giving to back to Blake once they were both under the building. "Thank you for taking me here. I'm guessing this is where we part" she said, ringing out of skirt and hair.
"I still have to walk you back home" he smiled at her. "And I don't want to go into the rain again so I'm going to take a cat nap...." He transformed into a cat and walked off over to a couch to go to sleep on. 
(My stomachs killing me god ....)
"Have fun with that" she simply said and walked down the hall and into a room. The room was filled with sleeping children, some were in a coma, others were majority injured in some way. She sat down next to a boy, placing her hands around his, giving him pleasant dreams as he slept. Most of the children were like her and didn't have anyone to be with them during thunder storms. One by one she went to each child, giving them all sweet dreams so they were sleep longer and when they awake the storm would hopefully be gone.

(How come? Did you eat something bad?)
(I don't know but I'm not posting him moving around intill you interact with him. 
( I'm getting off bye)
(Okie Dokie)

Once Vanessa finished she returned back to where Kitty Blake was. She couldn't help it and started touching his ears and eventually picked him up. "Adorable.." She said calmly, almost without emotion.

(Me too! Goodnight!)
Blake woke up with the strangest feeling, he felt like he was flying, but then he felt two arms keeping him from falling. He looked up to Vanessa and meowed at her. He purred gently in her arms, as it was a nice place to relax. So he hoped she would still hold him. It was comforting to be in the arms of another.
It seemed that Kitty Blake didn't want to get back into human form so she simply carried him in her arms. When she walked out into the rain, Vanessa got a chill from the wind. She used her other arm to cover the rain from Kitty Blake while she got drenched in the rain. Vanessa always had a warm heart for animals, though she didn't show it.
Seeing the poor girl drench he couldn't help but scrabble out of her arms and revert back into his old form, he look at Vanessa. He took off his hoodie off once again and threw it at her. "Put this on again"

(Sorry had to do something) 
"So why are your parents wanting you to become the perfect child...?" He asked her as he walked.

This is so Off topic but look at the kitty cx))
Vanessa let go of the cat when he started to squirm and wiggle. Once he was on the ground he transformed back into human form and threw his hoodie at her once more, telling her to put it on. "Oh, no. I wore it on the way here, you should wear it on the way back." She spoke, her soft tone was hard to hear from the rain and thunder.
"Nope, your wearing it" He walked up ahead of Vanessa. "You coming?" Brushing hair from his face he grinned. The girl behind him was lovely, she wasn't as mean as he first thought but what ever...a friends a friend.
"Nope, your wearing it" He walked up ahead of Vanessa. "You coming?" Brushing hair from his face he grinned. The girl behind him was lovely, she wasn't as mean as he first thought but what ever...a friends a friend. 
Lag much...
Vanessa willingly put on the hoodie, she slipped on the sleeves and they dangled from her arms. Hearing a lightning strike, she instantly became stiff but tried to brush it off as she followed next to him. "If my parents see me with you, they'll kill you.." She muttered, staring at Blake with worried eyes. "Don't be nice to me just because you're guilty.. Okay?" She told him with a innocent look on her face.
"We'll that's just it I could care less about your parents....and it's not guilt that's making me do this....." He told the girl. He ran in front of her. Facing her, he moved his face closer to Vanessa's face, there lips centimeters apart. 
Sorry I lost my phone and my computer screwed up....
Vanessa hadn't expected for Blake to do such things, "ah.." She let out a small sound of surprise. They were so close together that she couldn't help but lean in on her tippy toes, lips touching. She had never actually kissed someone before, but it was nice and made her feel warm inside.

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