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Fandom Beacon Academy (RWBY rp)

Well, nothing at all, just lacking recruits. I recently watched both volumes of RWBY and have been itching to make an rp for it. Should you wish to not attend I shall respect that wish.


Oh, and your RWBY thread, super cool overview, could I steal it?
Oh yeah, you can always use my overview just not characters xD I would always be willing to join anything RWBY related
if the posts dont go over 3 paragraphs. I find myself lost in rps because of posts being super duper long
I do not expect to do that. Maybe the first post, but other than that I think posts will be 1-2 paragraphs usually.
I sure hope the posts arent too large :/ once they go over how much i can handle..I just drop out
Yep, post will not be too large, I can almost guarantee it. If anybody makes too big a post I'll be sure to let them know to tone it down.

(She's on the Left)

Name:Rayne Maroon

Gender: Female

Weapon: She has a Sword that can transform into a Staff.

Weapon Appearance:

Staff form:


Sword Form:

Skills: Climbing, cooking, fighting/blocking when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, she can also do some flips and such while fighting. Say she has to do a flip backwards to avoid a hit, she simply uses her gymnastic's skill and flips backwards.

Bio: (WIP)

Semblance: Her semblance is speed. She is able to move with incredible speed to dodge, hurry away and also counter attack. This gives her the advantage with slower opponents and gives her the upper hand in a normal battle.

Other/Misc: She carries the staff on her back.
O.o well den xD

Idk if you should ;-; things seemed to get out of hand the last time you did it...

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