Beach Trip [Fight or Flight]


Pounce Ninja
Beach Trip

After a fairly hectic and long week of classes, surviving and training. It's time to kick back and relax. Since the summer heat is quickly fading into autumn a trip has been planned to head to a beach not far from Winford. Students will take a bus to the beach where there will be a barbecue and other beach related activities.

~Start time~

Sunday ~ 8am

Weather: Clear, warm and sunny​


Must stay on the beach with the class

Try not to wreck the beach...
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Sen Harper

Sen woke up early as usual but didn't bother going for a run given the announcement the night before. There was going to be some kind of trip to a near by beach today. She'd never been to the beach so it would be interesting to get to go for a change. She didn't exactly have a bathing suit so she end up using an old gray tank top and some black cotton shorts she wore occasionally to sleep. She stuffed a spare change of clothes into a bag, Thankfully she managed to get laundry done the night before. She grabbed a an old baseball cap and her hoodie. When the hoodie was pulled on it cam down almost to the edge of her shorts which made her slightly unsure about wearing shorts in the first place, her legs were probably paler than the rest of her. Still it was either wear the shorts or go with jeans which was a horrible idea. "Wont be that bad..." She reassure her self before getting ready to head out.

She spotted the bracer Gray had made her the night before and smiled slightly before pulling it in her bag as well. They weren't going to fight but it would be nice to have to practice if things got boring. She slung the bag over her shoulder and pulled on her sneaker before heading down to the dinning hall. She didn't bother finding a seat grabbing two pieces of toast with marmalade, she wondered who else was going on the trip.
Jon groaned and bashed his way past the alarm clock as usual to rise and shower early, ready for the trip. He was surprised the school were organising a trip so early into the term. Presumably some kind of pan to calm us down and settle us, maybe to give us a bit of fun to compensate for the meta attack. Hells, you're beginning to sound more like Kiara. Jon showered swiftly and emerged into a plain, baggy t-shirt and long, hawain style swimshorts. Topped off with his hat, he looked like a gentleman-turned-tourist.

Under normal circumstances, Jon would be ruing the trip. Back in Britain, Jon had lived only half and hour or so away from the seaside, so had been there many times. But they'd always made him feel insecure, as he'd been forced to watch his friends swim from the sidelines. That was perhaps Jon's only embarressment: his hydrophobia. He'd never learnt to swim, and after an accident as a child used to freak out whenever forced into an expanse of water. Thankfully, as he matured and calmed, he managed to supress his anxieties somewhat, but the fact remained that he still wouldn't go into the sea; there was a sort of mental barrier that barred him from doing it.

The fact that Sen will be there is the only redeeming factor, he thought to himself as he trotted his way to the dining hall. And conveniently, there was the girl herself, standing aside from the tables. A broad smile spread onto his features and he waved over to her as he approached. "Morning!" he beamed, then noticing the snack in her hands. "Wait... marmalade on toast? You like it?"


The beach, a place of sun and burning, a place of sand and water, a place of misery and torment. Hayden sighed putting his 'things' in his pockets. He was wearing a specially made skin tight sleeveless shirt and a pair of jeans shorts that reached down to his knees. Slipping on a pair of sunglasses and sandals he walked outside sighing ready to trudge through the sand. It was much better than being at school for the day though with nothing to do. The night before he had transformed only to find out that the animal instincts were stronger than ever when he was in that form. Though it was nice finally being able relax for once. After a couple minutes he had entered the cafeteria and made three breakfast sandwiches with seven pieces of bacon and two eggs each which were topped off with cheese. He noticed Sen in the cafeteria and waved to her sitting at a nearby table but not exactly next to her.
Sen Harper

Sen noticed Hayden grabbing some breakfast and returned the small wave as he went to sit. She had finished one piece of toast by the time she heard her name called. She looked over and smiled slightly as she saw Jon bright eyed as always. She wasn't sure how he could be so... awake and peppy in the mornings. Sure she was mornings weren't an issue with her but she couldn't be as cheery as Jon was, then again she doubt she could match his energy any other time either. "Good morning." She greeted in return before glancing at the toast in hand. "Oh, yeah." She smiled slightly. "Yeah... you seemed to enjoy it a lot so I figured I should give it a shot as well. Turned out to be really good."

Jon grinned maniacally. As insignificant as it actually was, her shared like of marmalade on toast (of all things) felt monumental to him. He shook his head in slight disbelief at the unstoppable grin that now pervaded him. "I'm glad you like it too! It's that citrusy sweet taste right? And the gorgeous way it mixes in with the melter butter... almost makes my heart do cartwheels just thinking about it!" He chuckled lightly, snapping out of his daydream. "That probably sounds really sad. I guess that saying I enjoy it is quite the understatement."

Jon's stomach threatened to interrupt him, but he chose to ignore it. Instead, he couldn't help regarding her choice of clothing. "Hey, a hoody isn't exactly beachwear," he teased gently.

Sen Harper

Jons wide childlike smile was contentious, she wasn't sure what hat put him in an even better mood but she wasn't about to question it either. She just chuckled softy and nodded in agreement to his comment about the citrus spread. He really was a huge fan of marmalade it seemed. "Hm I haven't tried it with butter. Maybe next time." She muttered taking a bite out of her toast. She glanced down at her attire as he mentioned the hoodie. "Well... no one ever said their was a dress code for the beach." She smirked back slightly hiding her insecurities behind a bit of wit. "I've never really been to the beach so... yeah..." she muttered

"True, true," Jon conceded, "But you'll likely overheat if you wear that around all day. Ah well, your choice!" He sniggered slightly, somewhat glad for her beach inexperience. Still, it meant that she could end up asking some unfortunate questions a little later on, something he was eager to avoid. "I wouldn't worry about being a beach-newcomer. Like you say, there're no regulations or beach dress code; honestly it's just a nicer backdrop for people to chill and do whatever they like." In all honesty, Jon's opinions on beaches were slightly more cynical due to his dislike of them, but he didn't want to swamp Sen out with negativity. After all, it wasn't a trait he liked to portray.

Sen Harper

Sen finished the last bit of her toast while listening to Jon. "Sounds interesting." She smiled slightly "Well it's a nice change a pace from being in a school all the time." She shrugged slightly. "I wouldn't worry about me overheating, the hoodie is thin and breaths well. Besides I'm used to wearing one, kind of feels weird with out it..." Sen assured before looking over to the breakfast hall seeing more students filtering in. "Have you eaten yet?"
"Aye, a good change of pace," he nodded a little hollowly, thoughts drifting to his hate of water. And it wasn't really a needed change of pace given they'd only been around for a week, but he didn't bother making a stupid argument. "Still, you can't go swimming in a hoody," he mentioned in jest, "The material's horrible for absorbing water and the like. I'm only looking out for you, tis all." He gave her another playful nudge.

At the mention of food, his eyes lit up in remembrance. After hearing her reply, he remarked, "Actually no, I should probably go and do that now. Who knows, if you've followed my trend then other might have. I might... might not get my marmalade!" He struck a melodramatic pose, then faded out into a grin and walked away with a long glance back to get food from the hatch.

Sang Jin-Yeong

Temperamentally Challenged Girl

"Where do you keep getting those cans from?" Julian had asked yesterday, pointing at the teacher's beer.

"It is, as they say, none of your business."

The teacher was being as curt as possible, like always. She didn't talk much, Julian realised, and Julian couldn't care any less for that. It was her presence that mattered. Day after day, both of them would sit idly under the shade, the teacher's bag of beer cans increasing in load after every passing day, until Julian was sure that her diet consisted of nothing but beer and sandwiches. Hardly healthy snacks for a healthy soul, but Julian didn't pry. It was the silence they shared together that was the most important, and Julian cherished it. So much that she looked forward to each day just to arrive at this corner, away from everything else, away from the chattering and the crowds and the people so she could sit by here and do whatever she wanted, shadow-boxing, eating, playing around with her laptop, while the teacher sat back and drank from her beer, watching her silently.

Today, however, the teacher was absent from her usual spot. Her place behind the shade was empty. Julian blinked and rubbed her eyes, expecting the teacher to suddenly appear there and query as to why she was doing just that. No such luck. The teacher was not there. Julian slumped down on her side and leaned back on the cement, feeling the cold, hard surface on her spine. She looked up, past the gaps between the leaves above, towards the clear sky. What was going on today?

Oh yes. The beach. Of course. Julian's face twisted into a scowl. For some reason, for each day she spent here, the way she felt about the students worsened. She was unimportant to them. She was no one to them. All of them has their own cliques, their own friends, their own people. They had their loves, their crushes, their whatever they want to call it. She was alone. Always alone. A thug, an ungraceful brute, a joke. Julian clenched her fists as something took hold of her heart and gripped it tight. She rose to her feet and spun around, punching the wall behind her. The skin on her knuckles broke, tearing away, as it came in contact with the cement. Pain shot up her arm, and she gave a hiss as it registered in her head. She retracted her fist, and examined the wall. It was unscathed. She hadn't used her power, which was strange. Normally, under stressed conditions....

Julian shook her head and rubbed her temples, and sat back down on the curb. Whatever. She didn't want to think too much about it. She didn't want to think much about anything at all, so to speak. It just made her feel worse and worse. Of course, she'd be dragged off by that beach thing anyway. Right now, though, if she wasn't mistaken, the other students were having their breakfast and their fraternising and their talking and their noise. She'd wait until the bus boarding came along. She'll cross that bridge when it comes.
Sen Harper

Sen smiled softly at Jon's warning. "Eh... I have a tank top on under. If i decided to get in the water I'll take if off." She assured with a small smirk. She didn't know much about the beach or swimming but she knew enough not to drown. She really wasn't sure if she would even go in the water. She'd never really gone swimming before only once or twice in a public pool and even then she would sit on the stairs. Still there was plenty to do over all so she wasn't really worried. Sen couldn't help a small fit of giggles as Jon acted all melodramatic and shook her head. "A fate worst than death" She joked as he walked off to grab some breakfast.

The mention of death made Sen remember back to the day before when Gray had given her the bracer, when he mentioned why he made it for her. I want you to be as safe as possible... I'd die if anything happened to you She hadn't really given it much though then but once she was in her room she couldn't help but wonder what he meant by that and if he would say the same for Jon as well.


Ardghal felt the energizing warmth of the shower water pelting his back as he stood statue still, head facing down and arms pressed on the wall of the shower stall. He had arisen at four thirty in the morning sharp, as he had done so for the past many days. He had headed straight for the gym of course, where he practiced endlessly with an intense vigor so powerful it could almost be felt. Every single day and every single resting moment Ardghal had, he trained. There was even a rumor circulating around the school about the snake guy who never left the gym, always striking away at a dummy with ferocious concentration. Every day Ardghal had eaten massive amounts and abused his ability to force intensive metabolism to shape his musculature and physical aptitude exponentially faster than what a regular human could do. The training had paid off immensely, with the cost of Ardghal suffering intensive pain and aches practically every moment he lived. Ardghal was now back in shape, no, perhaps even beyond the state he was in when he participated regularly in life or death cage matches, where the only things that mattered were physical perfection and martial skill. Ardghal's normally lean and thin body had become tightly wound with powerful muscles. Ardghal's body type was not one to become imposingly large with muscle growth, and instead the muscle grew evenly all around his body, maintaining his lean body type but anybody could easily see the exceptionally well sculpted musculature donning Ardghal. His skills had improved further and further, and he was also beginning to innovate new techniques for his Coiled Viper martial arts style, focusing on the usage of kicks which he had previously not paid much attention to. All of this did come at a cost, Ardghal's name was practically known to nobody, and many more people knew of Fionne, his pet snake, than did Ardghal most likely. Ardghal never cared though, and never let this fact disturb him. It was as natural and set a fact as breathing to Ardghal, something infinitely experienced and infinitely trivial. Fionne had spent the past days making her presence known in the school, and by now basically all of the students knew who she was and did not fear her. Another interesting event that happened was that Fionne had managed to convince the massive water snake in the school grounds to leave his boring spot outside a lax pond to explore the unknown world around him.

However, today was a special day, and it seemed that there would be a hiatus to Ardghal's training. A trip to the beach. Ardghal had never been to the beach, and knew very little, if anything about it. He was not curious though, but accepted the trip in cool slide. The only thing that Ardghal probably truly enjoyed in his life was practicing martial arts. It was there that Ardghal could feel resonant with his mind, each sensation of pain in his body sharpening and strengthening him. His resonance and control of his mind was also another reason why Ardghal was so emotionless and took things in leisurely stride.

Ardghal finished his shower and quickly got dressed in his regular formal attire. Fionne and the water snake, who preferred the rather pretentious name King, were probably already in the cafeteria, slithering about the place and attracting lively attention from the students as if they were the school mascots.

Ardghal was walking towards the cafeteria when he suddenly lurched forward, seizing his stomach with a pained expression. More backlash from overexerting himself.

Ardghal quickly dashed away from the curious stares he attracted and went behind a tree where he vomited. The vomit was a noxious brew of saliva, blood and a half digested lamb leg. Ardghal weakly leaned on the tree, and took note of his hands. The scales around his fingers were completely torn away to leave behind raw and pink flesh, and raw scars lined his palms with dozens of crisscrosses. Bruises dotted Ardghal arms and legs, the results of improper strikes on a dummy. Now that Ardghal had taken his mind off of training, he was finally beginning to feel the full extent of his reckless training schedule. Sighing weakly, Ardghal decided against partaking in breakfast. Eating more would make him feel even worse. What Ardghal needed now was just some rest to recover before the trip. He wanted to be away from the students and general populace, their clatter would become unbearable if Ardghal ever became weak enough to lose his grip on his enhanced senses, and the excruciating pain of wild senses was something Ardghal could not endure. Ardghal slowly walked away aimlessly with lightheaded stupor till he reached a shaded area he had never really been to before, away from all the clutter. He walked towards it to take some rest, but his ears perked up as he sensed the presence of someone already there. Ardghal contemplated just walking away like he did to anyone he met, but this time, logic told him to at least take a breather. Ardghal sat down a short distance away from the girl in the shade and remained motionless and still, eyes closed as he felt his breath come back to him. It was curious to see someone here so strayed off from the rest of the student body, but Ardghal didn't talk to the girl. Anybody that sought out isolated solace probably did not desire idle banter and chatter. He merely noted her presence and contemplated on what would have made the woman desire to seek out the comfort of quiet solace.


(If you want to reply).
Sang Jin-Yeong

Sociability - 1

It was bleeding. She flexed her fingers experimentally in front of her eyes, watching the skin fold and unfold, and with each cycle, the pain rolled up her nerves. Pain. She had winced when it first registered, but now, no more. It had promptly sat itself down as something foreign that belonged. Something that used to be hers that disappeared a long time ago. It was like finding your old best friend that took your pencils back in second grade. Unpleasant, but comforting. The rivulet of blood branched out from its mother path and went to the left, instead of straight down. Julian studied it like a cat would study a platter of milk. Movement to her left broke her reverie and she almost snapped her neck swivelling to the source of the movement, half-expecting it to be the beer-chugging teacher. To her dismay, she found it was that boy from her first day. The one with the snake and the one with his bunch of buddies that ignored her presence. It took her a moment to realise that she had leapt to her feet in anticipation of seeing the teacher, and she slipped back down to her seat, continuing to examine her wound.

She tried to stay quiet, to keep a low profile, but eventually, she broke the ice, just like how she did back when she first met the odd teacher. It was a force of habit. She needed a bit of stimulation now and then. It was something of a minor case of hyperactivity, her therapist had said. She needed something to do, at every hour of the day when she wasn't sleeping. Talking was one of those things. "Not hangin' out with your friends today, Snakes?" Dis place's for wastes of space like me, ya know? she wanted to add, but restrained herself from doing so.

Winford academy. 15 minutes in and he currently was lost. The late night transfer really had messed with his sense of direction, not saying he had one to begin with, but he barely had gotten to bed at a reasonable hour. He’d been informed about a beach trip; the meeting point was the cafeteria. However currently he was lost. Looking back and forth in the hall he muttered under his breath. “Let’s see…it was left at the entrance? Or was it left after taking a right? Which hallway was it again?” Ezekiel scratched his head. “Well curses. Umm let’s try left?”

He finally reached the cafeteria, looking around there indeed were a few students future classmates. He slowly walked to the area with all the food and piled up as much as he could on a plate. Eggs, bacon, breakfast sandwiches, it all would probably last him for a while. He didn’t know anyone in the school at all, he just picked a table at random with one person at it. He walked over to the other side of the table, and gave a short wave at the present occupant. "Hey ummm, I'm kinda new here. Is this seat reserved?"


After taking a bite of breakfast bagel with a loud audible crunch due to the access bacon Hayden turned and looked at the person asking about a taken seat. The newcomer to the table did look to be about the same height as Hayden but with blond hair. Swallowing his bite Hayden shook his head. "No it is not, feel free to sit down there." Hayden said in a semi distracted matter since he was fully enjoying his breakfast sandwich. "So." Hayden said with a mouthfull of food. "May I ask who you are?" He asked with his eyes still fixated on his food, eating raw meats was somewhat interesting but not enjoyable, meat shouldn't be slimy, it should be juicy yet solid. Raw meat was far from solid, it was more like meat flavored jello and not very appetizing.

@Der Kojote

Ezekiel sat down at the other student’s response, immediately tearing into his plate of food with nearly as much zeal as the other student. In the short time between him shoving three pieces of bacon in his mouth finishing them, then taking a bite out of his breakfast sandwich he replied to the question. “Ezekiel Strauss. Zeek for short if you feel like nicknames.” He was about halfway through his sandwich when he spoke again. “Sorry, I’m more than tad hungry. I moved in yesterday, and I didn’t get to eat much on the trip here.” He also noticed the amount of food that was on the other student’s plate. He chuckled, and bit into another chunk of his rapidly disappearing sandwich. He said with a mouthful of food. “Can I ask you the same?”

(Drunk) Boris


Boris, as usual, was slightly inebriated. He had been on his way to the administrative building when he remembered that today was the day the students, teachers and graduates would visit the one place he absolutely detested. With somewhat high hopes that John would be late for the bus, he stepped inside the building, hoping to talk, perhaps on the way to the bus. Hopefully, he'd be able to persuade him to even release the more esoteric materials. He really wanted to experiment with both Uranium and Plutonium, if only he got the chance.
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Looking over to Ezakiel Hayden nodded. "My name is Hayden." He said downing another bite of breakfast. "And I am going on the beach trip, are you going to come with?" Hayden asked curiously, bus trips were terrible but if he could manage to find a way to sit next to someone that he didn't mind or even one that he was friendly with it would certainly make the trip easier. "The beach trip is because things have been a bit crazy lately, I am sure you could spare a few hours on the beach, even if the beach is rather boring it is still better than being stuck at campus all day." Continuing the conversation Hayden asked one last question. "What is your power anyway?"

@Der Kojote

Downing the last bit of his sandwich and taking a massive gulp of his drink he nodded at the question of his attendance on the beach trip. "Yeah I got told about it yesterday, figured I could meet some more people there. I could just as well explore the rest of the campus later." when asked about his power he pointed at his food, "Telekinesis. great that I can move objects and all, not so good that my brain feels like it's overclocked most of the time. need a bunch more food a day to provide the energy for it." He grabbed the rest of his bacon and began ravenously chewing on it. Talking while his mouth was full yet again, "So I apologize in advance about my eating habits. Also, How about you? what do you got up your proverbial sleeve?"

Sen Harper
Attention all student who are attending the beach trip please report to the front of the school for boarding

Sen looked looked up as a voice called out over the din of the small crowd that was gathered in the dinning hall. She looked over to the dinning hall line waving over to Jon. "I'll save you a seat." She smirked slightly knowing he still had to eat his breakfast. She adjusted the bag on her shoulder and started out fro the front of the school where a small gathering of students already started to form. There were three buses already out in front with some students starting to board. Several teachers were lingering around along with some graduate students who were tagging along.

@Godman873 @PicaPirate @Silent Justice @The Kaosophile @Prizzy Kriyze

Hayden looked towards Ezekiel after hearing the announcement about heading to the buses. "Well it looks like I better heading out to the buses." Hayden took a few final bites of his breakfast before standing up and heading over to the trashcan. After returning to the table to finish his conversation with Ezekiel he answered the question in a lackadaisical manner. "I have a transformed state similar to that of a werewolf." Walking out of the cafeteria in the direction of the buses Hayden pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on. The bus trip was going to be agonizing, Hayden hated cramped spaces not to the point of fearing them just to the point of being uncomfortable.

@Der Kojote

Ezekiel looked at at Hayden as he left, he muttered to himself, "Werewolf? Intresting...Note to self do not get on his bad side." He quickly finished his plate of food and then headed to the buses. Luckily this time the gathering point was easy to find mostly because the loud racket that was going on. Yeah, there were a lot of students, more than a few teachers as well. More than enough time to get to know people. He waited staring at the lines starting to form, hopefully the bus ride would be nice, perhaps uneventful. So far the only person's power he'd found out about was Hayden's. For all he knew half of them could blow up a bus. Currently he wasn't one to start asking at random.
A shot of comedic panic flashed through Jon's eyes as the announcement rang trhough the air, and he turned back to Sen with a sheepish grin. He nodded to her statement of saving a seat, though couldn't help but wonder if that would change quite quickly is a certain Gray got involved. He watched her go, a curious expression on his face. Then he turned back to the queue and glanced around it, bobbing up and down on his feet as if to tell the others to hurry up. Soon he reached thefood itself, and messily lathered the compote all over a piece of lukewarm, soggy toast. In spite of its state, he was already shovelling it into his face as he left the line and headed straight for Sen outside.

Lorelai Dexter leant against the side of the bus, hands in the pockets of her jeans, watching the lines of students beginning to form.

Did I look that young when I was a student?

Lori withdrew a hand from her pocket to stifle a woozy yawn.

Then again, I was a year older than everyone else in my year anyway. Benefit of finding my powers late.

Lori watched the lines of kids slowly growing, eyes skipping from person to person, speculating as to their powers. She had no way of knowing for sure unless she asked, but the guessing at least it passed the time. Lori watched a brawny boy squabbling with a friend at the head of one of the lines.

He's sturdily built- maybe some sort of strength related power. He definitely doesn't seem the sort to go for anything subtle.

Her eyes continued to wander, until she spotted a blonde kid standing a short distance away.

I wonder if that's the new transfer kid? He certainly fits the picture in his file. A telekinetic too, if I remember correctly.

Lori watched him for a moment longer.

I wonder if he knows what he's doing? Maybe I should go over and-

There were several shouts and exclamations from the line nearest to her. Lori turned, and spotted the cause of the commotion almost at once. Two kids squabbling, one holding a small ball of flame- little more than embers. Lori glanced around to check if her colleagues were planning on intervening, before striding towards the pair.

"You two," Lori called to them as she advanced. "Give it a break okay?"

She drew to a stop in front of the pair. They both shot her dark glances, but kept their heads down.

"And you," Lori gestured at the pyrokinetic. "Put the flames out- you know you shouldn't be using your powers like that."

The kid complied, muttering darkly to himself. Lori ignored him, turned on her heel, and moved to stand in her old spot beside the bus. She scanned the crowd, looking for more trouble makers, but saw no-one, eyes falling back on the transfer again.

Better go check he's okay- after all the stuff going on lately, I can't think of worse time to transfer here.

Lorelai wandered towards him, only noticing as she drew closer that the transfer was far taller than she was.

Why am I always the smallest?

Lori drew close to the kid, slipped her hands back into her pockets and looked back towards the main school for a moment before turning to the boy.

"Your the new transfer student right? How are you getting on? I'm Lori- one of the graduate students." Lori kept her tone light and conversational.

No need to lay on authority for this one. She reckoned. He looks pretty calm.

@Der Kojote


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