Be the Change [closed]


Junior Member
Daniel’s eyes slid open seamlessly at 4:15 a.m., his biological clock more effective than any alarm. He sat up, stretched his aching muscles, and checked his watch on the bedside table just to make sure he was correct in his wake-up time. Satisfied that the markets were just opening now, Daniel got up, his feet cold on the floor, and padded quietly to the living room to switch on his laptop.

While it booted up he headed to the bathroom and stuck his toothbrush in his mouth, brushing occasionally while he made breakfast. He left the pan sizzling with eggs and bacon while he went back to the bathroom, rinsed, and got dressed. He came back just in time to save breakfast from getting too crispy and turned off the burner, sliding the food onto a plate.

The laptop was done by then and Daniel took his food over to the table to begin his very short workday of day-trading in international markets. The ache was quite distracting, though, and after a moment Daniel stood up and stretched broadly, his body groaning with old pain as he encouraged blood flow.

The gash on his leg had “healed” at once the night before. The jeans had been ruined, of course, as blood escaped before his natural healing ability could kick in. He always referred to it as “healing” in his mind because it wasn’t really magically all better once the wound was closed. The pain and damage just spread out over a longer period of time and to more than one location in his body. Daniel figured the aches and pains should be gone by the time Nelly woke up, and he’d be ready for more tonight.

Done stretching, he sat back down and remained quiet, the only sounds the fork against his plate and the occasional click of his mouse and quiet rattle of fingers against the keyboard. The sun slowly rose through the blinds and slowly painted gold the small apartment he shared with his best friend.
Nelly's bright blue eyes opened slowly, and as soon as she saw the brightness of the rising sun appearing inside the appartment, she groaned and rolled around. Hmm, already morning..? She stretched her whole body, still laying on the bed, letting out a soft yawn. Her feet touched the ground softly, and as she got up, she passed a hand through her hair.

The white haired girl heard a sound and blinked. So Daniel was already awake, huh?

"Daniel..?" she asked softly. "You awake?"
Daniel glanced up at the call from the other room and smiled. He finished up one transaction and stood, testing his muscles. Pleased with the progress, he made his way over to Nelly's room and leaned against the wall outside.

"Morning, sunshine. What do you want for breakfast? Better eat hardy... I found something for us to do tonight."

While between most roomies that might mean a movie or a place to grab a beer and food, between the two of them it meant something entirely different. Daniel sometimes wondered what it would be like to be "normal"--maybe Nelly and he would be playing D&D with a bunch of nerd friends or going to watch a collegiate football game. Normal they were not, however, and Daniel knew that what they'd be doing tonight would be considerably more exciting than rolling D20s or cheering for testosterone-hopped linebackers. The articles sat printed on the coffee table in a neat pile, but Daniel didn't want to swamp Nelly with his findings all at once. The girl hadn't even had breakfast yet, after all. "Work" could come later.
Nelly smiled at the male and nodded, "'Morning." She blinked at his statement and tilted her head. "Oh really? And what would that be?"

The girl got a little curious judging by the way her friend put the information. Welp, at least it sounded like a good thing! She arranged the pillows on her bed and nicely put the blankets on the right place. Nelly was a messy sleeper alright. Sometimes, the pillows would end up on the ground, far from the bed, when she'd have a dream where she was a wrestling professional or something. She looked at her best friend again and smiled.

"I think I'll have an apple by the way. And a glass of milk."
Daniel chuckled at the state of her room and nodded. "Comin' right up!" He headed to the kitchen, feeling more and more rejuvenated every second. The apple and milk were ready in a second and he brought them down to the coffee table where they could sit and eat together. While she got ready he called out to her in her room.

"Made some money today, so I'll be seeing that soon. Need new clothes anyway, and after tonight I might need even more." Daniel went through a ridiculous amount of clothing during their vigilante crime-fighting stints. Blocking bullets and grappling with gang members armed with knives tended to do a great job shredding and staining clothing beyond repair. Nelly's own abilities also kept both of them constantly looking for bargain deals or clothing in bulk when they took on these missions.
"Thank you~!" She said from her room. The girl giggled quietly and went for her wardrobe to get her "work clothes".

She looked at Daniel and frowned a little. "Man, I think I'm gonne learn how to sew clothes and try to create some forever lasting ones." she said, chuckling. Despite the jokes about the clothes, she truly worried about Daniel. Even if he could heal himself nicely, it would still hurt right? And pain didn't do any good to someone who wanted to fight constantly.

"...How's your wound from yesterday..?"
"Good as new," Daniel said, lifting his shirt to show the non-existent scar near his hip that had been a grizzly sight the night before. "I was pretty sore this morning, but nothing time and stretching didn't cure."

He smiled though at the thought of having some kind of wacky superhero outfits made out of super-fabric. "Who knew helping people could be so pricey?" he pondered, wondering what their combined wardrobe bill must look like at the end of each month.

He snagged his pile of articles from the table and read out the headlines as they sat together at the coffee table. "'Masked Bandit Strikes Again: police baffled as all leads turn cold'... 'Masked Criminal's Total Victims Climb to the Dozens'... 'Wanted: Man in 30s, Record of Theft and Aggravated Assault.'" He glanced at Nelly over the pages and sighed. "Sounds like a real charmer. This guy's armed, but there's no reason to believe the gun is real as of now. He's never actually shot anyone and only ever attacked people who resisted with punches and kicks. Still, better not underestimate him."

Daniel leaned back, his mind already buzzing. Sometimes they would bait out criminals to try to get them to show themselves, one of them serving as a false victim and the other lying in wait to come as backup. Sometimes they looked around until they found the perp in question and took them down that way. It depended on the case in question.
"..That's good." She said in relief.

Nelly giggled at his second statement, he sure was right. "Right? Good thing my other forms don't need clothes." She was happy about that. After all, wolves, horses and dragons didn't need clothes anyway, right? And luckily her clothes didn't rip up when she transformed, as it would normally do in the movies, when the werewolves transformed. The only damage her outfit would get was when she was fighting in her human form, and she would occasionally get stabbed, scratched, shot...

"Charming." Nelly said briefly and grabbed her apple, giving it a bite. She listened to him as she munched the sweet piece of fruit, and spoke after she swallowed it. "So he doesn't use his gun usually. It can be real, but it might not be loaded... but you're right, we can't underestimate an armed person. So.. do you have a plan?" the white haired girl asked and nommed the apple again.
"We could try to set you up to look like a good mark," Daniel suggested, though this was his least favorite thing to do. He much preferred being the bait, but being "big guy" to most people made him not ideal for this role. People tended to shy away from trying to mug him no matter how much he tried to "nerd" himself up with big glasses and plaid shirts. "Though as you know I'm not fond of that one. Maybe we can save that as a last resort."

Daniel leaned back and thought about the best way to capture this guy. His crime path was random, which made predicting his next target even more difficult than normal. "We could try to be at the right place at the right time, assuming he'd want to pick targets who are walking home late from something. Do you know about any late-night events happening in the area today?"
"A defenseless young lady walking home, all by herself... the thief comes get her, and BAM! We catch him!" She grinned and crossed her arms. "That sounds like a plan. I'll make sure to be safe, so don't worry."

Nelly held her chin and thought for a while. "Events.... hmmmm..." Suddenly, she snapped her fingers and smiled. "Oh, I'm pretty sure I've heard something about a show... probably from a popular singer about teenagers. So there it is: the small, innocent girl walks down the street. 'It's sooo dark~' she says and looks around. He is amazed by her fragile and cute appearence... and tries to assault her!" a laugh came out with the last sentence. "And that's when you show up! Is that it?"

She liked how the plan sounded. Mainly because if she was the bait, that would mean that it was more likely that she would be the one who'd get hurt, not Daniel. She hated how every night he'd have to deal with such horrible wounds, and even if it healed, the pain would still remain for a while. So if he showed up from behind and caught the guy before he could do anything, that meant he would probably not get hurt!
Daniel chuckled at Nelly’s recap of their scenario, grinning at her. She always brightened his day with her exuberance and sense of humor. “He’ll never know what hit him,” he affirmed. A gnawing knot of nervousness chewed at him though he knew Nelly wasn’t dainty by any means. She could certainly hold her own and he’d seen her do it many times. He was fortunate that they seemed to have a good understanding of one another; their mutual worry wasn’t out of underestimating each other, but simply because they cared.

The idea of getting this guy off the streets was bolstering to Daniel. This guy was the kind of criminal who had no qualms shoving old ladies to the pavement and beating up young teens who tried to get in his way. Someone like that needed to be behind bars, and Nelly and he had long ago vowed to do as much as they could to clean up this city using the abilities they were fortunate enough to have at their disposals.

“Anything you need to do today? I was thinking maybe we could do some recon of our area. I’ll find the spot where I’ll hide but can still have a good vantage point to see if the guy approaches.”

((When it comes to stuff like this I’m totally fine doing some fast-forwarding :) Depends on if you wanted to add anything for them to do, or if you want to skip to the night of the mission.))
"Hmmm.. nah, I don't think I have anything. It'd sure be best to see the area! After all, there are probably going to be some loud teenagers out there, I have to make sure to avoid them." She giggled, "I'd hate to be stomped by crazy fans in their way to the show."

Nelly finished her apple and drank the white milk. With that done, she got up and brought the glass to the sink and the remains of the eaten apple to the trash can. "We have a nice job for tonight." She grinned at him and crossed her arms. "I'm looking forward to it."

((Sure! I don't think we need to add anything for now, so we can just skip to the mission! :) ))
Daniel smiled to Nelly and went to poke her in the side, which degenerated into an attempted tickle fight and him picking her up and spinning her around the room. They almost kicked his laptop off the table during one revolution and called it off there, still grinning and out of breath.

The rest of the day was spent staking out their area and grabbing various snacks from little shops along the way. One of the side-effects of Daniel's power seemed to be a ravenous, never-ending appetite after he had been injured. As a result he wolfed down an everything bagel, a smoothie, a cappuccino, ice cream, a waffle hotdog, and an order of chili cheese fries while they picked the place where they'd lure the bandit out.

While they were out a ghost from the past had drifted across their path. The little girl looked just like his sister at that age, and the falter in Daniel's mood lasted for a few moments until Nelly was able to lift his spirits simply through proximity. While they walked back to the apartment to rest and prepare for the coming night, Daniel let her walk a little ways ahead and watched her, a small smile on his face. If he hadn't found her at the exact moment he had, who knew where he'd be today.

Back at the apartment Daniel loafed out on the sofa, yawning, and vaguely thought that he was way too bushed to make it to his bed. He called a brief "goodnight" to Nelly, set his alarm for 9 pm, and was out like a light.

The little girl's face only flashed through his mind once before he fell asleep. Having Nelly nearby was, as usual, a talisman against the nightmares for him.
Nelly giggled and fought back with the tickle fight. She sighed at the later mess in the room, but laughed and cleaned it up, still giggling a bit, effect of the tickle fight.

She always wondered if Daniel's apettite ever had an end. Good for him that he didn't get fat from that! Well, sure, he needed the energy alright. After all, fighting enemies wasn't an easy job. And also his healing abilities weren't anything ordinary, they sure needed some extra fuel to work properly.

Walking back home, Nelly hummed a song and smiled. She didn't notice Daniel was a little behind at first, but when she noticed, she looked at him and smiled, slowing down a little for him to catch up with her. She was grateful for having a friend like him... it made her feel better after the experiment. Gosh, she was terribly depressed after those scientists turned her into a shapeshifter. And also.. her little brother... she didn't know what to believe. A part of her said, C'mon, Nelly. He's dead! He'll never come back, so don't get your hopes up. But another part of her said, Don't give up just yet, Nelly. He's still alive. He's alive somewhere, and you gotta find him, no matter what it takes. Even if it took an eternity, she would still search for him, even if he was indeed dead. At least.. at least to find out the truth. But Daniel made her feel better; without him, she would be depressed forever, or even dead, who knows if she'd have one day considered suicide?

She looked at her friend on the couch and smiled. "'Night." she whispered and got a blanket and put it over him. After that, she went to her bed and drifted off to sleep.
When Daniel awoke (a second before his alarm went off as usual) it was 8:59 pm. He rolled off the couch and let the alarm run down so the sound would travel into the next room and rouse Nelly.

In the meantime Daniel slipped into his room and donned plain black jeans, a gray cotton t-shirt, socks, plain black sneakers and a black hoodie over it all. He snagged his black mask off the bedside table, just a cotton stretch of fabric that he would later pull over his nose and mouth. They were certainly low-budget superheroes, as he was fond of calling their duo.

When he headed back into the living room after his quick wardrobe change, he stretched his muscles and felt that familiar kick of excitement as they prepared to leave.
The white haired girl woke up with the sound of the alarm and sat on her bed, letting out a soft yawn. She got up and walked to the wardrobe, looking at the clothes, as she remembered her task for that night. A smirk appeared on her face as she thought about it, even if it would be a little annoying..

"Heh. Time to get pretty and helpless looking."

Nelly got a white t-shirt with a not too revealing neckline, a pink mini-skirt and black boots. She ran to the bathroom and began to change, also putting on make-up. She was dying to see the reaction of the criminal when that oh-so-defenseless lady was saved by the strong looking boy... and if that went wrong, the cute lady would just bloom as a shapeshifter and help catching the guy! Hah, that would be amazing.

When ready, she walked to the living room. Boy, she did not look like the usual Nelly at all! It was like one of those teenager movies girls from highschool, ready for a show and meet the perfect boy. How ridiculous, she thought.

"I'm ready~!" She called out.
Daniel's face broke into a grin at the getup Nelly was sporting. He laughed and clapped, then put his hands on his hips and circled her as if assessing, though the entire time he had a joking smile on. "Well! I think I have to give you 10/10 marks for the quintessential innocent young girl/perfect target look!" Standing next to her Daniel looked more like the guy that would be assaulting and/or mugging her rather than her partner in crime-fighting.

As the two headed out into the night Daniel's previous good mood at his partner's seamless ability to play whatever role was needed of her started to fade, though. He always became a bit more serious the closer they got to showtime. When they were down in the part of town where teens were meandering around the concert venue, it was going on 10 pm. Daniel looked at the simple, chunky plastic watch he wore and sighed.

"Alright. I'll be right up here the whole time," he said, motioning to the second-story fire escape they'd scouted earlier in the day. Then, as he always did before they got to work on something potentially dangerous, Daniel scooped Nelly up into a bear hug, picking her up off her feet for a moment. "Knock 'em dead," he muttered, smiling fondly at her as he turned to the building to quickly scale it and wait.

((For the baddie, I'm totally fine with sharing control over him :) That way we can make more efficient posts for when he's interacting with Nelly and then with Daniel.))
Nelly grinned and bowed joyfully, "Why thank you, good sir~!" she replied, then put both hand on her hips and tilted her head, a bit of her fringe getting on her face. "Shall we get going then? I'm looking forward to this~!"

She looked around the area and frowned. "Such a crowded place." a sigh came out, "That's why I don't like shows or pop music. Too loud and obnoxious. Buut perfect for an assault scenario~!" The girl said proudly.

With a nod, Nelly smiled at him. "Alright." She returned the hug and laughed a bit with his request. "As you wish! I'll do my best!" She glanced up at him and grinned, raising a hand to her face, and said in a girly voice, "Be sure to save me from the bad guys~!"

She walked back and forth in the alley, making sure not to be too noticeable, at the same time not to be too hidden. She wanted to make sure she was an easy prey, so she acted nervous and lost.

((Alright! I think it's better if you control him when he'll interact with Nelly, and I control him when he'll interact with Daniel! Is that ok?))
The figure moved silently through the crowd, a gray jacket and blue jeans letting him blend in seamlessly. The crowds were lingering, some people laughing and taking pictures with their smart phones, some making out on street corners, some hobbling drunkenly home. Most were coupled together or in groups, so the figure moved quietly past them, uninterested.

It was four blocks from the concert that he saw her. Perhaps her date had ditched her, or one of her friends had run off to snag an autograph and left her phone on silent. The girl looked lost, searching for something and failing to find it. That uncertain gait and the way she frequently paused to get her bearings straight told him that much. She was walking away from him, away from the concert, and as he walked up to her he took frequent, nonchalant glances at his watch and the closed store windows down the block, just in case she was aware of his presence.

Once he'd gained on her he quickly closed the ten or so feet of space between them at a rapid jog, jumping forward to grab her from behind and put a hand over her mouth so long as she remained unaware of his approach.

((To avoid godmoding I'm gonna format my responses that way. And yes, your plan sounds good!))
Nelly was taken by surprise. Well, sure, she was there for that, but it sure made her jump a little. After she got knowledge of the situation, she calmed down on the inside, but acted more nervous.

"Mmmmff!!!" she tried to speak, struggling to get out of the man's grip. She wouldn't scream if she could, no, she didn't want anyone seeing that scene. It was too dangerous for a common person to go in their way. Not that the teens would hear her over the sound of the concert... She fought back with her arms and kicked his knees slightly, not wanting to harm him too much before Daniel appeared. He was the one playing the role of knight in the armour after all.

She kept her guard up, listening good to any dingling object he might have. If she head metal objects, that would mean he probably had dangerous weapons with him. Just don't let him get a vital spot, Nelly. Welp, if he hurt her in a non-vital spot, it would be fine. A scratch wouldn't bother her too much.

Nelly was smart enough to not fight back too much, or else the thief would try to harm her so she couldn't move. That's what criminals usually did. With or without a gun, a guy with brutal strength and a desire to assault a little teenager was dangerous enough.

((Alright! That's good :D ))
Daniel leapt down from the fire escape as soon as he got visual confirmation that the assailant had made physical contact with Nelly and was engaged in a struggle with her. In the past he would leap forward too soon, giving the attacker time to run the other way, but now that he was engaged it would be harder to negotiate an escape.

The assailant's gun was holstered at his hip, but as he struggled with Nelly he yanked out a small pocketknife, flicking it open and hovering it near her collarbone. "Don't struggle, now. That'll just make it worse for you."

Daniel collided with the man from behind, yanking him roughly off of Nelly. As he did so, though, the knife slipped against her skin and left a cut on her shoulder.

((If you want! Don't want to injure your character without your permission so feel free to write as if that didn't happen too.))
As soon as she heard Daniel's footsteps, she grinned. "Oh, don't worry, I won't move an inch." She waited for her friend to strike the attack. She was kinda surprised that the knife injured her. Well, that shouldn't come as a surprise anyway, since it was so close to Nelly's body. Her hand unconsciously reached for her wound, but her mind was still on the battle. She turned around to watch the fight, ready to jump in if necessary. Since she had been injured, she had the knowledge that he would indeed use a weapon, and got worried that the man would hurt Daniel.

She watched the gun on the man's hip. As long as he didn't use that, it would be safe enough. Careful, Danny... She thought.

((Oh, that's quite alright! xD After all, can't have a real fight without getting a little hurt, right?))
Daniel and the assailant were locked in a vicious struggle, the other man trying his best to get a good swipe at him with the knife. Daniel, however, grabbed the man's wrist and twisted it harshly, causing him to drop the weapon. In that moment of distraction, though, the man hauled back with his a fist he managed to get free and clocked Daniel good across the jaw. Daniel's head snapped to the side and stars erupted in his vision; the guy could certainly hit hard. Feeling a new surge of rage quake to life within him as he imagined what the man's victims must have felt like, Daniel brought his head forward for a sharp slam against the man's head.

They fell apart, the assailant toppling over but very soon struggling to get up and make a break for it. Daniel reeled backwards, having been shoved away, and tried to right himself to run after the man, but he would get a good head's start while he got his footing. Daniel looked over to Nelly, knowing it was her turn to take a crack at this guy, and at the sight of the red stain on her shirt at her shoulder a snap of cold fury iced through his veins.
Nelly gasped at the sight of her friend being hit by the man like that. Ooohh no, he didn't. She was ready to fight, first wanting to use her usual human form, and if needed, she'd switch to her wolf form. That would certainly surprise the guy, and would hopefully get him paralyzed from shock. Then again, maybe he would just be shocked for a few seconds, then start fighting again. She'd have to test her luck.

Oh, welp, nevermind, he was running away. She looked at Daniel and nodded quickly, reassuringly, as a bright blue light surrounded her body. Doggy time, she thought. Her body changed from human to canine, and when the light faded, a medium white wolf took her place. She had the same piercing bright blue eyes, and the same cut in her shoulder she had as a human was still there in her wolf form. But that sure wouldn't stop her from chasing that guy! She turned around and ran, ran, ran, her paws tapping against the ground faster and faster.

The guy was fast alright, and he did have the advantage of rushing way before she began to chase him. But a human is too slow compared to a wolf. Eventually, after chasing the guy to an empty field (which was good, because she didn't want to be seen by anyone else), she jumped on the guy's back, tackling him to the ground. Nelly didn't bite his neck, no, she wouldn't want to kill him at all. However, for being too soft on him, he took the chance of her hesitation to shove her aside, and she fell with a slight yelp. The wolf got back on her paws and charged forward again, this time bitting on his shin, which made him groan in pain and fall. She got on top of him again and stared at his face, hoping that Daniel would come there soon to get him. She wasn't strong enough to keep him from moving for a long time. For now, she could rely only on the shock of being bitten and stared at by a wolf
Daniel dashed off as fast as he could after the assailant and Nelly. As it was he was fast, but not fast enough to keep perfect time with them. He arrived in time to see her yank him down by his leg and clamber on top of him, and Daniel didn't stop running until he was right up beside the man and Nelly.

"Awesome," he panted to her, grateful she'd been able to detain the guy. Already Daniel's shiner was gone. He searched the guy, who had decided to be a bit more still now that the wolf had the upper hand and the backup had arrived. Daniel found the gun and, making sure to use the guy's cotton shirt to lift it so his prints wouldn't be found on the weapon, chucked it aside on the grass. Then he lifted the guy up by the front of his shirt, roughly yanking him to his feet.

Now the guy saw it fit to struggle again, but this time Daniel was ready. He channeled the impact he had earlier received from the man, the bruising and the swelling that would have happened to his face, and let that energy course into his right hand. Then, rearing back and adding his own strength to it, Daniel landed a devastating blow to the side of the guy's head. The would-be robber dropped like a sack of stones. Daniel had hurt his knuckle doing that, but the minor sting dissipated at once and merely gave him a short tingle throughout his body that lasted a few seconds.

He turned to Nelly, panting hard. "Are you okay?" he asked at once, staring at the blood against her white fur.

((Sorry if it seems like I gave Daniel a new power out of nowhere! I forgot to mention it earlier... if he gets hurt and has no one to channel that pain/injury onto, his own body will heal and deal with the damage itself. But, if he has a target, he can use the injury they gave him to boost his own strength and hurt them back. Hope that makes sense... it's the way Daniel can use his ability for actual combat :) ))

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