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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Noah stopped eating for a moment and gave a small nod "Well uh....alright then. That should be fun." He said with a small smile before leaning over and pecking her cheek "You think he'll like me enough?"

Max gave a small sigh and nodded a bit as she cuddled her close "He isn't feeling great right now baby." She murmured watching Will in his rocker as he just happily played with the dangle toys.
She nodded. “I think so. He’s not a horrible person… he’s just been misguided.” She sighed a little, finishing up and chucking her trash away. “So I’m thinking I join you guys for the first two weeks of the tour if that works for you. Cause I got work to do after that but I’m not ready to not see you for an entire month.” She told him.

She nodded and just held onto her mom, looking up when they heard the stairs creaking and she wriggled to get down and run over to her dad, reaching to be picked up.

He smiled a little and lifted her gently, kissing her head. “Hey princess.” He murmured, heading over to max and kissed her temple. “I love you.” He told her quietly. He wouldn’t go into detail in front of maya, worried about scaring her or confusing her but he was so beyond grateful for his wife.
Noah nodded and finished up his food as well "Alright that works for sure." He said before throwing out his things yawning a bit "Mmm I might turn in soon. You gonna be up late?"

Max smiled softly at he came down and nodded some "I love you too babe." She murmured before kissing him gently as she stood up and went to get baby Will's diaper chamged when she heard him grunting in his chair.
She nodded and stretched out a bit, wrapping her arms around him when he stepped over "I am but I was gonna come to bed. I don't have any prep to do for tomorrow cause I did it after I got back last night. So I'm gonna shower and come to bed, then I got a whole ass island that needs cleaning up and making pretty... And I'm in so much debt to that damn raccoon." She muttered, shaking her head a little.

He sighed quietly and took Maya to go play when she asked, "She need any laundry doing for going back to daycare tomorrow?" He asked Max, glancing over at her. He wanted to be useful desperately and he figured laundry was something he couldn't fuck up too bad.
Noah laughed as he swayed with her a bit "I told you to get those coins up." He teased before pecking her lips. Soon enough they found themselves in bed, him snuggled up to her while she played her switch "I love you, I hope you know that."

Max nodded some giving him a small smile "Actually yeah, I haven't gotten the chance yet to fold any of it." She said while wiping up the baby.
He nodded and got Maya to get down so they could go upstairs and she could still get her cuddles in while he did the laundry. "You know you got the best Mommy in the whole wide world?" He asked her, kissing her head while she was cuddled up to his side.

She smiled and nodded, running her fingers through his hair gently with his head in her lap, "I do puppy. And I love you too. Very very much." She murmured, "Get some sleep, I'm not gonna be up too late." She promised, turning the lamp off on her side, still running her fingers through his hair soothingly while she went through a few cut scenes
Maya giggled and nodded some "Uh huh, and best daddy too." She said while watching him some "Daddy you sick?" She asked quietly seeing the bags under his eyes.

Noah woke up that next morning pouting when he saw Carmen already up and ready to go "Must you go already?" He whined while reaching to her.
She nodded and stepped over to him, leaning down and pecking his lips, "Yeah, I've let the dogs out as well and given them breakfast." She told him, "I'll call you when I'm on my way back alright? Make sure you're packed and ready for going home tomorrow." She smiled. "Oh and when I get back I gotta show you all the stuff I put on the island." She smiled, kissing him once more and headed out to his car to take it to the job.

He sighed a little and looked to her, "Yeah baby I'm a little under the weather." He told her, "But I'm alright." He tried to promise, kissing her head "What do you think? Pink or purple tomorrow?" He asked her. She'd been going through a phase lately where if it wasn't pink she refused to wear it. Plus he didn't want to let her linger too long on if he was unwell or not.
Noah gave a small smile and nodded some "I promise everything will be packed." He murmured before pecking her lips gently "Ooo I can't wait to see it."

Maya gasped anf gave him a grumpy face identical to Max's "Pink Daddy! It best color!" She said in a matter of fact tone before squealing loudly when he tickled her.
She waved to him and headed out, ending up finally making it back to the house at around eight pm, ringing the bell and yawning a little. By the end she'd been running on caffeine and desperation but it had been a good day at least. She frowned a little when he didn't answer but she could hear the dogs inside, eventually managing to get into the back yard and go through the back door, "Hello?! Noah? You didn't get the front door puppy!" She called through the place, frowning at the silence that answered her, eventually finding him up in the bedroom on the floor with his head between his knees "Noah? Hey... Hey what's going on?" She asked him worriedly, going to crouch next to him.

He rolled his eyes at the attitude, "You are just like your Mommy sometimes." He chuckled, tickling her until she was telling him to stop, lifting her up for another cuddle. "You excited to go back and see all your friends tomorrow?" He asked her. She hadn't been to her nursery for almost six months with how up and down things had been at home but they knew she needed to get back to normalcy so him and Max had agreed to start sending her back. Especially as she would be starting proper school later in the year
Noah frowned deeply as he looked up finally to see her there "I didn't.....I didn't hear you I'm sorry..." he said quietly taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down. He wiped his eyes a bit and just held her for a moment to try and get everything together "I just....I got caught up in my head today.." he whispered to her.

Maya nodded happily as she cuddled him "Uh huh! I ready to play!" She said excitedly watching him some as he continued to fold the last of the clothes "Will coming too?"
She moved to be sat next to him instead and just held him tightly, rocking gently. “Hey, hey I’m here alright? Just breathe.” She coaxed. “You have any water today?” She nodded and got up to go get him some when he said no, bringing him back her water bottle with the straw and sat down with him again. “You wanna talk about it?” She asked him quietly, exhausted but wanting to make sure he was alright first.

He smiled and shook his head. “No baby he’s still too little for that.” He told her quietly, “this place is all for kids about your age to have fun with their friends and get ready for big kid school.” He told her, standing slowly when he finished, sighing a little when she asked to be picked up “Not now sweetheart. Dad’s all worn out.” He told her, taking her back downstairs.
Noah sipped at the water slowly and took a deep breath "I saw a photo of my ex, I guess I forgot to unfollow her. It just brought back that whole time and I guess it freaked me out a bit." He admitted quietly before leaning into her some "I'll be okay..."

Maya pouted but nodded and got down off the bed "Okay Daddy." She murmured before running out of the room to go play by herself for the time being.
She nodded and looked at him. “Want me to beat her ass?” She asked him, only the smallest hint of a joke in there. “Cause she was an absolute bitch to me the whole time.” She finally admitted, “puppy I can hardly keep my eyes open. It’s been a long fucking day… so if you need lovin I can give it but it’s gotta be on the bed or the couch cause I need to lay down.” She told him.

He headed down to find max and smiled at her having baby will doing tummy time. “Hes getting so big.” He mumbled, going to sit with her, rubbing at his temples some.
Noah gave a small laugh and nodded some "I'm sorry, come on lets get to bed." He murmured getting up and stripping down to get in bed with her "Oh I did get things packed...I've only been like this maybe an hour." He murmured as he cuddled into her.

Max nodded smiling some "He's getting the hang of rolling over now too." She said happily while watching Will as he cooed and giggled when he saw his dad.
Will smiled a little and dragged himself towards the couch, starting to feel a little off again, managing to make it there right before his legs gave out and he half lay half fell onto it, just taking a few deep breaths "I'm alright... I'm fine." He promised, trying to make sure she didn't panic. "Migraine... coming on." He mumbled, smiling over at baby Will when he screamed because people had stopped giving him attention

She nodded and sighed a little, getting through her nighttime routine with a little difficulty but made it eventually and went to curl up with him, reaching for her switch, "Here, look at all the work I did last night." She smiled, getting her animal crossing loaded up and took him on a tour of the finished part of her island.
Max nearly rushed to his side when he fell but sighed in relief when he said he was okay "You need me to get your medicine?" She asked before picking baby Will up when he got fussy.

Noah looked it over smiling softly "Wow you did real good babe, looks amazing." He said quietly making sure to look at everything she did before starting to drift off with her.
She smiled and nodded, putting it down as he was starting to fall asleep and just sighed quietly, stroking his cheek then got up carefully to go finish locking up and get a drink, rubbing at her temples a little, finally going up to go to bed properly, getting snuggled in close with him and fell asleep.

He nodded slowly, reaching for Will and took him into his arms so hers were free, sitting him on his chest. “I’m sorry buddy. You were having some fun tummy time huh?” He cooed to him.
Noah groaned as their alarms went off the next morning "Do we have to? I've liked this little get away." He pouted as he pulled her in close to him to get just a few more minutes in bed.

Max smiled some as Will gurgled at him happily as he stared at his dad "He's like your twin honestly." She murmured seeing how he was a spitting image of him as a baby.
He smiled and hummed a little, “they both have your attitude already.” He chuckled quietly, keeping one arm protectively around him and reached for the meds with his other. “Thanks beautiful.” He told her quietly. “Hey so what do you want for Mother’s Day? Anything you wanna do?” He asked her.

She sighed a little and nodded, having been up for an hour already and yawned a little. “Yeah we gotta get going. We can get coffee on the way home though.” She promised, kissing his cheek. “It’s been nice having quiet time. How you feeling this morning?” She asked, rubbing her fingers through his hair.
Max shrugged a bit as she sat beside him once he had his medicine and water "I dunno, maybe dinner or lunch? I don't need much really. Oh maybe some flowers." She murmured quietly while watching them.

Noah pouted but nodded and got up to go get ready. "I'm doing alright, just tired. How are you?" He asked while he brushed out his hair and got dressed in some comfy clothes.
She nodded and shrugged "Yeah. fine." She mumbled. She continued putting on the front for the next couple weeks, throwing herself into work more than usual in between her appointments for dealing with everything. She had told Noah she was having a quiet day at home the day he showed up though. She hadn't thought he would just show up on his own as they hadn't seen each other for more than a ocuple hours since they'd got back.

Josh opened the door when the bell rang and nodded to his sister's boyfriend. "Hey. She's not back from the doctors yet. You uh... I guess you wanna come in." He muttered, opening the door a bit more to let him and the dogs in, saying hello to them.

He gave her a thumbs up, starting to go pretty quiet but thinking about how he was gonna make this one really special for her. That ended up being his only bad day for the next couple weeks and he'd got the kids up early for mother's day, walking them down a few blocks to go get some coffee nice and early, feeling a little braver again. He picked up breakfast and took them back, finally taking them up to go wake her up, sending in Maya first while he carried her coffee order along with the tray of presents he'd sorted out to be from him and the kids.
Noah had shown up to Carmen's place with her favorite snacks and drinks, plus things to make her dinner. He was worried about her and the distance she'd been putting between them, worried he had done something wrong. He frowned a bit when Josh answered the door though "Huh? She told me she was staying home." He said before going inside.

Max grumbled quietly when she was awoken by Maya shaking her some. She rubbed at her eyes and smiled widely seeing everything they had laid out for her "Oh you guys.....thank you so much." She said happily.
He shrugged and shut the door behind him. "She's had this booked for ages. Probably forgot. She tells me all her doctors appointments soon as she makes them cause someone's gotta be here for the animals." He told him, walking away to go sit in the lounge and carry on with his school work, hearing her finally get home about half an hour later.

Carmen sighed a little as she stepped into the house and frowned seeing Noah stood in her kitchen "Hey... What uh... What are you doing here?" She asked.

will smiled and passed the tray into her lap once she was sat up, going to grab baby Will from downstairs and brought him back up to sit down with her "We thought you deserved an extra special mothers day." He smiled, leaning over and pecking her lips.
Noah looked over at Carmen with a concerned look "Well I came by to bring you some treats and make you dinner." He explained before taking her hand in his "Are you okay? Josh told me you were at the doctors?"

Max let a few tears fall as she thanked him "Oh Will...thank you, I love you so much." She said softly before pecking his lips repeatedly.

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