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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

He smiled and watched her happily while they waited for their food, still pinching himself a little that he had her back "You still talking to that friend of yours? Carmen?" He asked her once their plates arrived.
Max gave a small laugh and nodded some "Well she is my best friend, so yeah I am." She said smiling frowning when the waiter slipped a napkin under her plate with his number. She scoffed and took it out looking around for him. She caught his eye and glared before ripping the napkin in half and tossing it to the side.
He rolled his eyes a little "Yeah well things happen sometimes." He pointed out and frowned as he watched what she was doing, "What an asshole." He muttered, shaking his head "No I was askin that cause I saw her at that festival, hangin round the Bad Omens lot." He told her
Max smiled some and nodded a bit "Yeah she dates their singer, Noah, they're all sweethearts. She uh...she was actually the one who told me you were there at the festival." She explained before she started to dig into her food.
He nodded some and watched her "What are you gonna do when she moves to LA next month then?" He asked, assuming that Carmen had told her plus he only knew cause he'd been talking to Jolly about house sharing with a bunch of people and he'd mentioned they were about to have a sixth person join the house
Max frowned deeply "What? She....she hadn't told me anything about moving." She said a bit sadly and sighed softly "Guess I'll need to call her and ask."
“Oh….. oh I shouldn’t have mentioned it. You heard nothing from me.” He told her quickly, “I never said a word… maybe it was only a temporary move?” He asked her
Max shook her head and sighed softly "No Carmen isn't one to just move in with someone temporarily." She murmured as she ate quietly "But I'm happy for her, glad to see her and Noah are ready for that step."
Max gave a small laugh and shook her head some "Well I won't complain about that." She murmured. It was hours later when they found themselves sitting together at a park having finished his errands pretty early "So what made you choose pink? I really like it on you." She said softly as she twirled one of his curls around her finger.
He shrugged a little. “Looks good on me.” He told her, leaning back right as his phone went off so he picked it up, “hello? Speaking…. Oh hi, yeah yeah he told me this morning, I was looking through some of the videos you’ve done…. So what is this thing you wanted me to do?” He asked, laying back still with his head in her lap
Max smiled and watched him a bit as he talked to the woman. She giggled softly when he started to get giddy and then soon enough they were headed back to the car "So what is it they're wanting to do?" She asked curiously
He smiled and got in. “They wanna see how my vocal cords react with the noises I make? I can’t be sure I was paying attention to be honest.” He chuckled. “But we’re gonna go do it in a couple months.” He told her
Max gave a small laugh and smiled some "That sounds really cool." She said kissing his cheek gently "I am so proud of you ya know? Seeing you on stage and hearing how everyone was so hyped to hear your voice at the festival...it warmed my heart." She admitted to him quietly
He smiled and nodded. “It feels good to see the work paying off finally.” He told her happily, heading back to her place to drop her off, holding her hand the whole way.
Max kissed him lovingly as they got to her place "I'll talk with you tomorrow yeah? See you in a few days?" She said sweetly as she watched him still in shock that he was really back in her life.
He nodded and smiled "That's a date." He promised, leaning over and kissing her gently and watched until she was safely in her house before heading home himself, in a better mood than he had been in a really long time. He walked in and grimaced as Jack stood in the kitchen glaring "Sorry, I thought everyone was out last night." He told him.
Jack rolled his eyes and nodded "Uh huh, sure. Was that Max again?" He asked as he sipped his beer and offered one to his friend "You guys together again?"
Jack chuckled a bit and nodded some "Well I'm glad to hear you guys are going again, she was a nice one." He said before patting his shoulder "Just next time.....atleast knock on the doors to make sure we're gone." He teased before heading to his room.
-2 months-
Will had been moping around his house for the past couple days with max gone for the first time since they’d got back together. She’d gone to a festival in Chicago for work and while he was free he didn’t want to join her for the kind of music fewtivwl it was. He’d been a little under the weather with a cold as well anyway and he needed to be packing for his trip to go meet Elizabeth. He was in the middle of it and about to call max when he started feeling a tightness in his chest, going to grab his inhaler and thinking nothing of it so called her anyway. “Hey babe, how’s your day goin?”
Max frowned some when she heard how wheezy he sounded "Its fine I guess, shit festival honestly. Are you okay? Why do you sound out of breath?" She asked worriedly as she sat down in the photography tent.
He frowned a little and took his inhaler. “Just having a moment is all. They got good food at least?” He asked her, chucking clothes into his suitcase and a couple charging cords then took another puff of the inhaler. “Weather good?” He asked
Max frowned more when she heard his inhaler "Food is meh, and weather is good thankfully." She murmured sighing softly "I miss you, you sure you're okay?" She asked worriedly
He smiled. “You miss my spaghetti?” He asked her. “Yeah I’m alright…. I think. I better get back to packing … but call me tonight okay? Love you.” He told her, hanging up and went back to trying to pack but after a few minutes it felt like he could hardly get any air in at all even after using his inhaler several times and picked his phone up to call one of his housemates to come and help him, managing to get sat down on the edge of the bed, hunching forward and trying to stay calm.

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