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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Max started to undress as well and smiled softly pulling him towards her "Missed you too." She said before kissing hin deeply. She layed there afterwards panting heavily and curled up into him tracing some of his chest tattoos "I like the new additions you've gotten."
He smiled some and pulled her in tight, kissing the top of her head. “Well I’d hope they were good after sitting through that.” He smiled, eventually getting up to get her a towel and some water, joining her back in bed once he had his boxers back on. “You want me to go home tonight?” He asked her yawning a little.
Max cuddled in close to him again when he was back in her bed and shook her head some "No....please stay." She said quietly not ready to let go of him just yet.
He frowned but nodded, holding her to him and kissing her head “I’m home for a few weeks now. Gotta go check on the babies in the morning but I could swing by tomorrow after you finish work.” He suggested.
Max gave a small nod and kissed under his chin "If you need to go see the babies I understand, just....can you stay a little longer?" She murmured softly knowing he adored his cats more than anything
He smiled and shook his head. “I said I need to check on them in the morning.” He told her, pulling away only to tie his hair back then brought her in close again
Max smiled softly and cuddled up to him "So how is it playing for bigger crowds?" She asked him quietly just wanting to hear about how things had been for him in that area of his life.
He smiled tiredly. “It’s been great. I’m not worrying about how I’m gonna feed myself next week anymore. We’re going in the studio soon for a full album.” He murmured to her. “I got time for the things I enjoy.” He told her, nuzzling his face into the top of her head.
He hummed quietly and just held her as she fell asleep, checking through a few e-mails then put the phone down to go to sleep himself.
Max woke up the next morning and smiled seeimg him still here. She got up slowly and made her way downstairs to start up coffee so he could have a cup before leaving
He woke up only a little bit after her and headed downstairs, slipping his arms around her from behind and grumbled into her hair "Morning... What time do you get off work?" He asked her yawning some and went to raid her fridge for a yogurt, "Cause I thought I'd come pick you up after work and take you out... Proper date." He suggested
Max smiled happily and handed him a cup of coffee "Mmm I get off around 3." She murmured pecking his lips "A proper date huh? Where to?" She asked softly before sipping her drink
He smiled and shook his head "All you're allowed to know is that it's a casual dress." He told her, "Get dolled up if you want to but no pressure." He told her, leaning over and kissing her gently, "Right... I better go do a walk of shame to my car." He chuckled, "I'll come grab you at four alright?" He promised.
Max smiled some and gave a small nod "Alright, I'll see you then." She said sweetly before walking him out. By the time he was coming back she was dolled up in a simple summer dress and light makeup. She was excited for this again and just hoping this would work this time.
He pulled up and parked, getting out to go bang on her front door, fidgeting a little and hoping that she wasn’t gonna get cold feet, relaxing a little once she opened the door. “Hey gorgeous.” He smiled, kissing her gently. “Come on, your ride awaits.” He winked at her.
Max smiled happily and took his hand after she had locked up "So is it still a surprise or can I know where we are going?" She asked while they walked to the car.
He shook his head "It's not really a surprise so don't get ecxcited but I thought we could go to crazy golf." He smiled. It had been their first date when they'd originally met and the day he'd fallen hook line and sinker for her
Max smiled widely and hugged him tightly "I think that sounds amazing." She said happily before pecking his cheek and getting in his car as they got to it. "So how are the babies?"
He smiled and got in, starting the engine and headed out "They're good. They're big kids now though... Not babies anymore. Dusti is a psychopath these days, my nightmare roommate." He chuckled a little and held her hand while he drove, "What you got lined up with work?" He asked her, just glad he had time with her again and that she had given him another chance
Max gave a small laugh and nodded some "I've got a few shows coming up for the local amphitheater. Different types of music but it should be fun none the less." She said happily
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He nodded and smiled "Not as good as mine though right?" He winked at her, driving in comfortable silence with her for a while until they pulled up at the place and he got out quickly, going round and opening her door, "M'lady." He smiled, doing a little bow for her
Max smiled and did a small courtsey for him "Why thank you kind sir." She said before laughing happily and following him inside. The date was a dream for her, she took so many silly videos of him and by the end he had even let her win "You know you didn't have to let me win. I would have taken my defeat like a champ."
He rolled his eyes and smiled at her, laying his arm across her shoulders, "Yeah sure you would... Not at all pouty... I could see the grump coming through in your face." He teased her, heading back towards the car with her and kissed her head "My roommates are all out if you wanted to come back to mine? Or I could go back to yours or I could drop you off... What do you wanna do?"He asked her
Max smiled some and shrugged her shoulders "Theres a baskin robbins on the wat back to yours. Maybe we could stop there and go watch a movie?" She murmured while she held onto his waist as they walked to his car.

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