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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Max woke up later that evening and smiled seeing Will still asleep next to her. She pecked his cheek gently before she got up and made her way to the bathroom. Once she was done in there she made her way downstairs and looked around the kitchen to figure out what to make them for dinner.
He eventually got up and headed downstairs, moving up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist, burying his face into her hair "Mmm.... Missed your smell." He murmured to her, his voice still thick with sleep.
Max smiled happily as she heard him and leaned into him "Mmm I've missed your everything." She murmured softly before turning in his arms "You good with tacos for dinner?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck
He nodded and just swayed with her quietly, not quite awake yet, "Sounds good to me." He murmured, kissing her forehead
Max smiled some and twirled one of his curls around her finger "You're gonna need to go to the salon soon, get these treated." She murmured before pecking his lips gently
He nodded and smiled some, "Oh I know, I'm thinking I'm gonna start shaving round the sides so it''s easier to maintain." He told her, yawning again "Hey I might skip out on dinner and just go back to bed, I'm so much more tired than I thought I was." He told her, kissing her one more time and headed back up to her room to go lay down
Max frowned deeply but nodded a bit "Alright, well I'll just make something else." She murmured pecking his lips and letting him go back up to bed while she stayed in the living room catching up on her wrestling show
He ended up sleeping all the way through to the following morning and got up early, got dressed and pecked her cheek before heading out to go back to his and see his cats, forgetting to leave a note with the hundred and one things flying through his head at any given time
Max frowned deeply when she woke up to an empty bed amd not even a note. She gave a heavy sigh and shook her head before getting up and texting him 'Nice of you to leave a note, talk to you later.' She went to the restroom to take a shower after she sent it out pissed off that he didn't even stay until she woke up.
He frowned at the texdt and sent her an apology with a photo of the cats before getting on with the job he had for the day, ending up not being able to talk to her much over the next couple days anyway, eventually showing up on her doorstep on the Friday evening with a small boquet of flowers
Max gave a small frown as she opened her door to see Will there with flowers "Hi....you finish with your job I'm guessing?" She asked already having done this song and dance with him before
He nodded and pecked her cheek, handing them to her and headed inside "Yeah, that was a rough one." He muttered, rubbing at his face some "You wanna order take out?" He asked her as he stepped into her lounge but paused when he saw her friend Carmen on the couch and two glasses of wine on the coffee table "Oh... I'm interrupting?" He asked Max when she came into the room.
Max frowned and crossed her arms "Yes actually you are. Carmen and I are having a girls night." She explained watching him a bit to see what he would do.
He frowned but nodded and sighed a bit "Alright... I'll uh, I'll get out of your hair then, I'll see you later." He told her, pecking her lips then turned to Carmen and nodded, "Carmen." He waved and headed out again

She watched him leave and turned to Max once she came back, shaking her head "He's still just showing up unannounced? What was he gonna do if you weren't here?" She muttered, pouring naother drink for herself
Max rolled her eyes and poured herself another drink as well "Yes girl, and he even mentioned moving to New York! I tried to drop hints about us moving in together but he was completely oblivious. Sometimes I wonder if he even wants to get really serious." She explained with a heavy sigh shakimg her head a bit.
She paused and shook her head "Have you asked him outright?" She pointed out "You think Will has ever paid attention to hints?" She laughed, getting up to go raid her cupboard for snacks, bringing them back to the lounge "You need to give him an ultimatum if it's what you want, otherwise he's never gonna work it out." She told her
Max gave a heavy sigh and nodded "I know I just....I'm scared to loose him. I love him ya know?" She said before sipping her wine "He still won't meet my family either, I brought it up again and he said he didn't know but he'd try." She explained before getting a handful of popcorn.
She shook her head a little and sighed "Oh ... no that boy needs an ultimatum. Immediately." She muttered, shaking her head in disbelief, "And you can't go lettting him off the hook for the hundredth time." She told her seriously
Max gave a heavy sigh and nodded "I'll think about it. Hows it going with that one guy and you? Damn it what was his name again?" She asked giving a small laugh.
She sighed and shook her head "Nice deflection. But it's going well. It's Noah... We're making the long distance work right now but they'll be playing near here in a week, I was gonna ask if you wanted to come down?" She asked her, "Take some photos, drive Will crazy?" She suggested "Don't look at me like that it might be petty but you know you'd enjoy it."
Max gasped at her suggestion but gave a small laugh "I think that would be really fun. He treating you good at least?" She asked happy to see her friend in a happy relationship after her last one ended so badly.
She nodded "Oh yeah. Not been given an inch to do otherwise... Right I'm gonna go crash in your spare room, but you gotta give him that ultimatum." She warned her again, getting up and heading up to bed for the night, wanting to make sure she'd drilled it into Max that Will had to get his shit together or she needed to leave him.
Max gave a heavy sigh and nodded before she started to clean up their mess. By the next afternoon she found herself with Will's family at the cookout he had invited her to. She's talked to him that morning and he assured her he'd be there, but just couldn't pick her up which honestly she was fine with. However, she was starting to get worried when after an hour he still wasn't there and she was alone. It wasn't like she didn't get along with his family, but she wasn't close to them either.
He sighed heavily as he picked up the phone, rubbing at his face before calling her. He thought he’d be able to make it out on time but it just hadn’t gone his way. “Hey, I’m so sorry babe, I’m not gonna make it down there. The food good though?” He asked her.
Max frowned deeply as she answered the phone "Are you serious right now Will? When the hell did you figure out you weren't going to make it? Because I told you I'd be here and its been an hour." She said angrily to him "Look, we need to talk alright? Not over the phone, in person and it needs to be today or tomorrow."

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