Twenty Thousand Club
She ate quietly, not the biggest fan of Thai food but not wanting to complain right now either, giving the rest of hers to Noah so he could finish it off while she lay down to get some sleep, fully drifting off once he had turned the lights off and lay down with her, snuggling in close to him. The two weeks of Thailand were perfect and most of the trip home she had spent organising all of their photos and videos so that she could put an album together for their coffee table. They had a couple days left together once they got back home as well before they were both busy with work so their last night she had made a nice dinner for them and a last evening of chilling and gaming together "Are you still good to drop me off at this tattoo shop before your studio session tomorrow afternoon? I gotta a couple potential client meetings here tomorrow morning but then I'm ready to go."
He ended up having a couple more seizures during that stay and finally made it home almost a week later but it was now becoming increasingly obvious that he just wasn't there hardly at all. His Mom had tried to be down as much as possible as well as Max's Mom to help with the kids and him but neither of them had managed to get through to Max that she couldn't keep doing this on her own and it was only making things harder on her and on the kids. He was sat in bed with her one evening after a particularly hard day where he'd spent a fair amount of it scared because he didn't know where he was and he kept asking to go home but he glanced over as she came to sit with him and just held her close to him, pressing his face into her hair. "I don't... Do I have the studio tomorrow?" He asked her quiety.
He ended up having a couple more seizures during that stay and finally made it home almost a week later but it was now becoming increasingly obvious that he just wasn't there hardly at all. His Mom had tried to be down as much as possible as well as Max's Mom to help with the kids and him but neither of them had managed to get through to Max that she couldn't keep doing this on her own and it was only making things harder on her and on the kids. He was sat in bed with her one evening after a particularly hard day where he'd spent a fair amount of it scared because he didn't know where he was and he kept asking to go home but he glanced over as she came to sit with him and just held her close to him, pressing his face into her hair. "I don't... Do I have the studio tomorrow?" He asked her quiety.