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BBCode 2.0

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I don't understand this one?
Can't you do that already?

I can't.
^^ I edited my response. But all you have to do is copy and paste the quote manually by clicking reply and then copying the quote code.
Eunoia said:
^^ I edited my response. But all you have to do is copy and paste the quote manually by clicking reply and then copying the quote code.
Well that can be a lot of work. What if you haven't quoted the message before? I'd have to quote a message, make a new post, copy the quote code, edit the post I want it in, and delete the other post.
You don't have to post it though. Just click "reply" on all the messages you want, copy and paste the whole message into the post you want edited. I've done it plenty of times.
//just saw this

//reading up

//making a note before I forget

Changing the color of highlights would be nice. So, say you're highlighting text--you could change it to different colors.
Are fonts still going to be restricted in the Google Fonts library? Because 1001 fonts is my bff 5eva right now but I get that that kind of database probably costs money to carry over so I just wanted to know.
I dunno if it's been said but a better height restrict for images would be nice.

And also the centerblock. Or some way to move in margins. Idk what you'd call that.
I love the BBC codes so I'd hate to lose any of them, but more is always welcome! I think it would be extra interesting if there was a way to form some type of character sheet organizer.

One problem I have with the current post editor is that it's not completely reliable to save my work; often it only partially saves things regardless of how many times I've pressed save draft.
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Abyss said:
I love the BBC codes so I'd hate to lose any of them, but more is always welcome! I think it would be extra interesting if there was a way to form some type of character sheet organizer.
One problem I have with the current post editor is that it's not completely reliable to save my work; often it only partially saves things regardless of how many times I've pressed save draft.
You might want to report that as a bug in a new thread. ^^;
I think it would be neat to have the ability to change the color of, font of and text size in tabs as well as the ability to center them. I am not sure if this thread is still taking suggestions or not and I know I have mentioned it in a suggestion thread in the past but I haven't seen it mentioned here yet.
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... the ability to overlay images over coding such as background coding (color) and what not.
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You're going to turn my hair white, wanting to throw z-indexes into the options.
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Girl plz. Speak English words! (<3)

There are three dimensions to space. On a vertical Cartesian grid (like an upright wall), up-down is the y axis, left-right is the x-axis, and forward-backward is the z-axis.

The z-index in HTML/CSS dictates whether an object goes behind or in front of other objects. Unless otherwise noted, it's set to zero. All objects are on the same layer. To set an image behind an object, you would set its z-index to -1. This gets complicated when you start taking into account your background image and header and other site assets, and you have to figure out what their z-index is so that you don't accidentally get your objects in the wrong order.

To have a special post option for background images.... as an amateur web designer, I don't think it's impossible. I bet some forum somewhere out there can do it. But as an RPN moderator with a vague idea of how forum software works... I truthfully do not believe such an add-on exists; and if even if Wiz were able to commission a programmer for such a thing, it would not be used frequently enough to justify the expense of the commission.
welian said:
There are three dimensions to space. On a vertical Cartesian grid (like an upright wall), up-down is the y axis, left-right is the x-axis, and forward-backward is the z-axis.
The z-index in HTML/CSS dictates whether an object goes behind or in front of other objects. Unless otherwise noted, it's set to zero. All objects are on the same layer. To set an image behind an object, you would set its z-index to -1. This gets complicated when you start taking into account your background image and header and other site assets, and you have to figure out what their z-index is so that you don't accidentally get your objects in the wrong order.

To have a special post option for background images.... as an amateur web designer, I don't think it's impossible. I bet some forum somewhere out there can do it. But as an RPN moderator with a vague idea of how forum software works... I truthfully do not believe such an add-on exists; and if even if Wiz were able to commission a programmer for such a thing, it would not be used frequently enough to justify the expense of the commission.
Superstring suggests at least ten dimensions, Bosonic says twenty-six... M-Theory says... er... eleven? *giggles and runs away*
Mordecai said:
Superstring suggests at least ten dimensions, Bosonic says twenty-six... M-Theory says... er... eleven? *giggles and runs away*
I do not support ten-dimensional bbcoding.

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