Battles of the End Times


New Member
Copy and Paste this for your character information.

Race: Human/Demon(Evil side)/Angel(Good side)

Class: insert class

Character Name:

How old is your character:?

If your character is human, is your character half angel or half demon.

Tell us about your class:

Tell us about your character: Like male or felmale.


Raemondo (Race: Human) No class *Good or bad?* Please anser

Percy Jackson (Needs more information) (Race Half angel) Class ???? Needs more information.

Zen (Race:Human) *Good* :Class(Magi Brothers)

Game Information: Need more member: We just need some people on the evil team. Some more on the good team can join too. The classes are interesting. Nice job people. :)

The game will start sometime this Wenesday.( Note: The game will now start Sometime today.
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Percy Jackson and Raemondo, please fill in more information for your character.

Raemondo how old is your character? Is he on the good side or evil side? I guess his name is Raemondo,but can you tell us something about your character. Percy Jackson, You need to tell us more too. what is your class and tell us more like is it female or male.

Copy and Paste this for your character information.

Race: Human/Demon(Evil side)/Angel(Good side)

Class: insert class

Character Name:

How old is your character:?

If your character is human, is your character half angel or half demon.

Tell us about your class:

Tell us about your character: Like male or felmale
Name : Zen

Race : Human (Evil!)

Age : 24

Gender : Male

Class : Magi Brother

Info : Zen was born into a poor family, together with his brother. Their parents died of illness, there was no money to buy the cure. Brothers were doomed to wander around, asking for bread to eat and water to drink.

They, however, once were adopted by an Assassin clan, they were trained to use magic to outwit their targets.

Their first contract was to kill a man called Isaac, he was an old mage.They failed to ambush him, they continued a frontal assault however.

There was a problem, Isaac was using forbidden magic, this spell would damage the soul of the one who was targeted, and it struck Zen's brother.

His body was completely un-harmed, but he behaved like dead. Isaac died himself after using the spell, so the contract was completed.

To return Zen's brother, they completed a ritual, Zen's soul would keep his brothers soul together, and fill what's missing.

So, they partially had same souls, divided into two bodies.

For example, when Zen tied up bandages on his wounds, his brother would feel the pain too. When one of the brothers would be sleepy, the other would want to sleep too. They also could hear each others thoughts, so they basically could talk with each other remotely.

They got quite famous with their attributes, so they started getting called the "Magi Brothers". Once brothers started thinking really high of themselves, and were declaring whas Isaac killed himself just when he saw them.

Class Info: The "Magi Brother", is, basically, a simple Assassin.They know the stealth techniques and use light swords with (cross)bows, and use their acrobatics and magic to outwit the enemies.

In their melee combat, they often use blunt strikes to stun the enemy.And they never fight fair.Honor is not their deal.

In their long-ranged combat, they almost always use poisoned arrows to weaken the enemy at the start of the fight, their eye is keen, and grip is strong.

In their magic combat, they often use teleports, illusions, to confuse the enemy, or perhaps even have them to fight with each-other.(Illusions.)

They also use their melded souls to acquire backup, for example, one brother would call the other to watch his back in his ethereal form, and inform him of any danger, or ask for advice, and so on..
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Sixteen years old, he comes from a powerless family which had always been subjugated for the vivacite of others, Raemondo uses chemistry and engineering to create himself something to stand a chance against a world with a majority of people having different kinds of magic or manipulation.
(i hope this is fine)

name: Beth Vance

age: 10

gender: female

race: (hope this is okay? ^^) half human. half demon. good, but is being forced to be evil

class: killer (assassin)?

appearance: light brown hair. bright blue eyes, somewhat pale skin.


height: 4ft 5

weight: 76 pounds

personality: Beth has a very sweet, shy personality, shes happy most of the time and its rare to see her frown, she likes to draw a lot and is most happy when she can, (shes good at it to) she can be very manipulative at times with out knowing it, she is very smart in the way of war and always seems to take the best plan out of the worst. Beth is every childish and takes everything as a game, even war, she is still young so for her it is a game. shes very oblivious and half the time it takes her a while to figure out whats going on, over all she is a very bright girl.

like/dislikes: Beth is one of those people that likes everything and everyone, she isn't one for violoncello even though she is forced to use it in her daily life. she really likes reading and drawing, along with spending time with animals.

back story: Beth comes from a very harsh life, her mother died during her birth leaving her with her demon father, who forced her to learn to fight for her self from a young age. everyday of her life she was beat up by her father during their training, she truly thought her hated her, but the truth behind it was her loved her so much that he was papering her, her knew of the war between the heavens and hell, he knew that there would be a day he wouldn't be able to protect her, so he trained her to be a killer, a fighter, a survivor. and she was talented to. her father was soon taken in to the mists of the war its self, dying on the battle field and leaving only a note and 2 daggers with Beth as keep sakes, the note stated of how much Beth's father truly cared for her and how he was sorry, the night Beth cried, and didn't stop, she loved her father even though she hated him to, as the war went on Beth kept training, learning on her own, until the day the army of hell came for her, she was then forced to join them and fight. she gained scars on her body, and learned more and more as she went on. she wished though everyday looking up at the night sky from the battle field of the day the war would be over.
TeddiBear said:
(i hope this is fine)
name: Beth Vance

age: 10

gender: female

race: (hope this is okay? ^^) half human. half demon. good, but is being forced to be evil

class: killer (assassin)?

appearance: light brown hair. bright blue eyes, somewhat pale skin.


height: 4ft 5

weight: 76 pounds

personality: Beth has a very sweet, shy personality, shes happy most of the time and its rare to see her frown, she likes to draw a lot and is most happy when she can, (shes good at it to) she can be very manipulative at times with out knowing it, she is very smart in the way of war and always seems to take the best plan out of the worst. Beth is every childish and takes everything as a game, even war, she is still young so for her it is a game. shes very oblivious and half the time it takes her a while to figure out whats going on, over all she is a very bright girl.

like/dislikes: Beth is one of those people that likes everything and everyone, she isn't one for violoncello even though she is forced to use it in her daily life. she really likes reading and drawing, along with spending time with animals.

back story: Beth comes from a very harsh life, her mother died during her birth leaving her with her demon father, who forced her to learn to fight for her self from a young age. everyday of her life she was beat up by her father during their training, she truly thought her hated her, but the truth behind it was her loved her so much that he was papering her, her knew of the war between the heavens and hell, he knew that there would be a day he wouldn't be able to protect her, so he trained her to be a killer, a fighter, a survivor. and she was talented to. her father was soon taken in to the mists of the war its self, dying on the battle field and leaving only a note and 2 daggers with Beth as keep sakes, the note stated of how much Beth's father truly cared for her and how he was sorry, the night Beth cried, and didn't stop, she loved her father even though she hated him to, as the war went on Beth kept training, learning on her own, until the day the army of hell came for her, she was then forced to join them and fight. she gained scars on her body, and learned more and more as she went on. she wished though everyday looking up at the night sky from the battle field of the day the war would be over.
You character is accepted. :) . Sorry I been inactive ,but the game may start tomorrow Now. It looks like nobody wants to be evil. Well, I like the characters and the Role-play might start tomorrow .

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