Video Games #Battleborn for the ps4

Aya Takamitsu

The Creator
So, I'm looking for people to play Battleborn with on the ps4. Anyone have it? And if so, Mayhaps we could play it as a team sometime? If yes, feel free to add me as a friend on playstation network. My username is UBEROMEGAMAN. I know, it's excessive. But that's how I was when I made my account.
Yeah, actually. A lot of people do.

As far as typical gaming populations go - not a lot of people do. It was low when I first started and it only went down from there.

I used to play through 2016, though the queue times meant I stopped at about November. I live in NZ, and there aren't as many people on our region as there are on U.S. or European region.
As far as typical gaming populations go - not a lot of people do. It was low when I first started and it only went down from there.

I used to play through 2016, though the queue times meant I stopped at about November. I live in NZ, and there aren't as many people on our region as there are on U.S. or European region.

Well, there may not be in your region, but in my region, the U.S., there's a lot of people who play it. But you want to know what I blame for it not being as popular as I think it should be? The tf2 ripoff known as Overwatch.
Well, there may not be in your region, but in my region, the U.S., there's a lot of people who play it. But you want to know what I blame for it not being as popular as I think it should be? The tf2 ripoff known as Overwatch.

It's not popular because Gearbox dropped the ball in the marketing department. The price was too high, it was barely advertized and they released it at the same time as Overwatch.

Not Overwatch's fault - the developer's fault.
It's not popular because Gearbox dropped the ball in the marketing department. The price was too high, it was barely advertized and they released it at the same time as Overwatch.

Not Overwatch's fault - the developer's fault.

I mean yeah, I guess you have a good point there, but still. I personally don't see why Overwatch is so popular. I'm not saying it isn't a good game, hell, if I had it I would probably play the hell out of it, but it has so many things in common with tf2. For example: Mercy is basically just the Medic from tf2, but with wings and the ability to rez her allies, which the Medic does in MvM. The only characters you can't compare directly to a tf2 class are Zenyatta and Lucio, really. Zenyatta literally can't be compared to a class. Rather, he can be compared to a weapon in tf2. The Fan o' War, a scout melee weapon, is basically what his Discord orb is. His harmony orb...that is unique. The harmony orb can't be compared to anything from tf2...well, actually, I take that back. It can be compared to the Dispenser built by the engineer. Lucio is just all around unique, and the only tf2 weapon his style of healing is can only be compared to a custom weapon for the medic. Other than those two, each character can be compared to a tf2 class in some way.

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