Battle of the Artists

5kytheGui said:
post for Pwn_d: I forgot moar: He is also an animagus, meaning he can transform into a wolf anytime he likes. :)
This is slice of life, meaning it has to be realistic.

Also, you need to add more in your character's personality and add a history.
adding a little to Sky's personality: When he gets challenging, he is determined to win, and mostly does so. When he gets home, he makes moar ghosts (music) n stuff

other: trisha rocks!!
5kytheGui said:
This is what i look like in costume
View attachment 31933

Name: Skylar Questhen

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7"

Weght: 144 lbs.

Personality: He can be a real challenger. Despite having an iPad and a laptop that he uses for the step. When he released his first album under the alias "Pwn_dYetCr4fted, an earthquake hit. He, his iPad, and laptop survived. When he gets challenging, he is determined to win. He mostly does so. After that he goes right back home, and makes more music.

Occupation: Dubstep/Electro Music Artist

Stage Name: Pwn_dYetCr4fted
i forgot to put that i am, in fact, inspired by deadmau5. 
me out of costumeView attachment 31934 
i forgot history: I was always a dubstep fan. When Skrillex released "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites," i was inspired, therefore i started a dubstep occupation. So when i was 12, I released an album called "We're Out There" on SectionZ Records (in which i made). Then, when the earthquake hit (i live in Alabama btw), i lost ALMOST everything. Except my iPad and my Mac. so when i was cleaned up enough, i got right back to the Step. So i come here today.
I'd hope you can get more but I've already asked you to edit things so many times, so I'll let you slide through this so i don't waste anymore of your time xD


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Appearance.jpg.c3500da68aeda348f42c0c4707eae212.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10255" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Appearance.jpg.c3500da68aeda348f42c0c4707eae212.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Samuel Burrow

Age: 17




Costume (Optional):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Costume.jpg.c38c8e23c28a5974e59862f2c4eb87cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10256" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Costume.jpg.c38c8e23c28a5974e59862f2c4eb87cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Just without the guns...)

Personality: He is very caring about the people around him and loves to lead people. He sometimes gets caught up in things and slaps himself for it. He doesn't have much emotional life for every emotion he has he puts in his music, saying this does not mean he can't love for he loves his parents with all his heart and they are always the loudest screaming ones in the crowd when he is playing

Occupation:Keyboard Player/On-the-spot music editor

History/Bio: Sam was born to a rich family that didn't care about him. His only comfort was the piano his parents kept in the attic. Soon Sam started playing the computer when he learned how to edit music. More and more each day Samuel would be wandering the mansion getting inspiration for his music. One day his parents went out on a business trip, and never returned. That day a strange women went up to the house and took Sam with her to the orphanage. Being 12 at the time very few people wanted him as he poured all his emotions into his keyboard.One day though when he was 14 a nice couple came up and took them to their home. Bringing only the clothes on his back (and his keyboard) Sam left the orphanage and stepped into an other life with parents that actually cared. Since then he has been loved by his new parents.

Other:Trisha Rocks!



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/somerandomanimeguy.jpg.9cffc1d6798043a8f9f50d9aaa44f4e8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10258" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/somerandomanimeguy.jpg.9cffc1d6798043a8f9f50d9aaa44f4e8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Seth Tilble

"Um, where do i sign up for this?"

Age: 16

"Young is fresh."

Gender: Male

"if you didn't know"

Height: 5'7"

"I'm a friend of Sky."

Weight: 132 lbs


Seth is one of those "chill" guys. He creates dubstep, most with PYC.

He also (secretly) make chillstep. When he does so, he sometimes

gets lost inside the ambience.

Occupation: Chillstep/Dubstep


Seth was a friend of Skylar's since 1st grade.

He was always nice to people, even if they

didn't like him. When he started music, he

was even more popular. So he comes to this

day with Skylar to the 98.7 Mega Music

Battle of the Artists contest held by Trista.

He is called TheGuyWhoRakes and with

Sky, they team to form Scr3an of Blue

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/girls-headphones-anime.jpg.bd07ecb8dc31c4d37f5194aba2cf7511.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10259" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/girls-headphones-anime.jpg.bd07ecb8dc31c4d37f5194aba2cf7511.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nikki Udersoler

"Umm... Skylar? Is this.... safe? Because I really don't want to get....You know...."

"Chill, Nikki. It's OK."

Age: 15

"Well.. i was younger..."

Gender: Female

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 119 lbs


Nikki is a shy girl, even though she is a DJ. When she is live at a party is the only time she really expresses herself. When she does, it means awesomeness comes on. When she is at home, mixing songs with Skylar, she feels safe. Safe and secure.

Occupation: DJ, and adds vocals to Skylar's songs.

History: Skylar and Nikki were born in the same hospital. When they were born, the two cradles sat together. Then, when the two cradles went in opposite directions, they had to wait another 13 years until Nikki's family moved to Alabama. When she first went to school in AL, she was picked on because, of course, she was new. She was shy, so she didn't know how to defend herself. When Skylar saw this, he immediatley stod up for her. As it was, love at first sight.

She is called DJ SeaMist by her fans in the dj world. She is not well known, though.



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Band form:

Scre3n of Blu3 De4th

Main Musicians: Skylar Q and Seth Til

Singer: Nikki Udersoler

Leader: EDM Pioneers Skylar Questhen and Seth Tilble
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7fceeb1_images(10).jpg.0a5686677ec5e7efd1da7b4f0e9ad9e1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10541" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be7fceeb1_images(10).jpg.0a5686677ec5e7efd1da7b4f0e9ad9e1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tyler Vandal

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 120 lbs

Costume: She wears a black leather jacket over a pale blue t-shirt and black ripped tights under a light blue denim skirt with knee high black boots. She heavily applies makeup(like in the picture) and leaves her hair down, wild and crazy.

Personality: Tyler is a fighter and a strong believer of anything that she chooses to believe in. She is very intelligent and more of a fighter than a lover. She can b incredibly closed off around people, and takes most everything seriously. Often, she won't take music as seriously, though. It's the thing that loosens her up and gets her to be in a good mood. Something other than her usual pessimistic, negative attitude.

Occupation: Metal Singer/Guitarist

History/Bio: Being the daughter of a single father after her mother ran out on them, Tyler never really had a womanly influence on her life. She had two best friends as a kid, the two guys that encouraged her to do wrestling after she beat them(several times) in small boxing matches that they goofed around with.

Not exactly being popular as a child or remotely girly, she turned to music as a way to escape. She learned to play guitar at around ten and changed it up a bit from classical; what her dad had taught her. She learned how to play electric and has always loved the style ever since, especially in heavy metal or anything with a fast pace.

Tyler's the kind of person that when she wants something, she gets it. She tells herself that she's going to do it; no matter how many tries that it takes her. From getting an A on a test to beating up the guy that she hated as a kid, she doesn't care what happens. She just wants to win and show everyone that she's strong and doesn't need protection, or anyone else for that matter. Even when she does need someone else.

As soon as she possibly could, Tyler ran out from her little town in Norway to move halfway across the world and beat her past to wherever she'd decided to live.Her father had practically come running after her, but she convinced him not to. Somehow. She will admit the fact, however much she might resist, and has a strong Norwegian accent.

Other: Trisha rocks 
@Akihito I know it's not anime-ish or something, but this is the best picture I can use for her because most anime don't have that much makeup on or bleached hair.



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(Not even sure if this is still going on, but it seemed really fun.)

(Appearance Photo)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be89a3b9c_Animegirlwithblackhair.jpg.70031d5b4cdeecb1d0c5f4f1c7fb3309.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11011" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be89a3b9c_Animegirlwithblackhair.jpg.70031d5b4cdeecb1d0c5f4f1c7fb3309.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Tara Lennae





Costume (Optional):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be89a6834_Animegirlwithblackhairandkimono.jpg.1a3375b6a246028a62a6eb9c5de3e1f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be89a6834_Animegirlwithblackhairandkimono.jpg.1a3375b6a246028a62a6eb9c5de3e1f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> A short kimono.

Personality:She's a quiet, hardworking, and studious girl. She almost likes to be alone, but when she sees other people having fun with their friends, she becomes envious. She's somewhat of a tsundere (cold when you meet them and warmer once you get to know them), but she has no one to really try that warm personality on. She can get annoyed very easily, like fakes, stupid reasons and excuses. She doesn't like to be lied to, and will be very blunt herself. She's highly intelligent and will prove you wrong if she so sees it. She can get just as excited as she can get annoyed though, especially if you have any Japanese sweets!

Occupation: (Dubstep, Guitarist, Rapper etc.) String musician (Violin, cello, and harp.) And saxophonist (Tenor Saxophone.)

History/Bio: Her family was a prestigious, rich, Japanese family. Her whole life she was to be cooped up in her home taking lessons of every type every day. Her father had been with a weak heart and died when she was 15. Though he had never payed attention to her life anyways, so why grieve? Her mother, strong at heart, was the head of the family. She hadn't particularly cared about her either, instead she just made sure she was educated. Tara always felt like she was an "accident" even if they needed an heir. Her whole life the servants, maids and staff had been liars and always gossiped about her. She could tell between a lie and truth too easily now. Since the age of 7, the only thing she ever found that she enjoyed had been music. Oddly, the instruments she played had contained her sadness. How a cello or violin could stretch things into a drama, or the sweet sound of the harp could make you cry, and the saxophone able to play the blues so clearly. She wanted to take matters into her owns hands though, and had asked to leave to participate in this contest.

Other: Hopefully I'm not too late, but I mean Trisha rocks! She won't mind.



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Name: Trenton Lee Luke (also from two other Rp s, but is now set as an adult)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10

Weight: 133

Appearance: (it's very hard to find a decent looking black anime guy!?!?!) sorry, I couldn't find an anime...

Occupation: Singer (mainly r&b) and Rapper (mainly hip-hop)

Personality: Nice, Quiet, Nerdy, Funny, smart, and loves to sing, dance, act, and rap. He is very shy and hates to sing in public places, where people are looking at him and not saying anything. He has a phobia of being laughed at. His sister can also sing and dance, but he lost her when he ran away from his dysfunctional family and home, where he was beaten and neglected.

Bio: Trenton comes from a very hard background full of drugs and crimes. When his mom was on crack- cocaine ( before she went to rehab), Trents father was shot and killed by a gang drug dealers, who in which ,were owed money by Trent s mom.After his mom's dug dealer moved in and became his stepfather, he was beaten repeatedly by his mom and his stepfather multiple times a day and his stepfather raped his older sister almost every night. But at the age of 10, Trent found refuge in an orphanage, where he hid for 3 years, until he was taken in by his grandparents. Blythe, his older sister had become pregnant by her stepfather and was to the point where she had a miscarriage. She was saved and reunited with Trent a year later, but the two have hated each other for not helping each other. They were reunited with their original mother and new stepfather,who had remarried after his mom got out of rehabilitation. That was when Trent was 16. Their had fallen apart, and ever since then, hate and cruel memories have floated around the house. Their beautiful home and family is just another illusion to the public. Just until he was 18, he moved out of the house and sang on street corners for money. He thought it was a miracle when he heard about Trisha's contest. He auditioned, got in, and his current life was taken from there.

Other: I don't know about you guys, but........ TRISHA ROCKS!!!!!!!!!

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