Battle of the Artists


Aki of Hearts ♡
Music Artist Form

(Appearance Photo)






Costume (Optional):


Occupation: (Dubstep, Guitarist, Rapper etc.)



Band Form (Note- This is only for the creator of the band)

Band Name:


Singers: (Can also be a musician)


Band Symbol/Signature:
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(Haha it's a stage costume, just take out the bird)

Name: Luke Arro (Stage name: Black Arrow)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 115 lbs.

Personality: He's quite the serious one when it comes to his music, but other than that he's quite the cheerful one. When people insult him, he just sort of ignores them. Of course, if it's an insult that hits him hard, he'll get quite angry.

Occupation: He plays reed pipes. "They're an amazing instrument that need to be brought back!"


Born to two loving parents, Luke Arro lived peacefully. Playing games, watching TV, things like that. He had no siblings, but he wasn't lonely because his parents played with him often. It was quite a perfect life, you might say. Then, however, when Luke was around four, the office his dad worked at shut down because the business didn't have enough finances to keep it running. His dad lost his job for a month, and then he saw some of his friends from work were moving to an office about a state or two over (U.S.A. for the win!). Luke's dad wanted to go, but his mother still had a nice job where they lived, and all her friends were there. Besides, there was another office in their area their dad could work at! Luke's dad, however, got a divorce and moved to the new office himself. The year or two that followed that Luke spent in sadness inspired the kind of music Luke plays today: slow, haunting sounds with quick spikes of loud, harsh notes that go into a crescendo and end with quick, joyful tunes.

Other: Well, if I had to say one thing more, it would be this: TRISHA ROCKS!

"Um...I would like to enter the contest...if that's okay...I wouldn't want to be a bother..."

Name: Candace Mitchelson

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 112lbs

Costume (Optional): Costumes aren't her style :P

Personality: Her personality goes perfectly with her appearance. She's shy, sweet, and caring. She does a bit too much to please those around her, and sometimes forgets if it pleases herself. Her confidence is low.

Occupation: She's a concert pianist, but can play some pretty badass things for herself.

History/Bio: Candace was born in a small town in Maine. Her mother had passed away during childbirth, so she never met her mom. That was alright though, because her father had gotten remarried not long after her death (which sparked some questions later on in her life). Her step-mother was directly out of a fairytale...she was wicked. The household chores were all dumped on the girl, and she became the real life version of Cinderalla. Her stepmother continued to make her life a mess, by hitting her and not letting her do any of the things she loved...

But that didn't stop Candace from playing the piano. The only joy she found in her day was she measly hour she was allowed to play. Eventually, Candace got very good.

When Candace was 15, her father got very ill and passed away, leaving the girl alone with the evil woman. Of course, the only reason her stepmother kept Candace around was because her father wouldn't give her up. So the minute he died, the woman sent her to live with her grandmother, who was very old and unable to do much since her husband passed away not long before that.

Candace was happy, though. Her grandmother was kind, and gentle. And though Candace was still having to do the chores plus take care of her grandma, she was happier than she had ever been. She had no feelings left for her father, since he had never really cared about her anyway.

Candace continued this routine for 2 years until she was seventeen. At a local talent show, she grew some popularity in her town and started playing small concerts on the weekends to help support her grandmother and herself.

2 more years passed, and Candace was still living with her grandmother. She was 19, and working hard as an entertainer on weekends and a waitress on weekdays. She never had the free time to have a romantic life, but she was fine with that.

Other: Trisha Riva is so epic O_O
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Olivia Veni








109 lbs


Olivia is a soft-spoken young girl.

She isn't shy, she just doesn't like to talk unless she has to. Olivia is kind-hearted and tries her best to help others. She enjoys playing alone but wants to be able to become something bigger than just a regular guitarist within the vast sea of other musicians. Olivia feels she has a chance at Battle of the Artists but doesn't want to get over-confident or arrogant. Personally, she would be fine just to let people hear her music and her playing. She's not a very good music writer but Olivia likes to think she's better than the average guitar player, even though she feels bad every time she thinks that.


Classical Guitarist


Olivia is the youngest daughter of Maria and Tony Veni. She was born in Italy but her family moved to France after two months of her birth.

At a young age, she had a fascination for music. This delighted her father who was a musician himself and he did his best to fuel Olivia's love for music. When she turned three years old, Tony had his daughter start practicing the piano.

She absolutely adored it. Olivia loved to play but as she grew older, she started to lose interest and her focus was turning to classical guitar. By the time Olivia was six years old, she had dropped piano completely and was playing classical guitar easily. She has however stated that piano definitely helped her in learning the guitar.

As she grew older, Olivia would practice guitar everyday after school and would go to the local fountain to play for the passing people, which she would even earn a little money for her playing. When she turned fifteen, Olivia considered herself a professional and wanted people to know more about her.

Olivia was a huge fan of Trisha Riva and when she heard of Battle of the Artists, she nearly squealed with delight. This was her chance to get her talent out there. Since then, Olivia has registered for Battle of the Artists and has been working harder than she ever has before. Olivia wants to win but just getting the chance to be heard is more than enough for her.



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Name: Rowan Jacks

Age: 14 1/2

Gender: IRON MAN (aka female)

Height:5'1 (she's such a little shrimp)

Weight: 102 lbs.

Costume (Optional):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be72ca3c3_Bestrowan.jpg.ab2807e1f5af5faddcd692e0c89162af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9986" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be72ca3c3_Bestrowan.jpg.ab2807e1f5af5faddcd692e0c89162af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Rowan in hard headed, stubborn and a complete tomboy. Who occasionally throws on a dress, because lets face it everyone wants that chance to feel pretty. Rowan is a dreamer and a person who loves to laugh and cracks jokes and is completely childish, even if when she tells people her jokes they stare at her with somewhat creeped out expressions for her sense of humor isn't on the normal side. She also has a bit of a temper. You can say it is quite short...(burst out laughing at my joke). But she is somewhat caring and knows how to be honest. Yet, I wouldn't go to her for advice for she won't help you, more likely she will just through you into the probably yelling," I AM GIVING MENTAL SUPPORT." Oh, did I mention that she is kinda handsy, so watch out!

Occupation: She is a singer/songwriter


Rowan was born in May at the very end of May 22nd, 3 minutes before midnight to be exact. A month before her expected due date. She was a pale child with stock white hair and jade eyes and well she was quite sick, most doctors didn't believe she would live to see the next sunrise much less to grow up to live the rest of her life, and of course they told Rowan's parents (Elizabeth and Andrew Jacks) this in their quiet tones, but the poor couple refused to let their only child die.

After the first day Rowan's health started to improve, she slowly got healthier as the days went by, quickly turning to years. Her parents home schooled her until she reached the age of 7, but Rowan wasn't the kind of girl who could enjoy a life of being at home and away from the children her age. She wanted nothing more than run and play, she wanted to be normal, even if she was still have some problems with her health. She begged, pleaded, bargained and eventually her parents gave in, she got what she wanted. Rowan Jacks finally got to go to school, she would finally in some terms be normal.

Thats how she discovered music, she had of course heard music before. She had often sang with her mom in the car rides home, but she had never truly heard music before she met Miss Thuneburge, a loud, messy, completely crazy young woman who had the voice of an angel. The was the kind of girl who you say and said she didn't have anything special about her, but then she would open her mouth and your jaws would drop. Rowan, well Rowan was in love with that woman and I must say Miss Thuneburge loved her. In later years Miss Thuneburge got older and married a man and changed from Miss Thuneburge to Mrs. Sloan and moved of to have her own children in some other state, but Rowan never forgot her and was determined to grow up to be just like her. Rowan would sing and the more she sung the more it became part of her. The next thing she knew she was writing lyrics to songs, and when she found out about The Battle of the Artist Rowan had to join and she was determined to win.

Other: Trishia ROCKS!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Roxas.jpg.dfe89f5565e1718975768b6b1db395b4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9984" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Roxas.jpg.dfe89f5565e1718975768b6b1db395b4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Rikaa Norman .:-_+^TE(HNO DR/\GO/\/::-_.=

"Pretty name, huh?"

Age: 24

"Young and wild!"

Gender: Female

"What the hell do I look like to you?"

Height: 5'4"

"That's right!"

Weight: 118




Personality: Rikaa is outgoing, crazy, and full of energy. When she was introduced to Dubstep, Techno, and other types of music, she went loco. When she's in her small studio, she uploads epic beats that only get a few thousand views and likes.When she's working, Rikaa is very mellow. But she's not always a crazy idiot. She's actually very smart, cunning, and fun to be around. Rikaa will never forget a concert when she gets it.

Occupation: Dubstep Artist/Vocalist


Rikaa was born in Britain, and still lives there. Her parents were violinists, though whenever they played around her she kinda disliked it. Well, that was when she kept getting older. By age 7 she began to listen to more of the techno in the city. Y'know, the 80's and 90's music. It was an interesting brand, really. But by age 16, she was getting more punky than usual. She listened to all kinds of music, from the hip-hop, rap, and even the earliest of dubstep.

Rikaa fell in love with that genre, and continued to internet surf the web for that music. Getting it on her CD player, and sharing it with her friends. Speaking of social life, she did well in educative years and was very nice to others. Even though the way she dressed seemed a little morbid, she was still extremely careful of others.

At age 17, her parents were killed in an earthquake in California, LA. They were unfortunately crushed by a bridge on their vacation, and for Rikaa, she was fostered for years and finally found adoptive parents. Now, she is signing up for this 'music contest'.


Trishia Rocks!

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Evan Winters








105 lbs

Costume (Optional)










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Name: Naomi Rei

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8

Weight: 150

Costume (Optional):


Personality: meet me

Occupation: (Dubstep, Guitarist, Rapper etc.) pop/rock, techno, somewhat around vocoloid.

History/Bio: Well, Naomi has always dreamed of being famous, and traveling around. So she had been making music and learning how to play the piano to get even better to where she was a pro at it. Hearing about this announcement about a contest and music really brought out Naomi from the shadows and now this was her chance at getting what she always wished for. What more could she want? This was her one and only time to try and be noticed!! ((Like some of you heard, im not good at histories. >.>))

Other:'Trisha Rocks!
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"Eli Andrews, it's a pleasure."

Elizabeth Anderson








"Who cares if I'm a little chubby?!"

150 lbs



Singer / Student


As a child, Elizabeth Anderson was a quiet and shy girl


"I would just like to say...Trishia rocks!"

In the picture, Eli is carrying Alex's guitar.



Ryan Adams







A flirt


Lead Singer of 11 Directions



"Trishia....I'm going to rock your boat....if you know what I mean...."

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Music Artist Form


(Appearance Photo)

Name: Kazuhi (Kaz or Kazu) Ruichiyo, "My name? Call me Kaz, but whats it to you?"

Age: 16

Gender: female

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 110 lbs.

Costume (Optional):

Personality: Opposite of her sister. She has a short temper and shes very outgoing she worries too much about fitting in and shes a little more shallow than her younger sister. She sees her sister as competetion and sometimes forgets how much she loves her. Shes competative can seem demanding but really...shes just hurt and trying to find her place in the world....

Occupation: Electric Bass player and violinist (rarely plays her violin)

History/Bio: Being the older sister of the two twins shes always had more responsibility and always had to step up for her sister. Unfortunately, she was a little envious of her sister and never really defended her. The two struggle with sibling rivalry, Kaz takes it too seriously at times. As much as they seem distant they are aware of each other and DO love eachother but it doesnt seem like it.

Their family is very musical, each member knows how to play an instrument, so they have a musical background.

Other: Trisha RRRRRRRRRRocksssssss :3 
Music Artist Form


(Appearance Photo)

Name: Ritsuka "Nekohime" Ruichiyo, "A-Are you speaking to me? O-oh...forgive me, Im Ritsuka Ruichiyo~"

Age: 16 (younger sis)

Gender: female

Height: 4'11"; "I know im shorter, but i assure you, i AM her sister!"

Weight: 109 lbs

Costume (Optional):

Personality: Shes reserved and shy, except when shes singing. Shes quiet and keeps to herself most of the time. She loves her sister but doesnt feel like the feeling is mutual. She struggles fo her sisters acceptance. She cares deeply about others before herself and helps people with her calm and gentle spirit...when you get to know her...

Occupation: Singer/vocalist

History/Bio: growing because of her loving nature, she was a little more liked than her sister. She tries to express love to her sister, but she just pushes it away.

Shes called Nekohime by her very few fans. When she performs, she wears a pair of white cat ears and a white tail to express her adoration of cats.

Other: trisha rocks


Name: Naomi Rei

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8

Weight: 150

Costume (Optional):


Personality: meet me

Occupation: (Dubstep, Guitarist, Rapper etc.) pop/rock, techno, somewhat around vocoloid.

History/Bio: Well, Naomi has always dreamed of being famous, and traveling around. So she had been making music and learning how to play the piano to get even better to where she was a pro at it. Hearing about this announcement about a contest and music really brought out Naomi from the shadows and now this was her chance at getting what she always wished for. What more could she want? This was her one and only time to try and be noticed!! ((Like some of you heard, im not good at histories. >.>))

Other:'Trisha Rocks!

If you can, can you provide just a little bit of personality. At least something :)  
@Darth Pai @Nico @.::ZaiKai::. @Hunnyhelp (Hunny, I designated your character as the leader if that's alright. This can be changed if ya'll want it to be :3 )

Band Form

Band Name: 11 Directions (Not official)


- Zane Matthews (Bass Guitar)

- Samuel Burrow (Keyboard)

- Brendon Mason (Guitar)

- Vera Alexandrov (Drummer)


- Ryan Adams (Lead Singer)

- Vera Alexandrov (Backing Singer)


- Samual Burrow (Leader and Editor)

Band Symbol/Signature:

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[QUOTE="Rai-Chan]Are we starting soon???

When Pai, Nico, Zai, Hunny, and I finish our characters. :3

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Vera Alexandrov




"Female. Duh."




134 lbs


"Well wouldn't you like to know. Up yours pal."

Vera is a sassy, crazy girl. She can be mean at times but most of the time she just likes to push people's buttons. She knows when to stop and makes sure no one takes it seriously and everyone shares a laugh.

One thing Vera cannot stand is how adults are so stuffy. She makes it her life goal to add a little spice into everyone's lives. Vera isn't afraid to do anything and will always speak her mind.

She can be a handful but if you want to party with someone, she's the one you'll want to tell. She'll get angry if you even think of partying without her. All in all, Vera is one insane, lovable young lady who is out to kick some ass and live life to the fullest.




Vera is a Russian girl who was born in Russia but moved to America when she was two years old.

Her parents were very..stuffy. She never got to have any fun. Vera was literally locked away and couldn't do anything. She couldn't stand it. When she turned twelve years old, she ran away and left her parents forever. After surviving the first night alone in the cold winter night, the next morning she happened to walk into a biker gang's 'home-base'. The bikers gathered around the small girl, glaring and sneering. Vera just stared back at them with cold glaring eyes.

"That takes guts kid. No one has ever even attempted to stare us down. What's your name girl?"

"The name is Vera. Vera Alexandrov. I'm eleven years old."

"Eleven huh. Why ain't you with your parents?"

"I didn't like them. They locked me away so I split."

"Oh yeah? Hell kid, you came to the right place. You're a free spirit, a roamer. That's the sort we are. Come on in get yourself warm."

Bet you think it's pretty dumb to go with a bunch of guys into a really worn down warehouse. Well it is but Vera wasn't afraid of that. Thankfully this biker gang didn't take advantage of her. They actually raised her. Vera's parents didn't bother to call the police, in truth, they were happy she was gone. Vera lived in the bad part of town so no one really said anything when they saw a young girl hanging with a scary biker gang. All twenty members of the gang taught her how to be one of them. She learned how to fight with a switchblade, how to throw perfect punches, even learned how to shoot a gun. Once.

There were a lot of different kind of people in the gang, one woman was a former teacher and taught Vera most of her school work, as minuscule as it was. Another man used to be in a fantastic college, was a rich boy, but he threw it all away to be a 'roamer'. During his time, he had gotten a lot of toys and he had gotten a drum set when he was young. He had natural talent for it. The man was going to be a professional drummer as just a hobby but instead of finishing college, he left and joined up with the biker gang and taught Vera how to play the drums.

He and Vera would find pots and other drum-like materials and would practice with that. Vera had the greatest time in her life.

When she turned eighteen, the gang told her to leave.

"Vera. It's been a pleasure traveling with you, living with you, but it's time for you to get out there. You got talent girl, go out there and do something with it."

"But I want to stay here with ya'll.."

"No Vera. You're a young'un with more potential than the lot of us put together. Here, take this. That's 45,000 dollars in cash in that bag. We've been saving up. You know, robbing people. All that jazz. Take it and get yourself a job and a place to live. You make it big, y'here? When you get big and famous, invite us over to your mansion. We'll have a party."

Vera left and got a job as a drummer for a band that played in the local bar. She wasn't paid much but it was enough to get by. When she played, it was obvious she had more talent that the whole band. Eventually she met a boy named Samuel Burrow (@Hunnyhelp ) who heard her playing.

"I'm making a band. You're better than everyone here. Want to join?"

"Will I get paid?"


"'Kay I'm in."


Vera's favorite quotes-

“If loving someone is putting them in a straitjacket and kicking them down a flight of stairs, then yes, I have loved a few people.”

“Sane is boring.”

Whew! I have to admit, I had loads of fun writing Vera up :3



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Name: Floyd Lawton ((stage name: W.M.D))

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Height: 6.5 1/2

Weight: 257 Ib

Costume: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.cb717943eaebc4d02598e2e603234b2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10154" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.cb717943eaebc4d02598e2e603234b2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Floyd is as. Everyone calls him, "A Gentle Giant" Floyd has respect for those around him that he knows that have not done him. He is a polite guy especially when meeting someone new he address's them properly and says nothing but kind words. Floyd is not a very opinionated nor judge mental. He is open on any type of music to listen to he believes it's closed minded to just love one form of music, he honestly likes to mix all forms of music to Techno. Floyd believes that techno is the brigade to all forms of music, because he has made pieces that mix different music and puts them together. Yes the songs remain more to a techno side but he believes techno is one of the most flexible forms of music and hearing it just brings a smile to his face.

Occupation: Dubstep/Rave Artist

History/Bio: Floyd has lived in Russia most of his life, and believe me it was no joy ride but the only thing that made it better was his parents giving him hope. Floyd unlike everyone else did not know of music until he was 10 he heard a tune coming from a bar he passed and sat outside the door for hours. When ever the door opened he loved to hear it louder. But as years passed he worked at a port for 3 more years and as time went by Floyd heard more and more forms of music which he soon got to the point thinking, 'I want to make it!' Floyd's parents knowticing his passion for music they supported him and used some of his savings to buy him some instruments like a electric keyboard and guitar. Taking only a year to learn his instruments. His father soon took him to a record dealer, he was introduced to a new music, Techno. After that point he refused to work with anyone but himself a few years later he became a hit in his town and started going to clubs as a DJ. Going from that he hasn't got to far from his own town to others at most

Other: Trisha Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Mikey Mitchell.












Mikey,or Patch,was one of those guys that people feared when they looked at him even

though he was a nice guy.In school he would always help out someone or volunteer to

do something for someone so,he was a really good friend because of that.Despite

the good things about Mikey he also has some bad things as well like,when

he gets mad over things that aren't even a big deal or when someone

doesn't get what he says the first time...he really doesn't like to repeat

himself and gets irritated with them. Mikey is works independently

but,is willing to join anyone in if. Mikey really doesn't show his emotions

because he feels like if he does,someone will take them for grated and

that's a big no no.Singing is his passion and if his voice was taken away

he wouldn't be the same.Also his guitar playing skills.

they wanted it.







Trisha like..totally..ROCKS!



"The Rapper in Pink."


"Raspberry" Martyr








143 lbs

Costume (Optional)



An anarchist since the day he was born, and one of the few people that nobody can honestly say they enjoy being around. Razz Martyr never followed the rules as he grew up, getting him into trouble on an hourly basis. But this was fine with Razz; he didn't need these "fascist leaders" interfering with his life. Still, he's a social butterfly, and loves being around people so long as they don't disagree with his beliefs or give him work to do. The lazy rapper will put forth massive effort to keep himself from having to do anything productive, which in itself is ironic. Yet even "Raspberry" isn't morally bankrupt - he still knows what's right and what's wrong, and shows his feelings very.. expressively, especially anger. This is one of the reasons he isn't a joy to be with.


Rapper and Drummer


Born into a rich family, and with two loving parents, Razz was definitely not in a bad situation. His life was going to be perfect!

That is, until some small part of him snapped. Something that kept the darkest of him from crawling out and taking him over. He began slowly becoming more and more rebellious, hating all the strict rules and laws society had set out for him. "How dare they put forth such things without my permission," stated young Razz, "I thought we had rights!" It all led downhill from here. He disrespected and ignored his teachers' in school, and was expelled from multiple learning institutions. Razz's father and mother were less than happy at this, having to constantly move because of their son's actions, and when they finally had enough, the two kicked him out on his ass. The 17-year-old boy was left to fend for himself, in the wild, untamed wilderness of Downtown [enter city name here]. He nearly starved, going minutes, sometimes hours without snack food! But the blooming Raspberry would not give up! He packed up his belongings (er, "belonging") into his backpack and set off to become the very best rapper, like no one ever was...


Razz can often be heard stating "Trisha rocks!!"

Who Trisha is, and why she rocks so hard, we may never know.

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Charles Weller








177 lbs


Charles is a very chill kind of guy. He's a go-with-the-flow person and doesn't want much.

He likes to speak his mind but he'll do it kindly. Charles looks like a punk but he is quite sweet and caring. Charles doesn't like to be a leader. It was never his style. He prefers to be a supporter, someone who can help someone else achieve their goals. He's never wanted to have the spotlight as he does not like much attention.

His only wish is that the world will be at peace. Charles follows John Lennon's belief and has taken an extreme non-violent demeanor.

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality."




Charles is a young man, a former noble before being cast out by his family.

When he was young, his fascination with John Lennon was small at first but it grew as he got older. He followed many of his views for peace and would rebel against his parents. Even though he never yelled back at them, he would just simply refuse their requests as they wanted him to portray the family name. He never wanted it. They cast him out and disowned him.

Since then, Charles has lived in a small apartment alone. His only source of income is from his girlfriend, Naomi Rei (@Britt-21 ) he was always faithful to her and had met her at a local bar when she was first starting out her music career. He fell in love with her instantly and has done whatever he could to help her. Charles had never picked up a guitar before he met Naomi but when he learned that she wanted to progress her career, he took up guitar and practiced every spare moment he could. He was surprisingly good and learned quite quickly.

When Trisha came out with the competition, Naomi was so excited. Like any faithful boyfriend, he shared her excitement and was ready to continue his help with her. They entered the contest as a duo but Charles made sure to list Naomi as the main attraction and added himself as only a backup musician. He wanted Naomi to have the best time and wanted to make sure that she would gain the fame. Having her be happy is the only thing he wants out of this competition.


Naomi Rei's Boyfriend.



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Music Artist Form:

Name: Skylar Questhen (1st pic)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7"

Costume: a custom mau5head(see image below 1st)

Weight: 144 lbs

Artist Type:Electronic/Dubstep


Skylar is a real challenger. After he released his frist album (age 12), an earthquake(i mean BIG earthquake) hit.

He survived and still makes music to this day. He lives off the music.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/deadmau5_.jpg.4b809fb5604eb953e885c26f3b2af5f5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/deadmau5_.jpg.4b809fb5604eb953e885c26f3b2af5f5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/eight_deadmau5_heads.png.e4fda537f110729c4df6ffb654eb69ee.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10174" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/eight_deadmau5_heads.png.e4fda537f110729c4df6ffb654eb69ee.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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This is what i look like in costume

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/mau5.jpg.04fad998e3a37e0caba144705030ad3d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10178" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/mau5.jpg.04fad998e3a37e0caba144705030ad3d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Skylar Questhen

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7"

Weght: 144 lbs.

Personality: He can be a real challenger. Despite having an iPad and a laptop that he uses for the step. When he released his first album under the alias "Pwn_dYetCr4fted, an earthquake hit. He, his iPad, and laptop survived. When he gets challenging, he is determined to win. He mostly does so. After that he goes right back home, and makes more music.

Occupation: Electro Music Artist

Stage Name: Pwn_dYetCr4fted (sometimes known as DJ SubWOLF becuz he uses subwoofers live and wears a snow wolf tee. 
i forgot to put that i am, in fact, inspired by deadmau5. 
me out of costume<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/0047-AnimeGuy1.jpg.b3b7d5895cfb7e27d50bad5b75495126.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10179" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/0047-AnimeGuy1.jpg.b3b7d5895cfb7e27d50bad5b75495126.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
i forgot history: I was always a dubstep/electro fan. When Skrillex released "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites," i was inspired, therefore i started a dubstep occupation. So when i was 12, I released an album called "We're Out There" on SectionZ Records (in which i made). Then, when the earthquake hit (i live in Alabama btw), i lost ALMOST everything. Except my iPad and my Mac. so when i was cleaned up enough, i got right back to the Step. So i come here today.

Stuff you will be hearing from Sky:

Skrillex: Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (PYC RMX)

Linkin Park: My December (Full on mix)

deadmau5: moar ghosts n stuff (PYC[Pwn_dYetCr4fted]'s #moarwhatever remix)

Feed Me: One Click Headshot (PYC's UltraKill Remix)

And your very own Pwn_dYetCr4fted:

We're Out There

Pwn_d That Failure (BSOD intro mix)

When You Say Goodbye

The World Below

Positive Negativity


The Reldt (da exxxxxtreme bass mix)


The R3-Hab

AbsterDam (the other drop mix)

Stuff from Mars

The Noise Never Dies

and MOAR



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/lassitude__by_alexzappa-d5f2ajj.jpg.6250fd9583427e302d670b619c99f521.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/lassitude__by_alexzappa-d5f2ajj.jpg.6250fd9583427e302d670b619c99f521.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/coollogo_com-167371093.png.7a1a6b12478b104b773f0c9e54203ca6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10180" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/coollogo_com-167371093.png.7a1a6b12478b104b773f0c9e54203ca6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Stacee Jaxx









Costume (Optional):


Clush is kind of a rowdy guy.He loves fun

and hates being bored and stuck somewhere that he doesn't

want to be for a long period of time,which is probably

a sign of impatience.He takes up for friends if they need

it and doesn't tell people the sugar cote version of

things,he's always blunt.When you catch him in a good

mood he is always either joking around or just having

laughs with his friends.






When Stacee was born his mother and father were famous rock and roll people.

He grew up taking tours with them and meeting all the fans and even being on the

red carpet as well.It wasn't that bad except he probably went half blind because

all the flashing camera lights but,it was a pretty sight for a very young boy.

When he began to grow up more and more he asked his parents if he could become

famous just like them they said "No Stacee,You can't be famous because you're

to young." Stacee didn't understand why because he saw little kids on the T.V

who were famous and all but,why couldn't he be?He didn't question it though.

When it was Stacee's fifteenth birthday he asked his parents once more and again

they said that he was to young but,what age is it that he had to be?He didn't know.

Finally once more he asked them when he was eighteen years of age and again the same

thing.One night he heard his parents talk about how they were holding back Stacee's

talent because they were afraid that he was going to steal the spotlight from him.

All the pieces had fallen together now.Why they didn't bring him on tour with them or on

shows anymore,why they never let him on the stage after their songs anymore,and

why they told him he needed more practice when he sung when he clearly KNEW he could

sing.On that day he vowed that when he got older he would become famous..more famous

than his parents and he was bringing others with him.


Hey Trisha? (; You epicly ROCK!

~How he got the name Clush?

Because whenever he had homework he would clash them

all together in one night to get it due.His friends

said that he use to always "Clush" his papers together

in one night and he was like"What is Clush?"

and they were like it's Clash but,in a cooler way

So then they just started calling him that



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