Battle For Unovia.

Haku looked out of the small bared window of her cell. She longed to be free, despite having no memories of being free. The only memory was waking in this cell, being told she was important and it would be best for her to comply with the military and their demands. But why? They have gladiators, powerful weapons, and powerful people. Why her? The questions buzzed in her head.
Yasuko and Chion sat outside of the Venus headquarters. Yasuko with her arms crossed with a stern stare on Chion who was laughing obnoxiously and loudly. "Oh, forget about it Yasu, I'm only joking." Chion patted his sister's shoulder jokingly and calmed his laughter to a chuckle. "Whatever, shouldn't we be doing something? I'm getting restless from just training."

"I heard the commanders talking about a mission soon, I'm on the list to go, but I don't know the details yet." Chion layed back on the steps, and stared at the clouds.
Damian stood outside Haku's cell. "My it is true. Are they sure that its this girl? No matter, if your not her we will dispose of you." He chuckled. Haku turned a stern glare onto him. "Oh did I annoy you?" He teased. "Your not bad looking though." Haku kept her stern glare. "You will catch no fish with such a vulgar tongue." she said tarty. "Oh I did annoy you! Well your stuck here now girl, no one is coming to save you. If that petty slum organization Venus comes, we will dispose of them." Damian turned and left Haku back to her solitariness.
One of the commanders swung the door open from behind Yasuko and Chion. She motioned for Chion to come in. Chion nodded looking at the intimadting higher-up and followed, leaving Yasuko to watch him enter the door. The commander locked the door behind her and Chion pulled a seat near the others who were also reputable members of the organization. The only person Chion had never met before or even saw, was the figure at the far end of the table.

After 5 minutes of awkward silence, the unknown to Chion began to speak and all the elite of Venus turned to listen to his scratchy voice. "It'll begin... tonight. Unovia's walls has a weak spot, and we're going to exploit it. We're going to break up into divisions, each of us the head of one, or the co-head, with different assignments to ensure this goes smoothly..."

Chion and the others listened intently on the directions given, each member getting up immediately after being told what to do and leaving. Chion was anxious to hear his role, Chion's legs were shaking and he started to bite his nails in the anticipation that it would finally be happening soon. The speaker described everybody's roles, except Chion's, and he and the unknown leader sat alone in the room. "You're coming with me, I've been watching you, most impressive. I'll be needing your skills to get in and get out with the Goddess."
Haku jolted slightly. "I feel something in the air....." She whispered, in a ominous daze. Clutching the blanket she had been given, she walked to the barred window of her cell. She looked out, staring at the moon. A calm breeze wafted over her. She knew whatever was coming she was to trust it. She blinked coming back from her daze. What was that? How did she determine such a thing? she sighed sitting down and continuing to stare at the moon in wait.
*attempts to jump in, Sorry for being so late~*

Billy shot her gun at the red targets in the shooting range, on the military base property. She shot her gun, hitting every single shot, and right in the middle. She put the small hand gun back into the strap that she had on her leg. Her score was perfect as usual, at least to normal people, but to just wasn't good enough. If she was going for perfection, then this was far from it. She attempted to then get her knife's out to practice her knife throwing, until a soldier came running into the shooting range beside her.

"Ms. Faye Ma'am" He said bowing to her to show his respect. She acknowledged him with a simple, " yes, what is it" Her voice was monotone as always.

"You have been requested to for a special mission, Ma'am" She nodded, " What are my orders?"

"To watch over the girl named Haku we captured. Be at the cell at all times, guarding it. That is what the higher ups told me Ma'am"

Billey nodded again, then dismissed the solider. He quickly walked out of her sight. Billy knew full well that this what just some ordinary baby sitting mission, if they asked her specifically to do it. She was one of their best after all. She knew the girl Haku was important, and it was imperative to protect the cell at all times.

I must complete this task to the best of my ability's. I must complete this task to the best of my ability's.

She repeated this over and over again before she set of towards the cell of the girl named Haku.
Haku turned her head as a new face entered. Her blood red eyes soft and her face emotionless. "Hello. And who might you be?" She said with a tent of shyness in her voice. she still clung to the blanket she had been given when she awoke. The last newcomer had given no name and was very rude before he left Haku in an annoyed state.
Billy thought before she spoke. She wanted to remenber if there were any any rules against telling prisoners personal information. She had memorized the whole Dorics military code of conduct,when she was younger, so she knew all the rules. There weren't any rules against introducing yourself to properly to prisoners, so she simply said "I'm Billy....I'll be one of the guards that will be guarding for now on"
Haku sighed. "I see." she looked out at the now rising sun then back at Billy. "Im Haku." She smiled a moment then softened her face to a content but ever so slightly sad look. she looked out the window as she spoke now. "I don't suppose you can tell me why I am her can you?" she inquired looking behind herself with only her eyes not moving her head.
Yasuko sat next to Chion on a hill that overlooked most of the Slums and Unovia's grand walls. They sat silently as they watched those in the Slums turn off the few lights they had, Venus members rushing from on home to the next in their green coats, farmers herding their animals in, and those who usually roam the streets at night were no where to be seen. The only sound the two could hear was from Unovia. A sparrow was perched on the city's walls and it chirped a slow melody.

Yasuko was more interested in watching the movements of the members belown then Chion was, she watched carefully as each of them, low and high ranking, marched up the hill with the oak tree. As each one approached, they sat in their ordered squadrants, Yasuko and Chion would soon have to seperate but for now they would enjoy some time to themselves, even though the members who were not permitted to speak surronded them.

The man Chion was instructed by before approached them. The man Chion was told to address as "Lenir." Yasuko nudged him with her arm to quit laying on the grass and dirt when she saw him come closer to them. Chion jolted up, he was starting to drift into sleep, but now he was drowsy. He staggered up quickly getting his focus back on the Venus task soon to be dealt out.

Chion stood alongside the other elite of Venus behind Lenir. He witnessed Lenir's large hand raise a green flag into the air, and the drop it rapidly as all the members scattered and swarmed to different sections of Unovia's walls. Some with bombs, some with plans, and all with guns.
Haku jolted ,gasping ,her eyes widening. "The breeze has come!" She exclaimed just before a gunshot fired, echoing off the walls. A feather drifted out of the bars. It carried the will of the heavens. It floated to Chion. Directly in front of his face it hovered. "come, follow....." A voice whispered from within the feather and began gliding in the direction of Haku's cell through a secret underground tunnel that lead directly into the dungeon. "come, follow....' It whispered again and again.
Chion blinked at the feather that drifted in front of him and then whisked itself away to the west. He gasped when he heard it speak in his head, chasing after it into what seemed to be a tunnel. Yasuko was confused, but followed him nonetheless into the dark, seeing a faint light in front of her brother, outlining his shape. Lenir's eyes widened when he realized what was happening, pulling out a book, dashing through the pages, and nodding when he looked back up at the two siblings. "She's truly here." He whispered under his breath before heading into the dark with his hand on the wall for balance.

Yasuko was starting to become worried about her brother who was practically running deeper into this. "Chion, where are we going?" She shouted from behind him with concern. "Shush, this is a message from the one. He probably can't even hear us or sense us right now, anyways." Lenir snapped back at Yasuko. Her eyes focused on her brother who seemed lost, but had direction.

Chion stopped at a dead end it seemed, before collapsing. The feather falling gently near his head, resting in front of closed eyes. "Chion!" Yasuko ran to his side, tapping him to make sure he's fine. "We don't have time for this, it's already been an hour, the city's already been breached come on." Lenir put his hand on Yasukos shoulder. "He'll be fine, he was just a courier." Yasuko felt like crying, but got up and stood near Lenir, glancing back at her brother's body. Lenir started to feel around the walls for an exit, mumbling to himself.

Pushing aside a weak part of stone that led to a cell. Lenir climbed up first, helping lift Yasuko up after him. It was lighted than where they were before but still a bit dark. There was a bed and a small barred window. Yasuko walked silently to the window and could only see the lights of Unovia, and what seemed like people in conflict in the distance. Lenir stuck his head out of the cels's door into the dark hallway, seeing a door with light behind it.
Haku gasped noticing the trio's arrival. Her eyes were bleak and abnormal since the spirits where strongly pushing her. She reached out her hand and the feather landed in it and vanished. Her eyes returned to the normal innocent gleam they usually contained. "W-who are you?" She said nervously, yet she walked towards them. Something compelled her to go to them something she didn't understand just like when she spoke of the breeze.

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