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Fandom Batman: Year Zero (vol. 1) [OOC]

Sooooo, everyone :D Birdsie Birdsie T tommo020 Mousie Mousie DiscoQuinn DiscoQuinn The Comet The Comet NUSKI NUSKI Skelo10 Skelo10 Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel Lordvader59 Lordvader59 Eagleye415 Eagleye415

My firs post, with which I am going to officially open the RP is ready. It will be set in the Iceberg Lounge and I have included as much characters as possible, seeing how I've done the post. I apologize to all that have not been included in it, but there was just no way to do is; but, I guess that's even better because you are free to introduce your character as you want. Also, an apology for all those that have been slightly godmodded in the first post (namely Birdsie Birdsie with Gordon and Mousie Mousie with Ra's), I did it so that your characters have somewhere to be at that point; if you had something totally different in mind, please inform me after reading so that I edit that part. You are free to, of course, write up your own introduction as to how they got there and what happened afterwards.

So, it's very early Sunday my time. I will give everyone about 16-ish hours or so, when it's around 8PM my time, to wrap everything up and then I'm going to officially start the RP so expect everything to begin very soon. Thank you all for participating and waiting and... see you soon and have fun! :D
T tommo020 You thought about what you're gonna do for your first post? And Oswald_C_Cobblepot Oswald_C_Cobblepot are we interacting with Sergey?

Yes, you can. Sergey is the main liaison between Penguin and the Organisation. He is the only one who knows his identity and is absolutely loyal to him. Each member of the Organisation knows only of Sergey and the people they work with, but they are well aware that Sergey is not Penguin and that they haven't seen the Big Bird yet. So yes, you can interact with Sergey; he's an NPC so use him in accordance with the guideline, respecting what the guy before you has written about him :)
Hey, so we have been given a job to do - might be a good chance for Jack and Waylon to catch up in the car ride over. What are you thinking?
I was thinking that we get the mission from Sergey and then collab (if you want) a post of them in the car talking for the first time.
So, is the theme song section in the character sheet required? If so, does anyone have an idea for a theme song for Pamela Isley?
So, is the theme song section in the character sheet required? If so, does anyone have an idea for a theme song for Pamela Isley?

It's not required per se, so don't bother yourself much with that. As for Poison Ivy, I just have warn you that, observing the current setting and all, there won't be much ''space'' for her to play an active role in the RP; the plot is just constructed in such a way. You can, though, create a sheet and reserve the character for some later arc (possibly arc two, which will involve Arkham Asylum), where she would have a more active role and be able to develop further; of course, this all applies only if you do not have some good idea on how to use her character in the current plot.

In the meantime, you can also create another character that would be more adequate for the current arc.
It's not required per se, so don't bother yourself much with that. As for Poison Ivy, I just have warn you that, observing the current setting and all, there won't be much ''space'' for her to play an active role in the RP; the plot is just constructed in such a way. You can, though, create a sheet and reserve the character for some later arc (possibly arc two, which will involve Arkham Asylum), where she would have a more active role and be able to develop further; of course, this all applies only if you do not have some good idea on how to use her character in the current plot.

In the meantime, you can also create another character that would be more adequate for the current arc.
Very well

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