• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Batman: Year Zero (vol. 1) [IC]


Owner of The Iceberg Lounge
The characters are the essential part of the RPG, so I advise everyone to carefully construct them and plan their development out as much as possible. Certainly, some aspects will depend on the plot and interplay with others, but players should have a general idea on where their characters are heading. This section will contain all the necessary (and probably some unnecessary, too) information on the characters, their creation, the players and general guidelines.

Please use this thread exclusively for posting your character applications and posting wanted requests. Everything else should be discussed in the OOC thread, even when it is character related.

General Guidelines

Although this RP allows for many liberties when creating your character and doesn't necessarily stick to any canon material, there are certain guidelines (or rules, whichever you prefer) that should be reflected. They are all listed below:
  • General guidelines provided by RPN must be respected without exception.
  • Both canon and original characters are accepted.
  • When creating canon characters, you do not have to adhere to any published or released via visual media, although you are not forbidden to, either. Creativity and originality of approach are encouraged and you are free to modify your canon character in accordance to your wishes ideas. That includes, but is not limited to, his appearance, origin story, alignment, personal background, biographical details, etc. The only aspect you must respect is the general plot of the RP itself so that your character can find its place in it. We accept canon characters exclusively from the DC Universe (all media); this is not a crossover RPG so character from other publishing houses or media are not accepted. Again, creativity and originality are encouraged.
  • When creating original characters, you will only have to adhere to the general plot idea and the general standards of the DC Universe; the character needs to fit into the universe, so please don't go about making dwarfs, elves, coloured wizards, pureblooded wizards, halfblooded wizards, robots transforming into cars, teenage mutant ninja turtles or anything similar. Snoopy is fine, though. Joke aside, if you adhere to that standard, you have full liberty in creating your character in regards to all of the necessary terms. Just be careful that you do not create an original character that is to similar to a canon one in everything except name. Also, no Iron Man ("Iron Man Sucks").
  • Overpowered characters are not allowed. Players that have created such characters will be asked to modify their applications before being accepted.
  • Godmodding is strictly forbidden. If you need another player's character to do something or be affected by a certain chain of events, please discuss it with the player before taking any such action. If the player disagrees with your idea, you either find a way around it (NPCs for example) or alter it so that you can play it out.
  • One player is allowed to hold as many characters as he is able to play without interference. The number is not limited, but please keep in mind that one person can successfully play only so many characters at one point; find that point and please keep your active characters within that limit.
  • Character reservations, especially for future plots, are possible. If two or more players want the same character, the advantage goes to the player that can present a better character development idea for the character in question. If that is a tie, the player that reserved the character first has the advantage. This rule applies only if the players cannot reach an agreement between themselves as to who will be playing the character.
  • During the initial phase, please keep your active characters either from or compatible with the Batman universe. Characters from other DC universes will, hopefully, enter the project, but their presence at this moment is not needed; you can reserve these characters, though. The only exception from this rule is a cameo appearance by a later character, but without any direct ties to the plot itself.
  • If you have a plot idea for a character, please discuss it either with the involved party, myself or in the OOC before implementing anything that would influence other players or the general plot.
  • If you have a problem with another player or character, please discuss it in the OOC section or contact me so that we can work it out.
  • Character development is essential so please keep that in mind while planning and creating your character.
  • The Wanted Page can be used by anyone, to ask either for a pairing for their character (or some other form of romantic interest), a co-conspirator, mentor, accomplice, underling or any other form of teaming up with new or already existing characters.
  • Please keep in mind that different arcs will be centered around different characters and that people might or might not die during the course of the RP. They also might or might not be revived (oh yes, Krilin is also not allowed). During these arcs, some characters will have a smaller or bigger role, depending on the plot, agreements and character ideas, but it is quite possible that some characters might not be needed for an arc at all. That goes especially for villains, simply because we don't want to overcrowd the arc. A warning that this is nothing personal and that no one should feel offended or left out when such a situation happens. This is why it is better if each player has at least two characters so to be able to play with at least one of them at each time. This is just a general note because such situations will be discussed in the OOC section before they actually happen.
  • Please apply only for those characters you are certain you can play and can embody realistically. Although liberty is allowed, there are certain traits inherent to some characters that cannot be eliminated without them loosing their essence. For example, whether he's a quiz show host, a forensic scientist or a crossword puzzle author, the Riddler is inherently tied to his riddles, so if you are not sure you could come up with interesting riddles or devise absurdly complex deathtraps, do not apply for that character. Similar cases include the Mad Hatter, Cluemaster, Trickster, Mr. Bloom and possibly others.
  • Non-playable characters are extremely important and can be freely utilized by the players when necessary. NPCs can be both canon characters, in which case you are obliged to follow their canon storyline, and original characters, in which case you have full liberty with their manipulation. Multiple players can use the same NPC in their posts, but please respect the story already established by other players (p.e. if someone created a certain John Doe as the Mayor of Gotham City, a tall, blond, handsome man with a certain David Hasselhoff-in-his-prime look before you decide to use that NPC, please don't make alterations to the already established NPC). NPCs can be killed, used as plot elements, revived, recruited... well, basically, you can do whatever the heck you want with them. NPCs can become PCs (not Personal Computers, we're not TIME magazine) if someone decided to apply for them. At that point, all the general rules for characters are to be applied.
  • Character applications are made through the character sheet, whose code is provided below. When you have completed your application, post it here. Although I have provided an "official" code, you do not have to use it and are free to use your own, as long as all the necessary information is provided.
  • Please do not play as the Condiment King. No one wants to see that.

Character Repository

This part provides a list of all accepted characters and reservations, their players and details about them:

Oswald C. Cobblepot/The Penguin
Oswald_C_Cobblepot Oswald_C_Cobblepot
Edward Norton​
James Gordon
Birdsie Birdsie
Jonathan Soule/Nightclaw
Birdsie Birdsie
Jack Napier/The Joker
T tommo020
Cameron Monaghan​
Olivia Bonnick/Black Orchid
Neutral, Anti-hero​
Chloe Bennet​
Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn
DiscoQuinn DiscoQuinn
Rose McIver​
Henri Ducard/Ra's al Ghul
Mousie Mousie
Liam Neeson​
Waylon Jones/Reptile/Killer Croc
Eagleye415 Eagleye415
Colton Haynes​
Macallister Angus/Pantheon
The Comet The Comet
Michael B. Jordan​
Harvey Dent/Two-Face

Application Sheet

As stated before, you do not have to use this exact sheet to create your character as long as you provide all the necessary information. Fields in italic are not obligatory.

a.k.a. Alias

Full Name: [full name of character]
Birth: [place of birth], [date of birth]
Age: [age]
Gender: [gender]
Occupation: [occupation]
Family: [family members and relatives]

Play-By: [self-explanatory, really :D]
Theme Song: [also]

Alignment: [hero, villain, neutral, fluid, anti-hero, TBD, or whatever suits your personal preferences]
Organizations: [criminal or heroic organizations that the character is member of] ([role in said organization])

[min. 3 paragraphs]
[min. 2 paragraphs]
Additional information: [any sort of additional information not provided above]

Alias: [character alias]
Alignment: [hero, villain, neutral, fluid, anti-hero, TBD, or whatever suits your personal preferences]
Organizations: [criminal or heroic organizations that the character is member of] ([role in said organization])
Weapon(s): [if any]
Powers and Abilities: [can be either in textual or linear form]

Visual Identity: [if not illustrated by a photo]

[min. 2 paragraphs; if necessary]
[min. 2 paragraphs]

Additional information: [any sort of additional information not provided above]

Wanted Page

Currently wanted characters include:

CharacterWanted byReasonStatus
Bruce Wayne/Batman Oswald_C_Cobblepot Oswald_C_Cobblepot Main character, necessary for the RP to commence
Not done
James Gordon Oswald_C_Cobblepot Oswald_C_Cobblepot Main character, necessary for the RP to commence
Done ( Birdsie Birdsie )
Harvey Dent/Other (A)DA character Oswald_C_Cobblepot Oswald_C_Cobblepot Main character, necessary for the RP to commence

Important Links:

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a.k.a. The Penguin


Full Name: Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
Birth: Gotham City, September 3, 1979
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Occupation: Businessman, Club owner

  • Paul Cobblepot† (father)
  • Emily Cobblepot† (née Chesterfield)
  • Simon Chesterfield Cobblepot† (brother)

Play-By: Edward Norton
Theme Song: Coldplay - Viva la Vida

Alignment: Villain/Anti-hero
Organizations: Penguin Organization (leader)

Born in Gotham City to wealthy parents, Oswald Cobblepot was raised in prosperity and could never say that he had missed something during his upbringing. He was the older of the Cobblepot twins, his brother Simon being just three minutes younger than him. Although close, Oswald and Simon never seemed to establish a truly brotherly bond, viewing each other more as friends, than siblings. When Simon died of complications caused by Huntington's chorea, aged seven, Oswald never fully comprehended that he had lost a brother and not a friend, which is why he was able to recover, emotionally at least, quite fast, finding new friends among Gotham's young elite. His parents, on the other hand, had severe problems coping with the death of their younger son and their psychic state deteriorated over the years, leaving Oswald more and more isolated and left to care for himself.

He managed to complete his education in Gotham's finest schools and was finally sent to Europe to complete his law studies in the United Kingdom, France and, eventually, Switzerland, where he also obtained his PhD. While he was in Europe, his parents died, leaving him as the only heir to a vast family fortune. After traveling around Europe for a year, Oswald finally returned to Gotham, where he took over his family affairs and became a businessman and one of Gotham's most wealthy benefactors.

His main business is centered around the clubs and casinos owned by the Cobblepot family, the main one being a luxury club in downtown Gotham, called The Iceberg Lounge. He also owns a luxurious, 5-star hotel, Gotham North, also located in downtown Gotham. Still, Oswald Cobblepot donates large amounts of many to Gotham City, to charity, especially for medical research; he was one of the main benefactors during the renovation process of Elliot Memorial Hospital, where a wing has been named in the honor of his family. Very popular with Gothamites, Oswald Cobblepot manages to keep a clean appearance, thus hiding some of his more dubious affairs.

Oswald Cobblepot successfully manages to keep his public and private profile separated. Publicly, he is somewhat of a celebrity (not as Bruce Wayne, though), enjoying a fair amount of media attention an d publicity. His work is well known and he regularly gives interviews and is a frequent guest on television shows. He is described as a open-minded, warmhearted person, funny and witty and very successful in practically everything he does. And that is truly the way he works... publicly.

On the other hand, privately, Oswald is more of an introvert, preferring to keep to himself and his own thoughts. He likes quiet environments and avoids larger groups, keeping in touch with a few selected acquaintances and colleagues. He likes reading, playing the piano and just enjoying the peace of his own mind temple, without outside interferences.

Alias: The Penguin
Alignment: Villain/Anti-hero
Organizations: Penguin Organization (leader)
Weapon(s): Weaponized umbrellas
Powers and Abilities:

  • Genius level intellect
  • Solid marksman
  • Fencing expert
  • Tactician
  • Financial and legal expertise
Not much is known about the mysterious Penguin Organization; even its sole existence is a mere tale, never confirmed by anyone but the gossiping and unreliable criminals and the bodies showing up around Gotham - but that is hardly alarming, is it? Named after it's mysterious leader, the organization currently rules Gotham's Underworld, controlling the gangs and the illegal flow of money. Represented only by a silhouette of a king penguin, the Penguin Organization is certainly a foe to be reckoned with.
As far as the Penguin goes, as Oswald Cobblepot's criminal alter ego, he is more similar to his introverted, private side than to his public profile. Intelligent, diligent and overly practical, the Penguin is known only by his alias and by a brutal reputation that follows him in the criminal underworld. But, he tends to be fair, rewarding hard work, but extremely cold and ruthless when faced with failure.

His identity remains unknown to anyone inside the organization, but the control he has over its members is exceptional. He values loyalty more than any other trait and knows how to reward it. A Solomon-like figure, the Penguin is known as an enigmatic leader, an unknown force certainly to be reckoned with, but as a fair judge of his underlings' work, rewarding when necessary and merciless when required. It is said that it is better not to know his true identity, stemming from the gossip that the only ones who've had the pleasure of meeting him - are dead.
Via Birdsie Birdsie (hope you won't mind me doing the job for you)

James Gordon
a.k.a. The Commissioner


(Note, I had to change the CS a little. All relevant information is still in there.)
Full Name: James Worthington Gordon
Birth: Gotham City, 1980
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Occupation: Police Officer - Commissioner
Barbara Gordon - Daughter
Barbara Eileen Gordon - Deceased Wife

Play-By: Custom/Original Idea

Alignment: Hero
Organizations: Gotham City Police Department - Commissioner

James' parents instilled lawfulness and morality into their son from the earliest age. Jim himself did not have much idea where he wanted to spend the rest of his life until he joined the United States Marine Corps, which granted him a plethora of skills he would later use throughout his life at multiple points. Although the military was rather harsh for Jim in the beginning, he slowly but surely found himself emerging atop the best recruits. Being an exemplary soldier that served with pride, Jim, however, felt a different calling. Shooting high-grade weaponry and rigorous training every day just wasn't the thing he wanted in life. After receiving an official leave, he returned to his hometown of Gotham City.

Many things changed since Gordon returned, and he did not quickly get used to the new technologies that surrounded him. Eventually, Jim decided to try to find a purpose in life. Remembering what his parents taught him, it was only a matter of time when Gordon applied to join the GCPD, hoping to create a better tomorrow for all citizens of Gotham. Shortly after, Jim married Barbara Eileen and the two had a daughter that shared her mother's name. Unfortunately, Jim's wife passed away as he was left to be a single parent. His heart problems that arose from being a smoker did not help either, but Jim did not fret. Shortly after, Jim had taken care of a peculiar case that involved the fate of a little boy who's parents were murdered. It did not help that his parents were two of the most influential people in Gotham. The city was taking a steep turn towards darkness.

After the most unfortunate death of Commissioner Loeb not so long as several months ago, Jim was the obvious first pick. He was among the best police officers in the city and had more than what it took. He had smarts, he had the skill, he had nerves of steel. All of the good traits of a leader. However, that is where Jim's streak of easy victories came to an end. After a wave of relentless crime hit Gotham City.

James, is by personality a sarcastic pessimist. This combined with his grumbly tone of voice often unintentionally makes him sound indifferent and perhaps rude. All evidence to the contrary, Jim genuinely wishes for the best of all those surrounding him, whether they be Gotham's citizens or his loved ones. The death of his wife put quite a large mental weight on him, as he had to help his daughter grow up by himself. A lone parent and dutiful policeman, Jim displays willingness to sacrifice himself for the good of others, even when it may not really seem this way. The years spent in the military toughened the man up, and while he might not be much of an investigator or detective, he is still a great police officer in other rights.

Jim looks down upon people who are too weak to protect themselves with pity, but has the resolve to do his best to help them learn how to defend themselves - or better yet; do it himself. He abides by the very motto of the police force, which says: 'Protect and Serve.' As one might expect, he's not the crooked type to accept bribes or negotiate with terrorists and criminals. In a way he can be described as prideful and even ignorant, as he'd most likely rather die than come in close contact with criminals and cooperate with them, but he will do what is ultimately required to protect the citizens of Gotham.

  • .38 Special Police Issue: A basic handgun given to policemen to protect themselves with.
  • GCPD Standard Issue Equipment: Standard equipment for a police officer, includes: handcuffs, badge, flashlight and pepper spray.
Powers and Abilities:
  • Leadership: He is also an expert leader, having spent decades as the leader of the world's most corrupt police force in the most dangerous city. That he has managed to not only survive, but to make Gotham PD stronger is a testament to his abilities.
  • Military Protocol: In his youth, James served as a marine.
    • Marksmanship: Jim has the ability to handle weapons with the experience of a veteran soldier.
    • Hand-to-hand Combat: Jim has the capability of handling several less experienced opponents at bay with little to no problem, as long as they are unarmed.
  • Indomitable Will: Jim displays remarkable strength of will and immunity to mental effects, capable of keeping his sanity together even in bad situations.
  • Law: Jim is proficient in all forms of investigation and has a keen instinct in maintaining the Gotham City Police Department and holding it together despite it's massive corruption.
Jonathan Soule

Introduction A killer led by a ruthless eye for eye morality, wishing to punish everyone that wronged any other human being. Wants to create a city where people can live in peace without having to worry, a Gotham free of corruption and crime. A Gotham whereupon the mere thought of committing crime, fear shines in a person's mind.


BasicsName: Jonathan Soule
Birth: Gotham City, 1994
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Occupation: Wayne Technologies Worker
Family: Mother lives in Gotham in a separate city block. Father is deceased.

Play-By: OC

Alignment: Anti-Hero
Organizations: WayneCorp - Low-tier Laboratory Assistant at Wayne Technologies

  • Appearance
    Height: 1.81cm

    Weight: 70kg

    Hair: Sunny Brown

    Eyes: Light Brown

    Body: Slim

Theme Song
Waylon Jones
a.k.a. Killer Croc

Full Name: Waylon Jones
Birth: Gotham City, Unknown
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Occupation: Wrestler
Mother - Deceased
Father - Abandoned
Aunt - Caretaker

Play-By: Colton Haynes
Theme Song: Animal I Have Become - Three Days Grace

Alignment: Villian
Organizations: None as of yet

Waylon's mother died giving birth to him and his father abandoned him shortly afterwards. He was taken in by his Aunt who was an abusive alcoholic that beat him and called him names. Early on Waylon was diagnosed with an extreme case of Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis and regressive atavism, causing his appearance to become more and more crocodile like as the years passed. This caused him to become an outcast from society and the community.

His aunt's abuse would involved leaving him looked in a closet for hours on end or beating him several while calling him 'ugly' and 'freak'. She only fed him scraps of food and water, just enough so he would survive. His aunt spent all of her money on alcohol and blamed him for her drinking. Occasionally, she would take him with her to help her shake someone down for cash or commit petty crimes

As he became grew older, Waylon got into more and more trouble with the law and at school. He was part of a gang which was made up of fellow students. Waylon began to frequent the gym, which gave him a sense of peace and was his escape from his life of crime.. He was tried at 16 as an adult after a building collapse, but was not convicted and returned to his aunt. Now, Waylon is a sort of freelance thug looking for his next big hit so he can live his life comfortably.


Killer Croc is a quiet man, preferring to perform actions than speak words. Though his mental state is questionable. His mind seems to be deteriorating and he is slowly getting less intelligent. Causing his actions to be a mix of thoughts and instincts most of the time. He is desensitized to mostly every kind of violence and injury, allowing him to perform brutal attacks without even flinching.

Killer Croc has grown a healthy hate and envy for bullies. At the hands of his aunt's bullying, he both despised her for hurting him when she was his only family and envied her for the power she had wrought over him because of it. Killer Croc is more perceptive than most realize, often recognizing signs of gangs that would soon fail or who would rise up as new players in the streets accurately. He easily made his way from to gang to gang as they rose and fell around him, becoming a constant in the streets of Gotham.
Additional information: [any sort of additional information not provided above]


Alias: Reptile
Alignment: Villian
Organizations: None as of yet
Weapon(s): None
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, durability, and senses
Expert swimmer
Hardened scale-like skin
Razor-sharp claws and teeth
Regenerative healing factor
Experienced alligator wrestler

Visual Identity:

On the streets, the Reptile is most notably known for the 'Dover Foundation Building Collapse'. The Dover Foundation Building Collapse was a massive meeting of several gangs around Gotham. They met in an old abandoned building to settle their differences. During the ensuing battle, Reptile took out 11 gang members before the building began to fall apart. He escaped into the sewers and later resurfaced in his home. The police came and arrested him, but besides accusations by other suspects had no evidence to keep him and had nothing to put him at the building.
Reptile is known for being a man of few words. He tends not to speak too much to others and has only the loosest version of friendship with other gang members. His relationship with others is often strained because of how he looks and because of his own social awkwardness. Reptile is well known in the crime circles of Gotham as he is now a 'free agent' and open for hire.

Reptile is a true hulk of a man with power in spades. His fighting style is not really a style as much as it is him just brutally pounding his opponents into the ground with no remorse. His somewhat animal instincts help him feel out situations and people This helps him escape potentially fatal or short term situations..
Additional information:
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Jack Napier
A.K.A - The Joker (but not yet)


Birth: Gotham
Gender: Male
Occupation: Crime associate
Family: Jack's only living family member is his mother Margaret, who he is very close to.

Play-By: Cameron Monaghan
Theme Song:

Alignment: Villain
Organizations: Member of penguins criminal operation


Jack grew up in an old part of Gotham in a tiny apartment with his mother, father and sister. He never knew happiness due to living in such extreme poverty. The family never had any money as his dad was an alcoholic who was never sober enough to work. The odd cleaning jobs that his mum was able to get never brought in enough to support the family.

At school, Jack started a small gang with some of his classmates. The group could usually be found thieving or beating on someone for money. One night, this all took a rather sinister twist however. It was supposed to be an easy take - break into the butcher shop and break the safe. When they got there they realised the shopkeeper was still there. The other kids decided to run away not wanting to be caught. Jack, attacked the man with a billy club breaking several ribs and knocking the butcher unconscious. As soon as he saw the man's eyes close and blood starting to pour out of his head he noticed a whimper from the corner of the shop. Glancing towards the source of the noise he noticed a dog. For a second he looked into the poor dog's eyes. the next thing he saw was the bloody mess lying at his feet and the feel of sharp cold metal as handcuffs clasped around his wrists.

By all accounts the court went easy on him. This was mainly out of pity - the jury saw a young man clearly mentally ill and decided he should be in a hospital rather than a juvenile prison. So that was it - 15 long years of suffering in a dilapidated squat and 5 more years in a hospital where he would suffer even more abuse. One day a letter arrived for Jack at the hospital. Stained with tears the letter spoke of how his father had drunkenly driven a car off the metro-narrows bridge with his sister in the passenger seat. Both had drowned and now his mother was living on the street having been thrown out by the landlord. That day Jack escaped, he then robbed a bookies and bought an apartment for his mother.

Since that day Jack has worked for the penguin for three and a half years. He is known for doing the tasks others won't including kidnapping, arson and murder he seemingly has no limits.


To say an individual is troubled seems quite clichè however this sums Jack up quite well. extremely unpredictable, unstable and dangerous. He is incredibly manipulative and anyone other than his mother that believes they are close to him couldn't be more wrong. No one can quite state what draws them to the man - it isn't fear or charm it's almost as if there mesmerised by him but nevertheless he is able to bring almost anyone onto his side.

He usually prefers to use cunning to defeat his foes but his sheer numbness to terrible violence makes him a dangerous opponent. He is only ever seen fighting with a weapon be it a gun, knife or blunt object - he doesn't really have a preference he uses anything that can cause harm.

He is drawn to chaos and those who witness him would believe he lives in the moment, on the contrary he is a very careful planner as his one true fear be a failure like his father.

any gun, knife or club that seemingly seems to be around.

Powers and Abilities:

Passion for brutal violence
strong knowledge of chemistry which he uses to torture his victims - self-taught
genuis-like manipulation


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Introduction "It's really kickass, what I get to do. I'm not sure what I'd do without being a vigilante, I mean being a henchman is cool and all but, c'mon, then I don't get to make my own brand."
-Macallister taunting a Riddler henchman​


BasicsName: Macallister "Mac" Angus
Alias: Pantheon (Often dubbed 'Panther')
Birth: Gotham City, 1994
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Occupation: Engineer (Mac's Car Fixer-Upper)

  • Mother: Alive, Residency: Keystone City
  • Father: Alive, Residency: Keystone City
  • Marco Angus: Brother(Twin), Alive, Residency: Central City
  • Lindsey Angus: Sister, Deceased

Play-By: Michael B. Jordan

Alignment: Anti-Hero
Organizations: Mac's Car Fixer-Upper, S.T.A.R. Labs (Various requests, has yet to accept. Brother works there)

  • Appearance
    Height: 1.86cm

    Weight: 77kg

    Hair: Light Brown

    Eyes: Hazel Brown

    Body: Muscular

Theme Song
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Olivia Bonnicka.k.a. Black Orchid

  • 142921_8662.jpg
    Full Name: Olivia Romez Bonnick
    Birth: Keystone City, February 4th, 1993
    Age: 24
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: None
    Family: Geoffrey Bonnick [father, missing], Porscia Bonnick [mother, deceased], Polly Bonnick [sister, deceased]

    Play-By: Chloe Bennet

    Biography: Olivia Romez Bonnick. Ten years ago, even four years ago that name would have meant something to every citizen in Keystone City, even Gotham. Olivia grew up spoiled and privileged, but despite what many may think she wasn't arrogant or snobby. She was and still is very intelligent and humble compared to the other girls she went to school with. Maybe this was because her nose would always be in a new textbook or maybe because she was just too shy to make real friends. Sure, she was quite popular with her schoolmates and teachers but they weren't necessarily her friends. She had some people she would talk to once in a while, but her only friend, her best friend, was her father; Geoffrey Bonnick.

    Geoffrey Bonnick was a famous investor who lived in Keystone City with his wife and two kids. His first born daughter, Polly died when she was 7 years old in a car accident. This was one year before Olivia was born so her parents were really protective of her, making sure not to lose another daughter. She would be dropped off and picked up from private school in a reinforced limo that her father invented so that even if it were going to be hit by four cars at once, not one dent would be found on the car. While Olivia's father spent most of his time in their basement which was his lab, her mother was a lawyer. The family overall had a good relationship. Olivia never got in trouble, and in her spare time she would watch and learn from her father. She even told him that she wanted to become an engineer and create things like he did, but he never seemed to like it when she said "do what you do."

    By the time Olivia had finished high school, her lowest mark was an A- and had at least four schools offering her scholarships. Her father grew more involved with his work, while her mother had retired assuming that with all the wealth they had acquired and the rest she so dearly needed, there was no point in working. As said before, Olivia had never done anything bad in her life... until it was time for her to choose a university. Olivia thought that she was too smart to go to a university that were teaching things that she most likely already knew so she refused to leave. Olivia wanted to stay with her father. Her father had been leaving more often for 'business trips' so Olivia wanted to join him for one that started the day she had to leave for school. So while she told her parents she would decide to sleep at the school for a more exciting experience, she left in a limo with half-empty suitcases. ten minutes into the drive, Olivia asked the driver to stop because she was going to get a ride from a friend and that he had the rest of the week off. She was not going to take no for an answer. Olivia was so proud of herself, that she decided to wander the city with a enormous amount of black licorice. Three hours after she started her reckless wandering, her mother found her in a middle of a park and decided to bring security with her just to make sure Olivia would make it all the way to school.

    Olivia decided to skip the first week break to see her parents because she was still steamed that not only did they force her to go to university, but they didn't even let her choose what school she could go to. When Christmas rolled around, she realized she had missed her family so she returned to her large house in Keystone but to her unfortunate surprise, her father was on another 'business trip.' Her mother didn't even seem to mind, and just thought to distract her with buying more presents that Olivia didn't want. She ended her vacation early, and instead of returning to university she fled off to Gotham City, interested in the large amount of criminal activity there. Gotham City made her feel a rush she didn't feel anywhere else. Even after countless texts and emails, Olivia refused to go home, but did text her parents from time to time just so they knew nothing had happened to her.

    When Olivia was twenty years of age, she was sitting in a coffee shop in Gotham City, reading over a journal she had recorded with information about all Gotham's known criminal organizations and wealthy personnel. An emergency news report flashed across all three television screens saying that Geoffrey Bonnick had been arrested for creating a mind-control device that he tested on children. Not only that, when he was caught by the police he self destructed the devices, blowing out the four children's' heads. As soon as Olivia saw this, she returned to Keystone City but she when she tried to see her father, they said he had not put her name on the visitor's list. Only his mother's name was on it and Olivia was deeply offended by this. Her father was to be sentenced to death but the day before his scheduled execution, he somehow escaped prison and was never heard of again. The investigation went up for months, until they finally gave up after finding absolutely no leads.

    Two months after her father's escape, Olivia was asked by her mother to clean out what wasn't taken by the police force from her father's room and lab. Olivia was hesitant, but she didn't despite still mad at her father for what he did and not allowing her to see him. While cleaning out her father's lab, she took a break on a metal bench and sighed to herself, whispering "I miss you daddy." The metal bench she was sitting on slid open and wasn't a bench at all, it was a chest. Olivia should have known, since who makes a bench that's a solid rectangle? Inside where at least 12 books filled with her father's research and unheard-of projects. Most of them were preposterous, like metallic wings that could make you fly, a grenade with a whole city radius but the size of a pebble, but the one that interested her the most were designs of robots that were almost human-like.

    Thus began the story of Black Orchid. (Rest will be explained in next biography).

    Organizations: None

    Characterization: If you were to have a conversation with Olivia, you couldn't even tell that she was depressed or was a murderer. You would see a quiet girl who just loves technology and being alone. In fact, that's what she tries to tell herself she is. Deep down, she knows she is something she hates. Something, as a little girl would think is despicable. Killing is her own way of trying to forget. Forget her father, forget her mother, forget a sister she didn't even know. She is truly just a scared girl wanting someone to be there for her, but too scared to ask. You might think she's a little bit mentally ill since she talks to her creations now like they are her children.

    Despite her probably suffering from crippling depression and
    Monophobia, Olivia is a very intelligent individual. With all her time away from society, she has grown to be shy and fidgety. She spends most of her time watching TV and eating food. In fact one of her largest goals are to make sure her robots can one day enjoy food and taste ramen noodles. Olivia never acts rashly or loses her temper, she usually thinks before she does anything.

    Additional information: Her weaknesses are ramen noodles and black licorice. :xFtongue:
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Harleen Quinzel
a.k.a. Harley Quinn

Visual Identity:


(her appearance later on)

Full Name: Harleen Frances Quinzel
Birth: New York, Brooklyn
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Occupation: College student at Gotham State University, aiming for a P.h.D in psychology

- Sharon Quinzel (mother)
- Nick Quinzel ( father)
- Barry Quinzel ( brother )

Play-By: Rose McIver

Theme Song:

Alignment: Villain (later on)

Organizations: None

Biography: Harleen was born in Brooklyn where she spend the first couple years of her life till her family moved to Gotham City. She was very troubled as child and had a hard time fitting in as she kept getting bullied by older kids for her "weird" accent. Her mother used to yell at her a lot and prefered her older brother Barry over her, telling her that he was the only one to ever accomplish something in life. Her father was mainly abscent as he was often busy "working". Things became even worse after her parents got divorced and her Dad was thrown into jail for working as a con man. It later turned out that he earned his money through tricking older wealthy ladies with his charms.

Harley had a hard time dealing with the sudden absence of her father as well as hearing about the terrible crimes he commited. That's also when her problems started and she repeatedly got into trouble with other kids in school. She got increasingly confused with herself and her identity. Her mind often becoming unfocused. It all got better in Middle School however, when she discovered gymnastics for herself which helped her gaining a newfound strength and confidence. Her hard work and dedication also helped her to receive a scholarship for the Gotham State University.

She soon decided however that it wasn't the way she wanted to go and planned on becoming a psychiatrist instead. Her father being one of the main reasons for her decision so she could finally understand why he did all these things to their family. Nothing intrigued her more than analyzing a criminals mind, getting behind their motives and stripping their minds to the core to find out what lead them into becoming criminals. When she was alone she'd often set up self made thesis, hoping to test them on living subjects one day. Her major career change soon turned out to be the right decision as it showed that she had talent and her good grades even lead her into becoming one of the top students of her year.

Characterization: Harleen is very ambitious and works hard for the goal to get her medical doctorate in psychology even though she sometimes uses questionable ways to accomplish this. Unlike other girls her age, she doesn't spend her time with partying and rather focuses on her school work instead. That also leads her into hardly having any friends and keeping to herself a lot. More than often she feels herself on a loss and unstable. She mainly chooses to ignore this problem however and forces her focus on her work, in order to regain control over herself instead. But even though she is this close to her goal there is an emptiness even psychology can't fill.

Weapon(s): Baseball Bat, Mallet, Guns

Powers and Abilities:
- Genius Leveled Intelligence
- Gymnastic Skills
- Psychological Knowledge

Henri Ducard
a.k.a. Ra's al Ghul

Full Name: Henri Ducard
Birth: Europe, 700+ years ago
Age: Mid 50's (Appearance)
Gender: Male
Occupation: Businessman

Hannibal Ducard† (father)
Talia al Ghul (daughter)
Play-By: Liam Neeson
Theme Song: Artibeus

Alignment: Villain, Anti-hero
Organizations: League of Shadows (Head)

Ra's al Ghul's history is shrouded in both mystery and mysticism. All memories of his long forgotten past are hidden away beneath the shadows of his mind. Before he discovered the key to his immortality, he was a normal man that lived in the fading Middle Ages. Born as Henri Ducard to a wealthy merchant based in England, he was raised with the beliefs that the nobility must be strong and the peasantry must be weak. It was a balance Henri praised and believed in, but he soon discovered that the world was already changing for the worst. Monarchs and peasants began to lose control over what was rightfully theirs. A rising class of citizen called burghers had changed their laws and seized their lands; whether it was through bribery or violence, madness and deceit, their mere existence threatened the world.

When the black plague struck England and killed over half of its population including his father, Henri imposed a self exile on himself. His journey led him to an Arabian tribe of nomads that planned to cross into China in fear of the plague. He joined their caravan and traveled with them through hidden deserts and secluded sultanates for months on end. The comradery and trust he placed into his new companions wasn't mutual however. One day while traveling through an untarnished city, the tribesmen betrayed him and surrendered him as a false murderer.

Imprisoned and tried with a death sentence, Henri's execution for his false crime was being exiled into the desert wilderness. He walked aimlessly for three days before his body and mind had finally succumbed to the elements. Enraged over his impeding death, he fell to his knees onto the scorching hot sand in agony. He shouted up into the air, asking for some divine power to rescue him, and in service he would do all it asked of him. But this hopeless miracle left him in even more despair and questioning why he wasn't killed by the plague in the first place.

Anger filled him more as it would any young man at his age. Henri's growing wroth wasn't brought about being betrayed by the tribesmen nor for the black plague that killed his father and forced him there; He was furious at the men who falsely prosecuted him. Their moral corruption had shamelessly sentenced him for a share of his bounty. The true murderer would escape free and an innocent man would perish in the desert.

Henri vowed in his dying breath that he would be a new black death upon the world and cleanse it of its corruption, its filth. Whether it was the peasants that betrayed him, the burghers that sold him or the monarchy that bought his death, he vowed that all of mankind would die to restore the world anew. He would be the blade that would stab the world in its heart; he would be an immortal symbols to all others that followed his path, his goals; He would have the will to act.

Death had finally overcome him in that moment. Despite his new conviction, Henri Ducard was dead.

Ra's al Ghul was born.

Using the false identity of Henri Ducard, Ra's al Ghul gains the trust of his potential students by appearing to be nothing more than a pawn; yet his calm composure and vast wisdom naturally conveys itself unto anyone he meets. His condescending attitude and the harsh nature of his training can negatively impact anyone who doesn't agree with his ideals or methods. Indeed, his willingness to do anything that is necessary is something he tries to teach his students. The will to act means everything to Henri, and those that are stricken down by their own moral authority are considered useless by him.

Henri is a natural enemy of those that defy order and seek to empower themselves through chaos. He also considers those that disagree with his vision to be his enemy. The city of Goatham's criminals, innocent civilians and local government means nothing to him in the grand scheme of things. Henri's vision of seeing the decadent city's utter and complete destruction surpasses everyone and everything. Whether it's sacrificing his own life or even his own daughter Talia's, he's prepared to do all that is necessary.

Alias: Ra's al Ghul
Alignment: Villain, Anti-hero
Organizations: The League of Shadows
Weapon(s): Sword cane, medieval Asian weapons arsenal
Powers and Abilities:

Genius-level intellect
Master tactician
Master swordsman
Master martial artist

Lazarus Pit:
This natural phenomenon was discovered in the Arabian desert seven-hundred years ago. Its regenerative properties can revive people from the dead, heal any wounds and temporarily enhance the body's immune system to all diseases. One side effect of using a Lazarus Pit is insanity, but this effect lessens over prolonged usage. Henri Ducard's long use of the rare springs have diminished its supply across the globe and now only less than a handful of pits exist in the world.

The League of Shadows:
The League of Shadows is a seemingly non-existent organization made up of ninja warriors and assassins; its members following a cult-like idea that the world must be destroyed for its future salvation. Any sane person wouldn't believe in such a fairy tale. Why? Simply because the world doesn't see ninjas prancing around on live television. The League of Shadows has never been discovered save for a select few. Despite their intended obscurity, the influence they have upon the world is one of the greatest. In the past 600 years they've attempted to destroy civilization with war, disease and poverty. Their methods of destruction have been experimented with greatly and their capabilities are almost unlimited thanks to their financial strength.

The League of Shadows is built upon the foundations that justice and order that must be restored around the world by any means necessary. Whether it's burning down a city to cleanse it of its corruption, or sacrificing its own members in the war against criminals, the organizations willingness to do anything considered extraordinary. But recruitment into the League is far from a simple prospect. In order to be considered a member, one must go through rigorous training and trials in order to prove their will to act. Those that are initiated or somehow discover the organization will only have two options: Acceptance, death or both.

Ra's al Ghul himself personally trains all of its members through his centuries-worth of knowledge of combative techniques and varying levels of espionage. Because of the League's careful selection of candidates, its local numbers in Gotham are smaller than other organized crime groups such as the Penguin Organization.
Mousie Mousie YEEEEES, LIAM NEESON! :D :D :D Along with Al Pacino, Ed Norton and Robert De Niro, my all time favourite actor! I'm so glad u used him as PB :) Also, welcome to Gotham! :D

aka Two-Face

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    Full Name: Harvey Dent
    Birth: Gotham City, April 12th 1991
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: District Attorney of Gotham City
    Family: Christopher Dent [father, deceased] Nora Dent [mother, deceased]

    Play-By: Harvey Dent, Telltale Games

    Biography: Harvey Dent had a difficult, and what most people would say a traumatizing childhood. His mother died when he was born and he figured his father blamed him for it. His brother also died in a kitchen fire because Dent was too afraid to save him. His father was an abusive drunk and growing in that type of environment made Harvey develop mental-illnesses of his own, such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Even through all of this, Harvey kept his hatred towards his father quiet.

    Growing up, Harvey was often bullied for caring less about sports, television and video games and more on the city of Gotham itself and the criminals that came with it. At his age, he still wasn't sure what he wanted to do when he grew up but he wanted to help Gotham, he wanted to help his city. With all the corruption and filth that surrounded him he always stayed positive and felt that he would one day be able to change the city for the better. Even for his volunteer hours, he hosted multiple events to help raise money for places that had been destroyed or robbed by criminals and so-called "vigilantes." His father disliked that so he forced him to join the Gotham High Boxing Team. To his surprise, Harvey actually enjoyed boxing. It gave him a way to express an anger that he didn't even know he had.

    Dent was nicknamed "Apollo" by the media due to the fact that he was charming, good-looking, and seemingly untouchable. When he got his job as District Attorney, he had made enough money to move his father outside of Gotham City. His father tried his best to resist, but he moved him to a nice house in Hub City with people to take care of him. On the ride over, Harvey had his father killed as revenge for a terrible childhood. If you check it out in the records, it was listed as a heart attack. Once his father was dead, Harvey decided that he could finally move on from the terrors of his childhood and save Gotham from those who wish to destroy it.

    Organizations: Law Enforcement of Gotham City

    Harvey is known as a kind and considerate person, willing to protect Gotham through legal means. He is also very warm and easy to approach, despite his large, brooding figure. Dent views the death of his father as a refreshment, almost like he did it for the good of the world. Even though the media praises him for his looks and intelligence, Dent is actually very humble and dismisses it if someone brings it up. His mental-illnesses are not easily seen, you would have to spend lots of time with him to see it. He tries his best not to change behaviors in public and struggles with the guilt of killing his father behind closed doors.

    Dent sees himself as a savior to Gotham, even though he hasn't really done anything to prove it. He still goes to a gym every Saturday to focus his stress on a single punching bag. Harvey thinks it is important to stay fit and healthy. Even though he is DA, he hates the spotlight or just being the center of attention. If he doesn't have to, he won't attend public events and prefers to take attention behind his office desk.

    Additional information: Has an unhealthy habit of smoking cigarettes.

Poison Ivy
a.k.a. Pamela Isley

Full Name: Pamela Lillian Isley
Birth: Seattle,Washington , 25 Years Ago
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: Botanist
Family: Brendan Isley (Father) and Melissa Isley (Mother)

Play-By: Emily Blunt

Alignment: Neutral
Organizations: Arkham Asylum

Pamela Lillian Isley was born in Seattle, Washington. She always had an interest in plants. Her parents were always very distant from her so the only living things she could speak to were the plants. She grew a large love of plants. It was her strange addiction. She always loved biology in school because plants were one of the things she could learn about. She eventually had a dream of becoming a botanist so she could learn more about these magnificent things.
Eventually, Pamela's dream started to come true when she earned a scholarship in Botany. She was swiftly sent to university near Gotham City. She loved learning about botany and always received good scores. She thought those classes were practically made for her.
Going forward in Pamela's college years, she was eventually given an internship at a lab in Arkham Asylum. It was scary there, but interesting. She was working under a Doctor Jason Woodrue on a project to see the effect of certain chemical formulas mixed with an assorted mix of plantlife.

Characterization: WIP
[min. 2 paragraphs]

Additional information: I changed the character a bit. I hope that is fine. Also, this character will start in roleplay before she became a villain.
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