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Fandom Batman: The Caped Crusader - Character Sheets


The God-Emperor of Mankind

One like from me means your character is accepted!

Character Sheet:











Batman ( Hammy Hammy )
Red Hood ( Birdsie Birdsie )
Azrael ( Safety Hammer Safety Hammer )
Ra's al Ghul ( Safety Hammer Safety Hammer )
Nova - OC ( FireMaiden FireMaiden )
Damian Wayne/Robin ( DankWaffles DankWaffles )
Scarecrow ( Hammy Hammy )
Vice - OC ( Keltoi Keltoi )
Catwoman ( Literally Batman Literally Batman )
Joker ( Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen )
Viper - OC ( Spacing Out Spacing Out )
Two-Face ( Literally Batman Literally Batman )
Red Bird - OC (@The Great Catsby)
Ronin - OC ( The Comet The Comet )
The Arkham Knight - OC ( DankWaffles DankWaffles )
The Red Demon ( WickedDreams WickedDreams )
Penguin ( Harley Quinn Harley Quinn )
Poison Ivy ( DiscoQuinn DiscoQuinn )
Harley Quinn ( Harley Quinn Harley Quinn )
Lord Blade - OC ( Ghost Toast Ghost Toast )
Riddler ( DiscoQuinn DiscoQuinn )
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Name: Finnan O'Connor

Nickname/Aliases: Vice

Age: 483

Gender: Male


Personality: Violent, unpredictable and cunning. Has a dark humor, and doesn't value human life very much. To others, this can be seen as uncaring. It is. He just doesn't really care. Unless, of course, it's a friend. Their value is a little higher. All in all, you could say he is dead inside. That's pretty accurate.

Backstory: Finnan was a bounty hunter of a kind when he was alive, hunting down people for the price on their heads. He was quite efficient too! But something happened, something changed, and he was thrown headfirst into a war he did not understand. Nothing made sense, so he just picked a side and went Lang with it. It didn't turn out well.

Finnan was killed. Executed by being thrown on a stake and burned while he was still barely alive. When all the flesh was gone, his bones were thrown into a river. Finnan put himself back together, which was extremely painful as he tells it. Back from the dead, and with a thirst for vengeance, O'Connor made it his purpose to hunt down those responsible. When he caught them, he tore them apart.

After all his enemies laid in pieces, the killer realised he had nothing left to do. Bounty hunting was a good job, but too easy. Now, he just wanders, doing as he will, usually if there was money involved.

Gadgets/Equipment: None, save for a nice knife he's kept with him for over four centuries. A useful thing, but it isn't much.

Powers/abilities: Finnan is dead. That's useful, as being dead means you cannot die a second time. Probably. Really, it means he does not feel pain as easily as a normal human, even if at all. But his true gifts would be his ethereal form. In truth, Finnan should not exist. He is a ghost of some sort, using his old bones as a kind of host. Like other ghosts, he can make himself formless. While in this form, it is nigh on impossible to hurt him. However, he can still affect the world around him.
Name: Finnan O'Connor

Nickname/Aliases: Vice

Age: 483

Gender: Male

View attachment 321770

Personality: Violent, unpredictable and cunning. Has a dark humor, and doesn't value human life very much. To others, this can be seen as uncaring. It is. He just doesn't really care. Unless, of course, it's a friend. Their value is a little higher. All in all, you could say he is dead inside. That's pretty accurate.

Backstory: Finnan was a bounty hunter of a kind when he was alive, hunting down people for the price on their heads. He was quite efficient too! But something happened, something changed, and he was thrown headfirst into a war he did not understand. Nothing made sense, so he just picked a side and went Lang with it. It didn't turn out well.

Finnan was killed. Executed by being thrown on a stake and burned while he was still barely alive. When all the flesh was gone, his bones were thrown into a river. Finnan put himself back together, which was extremely painful as he tells it. Back from the dead, and with a thirst for vengeance, O'Connor made it his purpose to hunt down those responsible. When he caught them, he tore them apart.

After all his enemies laid in pieces, the killer realised he had nothing left to do. Bounty hunting was a good job, but too easy. Now, he just wanders, doing as he will, usually if there was money involved.

Gadgets/Equipment: None, save for a nice knife he's kept with him for over four centuries. A useful thing, but it isn't much.

Powers/abilities: Finnan is dead. That's useful, as being dead means you cannot die a second time. Probably. Really, it means he does not feel pain as easily as a normal human, even if at all. But his true gifts would be his ethereal form. In truth, Finnan should not exist. He is a ghost of some sort, using his old bones as a kind of host. Like other ghosts, he can make himself formless. While in this form, it is nigh on impossible to hurt him. However, he can still affect the world around him.

Also, forgot to mention. A like means the CS is accepted!
Name: Jonathan Crane

Nicknames\Aliases: Scarecrow

Age: 47

Gender: Male

Appearance: Standing at 5' 8" and weighing in at 145 pounds. Blue eyes. Unkempt, kinda greasy chestnut hair that's getting long. Angular, sunken in facial features and crow's feet that are getting worse with every year. Generally wears red reading glasses while working on his projects.


Personality: Jonathan looks down his nose at just about everyone. He thinks of himself as above the world, and is particularly disgusted by Gotham and its residents. This sense of ego and a healthy dose of sociopathy is what allows him to freely experiment on anyone he can get his hands on. Jonathan has more affection for his pet crow, Craw, than most of humanity, and even that's dubious.

Even with his general disgust for people, Jonathan will behave personably with anyone he believes could further his causes. He's particularly obsessed with furthering his research on fear, and will accept any help from benefactors. Just as easily as he'll accept them, however, he'll toss them aside when they become a burden.

Backstory: Jonathan was a child born out of wedlock. His father left shortly after he was conceived, and his mother left immediately after he was born, leaving Jonathan to be raised by his fanatically religious grandmother. His grandmother thought of Jonathan as a creation of sin, and would starve, beat, and generally abuse him over the circumstances of his birth. Jonathan, in turn, grew to loathe her. He'd look for ways to spite her, be it drinking at a young age or staying up late to watch science programs while his grandmother slept. The latter became the catalyst for his desire to pursue psychology and biochemistry. What solidified Jonathan's trauma in this stage of his life was an incident in which he was locked inside a church with a mob of frenzied crows. This experience left him with crippling ornithophobia (which he'd later conquer) and homicidal tendencies.

High school fared no better for Crane. He was mocked for being creepy and skinny, nicknamed "Ichabod" by his tormentors. Not helping was his unrequited affection for a girl, Sherry Squires, in his class. Her boyfriend, Bo Griggs, was well-aware of this and made it his goal in life to make Jonathan's life hell. In their senior year, Jonathan had finally had enough. He wore a ghastly scarecrow costume to their senior prom, brandishing a gun in the school parking lot. The terror he induced, caused Squires and Griggs to flee in a car, leading to an accident that left Griggs dead and Squires paralyzed from the waist down. Unwilling to stop there, Crane murdered his grandmother by poisoning shortly after, leaving him to inherit her assets. He was left with a fascination with fear and its physiological effects.

Jonathan's life greatly improved after high school. He went straight to college, having it in his mind to earn a degree in psychology. He made friends in his field, both among students and professors, learned martial arts and meditation to reduce lingering stress from his formative years, and spent quite a few weekends just reading and smoking cannabis. To no one's surprise, he received a bachelor's degree in psychology within four years, and took up a teaching position at Gotham State College while he pursued further his education and research further.

It was around this time that the head of the Psychology department of the school, and one of the professors Jonathan had grown close to, refused his idea of expanding the program with an emphasis on fear as the primary motivational factor in humans. Embittered by the rejection, Jonathan took it on himself to study biochemistry and developed a toxin that would induce terror in mammalian subjects. He subjected his colleague to the toxin, hoping that it would convince him of fear's importance, but the effect caused a fatal heart attack. While Jonathan wasn't incriminated for the death, it was the only murder that he'd ever regret.

With the Department of Psychology needing a new head, Jonathan took up the position and pushed it in the direction of fear-based research himself. In the meantime, he worked to get a second degree in Biochemistry and earn his PhD in Psychology. He continued this way for several years, but not without incident. Jonathan was frequently the subject of investigations for questionable practice, but most of these were ultimately dropped. His luck ran out, though, after an incident in which he fired off a gun in the middle of class to show the immediate physiological effect of fear. He was finally ousted and had his license his to practice psychotherapy revoked.

Seeing no other way to continue, Jonathan took on a life of crime in order to support his research. He spends money as quickly as he acquires it for tools and chemicals, and has made a habit of kidnapping prisoners from Arkham and Blackgate, purely for the fact that they're less likely to be missed than civilians.

  • Fear Toxin
    • Capable of rendering most normal human beings into a state of terror by inducing their worst phobias and existential fears
    • Can be administered in fluid, through syringes, orally or nasally administered, or gaseous form, generally through gas grenades.
  • Scarecrow costume
    • Built-in air filter
    • Made of a burlap-like leather, largely non-flammable, doesn't breathe very well
    • A gauntlet with syringes at the fingertips, allowing for easy administering of toxin in close-range situations
  • Scarecrow's gang (internally referred to as The Fold)
    • Relatively small at only about 150 members
    • Most of the thugs have been subjected to some form of experimentation and/or drugging to keep them docile.
    • Separated into groups of about fifteen each, with every group led by two less mentally broken admins
    • Generally called either "sheep" or "dogs" depending on their status
  • Farming equipment
    • Particularly adept with a scythe (at least, after an occasion when he disemboweled himself with a scythe)
  • Carries a firearm at all times, just in case
  • Immune to his own toxin from years of exposure
  • Proficient in a style of martial arts he formulated himself known as "violent dancing" (a mixture of the Fujian White Crane and Zui quan styles)
  • IQ in the 150s
  • Proudly holds a PhD in general psychology, and a five year Bachelor's degree in biochemistry (though his licenses to practice have long been revoked)

Extra: He is the god of fear! Worship him, you fools, worship him!
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Name: Noveira Prince

Nicknames\Aliases: Nova

Age: 23 is what she claims, 21 in reality

Gender: Female

Nova stands at 5'8, with a athletic slightly curvy build. She's toned, not to muscular, with long dark curvy hair. She's also covered in multiple scars and other wounds that litter her body in various places, but none are fresh.
Well, Nova is rather, uh unfriendly if you will. Not in the sense she isn't kind or caring, but the fact she's cold, distant, and untrusting. Though, when push comes to shove, she's more friendly than anything else. She's loyal to her friends and family, protective of any who come under her wing, and while she has some isuses, is a rather pleasant person. When she gets angry, its hard for her to calm down for a while, which can lead to her making some pretty bad decisions. One thing that you should really know however, is that she isn't afraid to kill. She doesn't take a moral highground like many of the other hero people. If there's a threat she can take care of, she does so permanently. Sure she doesn't kill often, it's more with bigger threats, but still.

If that last name seems familiar, you'd have the right idea. Noveira is another Amazon who has been ousted from her home. Though, she agrees with it, as it was her own fault, so she holds no hard feeling towards her family. It was fine other than the fact she was 15, and had no idea how anyone outside her home acted. And the only other Amazon didn't really want much to do with her. But she go by. Currently, she's a street fighter, making a very nice living because she's nearly undeafed. She also acts as an informat for the police to help catch small time crooks.

  • Brass Knuckles
  • A pistol
  • Gloves with padded knuckles
  • Superhuman Strength, endurance, durability, and agility
  • Flight
  • Hand To Hand Combat
  • Decent marksman
  • Swordplay
  • Picking Pockets
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High Concept Vengeance walking on two legs, with two guns, two targets in mind, two lives, but only one, red mask.
Red Hood
BasicsName: Jason Peter Todd
Aliases: Red Hood, Robin (formerly)
Age: 22
Gender: Male

  • Appearance
    Height: 1.83m, or 6ft
    Weight: ~100kg, or 235lbs
    Hair: Dark Red (naturally) Black (dyed) with a White streak caused by Lazarus Pit exposure
    Eyes: Green

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Name: Jean Paul Valley

Nicknames\Aliases: Azrael, formerly Batman

Age: 40

Gender: Male



Personality: Due to the effects of "The System," Jean-Paul Valley developed a sort of split personality; Himself and Azrael. While Jean-Paul Valley was kind, gentle, and could be described as a "computer geek," Azrael was irritable, violent, and vengeful. This contrast was strongly evident in this respect: As the sect that conditioned him was a largely medieval organization, other members of the Batman Family would notice that occasionally Azrael's solutions to problems would ignore easier actions he could have taken using modern technology. This is contradictory to his mindset as Jean-Paul, who would normally, as a student of programming, been very aware of the possibility of such a solution. He also had a smaller, less developed personality, which he began to regress into shortly before his death; Batman. During his time as Batman, Jean-Paul had developed a third personality that combined the intellect of Jean-Paul Valley and the bloodlust of Azrael, but lacked the empathy and compassion of Jean-Paul Valley. It has been theorized that Jean-Paul's continued mental illness was only due to emotional and familial neglect from either of his father, or Batman



  • Enhanced strength
  • Accelerated healing
  • Enhanced senses
  • Enhanced durability
  • Enhanced stamina
  • Acrobatics
  • Swordsmanship
  • Investigation
  • Intimidation
  • Hand-to-hand combat expert
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Name: Selina Kyle

Nicknames\Aliases: Catwoman, the Cat

Age: 30

Gender: Female


The Cat is a bit of an oddball, not falling into the lines of hero nor villain.

Catwoman is centered around freedom and thrill. Living in the streets, Catwoman took full advantage of her liberty into a life of crime. Fun-loving and wild, Catwoman is a natural thrill seeker, and loves the satisfaction of a job done.

Catwoman is as far from naive as you can go, and rarely trusts others. While she seems open and welcoming, this is only a facade- it is difficult to truly earn the Cat's trust.

Catwoman's sense of morals are rather flawed- while she can tell right from wrong and understood murder is bad, her helping is limited. She generally only helps the side of the law when there's something in it for her. Her fights for justice rarely are for a desire to make the world a better place, but rather are simply for the thrills or the money.

Selina, despite her refusal of action, is a kind person. While she sees herself as but a thief, she deep down wants to be loved and accepted- something that has never happened to the girl before in her life.

Catwoman's feelings are rarely expressed- she generally hides them away. However, Catwoman really just needs someone to talk to.

Backstory: Selina Kyle was born to Brian and Maria Kyle in the slums of Gotham City. Her mother was never close to Selina or her sister Maggie and would often rather spend time with her cats then her children. Her father was an abusive and drunken man who would always quarrel with Maria, a homemaker. In her spare time, Selina took gym lessons not just as an extra curricular but to sometimes avoid the domestic violence at home. One day, as she returned home from school, Selina found her mother lying in the bath tub filled with blood. Apparently, Maria had committed suicide by cutting her wrists with a razor blade. Selina’s father hated Selina because she looked like her mother, eventually he drank too much and succumbed to alcohol poisoning. Selina called the police but as soon she hung up the phone, she packed her bag and ran away from home.

Selina lived on the streets while Maggie was taking to an orphanage right away.She became a petty thief who would steal food at grocery stores. Eventually Selina was caught and sent to an orphanage. She caused so much trouble that she would be sent to Juvenile Hall. When Selina was 13 years old she was sent back to an orphanage, but she soon discovered that the place was embezzling money. They would confront her and attempt to cover it all up by drowning Selina in a bag dropped into the river. Selina escapes and returns to the orphanage. She steals documentary proof that they were embezzling money and also stole money to live on her own, she sent the documents to the police to expose them.

As Selina grew older, she became a prostitute but she was quietly a cat burglar by night, stealing jewelries and diamonds from museums and rich people's homes. One night, she stole a valuable totem from a museum when suddenly a hooded ninja interrupted her escape and took the valued item for himself. Selina followed the ninja into a warehouse, which turned out to be a secret martial arts academy. The ninja, known only as Kai, told his Sensei that she is an intruder and a thief and must be severely punished. However, after seeing her fast reflexes, the Sensei politely asked her to join the academy so that she can harness the martial arts skills, in which she accepted.

Several weeks had gone by and Selina's fighting abilities improved dramatically but her relationship with her senior Kai was far from nice. He despised Selina (who was nicknamed "Nehko-Chan" in the academy) and would deliberately hurt her during training. It gave Kai even more grief knowing that the Sensei favored Selina more than the other pupils. A few nights later, a news broke up on television stating that Batman was last seen at Robinsons Park. Curious, Selina walked to the park and caught a glimpse of the Dark Knight in action who glided out of sight moments later. She noticed that Batman was bleeding when she saw a trail of blood and it immediately triggered something in her mind: if someone can don a costume and have everyone either be happy or terrified to see him, she can do the same too. The Batman became her omen and Selina decided to become a costume character as well. She bought a cat costume using all of her savings and resumed her stealing profession using her brand new costume and ability. As she was attempting a robbery at a local store, she was stopped by a group of security guards and one of them called her "Catwoman." Selina loved the name and thus, the Catwoman persona was born.


Catsuit: Lightweight, the Catsuit allows Catwoman to use her nimble body to its fullest while still providing a sense of anonymity. It comes equipped with her claws and the rest of her gear.

Bullwhip: A signature weapon of hers, Catwoman's training with her whip is phenomenal, using the weapon as a makeshift grappling hook to swing between buildings and as an offensive tool to strike down and/or disarm opponents.

Claws: Razor-sharp claws in her Catsuit activated by pressure, her claws shred through anything it touches including Kevlar, and can use them to scale buildings.


Acrobatic: Catwoman is an incredibly gifted acrobat, regularly performing acrobatic feats that at the very least match- if not surpass- that of the Dark Knight himself. Her acrobatic ability is so incredible it has been called superhuman before.

Martial Arts: Trained in many disciplines of martial arts, Catwoman uses her martial arts skill combined with her reflexes and agility to dispatch opponents. She is known for her quick, nimble style of fighting and is capable of giving the Dark Knight a rub for his money. Selina is a master of boxing, capoeira, hapkido, jiu-jitsu, dragon style kung fu, and karate.

Stealth: Like a cat, Selina is silent while on the prowl, capable of sneaking up on military squadrons and even the Bat himself. She can break into the highest security locations with relative ease.

Thievery: A professional thief, Catwoman is a master of the art of stealing. A master pickpocket and a legendary jewel thief, Selina can rob anything from anywhere, so long as the Dark Knight doesn't show up to rain on her parade.

Disguise: Catwoman is more than capable of using disguises, fluently manipulating her emotions. She uses seduction even while outside of the Catsuit.

Escapology: Though never having her skills put to the test due to her elusiveness, at a young age she was capable of escaping from a locked closet while hog-tied with relative ease.

Deduction and Reasoning: While Catwoman is not quite equal to the IQ of that of Batman or the Riddler, she is still cunning and quick with her mind. However, her quick thinking usually comes to on-the-job ideas as opposed to forethought and planning.

Feminine Charm: Maybe not exactly feminine charm, Catwoman's greatest asset is often considered her way with others. Persuasive and seductive, Catwoman has more than once played the Dark Knight for a fool.

Feline Empathy: While not a documented superpower, felines of all sorts seem to be comfortable around Selina, willing to stay with her and on occasion even help her.

Extra: Cat.
Case File: 0256-809A "Joker"
Name: Redacted
Alias: The Joker. Referred to as The Patient in case files.
Age: 49
Sex: Male


Personality: The patients main characteristic is his apparent insanity, although he does not have any particular psychological disorder. Like a psychopath, he lacks empathy, a conscience, and concern for right and wrong. In some cases, the patient is described as capable of processing sensory information only by adapting to it. This enables him to create a new personality every day (depending on what would benefit him) and explains why, at different times, he is a mischievous clown or a psychopathic killer.
Backstory: The patient's methods are unpredictable and incalculable. He does things according to his own twisted sense o logic, and does not desire money. If there was one thing that he did desire, it would be the power to instill anarchy into Gotham by any means necessary, proving that organization is meaningless and futile. He is an exceptionally intelligent man, and this tends to be his greatest weapon against Batman, the police, and the District Attorney's office. He is often confronted by the authorities, but easily evades capture due to sick and twisted mind games he plays on them, all full of mystery. While Batman prefers to stay in the shadows, The patient basks in the spotlight, often broadcasting himself to the public and media outlets.

  • Firearms
  • Knives
  • Joker Gas
  • Exploding Teeth
  • Razor-Sharp Playing Cards
  • High Intelligence
  • Skilled Chemist
  • Access to a Variety of Gadgets
  • Experience in Hand to Hand Combat
Extra: "Why So Serious?"
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Seize the moment, ‘cause tomorrow you might be dead.


Delphine Lillian Drakon


Del (close friends/family)



True Neutral

Mercenary/bounty hunter for hire

Her area of expertise ranges from Assassinations to art forgery

  • Hair color:
    Dark brown

    Eye color:
    Bluish grey (contacts)

    Dark brown (Natural)


    1m68/ 5'6


    61 kg/ 135 Ibs

    Notable features:
    Has Freckles

    Four piercings on each ear

    Small scars over her body


    Location: Right wrist
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Name: Bruce Wayne

Nicknames\Aliases: The Batman, Batman, Bruceman, Bat Wayne

Age: Mid-40s

Gender: Male

Personality: To the public, Bruce Wayne is little more than a rich, playboy socialite, taking advantage of the company that his parents built and adding little to the world. Bruce himself would have it no other way, as it's excellent cover for his alter ego, the caped crusader, Batman.

Even speaking the name "Batman" sends fear through many of Gotham's resident low-lifes. Batman is a seemingly unstoppable force for justice. He holds no remorse and is willing to, by almost any means, put an end to crime and terror in Gotham. His only rule seems to be to never kill, to never mistake his role as being judge, jury, and executioner. Anyone he thwarts, he inevitably turns over to the law.

While his hardened persona can be difficult, if not impossible to see through at times, Bruce truly does care deeply for the family he's built. The most devastating experiences of Bruce's life have been times when his proteges were harmed, or even killed. He considers himself personally responsible for their safety, be it directly or through extensive training. Whatever madness may exist in Bruce, it's tempered by a deeply held love for both Gotham and its residents, and his own family.

Backstory: The defining moment in Bruce's life was the simultaneous death of both his parents, by a faceless criminal. This needless act of violence took its toll on the young Bruce, leaving him to be raised by the family's butler and confidant, Alfred Pennyworth. To this day, Bruce still hasn't completely recovered from his trauma. Compounding their deaths was a second trauma in which Bruce fell down a well and was swarmed by bats. Bruce was uninjured, but came out with a fear of bats that would ultimately become fascination.

That fascination led Bruce to adopting the bat as a totem years later. In spite of Alfred's advice to get a girlfriend and settle down, Bruce took it upon himself to assemble a bat-themed arsenal, including non-lethal weapons and a full-on batsuit. This "Bat Man" quickly garnered a reputation for being ruthless and efficient in stopping criminal activity. It was around the same time that particularly nasty criminals and so-called "supervillains" began popping up in Gotham city. It's been a long loop of cat and mouse ever since.

Bruce has also taken to adopting mostly young boys from Dick Grayson onward. He trains these young men in the art of crime fighting, though, they tend to leave for greener pastures once Bruce's brooding nature has grated long enough. While Bruce cares deeply for his family, his obsessive nature too often winds up driving them away.

  • Kevlar batsuit
    • Relatively light and high strength
    • Flame retardant
    • Lead-lined cowl
    • Cape enables gliding
  • Utility Belt full of bat-themed gadgets
    • Batarangs
    • Grappling hook
    • Bat-bolas
    • Rebreather
    • Bat Stun Gun
    • Batclaw
    • Bat tear gas
    • Bat bombs
    • Bat rope
    • Bat credit card
    • Too damn many, I'm not listing them all here
  • The Batmobile
  • The Batplane
  • Batboat
  • Batcycle
  • Batglider
  • Peak of Natural Human Perfection
  • Powers of deduction, world's greatest detective

Extra: MY PARENTS ARE DEEEAD. Batman does not eat nachos. Shut the fuck up, Damian.
Name: Rainer Lamar

Nicknames\Aliases: Ronin

Age: Twenty-Three

Gender: Male


Rainer is quite charming and kind, as he has a calm demeanor that is shown to everyone he meets. Though quiet, Rainer is very wordy and has a charismatic ring everytime he talks. He is very loyal and has a determination to succeed, shown when he promised his mother he'll focus on becoming a better person in her place.

Rainer is also a known flirt, as he uses and later disposes of girls for his own sexual satisfaction. However, he struggles with true romance, shown in his various past relationships.

When drunk, he is quite reckless and prone to spontaneous action, but is evidently more fun-loving.

Rainer is from a family of four, consisting of his mother, brother Julius, his father and himself. Rainer's father was an addict and often spent most of his own and his mother's income on drugs such as heroine and cocaine in the black markets of Gotham. Rainer's brother was often out of the house and moved out by the age of sixteen to start a life on his own to which his father berated. Though his father had already been beating his mother and himself, most often his mother, Rainer simply snapped one day. The fourteen year old took hold of his baseball bat and warned the man before bashing him across the head. This followed with multiple others and so his mother went to jail for the crime he'd commited, eight years. Rainer, in this time, started fresh and completed school. He joined the G.C.P.D. by his twentieth birthday. In this time, Rainer felt the officers weren't doing enough and with the inspiration of Batman, donned a costume of his own.

  • Ronin Suit: Gifted to him by the league of shadows (won't get too much into this, he is currently titled the husband of Talia al Ghul), the Ronin suit is something of great importance. The material used to make it is constantly moving to settle the wearer's need while protecting said wearer from bullets, knives and so on. The suit is also fire retardant and can withstand minimal electric shocks. The suit also holds a sword holster on the back as well as removable mask and metal-lined knee pads and shoe soles. It also enables free movement with this protection and has network connection as well as a computer screen for lenses.
  • Weapons: Ronin's weapons include countless swords, guns, smoke bombs and EMPs. Most other work is done through stealth and combat.
  • Peak Human Condition: Through h intense training, specialized diet, and biofeedback treatments, Batman represents the pinnacle of human physical prowess. His physical attributes match or even surpass that of an Olympic level athlete.
    • Peak Human Strength: Ronin regularly bench-presses at least 650 lbs. during his exercise routine. This means he's capable of amazing feats such as punching a SWAT officer through a brick wall
  • Peak Human Reflexes: Rainer's reflexes were honed to such a degree that he has caught arrows in mid flight. He has also been able to dodge point blank gunfire.
  • Peak Human Speed: He could run at speeds comparable to the finest competing athletes.
  • Peak Human Endurance: His endurance was comparable to that of the finest Olympic Decathlon participant. His lung capacity was so great that he could hold his breath underwater for 3 minutes and 15 seconds. He can survive in the airless vacuum of space for exactly 27 seconds.
  • Peak Human Agility: His agility was greater than that of a Chinese acrobat and an Olympic gold medalist gymnast. His main phase of movement was Parkour which he learned in his early days in Gotham and used that to scale the cities rooftops in an acrobatic manner.
  • Acrobatics : He is proficient in gymnastics and acrobatics.
  • Martial Arts: Rainer is well trained in multiple martial arts, he is known as the man who has mastered many forms of martial arts. His primary form of combat is an idiosyncratic admixture of Tae Kwon Do, Judo and Kung Fu.
  • Weaponry: Through his training, he has become an expert on all melee weapons. Lamat has displayed exceptional sword fighting capability and proficiency with knives, sticks and various other weapons. He practices during his combat sessions to keep his skills intact, but he prefers unarmed combat.
  • Stealth: His Ninjutsu training has made him a master at stealth and capable of breaching high security facilities without being detected.
  • Eidetic Memory: Ronin has total recall and can remember anything in great detail.
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Name: Damian Wayne
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Occupation: Son and Ward of Bruce Wayne




Personality: To put it simple, Damian is a self important, aggressive, and violent person. Although, he has showed some care towards his father, mother, and Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
Backstory: Batman was not aware of Damian's existence for a considerable time. Genetically perfected and grown in an artificial womb, Damian was intended to be a formidable warrior. He was raised by Talia and the League of Assassins, in which he becomes a talented martial artist by the time he is a pre-teen, at which time Talia reveals Damian's existence to his father and leaves him in Batman's custody in an effort to disrupt his work. Precocious, spoiled, and violent, Damian battles Robin (Tim Drake), whom he wants to replace as his father's sidekick, and sucker punches him off the T-Rex in the Batcave. Grounded by Batman, he escapes, dons a variant Robin costume made of Jason Todd's old tunic and assorted League of Assassin gear, and gets into a fight with and decapitates the villainous Spook. Although misguided and malicious, Damian seems to be genuine in wanting to aid his father's war on crime.

Alias: Robin, the True Son of the Bat
~ Skilled Martial Artist:
Trained by the League of Assassins, Damian has stated he knows just as many martial arts as Batman and can use them more effectively. This may be a largely overstated comment but one should not ask for verification. Damian may not be physically tough but he knows how to control his weight and has stated that he knows, "one thousand ways to kill a man." Damian's training has made him a formidable hand-to-hand combatant able to defeat or hold his own against multiple opponents, armed opponents or skilled hand-to-hand combatants

~ Hearing:
Damian has exceptional hearing. He is the only Robin ever allowed to fight with a hood, since he proved he could fight without seeing anything. He beat up his opponents just by listening to how they moved

~ Stealth:
Damian was able to sneak into Gotham City and furthermore into the Batcave virtually undetected until he felt necessary. Of all the Robins, Damian may be the one that is the most silent

~ Regenerative Healing:
While Damian doesn't posses the ACTUAL ability of regeneration, his mother, Talia ah Ghul, has prepared various cloned organs for Damian, in case he is in critical condition

~ Throwing: Damian is trained by the League of Assassins in shuriken throwing and further trained by Batman in Batarang throwing

~ Strength Level:
Damian possesses all the strength of a normal human male who engages in regular exercise

~ Analytical skills:
As the son of the 'World's Greatest Detective' Batman, Damian must have been given some training in the arts of being a detective. Throughout his appearances Damian has shown some detective skills in the field whether that's with a partner or just on his own

~ Escapology and Criminology: Come on, he's the son of the "World's Greatest Detective". He obviously trained and studied under Batman's teachings in the most intense ways

~ Engineering Skills: Damian was able to finish the blueprint, and begin construction of, a new flying Batmobile. Even Alfred had stated that it was an "endless source of frustration."

~ Mimicry:
Damian can imitate anyone's voice and speech patterns perfectly as he imitated Tim Drake's voice in order to gain access to the Batcave

~ Business Management:
Trained by his mother and the League of Assassins in the way of controlling a company with an iron grip. Even as a young boy he knows that in business there are wars and even in war there are assassins. Damian is involved with the Wayne Enterprises' board members. He even intimidated the board members by tracking down financial irregularities within the Wayne Enterprises' accounts

~ Acrobatics:
Damian is very acrobatic due to training with the League of Assassins...and his father

~ Swordsmanship:
Damian assaulted both Tim Drake and Bruce Wayne on separate occasions with his sword, apparently the same sword used by Ra's ah Ghul. Although Damian no longer uses his sword he may be unmatched with one if armed correctly

~ Artistry:
Damian is considered as skilled with a brush as he is with a sword
His old katana sword, he rarely uses this though
~ Smoke pellets
~ Birdarang (similar to a batarang)
~ Explosive birdarangs
~ Rebreather
~ Grappling hook
~ Tear Gas pellets
~ Line Launcher

~ Electrically charged grenade
~ Glue grenade
~ Cryptographic Sequencer
~ EMP grenade
~ Brass knuckles with spikes
~ His Robin mask (comes with assorted lenses for different scenarios)
~ His Robin suit--a combination of Jason's old Robin suit and League of Assassins materials
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It's not about what I want, it's about what's fair!

Harvey Dent

Age: 49

Gender: Male

Personality: Dent is not entirely evil. Rather, he is psychotically fixated on chance and the number 2. Almost all of his decisions are decided by the flip of a coin. This can be whether or not he will commit a crime or whether or not he'd do a good deed. He would even go out of his way to save somebody if the coin decides so. This can aggravate his mob- however, he makes up for that with his cunning criminal mind and his ruthless demeanor.

Besides his fixation with chance, Harvey is also split emotionally, with 'Harvey Dent' and 'Two-Face' switching back and forth. Harvey Dent is the remnants of the former lawyer- while having a short fuse, he is compassionate and wanting to help. Two-Face is the new, criminal emotion implemented into Dent, the one that has no qualms over killing and murder, if only to satisfy 'chance.' The most deadly thing, though, is when Harvey Dent and Two-Face have the same goal. From there on it is only the coin stopping them.


Born and raised in Gotham, Harvey Dent was brought up in a lower-class and violent household. His father was an abusive alcoholic who repeatedly beat the boy, often using a double-headed coin to give the child a "chance" to escape a beating. Dent spent much of his early life suffering from various mental issues, notably bipolar disorder and paranoia. Despite his early hardships, he was a good student and able to obtain a law degree. Deciding that he wished to make Gotham a better place, he ran for and won the position of District Attorney in Gotham. He was noted for his dedication to justice, and his seeming untouchability. When the Batman appeared, he was far from a condemner- he quickly became one of his first allies and one of his first friends.

That changed during the trial of Sal Maroni, when the mobster threw acid at Dent. The acid horribly scarred half of Dent's face, and Dent soon lost his mind, descending into criminality and an obsession with duality. He has been in and out of Arkham Asylum ever since.


Double Headed Coin: Dent's prime mode of choice is this coin, a double-headed coin with one side horribly burnt off, like Harvey.

Firearms: Dent carries a whole load of firearms, but his signature are his dual .22 caliber pistols. His second favorite would have to be the double-barreled shotgun, and then the assault rifle (so long as it fires in bursts of 2.) However, while he prefers them, Two-Face will use any weapon, 2-related or not, so long as it gets the job done.

Two-Face Gang: Two-Face's gang has gained much traction over the years, due to him being less violent than the Joker (50/50) as well as higher pay. Estimates put his affiliates ranking in more than 1,000. One can tell who a Two-Face Gang member is because they either where a mask with one side painted, or have one side of their face painted (or burned, if they're unlucky.)


Hand-to-Hand Combat (advanced): Batman taught Dent how to fight when he was still District Attorney, and after becoming Two-Face and going into crime he continued that training, with help from Deathstroke the Terminator. While not on the same tier as Batman, he can hold his own in martial arts.

Firearms Training:
While Harvey was always a decent shot, his training from Deathstroke the Terminator made him an exert at all things gun-related, and a lethal shot at any distance.

Tricks of the Trade: Harvey does have some tricks up those burnt-ass sleeves, occasionally using trick bullets (acid, explosive etc) as well as trick coins (explosive) to take down his opponents.

Law: Even after becoming Two-Face, Harvey still remains a professional lawyer. While he has been de-barred for, you know, killing people, he is still one of the most brilliant law minds in Gotham.

Leader: Take away the coin thing and the two's, Two-Face is a phenomenal leader and public speaker, convincing thousands of people to fight and die for him.

Extra: Two-Face always reminded me of Dirty Harry: "are you feeling lucky, punk?"
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Name: Ra's Al Ghul

Nicknames\Aliases: The Demon's Head

Age: 500, but he claims to have lost track

Gender: Male



Backstory: Ra's al Ghul is an international terrorist and assassin whose ultimate goal is a world in perfect environmental balance. He believes that the best method by which this can be achieved is to eliminate most of humanity. Ra's usually tries to assault the world's human populace with a biological weapon, such as a genetically-engineered virus. He is aided in this quest by the Lazarus Pit, reservoirs of rejuvenating chemicals that restore the dying to life; these pits have granted him a lifespan of several hundred years.

He considers Batman his worthiest opponent, and has frequently sought to make the Dark Knight his successor. He is one of the few criminals in Batman's rogues gallery to have deduced his secret identity as Bruce Wayne. Ra's usually refers to Batman as 'Detective', possibly in recognition of his formidable mental prowess, and the intellectual battles in which they engage, as opposed to Batman's traditional physical conflict. For his own part, Batman's opposition to Ra's is complicated by his love for the villain's daughter, Talia.



Name: Jared King

Nicknames\Aliases: The Arkham Knight (since this isn't purely based in the Arkham-verse), The Man Without Fear

Age: 23

Gender: Male



Personality: Jared is what some would call a "knight". He is very driven by the League's code and finds most important to stick to it. Patience is one of the several virtues of Jared, for he recognizes the importance of it. Therefore, he isn't quick to anger. Neither really extrovert or introvert, Jared is a good people person but values his alone time. Although he still has a tad bit of that city mentality

Backstory: Similar to that of Damian's birth, Jared was artificially grown. He, unlike Damian however, was not related to the Bat. Instead, Jared's real father was kept a secret and is still currently unknown. His mother, on the other hand, was quite obvious in sharing her identity--her identity being Talia ah Ghul, the same mother to Damian. In a way, Jared and Damian are related, but not to the full extent. Born years before the thought of Damian, Talia placed Jared in the most intense training programs the League had to offer. As the grandson of The Demon (Ra's), Talia wanted to impress her father with her perfected child. And while Jared didn't live up to the full expectations of Ra's, he did impress him once and awhile. Much like his younger brother to come, Jared had phenomenal hearing, plus his senses were heightened to an inhuman level. Jumping ahead ten or so years, Damian is born and in his infancy stage. As Jared expected, Talia, Jared's mother, put Damian to the same tests. This time, however, Ra's was most impressed with Damian's effort, even at such a young age. Of course, Jared's jealousy grew, but he would never expect the events to come. Talia and Damian disappeared for a month, when Damian was ten years old. When only Talia returned, Jared had to ask what happened to his little 'sibling'. His mother simply stated that Damian was placed into the care of his father, the Batman. Jared had heard multiple stories of this 'Batman' but he never believed them to be true. In response to Jared's question, Talia also ordered Jared to 'watch-over' Damian, and make sure that he doesn't sustain too much damage from his father's foes. Hesitantly, he accepted and in-turn, Talia gifted him a new suit that the League had created; the suit was meant for Ra's, but he insisted that it be given to Jared, as a complimentary gift for his hard work. Nowadays, he stalks Damian and his father on the rooftops, following the orders that were given to him by his mother.

  • Arkham Knight Suit
    • Red regions of suit are reinforced and durable against blades and firearms; armor-piercing rounds or high-powered rifles can penetrate it though
    • Carbon nanotube-based alloy helmet---"near indestructible"
    • Every other part of the suit, not mentioned, is light-weight but provides mediocre protection against handgun bullets and small blades
    • Lenses in helmet can switch between night vision, infra-red, and normal vision
    • Modernized hard-toe boots (self-explanatory)
  • Weapons/Gadgets
    • Two Billy clubs that fit into the left leg pocket (used in combat and scaling buildings); can be combined together to form a staff
    • Sonic grenades (used for distortion or distraction)
    • Thermal Detonators (tiny, metallic, grenades that explode on impact)
    • Smoke Grenades
    • EMP grenades
    • Tear Gas grenades
    • Shurikens (although his have a distinctive resemblance to that of a birdarang)
~ Peak Physical Condition: With training under the League of Assassins, Jared has acquired an astonishing physical body to help in his mission. His strength, speed, and stamina is compared to that of an Olympic level (he has broken bricks, bent steel, and flipped a limousine) and has peak human reflexes and agility
~ Martial Arts: Under the teachings of the League, Jared has utilized the martial arts forms of ninjutsu, aiki jujutsu, jujitsu, judo, kung fu, capoeira, aikido, bojutsu and escrima, combined with American-style boxing
~ Super Senses: An ability that he was born with, this technically makes him a meta-human

+ Radar Sense: The Knight's heightened senses allow him to "see" what's around him. His radar sense is similar to echolocation
+ Super Hearing: The Knight's hearing functions are so well, that he can hear a person's heartbeat at a distance of over forty yards, or people whispering on the other side of a standard soundproof wall, at a distance of more than twenty yards. While standing on a rooftop, and concentrating, the Arkham Knight can hear all of the sounds that a city and it's populace produces for a radius of 3 miles
+ Super Touch: The Arkham Knight's sense of touch is so acute that his fingers can feel the ink on a page allowing him to read by touch. He can also feel minute temperature and pressure changes, including body heat from people standing nearby
+ Super Smell: Jared's sense of smell is so precise that he can focus on a person's smell and follow it through a crowd of people at a distance of 50 feet or gunpowder from a sniper rifle almost 5 blocks away. He also has a great ability to remember smells, so he can identify people by smell alone
+ Lie Detection: Jared can tell whether a person is lying by listening to changes in their heartbeat or by smelling their sweat when they are under pressure
~ Agility: Due to the fact that Jared's sensory organs have such a high level of development, his inner ear, which controls the equilibrium and motions of the body, is also highly developed, aiding him in acrobatic feats that may surpass even Olympic-level athletes
~ Tracking: The Knight's heightened senses make him particularly adept at tracking people. He uses his sense of smell to track their scent and his sense of hearing to discern vocal patterns, heartbeats and gait

~ Stealth: He's spent a decade or so training with the League of Assassins. It's quite obvious that a good portion of that time was spent in blending in with the shadows and becoming a proficient assassin
~ Intelligent: Jared King is a skilled lawyer and has encyclopedic knowledge of law and Gotham City statutes. He has a Juris Doctor (doctorate of law) from Gotham University and also possesses the equivalent of a self-taught masters of applied sciences in mechanical engineering. He is an accomplished strategist, as well as an expert in interrogation, disguise, medicine, science and detective work
~ Regenerative Healing: While Jared doesn't posses the ACTUAL ability of organ regeneration, his mother, Talia ah Ghul, has prepared various cloned organs for Jared, in case he is in critical condition. This is a shared aspect between him and his brother
~ Throwing: Jared, like every other League member, is trained by the League of Assassins in shuriken throwing

~ He's a newly hired lawyer for Wayne Enterprises

~ He refers to Damian as squirt
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Mara Al Ghul


The Red Demon

The Demon's Thumb














Mara is a self-serving girl. Selfishness born out of her stubbornness, her mind locks onto a single goal and she devotes her all to it, whether it seems obtainable or not. She cares very little for those she considers weak, and uses people to obtain what she wants in life. While others rely on the people around them to achieve their dreams, Mara believes that one must rely only on themselves for it to count. Her grandfather has raised her to consider depending on others as a weakness and allies and friends as nothing but liabilities.

She can be obnoxiously cocky, but thinks of it as simply earned confidence. With her long list of successful assassinations, she feels like she has the right to be self-assured. When facing any foe she does not find pleasure in the mere act of fighting, but knowing that she is proving her worth to her grandfather. She will stop at nothing to bring honour to the League, and not even the safety of those under her leadership will get in the way of her completing a task.

Mara's goal is one of selfish intent. She has been trained all her life to be someone special, or she likes to believe. Under her grandfather's care, she has learned to do nothing but show her undying loyalty like her father before her. Because of this, she is obsessed only with pleasing her grandfather, even though is rather obvious his lack of pride in her. This feeling of inadequacy has led to her developing insecurity issues, which much of her personality flaws can be attributed to. Of course, she will never admit to it, and will never open her eyes and realize. As far as she is concerned, as long as she keeps doing good, one day her grandfather will be proud of her. Until then, she compensates with ignoring the needs of others and flaunting her superiority over those beneath her.


Mara Al Ghul is the daughter of Dusan Al Ghul, the White Ghost, and granddaughter of Ra's Al Ghul. Her father had passed when she was but an infant, and she never received the opportunity to know him. Despite this, she had heard many stories of him from the woman who birthed her of how loyal and formidable of a man he was. These stories, however, were often rebuked by her grandfather who painted him to be loyal but an unworthy son. She learned early on it was because her father suffered from albinism. Something Ra's informed her she was lucky not to have been born with, otherwise she would have been useless to him.

Growing up in the League of Assassins was no easy task. They trained hard, even as children, and she and her peers were often times scarred for life. Luckily, she was exceptionally talented, and it quickly became a situation where she usually did all the scarring, unless up against her cousin, Damian. Since the day she started her training, Mara had always been informed that her cousin was to be her grandfather's star child. The one he would have lead the Demon's Fist, despite Mara feeling as if she could be a much better leader. This caused in her a contempt for Damian that could not be described in words. It was not just the fact that their grandfather clearly held him in higher regard, but that Damian was a cruel and contemptuous competitor whenever they spared together. During one of their sparring sessions with Ra's al Ghul, Mara had attempted to strike the boy when his back was turned after being humiliated by him, only for him to counterattack and leave her scarred for life across her right eye.

For years, Mara played second-fiddle to her cousin. And for years, she grew ever more bitter about it, which her grandfather encouraged. For him, the constant tension and desire to outdo each other only helped to make his grandchildren stronger. But when Damian left, Ra's was not happy. Mara, on the other hand, was ecstatic when she found out. It meant she would become her grandfather's favorite grandchild and he would see that he had been overlooking her all those years. Unfortunately, she had been to idealistic about Ra's simply having an epiphany and promising her the Demon's Fist. Instead, her grandfather had a directive for her. In order to prove her loyalty, and as punishment for failing to meet his standards for so long, Mara had to sacrifice someone close to her...her mother.

In her lifetime, Mara had never truly looked at the woman who raised her as a mother. She held no particularly important standing in the League, other than she was an above-average assassin who specialized in poisoning. But the order she was given caused terrible conflict in herself. If her mother was gone, then she would have no family to turn to except her grandfather. And while it had always been her life's mission to bring pride to him, a small part of Mara had always been aware of her fear for such a life. There would be no one to show her compassion when she needed it, and no one to tell her tales of her father painted in a positive light. It was a pivotal moment in her life. But in the end, her obsessive need to prove her worth won out, and she completed the task.

Satisfied with knowing her loyalty stood with him, Ra's continued her training and Mara put her all into it. Before, she always had a lingering worry for her health, as the woman who birthed her always chided her on remembering to care for her well-being first and foremost. But with that voice of reason gone, and her conscience with it, Mara soon learned to adopt the belief that the mission was all that mattered. That putting her devotion to her grandfather over her own life was how it should be. However, despite proving herself time and again, she never managed to receive the same level of pride from her grandfather as her traitorous cousin. Eventually, she was offered the head position of the Demon's Fist, but she first had to complete her inauguration mission. In order to do so, she has headed to Gotham City.


A modified Khopesh sword, with a more pointed tip.

A Khopesh dagger that she typically dual wields with her sword.

Demon mask that she typically keeps on her face to hide her identity and show loyalty to her Grandfather.

Carefully concealed poisons she hides on her body, in case of need for infiltration.


Artistry: Mara is considered as skilled with a brush as she is with a sword. She deeply enjoys painting, especially when she can mix a little of a successful target's blood with her red paint. It helps bring her paintings to life and give them that little bit more of authenticity.

Martial Arts: Mara received the exact same training as her cousin, Damian Wayne. Through relentless training in the League of Assassins, she has taken out more people than the average amount of murders that occur in Gotham. Give or take. She is trained in many forms of martial arts, and likes to imagine she excels in them, as well.

Stealth: Mara was able to sneak into many high security facilities and compounds. She wouldn't be a very competent assassin if otherwise.

Swordsmanship: Mara is a skilled swordsman, and usually relies on this ability during combat. While she is an exceptional hand-to-hand combatant, sword-fighting is her preferred method of combat and she feels most comfortable brandishing her sword. There is a bit of a psychological reason for this. She feels the need to constantly prove her swordsmanship skills, as in her younger years she received a scar over her right eye from training with Damian.

Throwing: Mara is trained by the League of Assassins in shuriken throwing.

Tracking: Mara is an exceptional tracker. She managed to track down her cousin to Gotham, without any help. She has also tracked multiple targets of her assassinations. It is a talent that even her grandfather has remarked on, as she seems to have a natural knack for it.

Poisons: Mara is well-versed in poisons due to her mother.

Brilliant: Mara is devilishly brilliant. She can plan ambushes and set up traps quicker than you can blink. She has not only the mind of a tactician, but is also undeniably intelligent. She studied under some of the best, as Ra's did not find education to be something take lightly. No one wants a bunch of dumb assassins running around.

Perceptive: By studying someone's posture and body movement, Mara can guess their next move. It is not only extremely helpful in battle, but in social situations as well. There are obvious signs that indicate lying or even a tell that she can easily pick up on, unless you're trained enough to keep such things under control.

Adaptive: Mara is a stubborn girl, but an assassin nonetheless. She is skilled at adapting to her environment or the situations she is in. She can even go incognito, though she prefers combat over acting.

Agility: Mara is quite flexible, and has adept reflexes. She is by no means an acrobatic prodigy, but she is far more agile than the average assassin. Her reflexes are what she is mostly proud of.


Ra's has sent her on her mission solo. None of the League know that she is in Gotham, not even Ra's, though her grandfather can easily guess based on the nature of the mission.

While Mara has a deep desire, near obsession, with gaining Ra's pride, she also has a desire to redeem her father's legacy.

She has heterochromia. Her right eye is crimson and her left eye is green. It is a very noticeable trait.

With but a single photo of her father, Mara considers it an important item to hold onto and keeps it on her, at all times.​
Character Sheet:

Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot

The Penguin
Pengy (By Ivy and Harley)


Due to the beating he suffered for betraying Fish Mooney, one of his legs was permanently damaged having never healed properly, forcing him to walk with a noticeable limp with many comparing it to a "penguin". Later on he started utilizing a Penguin themed cane to aid him while walking.
At first glance Cobblepot appears to be milquetoast, subservient, and somewhat of a sycophant. In reality he is an ambitious and cunning sociopath who is willing to do whatever it takes to obtain power. Despite this hunger, Cobblepot is patient and uses his high intellect to concoct plans in order to reach his goals. Virtually every move he makes is premeditated to a certain degree.

Even when things don't go exactly as planned, Cobblepot is highly adept at playing the hand he is dealt for the best. Among the more darker parts of Cobblepot's personality is his tendency for violence. He is more than willing to kill someone when he feels it's necessary and does so without pity or remorse. He speaks with a constant smile, often talking fast and shaky, with variant levels of flattery to whom he speaks to, often sarcastically.

Despite his malice and ruthlessness, he has a softer side and a degree of humanity when it comes to his mother whom he loves deeply and devotedly and his father whom he also loved but knew for a little amount of time. He also started to care about Edward Nygma and became a close friend.

Born as the son of Gertrud Kapelput and Elijah Van Dahl, Gertrude left Elijah without even telling him she was pregnant. Oswald Cobblepot was then raised solely by his mother after his birth and was told his father died when he was young. It is implied that he was bullied as a child from a statement "Oswald, don't listen to the other children" which he said his mother said to him. She used to sing to him at night and tell him that some day he would be a great man, developing his desires for power and to move up in the world. He eventually entered the criminal underworld through Fish Mooney and her gang, where he received the nickname "Penguin", which he despised.

Oswald was at some point made an inmate of Arkham Asylum after his men abandoned him and was tortured by Hugo Strange. He was then released, encountering his father Elijah Van Dahl. However, while staying with his father, Oswald's step-mother and step-siblings plotted to kill him out of jealousy. Instead, Elijah was the one who died, at the hand of his step-family. This crime was soon discovered by Oswald, Causing him to have a psychotic break and murder his step family in revenge, returning to his true self as The Penguin. Making a return as the kingpin of Gotham's criminal underworld gaining the support of many of Gotham's citizens in the war against Hugo Strange's monsters and running a campaign to become Mayor of Gotham. After suffering a betrayal at the hands of Edward Nygma and Barbara Kean who took control of his criminal empire, he survived a failed attempt on his life and planned his revenge against them alongside Ivy Pepper.

After defeating Nygma, he opened up his own club named the "Iceberg Lounge", where he operates from. Oswald and Edward have an and off partnership. It usually ends up with one or the other out for blood, yet it can still be beneficial for both parties.

  • Umbrella
  • Knifes
  • High-level intellect/Expert tactician/Leader​
  • High pain tolerance/Indomitable will​
  • Intimidation​
  • Master of Deception​
  • Network​
  • Singing​
  • Skilled marksman​
  • Torturer​
  • Toxicology​
Being called a freak by someone not close to him, triggers a rage inside of him and the person on the other end ends up very dead.
Oswald loves Edward and has declared this to him, although the feelings were seemingly not reciprocate and has ended up causing alot of trouble in the past.
Oz has cheated death a couple of times.


Penguins henchgirls Jay, Raven and Lark​
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Name: Pamela Lillian Isley

Nicknames\Aliases: Poison Ivy, formerly known as Dr. Pamela Isley

Age: 28

Gender: Female



Personality: Ivy is a seductress in all terms and uses her charms and beauty to get what she wants. She is highly manipulative and knows exactly what buttons to push if everything fails or unable to use her pheromones. Denying all that is human inside her, she was able to negate the part of her she perceives as weak, as vulnerable, naive. The part of her that was betrayed, hurt, and abused. To the untrained human eye she might appear cold and careless towards humanity, she does however, seem to have a certain weak spot for the infamous Harley Quinn.

Backstory: Pamela Isley was born with a skin condition - an aversion to sunlight. Though the doctor had prescribed her a lotion to protect her, little Pamela's abusive father had forbade her from going outside. On one occasion, when her mother allowed her to play outside, he had angrily punched her in the face, giving her a black eye. As if nothing had happened, Pamela's mother stepped outside and began gardening. Seeing her daughter there, she explained that she liked gardening because the flowers listen to her, and sometimes, if she stays very quiet, they speak back to her. When Pamela had asked about the black eye, her mother had assured her it was nothing to worry about. The abuse continued. Every time he hit her, Pamela's father bought his wife's forgiveness with flowers, and her garden would grow. That was how Pamela learned that flowers could manipulate people. However, she also learned of human cruelty when her father murdered her mother, burying her under her own garden before being arrested.

Ivy was transformed by a science experiment gone wrong into a plant-human hybrid. With chlorophyll flowing through her veins instead of blood, she developed a toxic touch and a pheromone-fueled talent for seduction. Her crimes have become more ecologically focused as she has increasingly abandoned her human side, identifying more with the natural world. Her unique brand of eco-terrorism often puts her into conflict with Batman, whose iron will usually protects him from her seductive powers.

Gadgets\Equipment: Mighty Toxins, Seduction, Botany

  • Pheromone Control: Ivy is known to be able to seduce men and women alike, often using pheromones to do so but even without the pheromones her beauty is still an asset that can seduce.
  • Superior Immune System: Poison Ivy possesses immunity against all common poisons as well as the Joker Venom.
  • Toxic Kiss: She can create hybrid toxins, she secretes from her lips. She has been know to be able to control her victim’s minds. Ivy can create the most potently powerful floral toxins in Gotham City.
  • Control Over Plant Life : Poison Ivy can control plants on a molecular level. She can grow new plants as well as modify current ones, creating hybrid plants. She can also control the plants, bending them to her will.
  • Chlorokinesis: A semi-mystical connection to the plant world through a force called the Green that allows her to communicate with people through plants.

Extra: -
Character Sheet:

Harleen Frances Quinzel

Harley Quinn





High intelligence
Exceptional agility and strength
Immunity to most toxins
Olympic-level gymnast
Exceptional hand to hand combatant
Can survive long falls due to Poison Ivy's stamina inducer
Harley also carried an assortment of clown-themed tools, although they rarely proved effective. One of her signature weapons is an oversized, wooden mallet which she swings around with surprising skill despite its unwieldy appearance. Another weapon in her arsenal is an oversized revolver with a cork in the barrel. The cork usually contains ropes to tie people up or knockout gas.

Athletic, agile and dangerously unpredictable in a fight, Harley Quinn is a formidable opponent in her own right. She is willing to do anything in order to further the Clown Prince of Crime's goals—no matter the cost to anyone else or even herself. Her energetic, affable and animated personality is enough to make almost anyone drop their guard—a mistake that could easily cost them their life. Deranged and psychotic, Harley Quinn is the poster girl for chaos' terrifying allure.

Harleen Quinzel was once a career-oriented psychiatrist, whose life took a radical turn when she chose to spend a semester interning at Arkham Asylum . Upon meeting Dr. Joan Leland for the first time, the more senior doctor warned the eager and vastly inexperienced Harleen to be careful around the inmates. Originally drawn to the "glamour" of the inmates, she was unexpectedly intrigued by the Joker
She organized regular therapy sessions with him, during which the Joker manipulated the inexperienced Harleen by telling her tales of a cruel father and an abusive childhood, mixed in with his early attempts at comedy. He made her laugh as much as he made her cry, and she fell hopelessly in love with him largely based on sympathy.
After Joker's latest escape and re-capture by Batman, Quinzel went insane and adopted the clownish persona of Harley Quinn; her first act was to break Joker out again. Thereafter she was his semi-constant companion and lover. She occasionally broke away from him, but always ended up going back to him in the end. For the Joker's part, while he had found her to be an annoyance some of the time, he was able to skillfully manipulate her to serve his needs.

- Hates fish
- Can't swim
- Has pet Hyena's named Bud and Lou
Name: Alexander Henry Patterson

Nicknames\Aliases: Lord Blade

Age: 30

Gender: Male



Personality: Think of him as a very warped version of Batman. He is very cold and dark man, mostly because of his past. He is, like Batman, master of many arts in many fields (but in most arts, with the exception in swords-man ship and psychology, Alexander is far less skilled than he is). However, what sets him apart from Batman is his twisted morality and how he is even colder than Batman. He is willing to let people for "the greater good" as he calls it. For example, if Joker is about to gas a room of people and he runs away, Alexander will go after the Joker as that means less people will die. He will also allow a huge swath of his Blades to die if it means he can escape as he believes that he is more important than them and can do more good in his lifetime then they could if he died. As you can tell, Alexander also has a bit of an ego

Alexander was born to a normal family inside Gotham. He was a prodgey in school, learning quickly but also boasted about it, showing how he was so much smarter than everyone else and how the should venerate him for his excellence. He soon made his way up and, by age 18, he had already had a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master swordsman. However, this all came crashing down when his parents were killed by one of the Joker's thugs

This infurated Alexander. He had already been opposed to how Batman dealt with the Joker and other high-ranking criminals, saying they should be killed as there was no way to save them. His death tipped him over the edge and he and a few like-minded individuals soon founded "The Blades". This group was an organization that would go out and kill criminals who they said could not be redeemed. However, they decided to start outside of America and started in the United Kingdom.

Soon, after 12 years of work, their organization had grown to around 300 members. However, the group had grown more radical as Alexander, their leader, grew more radical. During those 12 years, he slowly started to think that all criminals should be killed, from the heads off gangs to the lowly street vermin. However, the biggest change was something called "Reconditioning". If a criminal proved useful enough or someone wanted to join the Blades, they would be totured via sleep deprivation and drugs to fight all crime no matter the cost and to always protect Alexander at all costs

Now, Alexander, or as he is better known as the mysterious Lord Blade, turns to Gotham. He not only to stop all crime in the city, but to bring "justice" to Batman by destroying his "Bat-Family" one-by-one so he knows what it's like to loose someone

Smoke Bombs
Vial of Posion

Master Swordsman
Master Psychologist
High Resistance to Toxins from training
Strong will (so don't get any ideas Ivy)

Extra: If anyone wants a character to join the Blades or make a Blades' character, please PM me
Name: Edward Nygma

Nicknames\Aliases: The Riddler, Ed

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Appearance: gotham-season-3-episode-17-review-the-primal-riddle.jpg

Personality: The Riddler has an obsession with riddles, puzzles and word games. The character frequently delights in over-stating his "intellectual superiority" and on forewarning both Batman and the police of his capers by sending them complex clues. Nygma is known for being a smooth talker and having a very high IQ. However, this is tempered by his intense narcissism, histrionic behavior, underlying egomania.

: The Riddler's compulsion stems from parental abuse that he endured as a child. After Edward got high scores on some important tests in school, his father, unable to grasp the fact that his son was brilliant and believing he had cheated, beat him out of envy. This, in theory, left him with a strong internal desire to tell the truth, and prove his innocence. This desire manifests itself in the form of his obsession with riddles. His madness, as well as his descent into crime in general, may also have roots in a yearning to rise above the anonymity that he possessed in his youth.

After college he started working in the forensic lab of the GCPD, that's when notably the first signs of his split persona came to daylight. His former workplace is also where he met his on and off partner and aquaintance Oswald Cobblepot. The two of them are friends as well as partner in crime. Their partnership however could only be described as troublesome. Under Oswalds guidance more or less he managed his eventual criminal push through, adapting the name "The Riddler" and from then on choose to be called that rather than Edward Nygma.


  • Genius-Level Intelligence: The Riddler is a surpreme problem-solver, criminal mastermind and is also shown to be skilled with engineering and technology. Hacking as well as decoding of crypted data.
  • Expert Detective: He possesses great deductive skills and analytic ability comparable to Batman.
  • Independently Wealthy: Riddler has a vast fortune that he has acquired over years of crime as well as legally.

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