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Basic training


=^● ⋏ ●^=

@Mint Sorry for such a long wait, I kinda forgot then I got caught with adult life stuff x_x


Jaxton 'Jax' Pierce




Fun-loving, boisterous, and energetic, Jaxton is one who can really brighten up the room. Even though she's seems to be one that's easy going, she's definitely one with a tough exterior not letting many people get close to her. Thanks to her older brothers, they sure did toughen her up, making she doesn't take any crap from men. She's definitely one to put one in their place if they were to get on her nerves. Jax is also one who definitely who speaks her mind without restraints, not really thinking about the consequences. She usually hangs around the few amount of female soldiers that decide to join the military as she's more comfortable around them.

Jax had grew up being incredibly good at keeping her grades up to the standards of her parents to appease them to say the least. Her parents were very loving, but were strict in the education area. When she neared the end of her senior year of high school she had wanted to join the military, but was too late as she had already gotten accepted into college. Couple years later, she had upset her parents by dropping out of college so suddenly. To add insult to injury, she had join the military. However this time she felt she was more physically and mentally capable of being in the military as she went through many workouts and training preparing her.


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No worries, the same happened to me. First day off in a week!


Gansey Kuzmich




Stern and too the point, Gansey was bred to be in the military. His father, grandfather, and five brothers had no other option but to join this world. Gansey, the youngest of seven kids (one older sister, five brothers), grew up being pushed around from his siblings and babied from his parents. No one expected him to do well in the military, but they were all proven wrong when he began to steadily move up the ranks. Over the years illnesses or war had taken away everyone Gansey called family, now all he has left is himself. The once baby of the family, full of life and love is now the hardhearted, stone faced Captain of multiple groups below his rank. When he isn't busy sacrificing his life to this world, he would most likely be found at the closest source of water. His ultimate life goal is to leave behind the military and sail to the farthest land possible- even if that means betraying the family legacy.



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First day of summer. She could tell, the blazing heat, how it was hotter than other days. It was also because it was her first day being on the military base for her basic training. Of course the first day was just getting everybody situated and assigning them to their barracks.

Jax finally did it, despite her parents protest, she joined. Her brothers were more than proud of her and wished the best of luck to her, reminding her to make sure to keep in contact and that their parents will surely get over her departure. Many of those who also decided to join in on the military, were standing around, talking to each other. Jax had stay close to a few girls, waiting for orders.
Gansey, stood at attention in front of the Nation's flag, sweat trickled down his neck. He gazed down at the new recruits, frowning. They all looked so full of hope and joy, and within a few hours that all was going to change. It was the same every year, hundreds would join, but only a dozen would make it out of the basic training. Breaking his gaze from the recruits, his green eyes grazed the far away sea, there was nothing more he wanted than to be on a ship and far away from here. Before he could get too lost in his thoughts, a hand clamped down on his shoulder, bringing him back to his reality.

"This looks like a promising bunch,eh?" said his commander, Kaz.

"You say that about every group," replied Gansey.

With a sigh, Kaz shoved Gansey's shoulder, which meant it was time to introduce themselves to the new recruits and welcome them to the hardest thing any of them would ever go through.Following Kaz, Gansey strode down the the cement stairs and down into the training grounds and stood with his arms clasped behind his back, his head titled upwards, and legs inches apart, waiting for Kaz to begin.

"ATTENTION!" boomed Kaz's deep voice across the grounds, "Everyone stand at attention like my solider, side by side in rows of eight," he said as he nodded back to Gansey, "and prepare for your training orders".
Jax jumped at the booming voice. She could say she wasn't the only one who was startled by it. She got in her position between a girl who she had been talking to for a few minutes, Cassie was her name, and a young man who she hadn't gotten the chance to introduce herself to yet. She clasped her hands behind her back, tilting her head upwards a bit. Of course a bright smile was planted on her face.
Kaz stayed at the front of the group and motioned for Gansey to walking between the rows. As Gansey walked between the rows, he fixed some stances by kicking their legs a little more. Some, he just ignored and moved on. As he walked past Jax, Cassie, and a few others, he tapped their shoulders and went to Kaz, nodding in approval.

"If you were tapped by my solider Kuzmich, consider yourself lucky. You get to stand watch around the camp," he chuckled at his joke. "

Come forward, now. The rest of you are left to find the barracks and get accustomed to your new home. Training starts tomorrow for you all." as he finished, he patted Gansey on the shoulder and went back the way he first came from.

Gansey stood at attention and waited for the others to stand in line in front of him. He felt sorry for them, he had to do this task the his first night too, and it was horrible. He hasn't be apart of the night watch for a few years now, and he could only imagine what new things they had come up with.
She watched the rest of the group disperse only leaving the few that were tapped to move up and get situated in a line. Jax could hear Cassie let a small sigh pass her lips. "It can't be that bad, Cas." She nudged her friend slightly to at least a get a small smile from her. "At least we're both stuck here."

She turned her gaze to the man that stood in front of them. How bad could it seriously be?
Gansey looked at the group that he has picked, and sighed a little. Maybe he should have picked a stronger looking group, but he could only hope for the best now. Prior to this, he had decided to not lie to them like those in the past had done to him.

"Tonight," he started, looking at the setting sun in the distance, "is going to be one of the hardest nights you will ever endure in your stay here. Those that make it through until morning, congratulations. You can guarantee you will make it through the rest of the training. The rest of you, well, there's not much I can say. "

He turned and made his way to the small building located behind him, he signaled for the group to follow him. Inside, he instructed them to gather the things they thought they would need. Various tables had various supplies. Some table included shoes, jackets, and hats. While others held weapons and herbs for healing.

"Take what you think you will need or what you can fit in the pack provided to you," he motioned to the back door where packs lined the walls. "The only rule is to wear the orange shirt, so we know who is trainee and who isn't." He turned to the front door, and stopped, "Watch starts in an hour." he said as he left the building and headed to Captain's Quarter's to watch.
After he left, Jax watched as other started gathering what they need. "Jax, what are you waiting?" Cassie called out to her. "Just wanted everybody to get their stuff first." She shrugged, as decided to grab a orange shirt first to slip it on and grabbing a pack. She made her way towards the table looking at the various things that were placed on the table, some of it being gone already.

She ran her hand against a pistol deciding to add it to her pack. Of course she'll have things more situated when the time comes and will probably have it by her side. She picked up a knife, bringing the tip to her finger checking the sharpness. She moved on next grabbing some herbs, putting that in her pack, then grabbed a jacket for her to put on.

She noticed others had packed their packs to the brim, she shook her head slightly. Won't that make it hard to move around? "Guys, I think you're all packing way too much. I'm sure we will be moving a lot and having that much stuff will make it hard to move." Some had acknowledged her, listening to what she said as the other half had ignored her. Jax sighed shrugging, grabbing a rifle and making her way towards Cassie. "Hey, at least you tried." Cassie said, swinging a arm around Jax's shoulders.

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