• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Pure of Heart, Dumb of Ass
Roleplay Type(s)

American Teenager - when the party's over - End of Beginnings - Forever - Castle On The Hill - 7 Years - Orange Juice - The View Between Villages - Take On The World - You're On Your Own Kid - Barton Hollow - Ribs - Fine Line -

While this roleplay will draw heavily from One Tree Hill in terms of aesthetics and vibes, and even a quote or two,
this is not set in the One Tree Hill universe and does not include any of its characters who belong to Mark Schwan.
(ALSO, this is an OLD RP idea from another site that had died far too early on, and the GM had ghosted, I have merely adopted the general plot as my own, and claim no creative properties or crdence, merely wanting to revive it as all)



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Imogen Renwhick
The Valedictorian | Attire | #AC7339


Location: Bordeaux Gallery | Mood


Seven years. Seven god damn years. Eighty-Four months since they had all graduated from highschool. Two-Hundred and eight weeks, four years since she had been back in Barton Hollow. And two years since she had last seen Kat-Imogen didn't know what was worse, the fact that she'd be seeing some of the people that she hadn't properly seen in seven years for the most part, or that it had been seven years already. Seven years since everything seemed to have started to fall apart. She couldn't decide which was worse, how that much time had gone by, or that it felt like no time at all. Being back in this damned town, and it somehow felt like nothing had changed...But here she was, in front of the sit-down mirror in the small bedroom she had been staying at since she arrived back in Barton. All because Kai had offered Imogen a room in the house he had inherited from his grandparents.

There were far too many empty rooms for just me, stay as long as you'd like, he offered.

As much as Imogen had wanted to turn down such an offer, she had known that there wasn't exactly many options for a place to stay here, going back to the family home was an absolute no. Imogen would have been damned if she had to see her parents again at this damned event, nevermind that house. Hell, they hadn't even spoken a single word to Imogen after they had come out back while they were all still in highschool. It was nearly eight years at this point of no contact with them, how embarrassing would it have been for Imogen to have come crawling back for a temporary place to stay, they'd rather die than go back to the Renwhick house. And truth be told, Imogen would have been happy to have found a place outside of Barton until they had everything figured out, but Kai had immediately reached out when he heard that Imogen was back in town, and even with things having been slightly awkward between the two, more on her end than Kai's, not for a lack of trying from him, anyway. So who was she to say no?

Imogen let out a soft sigh as she finished applying the last bit of her makeup, staring at her reflection a bit too long. Imogen haphazardly tied their hair up into a semi-messy, half ponytail and called it a day. She wasn't exactly one for presentation now a days, which was one thing that changed drastically in the seven years since she had left Barton. But Imogen was going to at least attempt to look the part for this, even if this wasn't their usual style of clothing.

You dare show up dressed like that? Imogen could already hear the sound of her mother's voice in her head, 'Yes, it's what he would have wanted. We all made the pact years ago anyway, we'd dress as slutily as possible for an event like this, it's what they would have wanted', what a childish promise they all had made back then.

She used to dress cleaner, neater. More feminine. Stereotypical. Everything her faith-based parents wanted. But, as she left that house, and their rules, stepping out of her shell and safety net. Imogen was now more comfortable in the way she presented herself. Loafers and combat boots for shoes. Tight jeans or slightly baggy dress pants, (occasionally a dress or even a skirt, however rare), with a blazer and long sleeve shirt underneath. But today Imogen decided on a relatively casual, black pant suit and blazer ensemble, with a partially sheer shirt. It would have to suffice for the overall vibe she had promised to go for. If only her mother saw her today, Alycia would have a stroke, and maybe...Imogen wouldn't mind paying to see it, how morbid of a thought it may have been. She shook her head of those thoughts. She wasn't here to spite her parents or anyone else. At least not fully, it wouldn't hurt to ruffle some feather in the process anyway. She was here for a friend who just got out of hospital not even a few days ago. The memory of being woken up in the middle of the night from a frantic Tilly was still fresh in her mind, Imogen already had a flight booked and set up in less than fifteen minutes of the call. It seemed like that was the one final push she had needed to come back to Barton...Shaking her head, Imogen finally turned around in the chair as she got to her feet, clasping the final necklace into place. It had been a gift she had been given years ago, and had worn it more often than she would have liked to admit. It was a way for her to stay close, even if they had fallen apart...

"You ready to go see uncle Benji, pumpkin?" she finally spoke up, her voice was soft and gentle as Imogen reached a hand down to the small girl, who was currently preoccupied with her toys on the bedroom floor. The young girl barely paying attention before being given a gentle tap on the head. "Let's go see Benji." she repeated again, this time signing as she spoke. The young girl nodded and awkwardly fumbled to her feet, grasping Imogen's hand with her own much smaller one. Why her damned sister had to leave her daughter with Imogen before this blasted party, as she went to their parents house for something last minute, Imogen didn't want to know. But whenever she was given a task, she'd see it through to the end, and all Imogen had to do was make sure her niece arrived at the gallery. Won't cause any panic at all, certainly not. But at least Kai was gracious enough to not even bother worrying about a toddler staying with them for a few hours, which was a reprieve.

A soft whine sounded from one of the corner's in the room as Apollo raised his head, "You'll have the house to yourself for a few hours, bub." she patted the head of the dog before exiting the room, toddler hoisted up in her arms. Imogen made her way downstairs and opened the front door of home, making sure to use the spare key Kai had given her, and stepped outdoors, Imogen made her way to the taxi that would take her to the The Boudreaux's gallery. To this god damn party, where nothing would go wrong at all, why would that thought even be a possibility?


The car-ride wasn't as long as she had initially thought it was going to be, or hell, even as long as she had hoped. But here she was. On her way to confront all of her ghosts from her past. Hell, she didn't plan for life to go this way until now. Especially now. Mentally preparing for all of the eventual I told you so's, from basically everyone that was going to be there. Especially if certain things would be brought up. And as much as Imogen would hope for it not to, it would only be inevitable, all things considered.

But here she was. Alone. Going to a party where most likely everyone would be better off than she was, following their respective prospects and life goals. Something she had been fearing, and even a little envious of, if she had to be honest. It seemed like nearly everyone else had their shit together, meanwhile Imogen was merely faking it until she couldn't anymore. Maybe they were right after all...

But, Imogen knew they'd have to put on a brave face if only for the night, and it's exactly what she was going to do. She felt the car slow and then finally come to a stop. Almost immediately feeling her stomach plummet as a lump formed in her throat, and a pit slowly forming in her stomach. Her hands already starting to feel sweaty, and she hadn't even seen anyone yet. She was just overreacting, that was all. Sure. That was it.

"Alright, miss! Your destination has arrived!" the cabby called from the front seat. He was on the older side, salt and pepper colored hair, a mostly clean shaven face, if not for a finely combed mustache and kind eyes. But his accent wasn't from around here, so not local to Barton, New York, maybe? Imogen wasn't exactly sure.

Snapping Imogen out of their hazed stupor. "Oh shit, right. Thank you!" she stammered, as they handed the man the money and opened the door of the cab, gently taking her niece's hand with her own, giving it a gentle squeeze before exiting. Stepping out into the fresh air, Imogen took a deep breath as she looked around at the building. Yup, this was indeed a party. Good to know the Bordeaux family never changed either. They would take any reason at all to throw some sort of event if given the right reason, and apparently that didn't stop at the morbid occasion of their only son's attempt? Anyone say out of touch and reality? But if it gave them a reason to flash their wealth and contribution to the town? They'd jump at the occasion, ignoring the grizzly details and reality of why they were actually all here. Ever the cruel parents.

Imogen rolled her eyes at the thought before she waved the cab off, and made her way to the front door of the lavish building. How a town such as Barton Hollow ever had the funds for such a building as this, was always out of anyone's knowledge. This town wasn't exactly known for its wealth anyway, aside if you were the lucky few to live in the 'Upper's' side of Barton, that was what everyone called the part of the town near the water and pier. All of the richer homes and families had taken up residence there, while everyone else in the middle to lower classes managed to scrape by with moderate housing, at least. But not the Bordeaux's. They were somehow the exception.

Without even having to knock, the door opened as she stepped up to the front door. Awkwardly fixing her hair at the very last minute before giving a small nod to the man that welcomed her into the gallery. Immediately being greeted by dozens of faces she didn't exactly recognize, but some she did. Giving small awkward nods and waves, small hellos as she weaved through the crowds until she found herself rather literally stumbling into an all too familiar faces. One she hadn't seen in years.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry-Imogen?" an all too familiar voice shouted in surprise.

Imogen awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck as she locked eyes with none other than her own sister, Lilliana, who was in the middle of conversing with someone Imogen didn't know.

"Yup, that's me." she said awkwardly, flashing her sister a small smile.

"Oh don't give me that shit, and get over here instead you dumbass!" she exclaimed as she practically tackled Imogen into a bear-hug. Somehow narrowly missing the small child that still clung to Imogen by the arm.

The hug in question, almost took the other girl off her feet, and onto her ass. But thankfully Imogen had been anticipating it and managed to hold herself grounded enough. "Hey Lils'" she greeted cheekily as she returned the tight embrace.

"Have you seen the others yet? I've already seen a few." Lilliana gave a knowing smirk, before gently taking her niece's hand in her own.

"Nope. Just got here, but I'm sure I'll see some of them soon enough." Imogen awkwardly nodded.

"I'll take Alice until Beck gets here. Pretty sure I saw mum and dad somewhere a bit ago. I'd suggest finding Ben or one of the girls before they catch you." Lilliana stated, before gently picking up the toddler in her own arms, "Let's go find gran, huh?" she beamed, before taking one more look in Imogen's direction, "How about you go find your girlfriend?" she chided before disappearing into the crowd.

"She's not my girlfr-fuck..." Imogen mumbled under her breath, before fishing out her cell-phone from her jacket's pocket.

To Ben:

'Where are you??? I'm now plus one-less.'

To Tilly:

'Going to track down some form of drink. Be my plus-one, come rescue meeee?'

Imogen swiftly tucked her phone back into her jacket's pocket and began to make her way around the gallery, certainly there must be someone who she recognizes around here that won't cause an immediate fuss, as well as a welcomed distraction, tonight was going to be a long night...

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Tilly Bordeaux
The Golden Girl | Attire | #d193a7


Location: Bordeaux Gallery | Mood

The party was barely starting, and Tilly was already exhausted. Then again, it had been her running around all day, chasing down caterers and decorators and cleaners. She used the same companies for pretty much every event, and they knew how to run things exactly to her liking. Even still, she was stressed. This wasn’t just any party. Her parents had not only decided to throw a party for Ben’s “homecoming”, like they didn’t all know exactly why they were there and that it wasn’t something worth celebrating, they’d also decided that it was to be Tilly’s first event that she’d organise for them. She’d managed to get away without having to do it thus far, probably because her mother was such a control freak when it came to their own parties, but she was far too preoccupied trying to seem like the fussing caregiver over Ben.

Because, of course, the minute he was home, she’d stopped trying. At least she wasn’t openly berating him like she used to, but that was probably because he largely kept himself to himself, except at meals. Still, at least the party had given Tilly an excuse to be around the house more to keep an eye out for him. Something in Tilly had broken when she’d gotten that call, and now, she was done turning a blind eye to her parents’ awfulness. Perhaps if she’d stood up to them sooner, she could have helped Ben before it got this far. Perhaps then, the first time she’d spoken to her twin in years wouldn’t have been because their brother had tried to kill himself. Perhaps they never would have stopped talking.

She’d excused herself to her office to get changed. If she was being honest, she’d never let herself believe this moment would actually come. She’d dreamed of it as a teenager, wanted nothing more, and had had the dream ripped sharply from her hands. And now, here she was. Not in the way she’d imagined, not at an event she’d hoped for, but still. She closed her eyes as she pulled the dress on and thankfully managed to zip it up herself with ease. But of course she did. She knew this dress best, had spent hours pouring over the design, the fabric, the cut. Placing the zip, what type of zip to use. And it was custom made to her measurements as well. First of a kind, but hopefully not the last. Katie was already doing the research on scaling up production to get this piece, and the rest of the Matilda collection into stores. When she opened her eyes and saw herself wearing something her own mind had created, she was almost overcome with a wave of sadness. This wasn’t how it should be. But it was. The thought of her parents having to pretend like they approved of this erased the sadness, however, and she managed a smile as she stepped into her yellow court shoes. As she made her way into the main hall, her phone buzzed with a text. She read it and grinned, heading for the bar and searching for Imogen the whole time. When she caught up, she poked her friend in the shoulder with a laugh. “And I was worried I’d be overdressed. Should have known you’d have my back,” she teased.
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Ben Bordeaux
The Writer | Attire | #458b74


Location: Bordeaux Gallery | Mood

“A party.”
“For you.”
“That you didn’t ask for.”
“To… celebrate you?”
“Actually, they alternate between it being to celebrate my homecoming because I’m the prodigal son and I have come home, and to show me how much support I have around me. Like Tilly didn’t have to fight tooth and nail to get all of my old friends invites.”

Ben’s therapist rubbed the bridge of his nose, having to take a moment to understand exactly what he was hearing. He wasn’t the first therapist Ben had ever had, but he was the first one Ben actually liked. He was the first one to treat Ben like a person and not a fascinating case study. He actually listened and was open to trying different approaches instead of trying the same few methods every single therapist had tried.

Scheduling a therapy session just hours before this ridiculous party had seemed like a bad idea at the time, but Dr Ramsay was adamant on the twice weekly sessions, and was going to be away the following day. So pre-disaster therapy it was. But Ben found himself slightly more centred as he got himself ready for the event. Maybe it was the external validation that this was a ridiculous idea. There was a part of him that felt awful for dreading it and feeling like it was a waste of time, because he’d seen how hard Tilly had been working for it. He was pretty sure she also thought it was a ridiculous idea, but her bravery and resolve had only lasted through a single objection, before relenting and agreeing to their mother’s plans. Still, he appreciated that she’d tried. But the good doctor had pointed out that if Tilly also thought it was a ridiculous idea, she wouldn’t be mad that he didn’t want to go and was only going out of obligation.

He’d remembered a joke that he and Imogen had made years ago. They’d made it with funerals in mind, when joking about how miserable they were was the only way they could cope. But, well, if he knew Imogen, they’d be sticking with it. His options were perhaps a tad more limited, so instead he decided to lean into the overdramatic. The thing was, he actually preferred his patterned waistcoat and plain trousers to any fine suit his parents would have had him wear if they’d had their way. He felt like his author self rather than the shell of a person that had been raised in that house. His meds had given him a little more stability and clarity, and his doctor was helping him think his way out of the loops and pits his brain liked to abandon himself in, and both of those things had led to one conclusion; staying in that house was going to cause his recovery to stall and possibly collapse. But he was still too “fragile” to move back to the cottage, Tilly’s apartment was tiny, and he didn’t have anywhere to go just yet. The thought of finally being able to leave was honestly a fantastic motivator for him to take his meds, go to therapy, and actually do the exercises they gave him.

His parents flanking him on their shoulder, he managed to fix a fake smile on his face as they made their way into the gallery. His parents got sucked into a conversation with somebody Ben didn’t know, and Ben slipped away, deciding to take the opportunity to try and find people he actually wanted to talk to. His phone buzzed with a text from Imogen, in search of company. When he turned around to try and spot her, he realised that she’d already found somebody to talk to. It took him a moment to figure out who it was - Tilly. Wearing a dress he’d never seen before, standing with a confidence he barely recognised. His wallflower of a sister had finally blossomed, it seemed. He smiled, and decided to see if he could track down his other sister. She was bringing a surprise along with her, making sure they took the focus off of him, and he couldn’t wait.

  • MOOD: trying not to laugh so hard

    OUTFIT: here shoes

    LOCATION: Bordeaux Gallery
    INTERACTIONS: benjamin bordeaux, kor anders

    MENTIONS: kor, petras, tilly, imogen
    TL;DR: balloon corsage + bleh parents + gnc fiance = ???
    elaina lainey
    "A balloon? Really Kor?"
    The two of them had pulled this trick several times before, especially with their adventures in crowds. With how small Lainey was, she had gotten lost more than once in cities and squares. But this was different, she was home, at a gallery her family owned, so, she assumed as Kor tied the balloon onto her wrist, there was an ulterior motive to this little debacle. They shrugged, glancing up at her through perfect lashes.

    "I don't know how big of a crowd there's going to be, and I don't intend to risk getting you lost in a bunch of boring bureaucrats or aristocracy or what have you. Besides, it'll be a very good icebreaker for you. 'Oh, Lainey, you're here! Hey, what's up with the balloon?'." They sighed, chuckling a little as they spoke. "It takes the edge off of things. An advantage, one might say."

    Ah, that nervousness. Of course they were worried. Lainey had already questioned them at least four times on the walk there if they were ok with this plan, even as it had been their idea, and even as they had answered yes time and time again, she could tell they were still concerned about the possibility of it all not working out. "Hey, hey, look at me. Can you please look at me Kor?" she whispered, a soft smile on her face as they obliged. "We don't have to pull the whole genderfuckery plan, ok? We can just come out and say you don't... conform to the norm, if that's what you want." she assured them. They smiled, chuckling a bit.

    "Are you kidding me? Getting a chance to fuck with your parents, your supposedly homophobic parents, at that? I'm not backing down from this for the world, flower." they said as they approached the gallery. "After you, fair maiden." they teased, gesturing their fiance inside.

    The two immediately split up, the balloon serving as Lainey's marker for where she was. She sighed, watching them go for the bar as she wandered the gallery for a while. Not for any particular reason, just to wander. The paintings were mostly boring or something of an incomprehensible mess to her, not that the work wasn't good, it just... wasn't her style. She sighed, eyeing the people around. Mostly old, wealthy people with old, wealthy people clothes and old, wealthy people smells. Out of the corner of her eye, she managed to catch Imogen, and she smiled a little. She had stayed well in contact with the girl, especially with her European escapades.

    Turning to face her, she could see... Tilly. Matilda, her Tilly, her sister. It took everything in her to stop and remember that wasn't true anymore. She sighed, stepping back a little and pulling the balloon down closer to her (a harrowing feat, as far as she could tell the damn thing nearly hit the ceiling). She sighed, trying to find someone else she knew. She wanted to talk, to yap about all the things she had seen, about her brother, her fiance, the future she was both ready for and afraid of.

    And speak of the devil, was that Ben in her peripheral? She paused, smoothing her skirt down and waddling over, waving to him. "Ben! Ben, hi, I made it, sorry I'm late!" She was about ten seconds away from crashing into the man and holding him tight and never letting go.
    and i can go anywhere i want
    anywhere i want just not home
    and you can aim for my heart go for blood
    but you would still miss me in your bones
    code by valen t.



david arthurs
the dropout | Attire | #3e5c59


Location: Bordeaux Gallery | Mood

David hadn't made it back to the US quite as quickly as Imogen had, even if they were living in the same apartment. He had woken up to find that she was gone, and it had taken him a few hours to find out what the hell was going on. Which of course left him with all the admin bullshit of making sure they didn't have any interviews or gigs prepared for the next week or so. Not that he blamed Imogen for going that quickly. Ben was like her brother, of course she'd try and be there as soon as she could. And David could deal with most of the admin bullshit over the phone so he wasn't even stressing himself out trying to read and write emails. (There was only so far spellcheck could go, and it frequently gave up hope on David.)

It was a few days later before David could get a flight out, meaning he only got back into town the day before this big ass party the Bordeaux family was hosting. It was perhaps the worst case of rich person bullshit David had ever come across, but a lot of the people that were attending were the only reason he hadn't dropped out of school earlier, so he did want to show his face. Even if going back to that town felt like stepping back into a five year nightmare. Even if it felt like ghosts were haunting every corner. Even if it reminded him of humiliation after humiliation. He wondered if any of his old contacts were still around, if they'd have something that could make dealing with all of this bearable.

When David had asked Imogen what he should wear, she'd reminded him of a rare joke he'd actually been a part of. A promise that if any of them died, everyone else would dress slutty at the funeral. And sure, this wasn't a funeral, but it would piss off the Bordeaux dickheads, so that was excuse enough for David. Combined with his makeup, he was confident that he fit the part perfectly. They'd probably think that everything they had said about him in the first place was right, but he told himself he didn't care about that any more. Maybe that way, they'd gossip about him instead of Ben.

By the time he reached the gallery , the party already appeared to be in full swing. Not that it was much of a party by his terms, but there was literally no other word that could describe this shitshow. He could see the bouncers move to stop him the moment he started approaching the steps, and he let them. It was only once he reached them that he flashed his invitation with a smile. The confusion on their faces as they looked him up and down, before looking at each other, before shrugging and letting him pass gave him far too much pleasure. But as he walked in, he began to realise that there may have been another reason for their confusion.

He was the only person he could see dressed in any way actually slutty. The whispers began to spread almost immediately, but he just brushed his hair out of his face and sauntered straight through the crowd. He had no idea who or what he was looking for, but he had to look like he had a purpose. As he did so, he walked and sent a text.

To: Imogen;


Katie Hensley
The Rebel | Attire | #850b7f


Location: Bordeaux Gallery Mood


“I’m sure your friends are great, but I’m asking about you.”

Katie swept her hair over her shoulder and held her phone to her ear. “And I’ve told you that I’m fine. It’s just meeting up with some old friends,” and Gen, she added mentally. “And persevere with people showing off their fabulous wealth.”

“Sounds like New York.”
She could picture Blake’s face as he spoke. He was always smiling, like there was some inside joke going on and he was the only one in on it.

“It’s exactly like New York. Just mini. Like I said, I’ll be fine.” She searched through her bag, checking her essentials were neatly packed. “Never had you down as such a worrier.”

“Hey, just because you’re used to taking on the world alone doesn’t mean you have to.”

Katie paused and pressed her lips together. Fuck. “Yeah, I know.” Even she could hear the lack of conviction in her voice. She zipped up her bag and headed downstairs to check on Theo. Living with Theo was easy, he was so laidback he was practically horizontal, despite the media frenzy surrounding his every move. Still, his assistant had been smart enough to rent the place in an alias, the last thing either of them needed right now was a team of paparazzi on their doorsteps. “Habit of a lifetime.”

She paused her footfall halfway between the steps when she saw Theo waiting on the couch. He was wearing a black and white monstrosity of a shirt and jeans. Katie shook her head and pointed to his room, waving at him to go.

“You know my offer still stands, just say the word.” She could hear the rush of traffic through the phone. Katie never thought that she would feel homesick for New York, but she had also thought she’d be a married woman by now and here she was without a ring. Barton Hollow had always felt like a small town, but after years of being in New York, it felt desolate and suffocating.

Katie sighed. Theo was holding his arms up in a ‘what’ gesture. She repeated her gesture for Theo to go to his room. “I know. And if it feels like the world is crashing in, I will let you know. But I am a whole grown woman who can handle my shit,” she continued, climbing down the stairs. She indicated to Theo to follow her to his room. “Anyway, I need to go, I’ll call you later.” She hung up before she could hear Blake’s goodbye in its entirety.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“We need to look hot,”
was Katie’s answer while she rifled through his wardrobe.

While her back was turned, Theo kicked the scattered paraphernalia under his bed. The last thing he wanted was another lecture from a bleeding heart. It was bad enough that David was going to be at the gallery with all his faux concerns. I’ll sell you the drugs, but god, don’t use them, Theo. What a fucking hypocrite. It wasn’t like he’d taken a lot, just enough to take the edge off the nerves. “Ouch.”

Katie had one of his shirts draped over her arm. “Ben’s parents are dicks and they’ll hate it if we turn up in anything other than church clothes.” And absolutely no other reason. There was no one at the party that either of them needed to prove a point to.

The confusion on Theo’s face cleared. “Oh, so we’re dressing like sluts.”

Katie handed the shirt to him, along with a casual suit. “Slightly classier than that, but you’ve got the spirit. Get changed, quick, and I’ll book an Uber.”

Theo watched the town roll by out the window. The place had barely changed since he left. He could still pick out the places they used to hang out, the place he’d had his first kiss, the path where he’d gone ass over tea kettle on his scooter and broken his arm, the routes to his friends’ houses etched into his memory more than any lines in a script would ever be. He felt Katie’s hand in his. She squeezed his hand and he squeezed back. He hadn’t even realised he’d been picking at his sleeves until she had.

The car slowed to a stop at the gallery. Katie’s hand tightened in his. “Breathe. We look hot as fuck and it’s all gonna be good.”

He got out of the car and headed round to Katie’s door, offering his arm as she left the vehicle as well. “You’re being suspiciously well-behaved,” she said as she took the offered arm.

Theo suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. This was Katie he was talking to, not any of the others. She was cool. The annoyance was gone moments after it appeared. He felt himself slipping into the same act he always did. “Can’t I just be in a good mood?”

Judging by the crowd, they were one of the last ones to arrive. They wandered, idly admiring the artwork, pretending they knew anything about modern art. Katie looked over the crowd and felt her stomach drop. Gen. Fuck, she looked good. Suddenly her iron-clad confidence faltered and she froze, half-pulling Theo back. She was suddenly very engrossed in the artwork beside them. “I don’t think I can do this.”

Theo looked over his shoulder to see Tilly and Imogen standing together. He pressed his lips into a thin line and looked back at Katie. “Undo your jacket.”


“Undo your jacket. You wore that bodysuit for a reason, so fucking show it off. Gen fucked up, show her how badly.”
He was speaking quickly, and he wasn’t quite sure if it was the drugs racing around his system or not, but he wasn’t gonna think too hard on that one. “You’re Katie fucking Hensley, who gives a shit about what anyone else thinks?”

Katie nodded and shook her hair out. “I’m hot shit,” she answered, loosening the buttons on her jacket. “And we can get through this.” Katie stood up a little straighter. Not quite Oscar-worthy, but convincing enough for their audience. “Drink?”

“Sounds perfect.”
His arm slid around Katie’s waist and he guided her to the bar.

Petras was already at the bar when they joined him. He was probably the only other person in the room the two of them didn’t have a complicated history with, and the bar was always the best place to people-watch. He watched mostly watched Lainey, trying to figure out why she was tied to a balloon. Normally, he would have gone over to speak to her, but she was with her brother, and that was a whole load of complicated that Theo didn’t want to deal with. Ever. And someone had to stop Katie from having a panic attack every time Imogen moved. “So,” he looked between Katie and Petras. “What are we drinking to?”


Theo Kos
The Actor | Attire | #6e250b


Location: Bordeaux Gallery Mood



Kai Greymore
The Star Athlete | Attire | #154c79


Location: Bordeaux Gallery -

If Kai had to be honest, he never expected to be back in Barton Hollow in a million years, well, at least not like this. Not for some damned 'party' that one of his old best friends parents thought would be the only proper way to 'welcome him home', pathetic really, especially if someone as dimwitted as Kai knew it was all some sort of sick game and facade. If anything, Kai never would have thought this whole friend group would be coming back for Ben, out of all people. If it was to be any of them to have pulled this, well, let's just say Kai never would have thought it would be for any of his friends, anyway. But, ever since he got the call, that was all Kai had been able to think about and mixed with the collective cocktale of medication from his doctor since being home after the injury, Kai wasn't in the best of places. Which is probably why he reached out to Imogen asking them if they had a place or not to stay while back in town. And while Kai never said it, it was clear to anyone else that he didn't want to be alone. Not like this. Not in this large old house where too many memories of his childhood were. The good and bad. Like the time of when he fell out of the large oak tree in the backyard and broke his arm, or the countless nights when Kai and his friends would all take out sleeping bags and blankets and strewn them all around the lawn and watched the stars above, if not making a make-shift projector and screen to watch old movies on, while his grandparents made them dinner and a plethora of snacks for the night.

But now, now Kai was all grown up, he was an adult this time and he was so ever alone. The house had stayed in pristine condition, as housekeepers came by weekly to keep it clean and organized before the prodigal grandson came back home to claim what was his. Which was safe to say a mystery to Kai, why had he been the one to get the entire house and fortune from his grandparents when he had two older siblings who could have collected it much sooner than him? That was another thought for another day, Kai figured, as he pushed himself out of bed. Groggily rubbing his eyes as he yawned. scratching his head. What time was it, anyway? Kai collected his phone from the table next to his bed and nearly fell out of bed when he saw the time, he was already a half hour late to this damned event, fuck. Kai had practically scrambled out of bed and into the bathroom, taking a quick but desperately needed shower. Gathering the various pieces of clothing and jewelry he had been given from Katie, Kai looked at himself in the mirror. He had already felt so out of place, this wasn't his preferred style of clothing at all, but he wanted to help support his friend and her line of work, and he'd be damned if he didn't do it any justice. The part he was mostly worried about, was the makeup. Kai was never a big fan of makeup on him, at least not when he was younger, but as the years went on, and the different people he met along the way, his comfortablity shifted and became more lax. Besides, if this was a way of helping piss off Ben's parents, this would definitely do it.

Kai fidgeted as he fixed his hair in the mirror, finishing up the makeup and applying the one earing to his right ear. This is gonna be fine, totally fine Kai's hand shook as he finished up everything, and gave himself a proper last look over. The only requirement he had asked of Katie, was that whatever she had in mind for him to wear, it came with long sleeves and didn't show off his back too much. After the injury he sustained and countless surgeries, Kai's self esteem had taken a rather large blow and he felt more out of touch with his own skin than anything else. But here he was. As much as Kai wanted to do something, to help take the edge off his nerves, Kai knew better, he had to be sober for this event. At least for a few hours, anyway. He could make it. Kai retrieved his phone from the jacket's pocket

omw, you can kill me later xoxo

With a final look in the mirror Kai gave a small, self reassuring nod, collected himself and made his way out the front door, how Imogen didn't realize he was still home when the two of them left, he didn't know. He wasn't going to judge too much, anyway. All he could think of on the way there was all the different ways that something could go wrong, more so how he would end up saying the wrong thing, and pissing the wrong person off, or accidentally making matters worse between two others. Why he was invited to this whole thing was still such a question he didn't exactly get, but it was for his friend, and he would never forgive himself if he didn't go. The taxi finally came to a stop outside of the gallery and Kai took a deep breath. Sure, he could have drove himself here, but knowing him if he did, he would have changed his mind halfway and gone back home. This way he had no manner of which he could control whether or not he actually arrived or didn't. Handing the driver some cash, Kai finally got out of the car and made his way to the entrance of the gallery. Awkwardly flashing his invitation to the men outside the door as he was allowed in. Awkwardly looking around, Kai had felt more out of place now than he did when it was just him earlier, why was he the only one dressed this way.

Looking around, it didn't take very long for him to find the people he was in search for, well, that was only after he had managed to see two people from the corner of his eye. Imogen and Tilly, they both looked absolutely stunning, anyone with eyes could see that. Kai swallowed hard and shook his head, he'd try to talk to them later, maybe. With about as much faux confidence as he could, Kai strolled across the gallery floor and over to the bar, forcing a large smile on his face as he approached three figures at one end.
"Well would you break me a piece off of that Kit-Kat Bar, huh?" Kai joked, as he gave a small bow and nod at Katie, before looking at Theo and Petras, "My brothers." he smiled awkwardly, before looking back at Katie, "Please don't tell me I look as awkward and out of place as I feel. Cuz I honestly feel like an out of place peacock."



Ben Bordeaux
The Writer | Attire | #458b74


Location: Bordeaux Gallery | Mood

As Ben surveyed the room, looking for something or someone to distract him, he instinctively found his gaze drifting towards his parents to see who they were prattling their good parents act to today. He recognised the woman they were talking to almost immediately, and it made him feel like something awful was making itself at home in his chest and stomach. Mila, Peter’s mother. The woman he’d thought he would call family, the woman who had made sure that their wedding was more than just a registry office affair. The woman whose voice he could have sworn had been the one to answer the phone the last time he rang Peter. His memories of those awful few minutes were blurred by pain and dizziness, so he couldn’t be sure. He didn’t want to believe that was the case, but there was a part of him that knew.

He shook his head slightly just in time to hear a voice calling his name, one that made him smile despite himself. He turned to Lainey and his smile turned into a half laugh at the sight of a balloon of all things tied to her wrist. He closed the distance between them in a few steps and wrapped her in a hug as tight as he could muster. “Laines, you’re not late in the slightest. Don’t you know in high society that fashionably late is actually perfectly on time,” he teased as he released her. “You look absolutely fabulous! The balloon on the wrist is an… interesting choice, but I can get on board with it,” he teased. He was more than willing to hazard a guess as to whose idea it had been, and it just made him like them all the more.

“So, come on. Where is this fiance of yours? They must be a pretty remarkable person to capture and hold the attention of my charming youngest sister, I simply have to meet them.” Despite the fact there were minutes between Tilly and Lainey, Ben still relished in calling her the youngest. He wasn’t even joking about wanting to meet Kor. He’d heard nothing but wonderful things about them from Lainey, and after all the bullshit they’d all been through, Lainey deserved somebody who would cherish her like they seemed to. And, well, he figured that it was probably best that they met each other before their parents encountered Kor. Just in case they made the poor person want to turn and run for the hills.

Written in Collaboration with partially-stars


Imogen Renwhick & TillyBordeaux
The Valedictorian & Golden Girl
#AC7339 & #d193a7


Location: Bordeaux Gallery - Mood

Imogen had already began making her way towards the general bar area before stopping, noticing exactly who the three figures standing at one of the ends were. At least one of them she was amicable with, the other two? Hadn’t spoken a single word to in two years, she could already feel that wave of nausea forming in her stomach. Her hands already began to sweat, as Imogen found herself mindlessly fidgeting with one of the rings on her hand, an old hait she had picked up back in highschool, it was an all too familiar and obvious sign of how anxious she was. Thankfully just as Imogen had managed to find the ability to breathe again and was about to turn around like a damn coward, she felt someone nudge her shoulder before hearing an all too familiar voice, and right now it was incredibly welcomed as a distraction.

“Oh I wouldn’t dream of letting you down, of all people, darlin’.” she playfully replied, as Imogen gave her friend an all too tight and excited embrace. They had already met and caught up when it was found out that she was back in town, not that they hadn’t been texting the entire time for updates on how Ben was. And somehow, it had felt like the old days, but the feeling of neverending sadness had just as quickly swooped back in without an invitation, as she remembered why they were actually all here again. This wasn’t a celebration, not the happy kind, anyway. Nevermind what the Bordeaux parents may have tried to say otherwise.

“It’s what he would have wanted, ya know?” she playfully added, with mach sadness before shaking your head, “But no, let me tell you, the moment I see either of our parents…That’s when I may let some people down.” Imogen chuckled for a moment, before taking a deep sigh before averting her eyes to the ground and trying to subtly turn both of them away from the direction of the bar as she looped one of her arms with Tilly’s, “So, how are things with the gallery going? It looks amazing, Till. You should be proud, I know I am.”

It was as Tilly was making her way towards the bar that she realised exactly who would have awaited her there. One person she would have loved to speak with, one she knew for sure didn’t want to even look at her, and one that it hurt her to even just think about. Thankfully, before she ever got there, she found Imogen. The embrace was welcome and much needed, even if Tilly would never admit it. They both seemed to relax as they turned away from the chaos. “You make it sound like disappointing either of our parents is something that’s difficult to achieve,” she retorted with a slight smile on her face, just loud enough that only Imogen could hear it. The physical contact of linked arms helped to further ground her as they walked away from the bar of nightmares.

“It’s… it’s going well,” she said as Imogen asked her about the gallery. She was proud of what she had done, proud of her work, but it was impossible for her to muster any real enthusiasm about it. Not tonight, when she’d gotten a glimpse and a reminder of what she wanted. But she couldn’t exactly talk to Imogen about how excited she was, because it would mean talking about Katie, and it didn’t seem fair to do that to Imogen. So the gallery was all she had. “I mean, I just… run the events. That’s about as far as I’m trusted. Running free events was scandalous enough for father dearest, and even though they’ve proved successful at getting people to come back, I still don’t think he’s convinced,” she mused. “But I’m still making him money and making my mother look absolutely fantastic, so they’re happy.” She shrugged, knowing that of all people, Imogen would understand. “Anyway, enough about me and my boring ol’ life here back in boring ol’ Barton. How are you? How’s the band? How’s England?” She gushed, her whole demeanour lighting up when she didn’t have to pretend to be loving her life as it was.

Imogen couldn't help but laugh slightly at the comment of how easy it would be either of them to dissapoint their respective parents, which wasn't wrong in the slightest. Imogen could have sworn even just a glimpse of her now would send either of her parents into a spiral, and that wasn't even counting on the fact Imogen hadn't even spoken a word to them in nearly eight years at this point. Which, on one hand was a blessing, it had been the best she had ever felt not having their grasp and control on her anymore, but on the other, it stung for not having that connection to people she once loved so much. How a part of Imogen still felt like it was her fault that they didn't want anything to do with her, nevermind even hear anything about what was happening in her life. Her sisters had made sure of that much, they were miles above their parents, but they also didn't exactly do anything either to try and help mend what was broken. Not that Imogen would have asked that of either Beck or Lilliana, they knew how their parents were after all, once they made their mind about something, that was it, there was no coming around to it, especially not when they inevitably find out that their already disowned second daughter was now openly gay...Imogen sighed and shook those thoughts from her head, it wasn't the time for that right now.

At the mention of how the gallery was going, Imogen couldn't help but sigh in exasperation and roll her eyes. Nothing really did change, did it? The Bordeaux's were still just as stubborn and hardheaded as Imogen remembered, even when it was proven that all their children were incredibly talented and well more responsible than to take care of mediocre tasks. But just like Imogen's parents, they'd never change. This whole 'party' was a prime example of that lack of willingness to change. And it broke Imogen's heart, seeing her best friend still repeating the same shit even after all these years, god did she deserve so much better than this bullshit treatment. "Well they're just fucking stupid." Imogen basically blurted out finally, shaking her head, "If they can't see how damned talented you are and nevermind capable for more? Well, that's on them, so fuck 'em, I say." she gave a small shrug of her shoulders, it was never much of a surprise that Imogen never liked the sibling's parents anyway, even as children, but now this time they could actually speak their mind, and so they did. "Sooner or later they'll have to see what they're missing out on, and the potential- no, the pure skill you have and what you actually want to do, and it'll be their loss and kick in the ass."

Imogen gave a reassuring nod before letting out a small sigh when the topic was finally changed and brought back to how things were going in England. Well, wasn't that a damn question, huh? There was a lot she could have said and talked about, but Imogen didn't want that to be talked about just yet, let alone right now where anyone could overhear and be spread like wildfire. "Well..." she started, "The band is going alright, I suppose, with the whole EP thing having dropped just two weeks ago and all that shit..." her voice dipped for a moment before continuing, "And England is lovely as ever, me and David had our own apartment and everything, obviously-" wasn't going to bring up the fact it was the same one Imogen had originally got when she had initially moved there with- Imogen paused for a moment and sighed, "But uh, I was actually primarily working as an English teacher at a Secondary School, if you can believe it or not, me, a damned teacher," Imogen let out a laugh, something that her parents had wanted Imogen to be, and now look at how things were, utter shit, "Don't get me wrong, I loved it and was good at it, one of my students actually wrote a paper for finals before summer break, and I got told that they were going to be getting into college because of it and even considered turning it to an editor and see how that goes so...I suppose you could say I was good at it but...I dunno, not exactly where I thought I would be right now.."

Imogen’s reassurances made Tilly smile a little. It was hard to put her actual issues and hesitancies into words. It wasn’t that she doubted her capabilities to survive on her own; she knew she could. She mightn’t get the success she’d dreamed of, but she would get the freedom. At this point, she’d take being able to leave this town forever and never look back even if it meant never being able to follow her dream of actually working in fashion. She just didn’t know if she’d ever get there. If she’d ever escape or if this would just be her life forever. But she didn’t need to voice any of that to Imogen. Imogen knew what it was like.

Imogen talking about the EP made Tilly’s smile grow all the wider. She’d seen how it was already taking off on social media, largely due to the theories that swirled around the album, about if it was the tale of two scorned exes telling their sides of the story, if it was just about two ghosts haunting everyone who had hurt them, or if it was just a series of stories with one hell of a lot of power. And it was an incredible album, no less than either of them deserved. But as Imogen stayed talking, Tilly picked up on something. “You… were working as a teacher?” She asked, raising an eyebrow and stopping walking. “Babes, please tell me you didn’t listen to David when he told you to give up your day job because you were both going to be superstars. The boy means well but he just gets very excited about these things and loses the run of himself.” She studied Imogen for a second, cogs still turning in her head. “Or was it… something else? Or… someone else?”

Imogen hadn't even realized she had said it until it was too late, and as far as anyone was concerned, once Tilly had noticed and picked up on something, it was too late to try and ignore. Regret was already starting to set in as this was the exact reason Imogen didn't want to start talking about what was going on with their life, cuz once Imogen started talking, it could only end one of two ways. Either complete blatant honesty and no bullshit, and being an absolutely terrible liar and poorly chosen words due to rambling and anxiety. And sadly, now was the second case scenario. Imogen physically winced when Tilly corrected the use of past tense, and stopped dead in their tracks. Imogen's eyes lingered on the floor for a moment before darting around as she took a deep breath, giving a small shrug. "I meant it's like summer break, ya know-" but even Imogen knew that faux response would immediately get tossed aside and further prodded, and sure enough it was.

Knowing anymore denial and deflection would be futile, Imogen chuckled for a moment, "Oh god no, everyone knows that poor boy has a marble and spare change rollin' around in that head of his." it was true, anyone that knew David knew he would jump from project to project until something stuck, and even then it wouldn't exactly last long.

Imogen knew from first hand experience from living with him for the past couple of years how true that was. David somehow made Kai look stable, and that was saying something. Shaking her head, "No it...It's a long story-" her eyes flitted behind Tilly for just barely a moment and her voice equally faltered, before looking back at her friend, "Look, I don't want to talk about that right now, okay? It's a really long and fucking complicated story, and I'll probably end up kicking myself in the ass about it later but..." Imogen took a moment to take a deep breath managing to ground herself before continuing, "It was finally something that I had a say in, and I think was a long time coming...It was just finally something I had a choice in for once. It was my choice, and I at least have until the end of summer to maybe reevaluate my decision, but until then...Ben needs me, and that's what matters right now, not my constant fuck up's, alright? God knows people are going to be on my ass about that enough tonight, so can we please like, talk about anything else?"

There was a sharpness to Imogen’s voice as she responded that caught Tilly off guard and took her aback. It didn’t come from anger or irritation, but to a small part of Tilly’s brain, that didn’t matter. She’d made Imogen annoyed with her and- No. No, she wasn’t going to go there. She didn’t need to be a people pleaser with Imogen, they hadn’t gone through everything they’d been through for Imogen to turn on her over something as small as that.

“Okay. But don’t forget… just like we’re here to remind Ben we all love him and we’re here for him, you’re not alone in this either, okay?” She took Imogen’s hands and squeezed them gently. “But for now,” she added, dropping her friend’s hands and moving to link her arm through Imogen’s again. “We might not be able to get drinks at the moment, so I propose we sample the canapes to make sure that they’re up to the proper Bordeaux and Renwhick standards. Shall we?”

Imogen's expression softened up a bit when she noticed the slight change in Tilly's overall sense of self, Imogen had over stepped even if she hadn't meant to. Nice. Taking a moment regroup, Imogen gave her friend a knowing look and nod, it was a silent apology that the two of them understood all too well by now, gently taking her friend's arm, "I know...and I'm sorry. I promise to finally explain some things later about...what exactly happened, cuz I know that's what you want, but..." looking around for a moment before giving a final nod, "Canapes sound amazing right now, actually." Imogen grinned and gave Tilly's arm a small squeeze, and the two made their way in whatever direction that wasn't that hellscape of a bar, though on one hand, Imogen had a brief consideration that leaving Kai and David with the other three was an absolutely terrible idea. It had taken Imogen a moment to realize who it was dressed up like that, but once she had realized, it took Imogen a moment to snap back to reality, why in the hell- speaking of which, Imogen's phone had gone off a few minutes before, but she chose to ignore it, peering at it briefly, she texted back a quick response.

"...Mistranslation? Whoops? I'm sure you'll survive, plus Kai seems to be matching your energy :P"
MOOD: joyous!

OUTFIT: here shoes

LOCATION: Bordeaux Gallery

MENTIONS: kor, tilly, petras
TL;DR: she's having a great time!
elaina lainey
There was complete and utter peace the minute Ben clung onto her that for a moment, she couldn't think of anything else. She was just utterly enamored with the fact her brother was alive and in front of her in this very moment. That, to her, was all that mattered. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god thank you so much!" she half squealed, spinning around and around in her pretty dress before she stopped, facing her brother... and looking up at the floating piece of plastic that was her balloon. "Oh yeah. This. Kor tied it to me so they can locate me, because again-" she grandly gestured to her small frame with a grin- "I am short! I am a pipsqueak, and I am damn proud of it!" she cheered, flashing Ben a grin as he asked the whereabouts of said fiance.

"Oh, uh, I think they are going to go get drinks, they can't swing at anyone worth a damn. Uh, they are pulling a little bit of genderfuckery for me today though, as they so proudly put it. They are... very excited to confuse our parents." she admitted with a giggle as Kor wandered over. "Oh, thank god, I caught up with you. Damn, that balloon worked like a charm. Uh, a screwdriver for myself, a cherry sour for you, my dearest, and uh..." they paused, holding out a glass to Ben. "I didn't know what you'd like, so I just got you a glass of ice water, I'm sorry." they said, taking a sip of their drink. "Uh, also saw the guy you socked in the face a while back, with some lady. I don't know."

Lainey half faked a gasp. "He showed up? Disgraceful, ridiculous, how dare he!" she joked, taking a gulp of her drink before smiling. "Oh, enough about that. Uh Kor, my brother Ben, Ben, my fiance, the lovely Kor." she smiled, staring up at them. "As you can see, I continued to stick with my type of tall."

"Tall? Tall what?" Kor joked, to which Lainey replied. "Just... tall." she admitted, taking another sip of her drink. "Did you see my sister while you were walking through, love?" They sighed, shaking their head. "No, I don't think so. What does she look like again?"

"Uh, blonde, fashionable, did I mention blonde?" she repeated with a smile. They thought for a moment, then sighed. "Nope. Not a fashionable blonde to be seen. Other than you two, of course." they joked.
and i can go anywhere i want
anywhere i want just not home
and you can aim for my heart go for blood
but you would still miss me in your bones
code by valen t.

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