Barry Allen/The Flash


One Thousand Club
Name:Barry Allen

Titles/Other Names:The Flash, The Scarlet Speedster

Universe From:Earth 1(CW's The Flash

Gender: Male



Character Alignment: Lawful Good

Personality: [COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Barry is a kind individual with a strong sense of justice. This was shown when he refused to give up in saving Earth-2 Harrison Well's daughter Jessie Wells. He sometimes taunts his enemies and can sometimes come off as arrogant. Though he is not afraid to do what he can for his friends.[/COLOR]

Likes: His friends, Helping people, Fighting crime

Dislikes: Crime, The Villains he has faced

Bio:   When Barry was 11 years old he watched as his mother was killed by a man in yellow and his father arrested for a murder he didn't commit. Since then Barry has been trying to prove that the impossible was possible. Not knowing he would become the impossible one night when the particle accelerator exploded and he was struck by a lightning bolt affected by the explosion. He was in a coma for 9 months until he awoke in S.T.A.R. Labs under the care of Cisco Ramone, Caitlin Snow, and the famed Dr.Harrison Wells. After leaving S.T.A.R. Labs he began to notice his powers.He found out from Harrison that he was now a Meta-Human, and that there were others like him using their powers to harm innocents. Using a suit Cisco created he began to fight crime and other Meta-Humans as The Flash. As time went on he came face to face with his mother's killer, The man in yellow or rather, The Reverse Flash. After taking two beatings from The Reverse Flash Barry focused all his time in getting faster. He then would find out the Reverse Flash was none other than Harrison Wells. He and the others found out his real name was Eobard Thawne and he was from the future. His sole purpose for coming to the past was to kill Barry but his future self stopped Eobard and he instead settled for killing his mother. However, he was trapped in the past. Barry with help from The Arrow and Firestorm defeated the Reverse Flash and imprisoned him. Barry later ran fast enough to go back in time to save his mother but decided against it. He headed back to the present and Stopped Eobard from escaping to his time. However… Eobard was still too much for Barry and His ancestor Eddie Thawne killed himself in order to stop Eobard and Eobard was erased from existence. But the hole in time created a singularity that was destroying Central City. Barry ran into the Singularity to stop it but in the end Firestorm sacrificed himself to close the singularity. But little did they know 52 breaches to another Earth were created because of the Singularity. And this brought the threat of Metahumans from another Earth and another Speedster…. Zoom. But there was also two unlikely allies. The Harison Wells of Earth 2. And Jay Garrick The Flash of Earth 2 After trying to face off against Zoom. He was beating into the ground even worse than than when he fought the reverse flash. He would later find out that Zoom was actually Jay Garrick, or his real name, Hunter Zolomon Barry needed to get faster. So he went back in time to get help from Eobard Thawne. Eobard reluctantly gave him the schematics to build a Tachyon Unit. Returning to the present they built the Tachyon Unit and tested it. Barry went so fast that He ended up punching a hole to the Multiverse and ended up on another Earth. It was here that he met and fought alongside Supergirl. After  returning to his Earth with Supergirl’s help he finally became faster then Zoom. But had to give his speed up in order to save a friend. Because of this, Zoom had free reign over both Earth 1 and Earth 2. Barry and the others tried to do something about his loss of speed, when Harrison thought up the idea of reenacting the way Barry got his powers the first time. It failed and Barry ended up becoming one with the Speed Force. But later he came back with his Speed restored. Afterwords the group figured out a way to stop all the Metahumans from Earth 2 including Zoom. They created a high pitch frequency that would hurt all the Meta Humans from Earth 2. It worked except for Zoom who had escaped back to Earth 2 and returned later and killed Barry’s father. In his Grief Barry vowed to make Zoom pay for what he had done. Then it came. The final Race between The Flash and Zoom. Barry won… And nearly killed Zoom only to stop when two time wraiths came and captured Zoom taking him who knows where for his crimes against the Speed Force. Everything was going back to normal but then…. Barry tried to run fast enough to go back in time again. Only to end up punching a hole through the multiverse and ended up in an unknown world.

Weapons & Equipment: His Speed suit

Skills & Abilities: Barry being a speedster connected to the Speedforce has gained many skills as he fought against different Metahumans. These skills are as such. 

Barry's powers come from the Speed Force; a mysterious energy field that he first accessed when he was hit by from the dark matter lightning and exposed to various chemicals. His DNA was altered and cells supercharge with enormous amounts of electricity, augmenting his physiology to beyond peak human condition and obtaining a lean-built frame to properly handle his new abilities. By directly accessing the Speed Force, he gains access to more advanced capacities. While initially only able to accomplish this through assistance or accidental instinct, by 2016, he learned how to do so at will.

Barry is able to move at vast superhuman speeds. He is also unaffected by the side-effects caused by moving at these speeds such as high friction, reduced oxygen, and kinetic impact. The intensity of his speed allows him to run vertically across structures and over large masses of water. While his top current speed is Mach 3.3, Barry's speed is potentially limitless, according to Eobard Thawne. 

He is incredibly agile due to the speedforce running through his veins. This allows him to make sharp turns without sliding or struggling to turn. Barry has Superhuman endurance allowing him to run at his fastest without distress, He is also able to take a beating duer to this endurance. His reaction time is also fast. Sometimes he moves so fast that it seems as if time has slowed down.

He also has an enhanced healing factor due to his speed. Injury's that would usually take weeks or months to heal woud heal in hours. Barry learned from Eobard thawne how to phase through solid objects by vibrating to the same frequency as air. He can even phase other people through solid objects. He can accelrate himself to bring more pack to his attacks through the momentum. By spinning his hands with his Super Speed he can create mini tornadoes on his arms that can blow fires away and repel opponents. He was also taught by Jay Garrick how to throw a lightning bolt produced from the electricity he builds up when running. 

Quotes: My Name Is Barry Allen, And I am the fastest man Alive!


Other: N/A
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