• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Barkley Boarding School

  • Your character will be sorted into a dorm after completion and acceptance.

  • You can have as many characters as you want, but please be sure to make at least
    two male characters if you plan on having more than two.

    That being said, I do want an even ratio of boys and girls. I also want an even ratio of upperclassmen and lower classmen.

    For anyone that didn't bother to look, the rules are in the OOC. Please read them and take them to heart.

    Your second password will be your character's favorite food.

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Name ?

Cressida Edith Abernath

Nickname{s} ?

Cress {Common | Preferred} | Ida {Rare | Disliked} | Hummingbird {Family Only | Disliked}

Age ?


Gender ?


Sexuality ?

Panromantic Demisexual

Grade ?

Junior | 11th

Health Ailments ?



Personality ?

Adventurous | Outgoing | Optimistic | Bubbly | Ambitious | Artful | Casual | Whimsical | Childish | Flamboyant | Messy | Quirky

Hobbies/Likes/Loves ?

Photography | Trees | Lights | Old Cameras | Pineapples | Jazz Music | Hats | Learning New Things | Gardening

Dislikes/Pet Peeves ?

Loud Music | Fire | Freshly Cut Grass {It Makes Her Sneeze} | Golf

Schedule ?

American Literature and Advanced Composition

Advanced Journalism

AP Biology II



AP U.S. History I

Advanced Japanese

Advanced Creative Writing

Crush ?


Other ?

| Her favorite food is probably milkshakes and she is entirely too fond of the color cornflower blue. |

| Cressida is fluent in both English and French and is learning Japanese. |

| Cress's ultimate goal is to be Head Editor for the School Paper by her Senior year. |

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.41b4174068d06102a0987c46abb52b46.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133711" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.41b4174068d06102a0987c46abb52b46.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.9ec13bb7139a9e9eb9b8ad06d3dede6b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133712" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.9ec13bb7139a9e9eb9b8ad06d3dede6b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Alaska Neva Pepper


Neve, Ala.









.:Hair Colour:.


.:Eye colour:.

Heterochromia, one Amber the other blue gray.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.9ea21d34364a8ad37402e8138c844e5a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133709" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.9ea21d34364a8ad37402e8138c844e5a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.22954f65aabb023492e09fd62ce49375.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133710" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.22954f65aabb023492e09fd62ce49375.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

.:Health Ailments:.

Bipolar, ADHD.














.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

The smell of petrol

People that bang and bail


Beds with a broken Spring


Biology I

Spanish II


AP Government II

Italian I

Art II

English II


Advanced Dance

Art Club

Acapella Choir


Sky @HollyLeafForever


Pm me


Her favourite colour is purple

Her favourite food is Tuna Pasta Bake


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b0070f67311bc2863a059dcca3a391ea.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131954" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b0070f67311bc2863a059dcca3a391ea.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.e1cfcb6d86f53b0a71edd5b31d5e1b99.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131955" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.e1cfcb6d86f53b0a71edd5b31d5e1b99.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Olivia Marie Banks










10th grade

.:Health Ailments:.

Asthma and lactose intolerant


Olivia is intelligent beyond her years, though many people don't even know she exists since she is so shy and quiet. However, if someone gets passed her closed off front to get to know her and spends enough time around her, they'll discover that she is actually really funny and loves to make others smile in whatever, usually dorky, way she can.

Traits: Intelligent, shy/introverted, caring, dorky, and funny.


When Olivia isn't studying or doing homework she enjoys to read, write, and bake. She absolutely loves cooking meals and baking for people, though she doesn't have many friends to cook and bake for. She also likes going on walks and seeing animals.

+school +homework/studying +reading +writing +cooking/baking +animals

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

-mistreatment of books -whining -yelling -cherry flavored food

Pet Peeves: -when utensils scrape/squeak on plates -loose papers in a backpack or notebook -invasion of personal space


Pre-Calculus {Advanced}

AP English II

AP Physics II

AP Government II

French II

Advanced Creative Writing

Physical Education


Book Club

Cooking Club

Student Government


The Banks are a wealthy family, their parents own an upscale restaurant and catering facility where both kids work on the weekends. Naturally, the parents spend most of their time with the business and less time with Olivia and Kyle. Olivia had requested to go to public school for her first year of high school, much to her parents' dismay. However, due to her introverted nature she was easily bullied because of her money, intelligence, and awkwardness. Her parents caught wind and immediately enrolled her into boarding school, hoping being around people of similar social class would make things a bit easier, plus they felt her academics weren't being challenged in public school. Since this will be her first year at Barkley, many people don't know that Kyle has a younger sister and she thinks he plans on keeping it that way.






~Favorite Color: Coral

~Favorite Food: Peanut Butter and Fluff Sandwich




Kyle James Banks


Banks (by his teammates)








12th grade

.:Health Ailments:.

None (though he usually has bruises or cuts from soccer)


Kyle is very confident in himself. From a young age he knew he was privileged in wealth and talented in soccer, so he didn't try to hide it like his sister. Due to this confidence, he often comes off as arrogant and sarcastic. To most he may seem like a bit of an ass, but if he cares about you enough he'll do just about anything for you.

Traits: Confident, Fit/Athletic, Sarcastic, Loyal, and Flirty


Kyle's absolute love is soccer. There isn't a day when he doesn't touch a soccer ball. However, if he isn't playing soccer he is usually doing some physical activity whether it's running or lifting weights. He will also occasionally play video games. Since he is also a fan of food, he could be found raiding the fridge or hovering over his sister while she cooks or bakes.

+Soccer +Physical Activity +Video Games +Eating

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

Kyle dislikes cheaters and people who are lazy and try to take the easy way out. Things do not come easy in life and he strongly believes people need to work for what they want. Though he'll never admit it out loud, it kills him to see his sister cry or upset. He wanted to kill the kids that bullied her last year.

-Laziness -Cheating -Bullies -Slackers

Pet Peeves: When his food touches, cracking knuckles, and bullying.



English IV

Chemistry II


Computer Science

Auto Mechanics

Wood shop

Advanced Physical Education


Soccer Team (Captain, if that's okay)


The Banks are a wealthy family, their parents own an upscale restaurant and catering facility where both kids work on the weekends. Naturally, the parents spend most of their time with the business and less time with Olivia and Kyle. Kyle came to this school because he excels in soccer. He plans on getting recruited to play soccer in college, and maybe even go pro after that. Soccer is his life, and he doesn't pay all that much attention to his grades, though he's fairly good with numbers. He does just enough to get steady B's. He's one of the more popular kids and has a reputation to uphold. He's glad his sister is coming here in a way because it'll be easier to keep an eye on her since he would protect should the issue arise, but he also has a reputation to uphold and doesn't want her dorkiness embarrassing him. So if people don't connect the dots to figure out they're related that would be ideal.






Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Food: Hot Wings

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"People are here for four things: eating, falling in love, making something beautiful and fighting for more."



James Ethan May






Homosexual Homoromantic



.:Health Ailments:.



James is an independent and fun loving guy who mostly enjoys enjoying himself. Incredibly lazy he enjoys naps, spending time a lone and does not enjoy being a part of large crowds or groups as he is slightly anti-social. He is gifted, and very intelligent, but very lazy, making his work late but always correct. He enjoys however writing, and loves the English language very much, throwing himself deeply into his interests rather than do any academic work. He often gets lost in his own imagination and can easily be caught day dreaming, he does not know what he will do when he goes to college and gets qualified for an actual career path as his family does not support his interests in writing, and says that he should instead become a doctor. He hides this pressure, and is often whimsical, a compulsive liar and tecahes people how to have fun and smell the roses.


To Write, Draw, Eat and Play Baseball

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

-Snakes, -Hot Days, -Dirty Jobs, -Spicy Foods


Algebra II

Ap English II

Physics II

Government II

Spanish II

Creative Writing



Creative Writing Club







James grew up to a wealthy family who were almost entirely in the Medical field, the only exceptions pursuing careers in law and business, so he does not have much wiggle room when it came to following his dreams of becoming a writer, magazine editor or an author, because his family continuously pushed him into becoming a Doctor, which is why he was sent the Barkley in the first place.

With his family's wealth, he could have easily entered Barkley without his Family's income suffering too much, but James is only second generation wealthy. His father grew up in the poorer parts of New York, and ever since he came into wealth and prominence, working very, very hard in both college and medical school he learned the value of hard work, and expected his son to know the same. Besides the furnishings of his room and his meals at Barkley, James paid to attend school on a full Scholarship, forced by his parents, and it was fairly easy given how intelligent he is, only when he applies himself however.

James however does feel accomplished about how far he came on his own merit, the values of at least reaping what one sows and accomplishment being with him from his family. He does not like to waste any money either, as he feels excess is very unwise and almost sickening. But he doesn't want to be lavish either, which is where his struggle to do what he wants with his life comes into struggle with what his family wants him to do with his life.


Favorite Color: Rich Red

Favorite Food: Ramen Noodles

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Remington Chase Mason






Cisgender Male


Homosexual, Panromantic



.:Health Ailments:.

Allergic to oranges, minor germaphobe


Rem is outgoing with his actions, but he is not one to throw himself into a deep conversation. He tends to judge people by their outward appearance, though he tries not to, and he believes his opinion is the only one he should listen to. He doesn't care if people dislike him, as long as they think of them. Despite his moody attitude toward strangers, if he likes you and/or you are Rem's friend, you will find his kind and respectful side. He can never turn away from someone in need, having known what it's like to be the underdog. Rem is trustworthy if you find yourself in a tight spot, but you may owe him some gummy worm candy or a free ride in the future.


Remington appreciates unique things, and he loves nature. His hobbies include people watching, smoking in his "hidden" spots, reading random chapters out of a variety of books without ever reading them completely, laying in the sun, eating junk foods (especially gummy worms), and painting. Sometimes he takes pictures of things that he wants to paint later, but his real talent is with a brush and pallet. He also enjoys having the right to take pictures of anyone at anytime by claiming "it's for the yearbook, kid."

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

The teenager is annoyed by team sports and salads. He hates touching public objects, such as light switches and door knobs, but he will if he has his hand wipes and hand sanitizer. He doesn't like teachers telling him how to wear his clothing, comb his hair, or act in class. Rem hates gum smacking and country music.


Pre-calc, American Literature and Advanced Composition, AP Biology II, U.S. History I, AP Art, Yearbook, and Physical Education. He is also in Gay-Straight Alliance, Art club, and Chess club.


Rem was adopted into a wealthy family when he was eight years old, and ever since then they have been very open and accepting to his creative presence. As a child, however, his peers were not as accepting. He was often bullied for talking with a "stuck up" tone and wearing his sisters' old clothes. He adores his family and now only befriends people who treat him almost as well as his relatives do. Although his parents have already afforded to send both of his older sisters through to college, Rem enjoys taking some harder classes. The rules were never strict at his home, so Remington sometimes has a hard time sticking to them, even if they seem obvious.


Not anyone, yet.




He will read all the required readings completely, despite his usual routine of not finishing books. Rem's favorite color is deep, wine red. His favorite food is gummy worms, and he somehow eats them everyday without gaining weight.
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Daniel Rodrik Jackson


Dan, Danny









.:Health Ailments:.




+ Kind, Loyal, Trustworthy

- Introvert, Reserved, Shy


Skating, Photography, Guitar

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

Needles, Assholes


AP Calculus

AP English IV

AP Psychology

Advanced Choir

Jazz Band

Art II



Gay-Straight Alliance

Rock Music Club

Debate Team


He only talks about it to people he trusts






Clothing Style

Fave Color - Pink

Fave Food - Ice Cream​
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..:Sky Arlette:..



  • .:Name:.

    Sky Annette Arlette}


    "It's just Sky."}







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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-5_22-57-8.png.687ab7b5beeb4b527a0937ac677787fd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132243" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-5_22-57-8.png.687ab7b5beeb4b527a0937ac677787fd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ivory Ebony


Grey, Ivy, Eb(y), Trouble, 555, and many more









.:Health Ailments:.

Too many to list. The most obvious being PTSD and trust issues. It would be beneficial for her to have the unlimited ability to listen to her music when and wherever because he smallest things can trigger horrible flashbacks and only she can tell when they're coming or what will help deter them. It would also be recommended for her to be watched eat. She follows a Paleolithic diet, but it is also suspected she has Anorexia.


Ivory is very closed off and reserved. She doesn't trust easily and rarely forgives. Because of her past she is very fiery, stubborn, and knows what she wants. She purposely gives off a "stay away" aura because at any moment with little explanation she could suddenly flashback, which is why she avoids social situations as much as possible. She is confident and seems to fit in wherever she goes immediately. She has a strong voice and speaks up for her beliefs. Bur she often hides her emotions and the fact that she's broken. She fears letting her emotions out but if she gets in a fight she may "explode" and let everything out. Because of his fear, she withholds her passion and is very cautious. She isn't afraid of much, nothing she'll openly admit. She can be very violent or physical when pushed and regrets nothing. Partially because of her father (and his job), partially because of her past, she is a skilled fighter and knows her way around a wide array of weapons. Doesn't play well with others, especially... everyone.


Art, writing, reading, performing, athletics, working out, studying, getting into / causing trouble

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

People, trying to trust them, gossip, crying (hates it actually)


Algebra II (advanced), AP English I, AP Physics, AP Earth Science, AP Geography, AP Government, Greek I, AP Art, AP Creative Writing, Creative Writing, Debate Team, Student Government, Art Club, School Play, Cheerleading, Softball, Soccer, Volleyball (There's overlap in clubs and probably sports. I hope it's ok)


Foster kid for 10 years now. Was born into a high class Texan family with four older brothers, twin included, before another brother was born. Each of her brothers was extremely gifted in a category and would teach her about it. Because of this she is gifted in academics, athletics, and arts, though her personality suffers.


Noda, not really looking for love.




She doesn't really have a favorite color, but if you were to force her to choose she'd probably just say her birthstone; emerald. She has a ton of tattoos, scars, and piercings. She will hide her scars and tattoos but wear a few piercings. She's currently under the fake name Prehnite and is legally under the guardianship of the woman her father had an affair with.



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.:Name: Kiara Rachael Vox

.:Nickname{s}: Kiki

.:Age: 17

.:Gender: Female

.:Sexuality: Bisexual

.:Grade: 11

.:Health Ailments:. Allergic to nuts

.:Personality: Kiara can be rebellious. She does what she feels like doing. She is very social and makes friends easily. She is very artistic and speaks her mind. Sometime she is even considered as of the guys.





-Trust issues

-Hot headed

-can get violent


- Dances

- Hanging out with friends

- The color purple, she prefers dark purple (It's her fav color)

- Her favorite food is Ice cream

- Sleep

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:

- Being told what to do

- Fake people



-American Literature and Advanced Composition

-AP Chemistry

-AP U.S. History I

-French II//Advanced French

~Advanced Dance

~AP Art

~Auto Mechanics

-Art Club

-School Paper

-Debate Team

~Competitive Dance

~Track and Field

.:History: The only thing people know is that she comes from a wealthy family that doesn't notice her.




Tattoos and piercings
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"I'm kind of an Evil scientist but I'm not Evil.... or a scientist."





Jacqueline Andriana Gibson


Jack, Girl wonder




Female Homo Sapien




Junior| 11

.:Health Ailments:.





Arrogant| Geeky| Intelligent| Fun loving|straight forward| Extrovert| analytical|


Engineering| Dancing| Food

.:Dislikes/Pet Peeves:.

When you genuinely ask someone what's wrong (when there obviously is something wrong) and they respond half-heartedly, "hmmm? oh nothing..." | Boredom




AP Calculus

AP American Literature and Advanced Composition

AP Chemistry II

AP U.S. History I

Advanced French


AP Art

Advance Dance




Drill Team


Debate Team


All Strings Orchestra


Drill Team


All Strings Orchestra


On-Campus Church




On December 13 in a warm hospital room surrounded by doctors and nurses, Jack was welcomed into the world. Like most babies who are brought into the world, she came out screaming and crying like a banshee. Her mother was so happy to finally see her baby girl, the life coming back to her eyes when she laid her sights on her baby. Her parents were neither married nor hoping to keep the relationship afloat due to the fact that her mother didn't want to give up her modeling career and her father didnt want to lose his Playboy lifestyle.

After a long custody battle her father (somehow) won the court case and made Jacqueline, the heir to his industrial empire. Though she knew about her father's ideals, she looked up to him and wanted to impress him anyway she could. Being at the top of her class, skipping grades, and pursuing her part in the engineering world. She made it on 5 science magazines for multiple inventions yet she still felt like it wasn't enough. After 2 years of going to a private school in Malibu, Her father thought it would be best for her to go to a boarding school since her mother kept complaining to him about not being in the right environment. Her goals now are to become student body president and Valedictorian in her class.



{Maria Lima, 37, Brazilian Model}


{ Dillon Edward Gibson, 40, Engineer and CEO of Future industries}




= Neutral | = Friends | = Enemies | ? = Love Interest | = Best Friends

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