Ban the person above you for any reason.

I ban the person above me for making me write this:

You see a message. It contains these words: -Looks deeply into your eyes- *Becomes one with your vision*. All you can do is watch, and feel an odd tingling sensation begin to arise in your mind. You contort a brow of the eye, as if questioning the validity of these words. You think, "What does this mean?" Then, you assume, "Kids." In a few moments, you immediately delete the conversation. Fear consumes your mind causing you to act rash and without hesitation which leads to agony, so you groan, "Oh, the world and its cruelty. My mind pierced by the coarse, callous words of another person's syntax."
i ban literally for being potato girl ^.^

i also ban asperix0 for being the master of triggering
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I ban the person above me for not sharing the secret of eternal life *squints* I know you have've always been over there, guy
Banned by violation of directive #453: Loitering in a public area of discussion.

By order of the Rp Nation, the sentence is execution by asphixiation - As the rights of citizenship demand, you may choose the method: Plastic bag or bucket of water.

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